Imogen's Story (Book Club #1) (2024)

Amanda Sheridan

Author9 books151 followers

November 23, 2021

Imogen's Story is a great read on a cold winter's evening. It is hot and steamy and, more importantly, it has a gripping storyline. The main characters - Imogen and Cameron are well-written and endearing, especially Cameron! The supporting characters are great, too.
Imogen flees from her mentally abusive boyfriend, Mark to a new life and a new job in another town. There she meets the very likeable Cameron Black and things are looking up for her.
But can she escape her past. Read it to find out!
I'm looking forward to the next book in this great new series.

Onia Fox

121 reviews12 followers

June 10, 2022


I sat down to read a physiological suspense/crime thriller exploring the complex subjects of domestic abuse, relationships, and ‘moving on’ romantically. Talking of romance, I was looking forward to a little spice as well - especially as I choose to read Imogen’s Story whilst sat on a sunny slice of paradise, on the Turkish Aegean coast.

Spice!?! 🌶🌶🌶

My goodness! Take this to the mother’s-in-law WI reading circle, if you dare! Imogen and Cameron know exactly what they want - and that is mostly each other!

But the serious and scary backstory of control and stalking bubbles under the surface, also making this a gripping thriller.

I highly recommend Imogen’s Story by the super cool Ali Fischer. Five stars all the way


Nora Wolfenbarger

Author3 books140 followers

October 13, 2022

This story deals with domestic abuse and the difficulties faced in breaking out of a bad situation. There are some great twists in the story that made my hair stand on end. If you are looking for a read with spice, this is it with a capital S.

Fiona Christian

2 reviews1 follower

February 1, 2023

I read this book in two days because I couldn’t put it down. A fabulous debut by the talented Ms Fischer. Looking forward to the rest of the series!


70 reviews12 followers

June 21, 2022

Wonderfully romantic with suspense

I found this book recommended on booktok and I’m so glad I read it. This is a wonderfully romantic story of a woman escaping a horrible situation only to find her knight in shining armour. I fell in love with these characters and as book boyfriends go it’s impossible not to love Cameron.

Imogen is a woman escaping a coercively controlling and abusive ex and starting a new life. New house, new job, new friends and a devilishly handsome man who somehow makes making coffee sexy. However her new life is threatened when her ex sets out to find her and refuses to let her go. He becomes more and more dangerous and threatens to destroy all she holds dear. It’s a great mix of romance and suspense.

I really enjoyed the writing, and quirky British banter dotted throughout the book.

I thoroughly recommend this book

Casey (casey_bookish)

73 reviews10 followers

September 14, 2023

A must read

Have a check of the Warnings before reading this book.

This book... what can I say, its beautifully written and depicts the very real situations of someone suffering from controlling, coercive and abusive behaviours from a partner.

Imogen's Story whilst rocky at the start, ended beautifully, with her getting married to the amazing Cameron.

The realism should be applauded and I'm so happy that I decided to pick up this book. The characters have an amazing friendship group and chemistry and would literally kill for each other. And the spice is also pretty damn special too. Seeing Imogen grow in confidence and create new friendships was amazing.

I highly recommend this book.

Kerri Doyle

164 reviews1 follower

June 10, 2022

Imogen’s Story is a great love story. She recently leaves an abusive relationship and has to move away in hopes of escaping Mark’s wrath.

With a new job, new home, and a new attitude towards starting fresh, Imogen falls right into step with Cameron; her sexy as hell boss. Things get hot and heavy quickly and surprises them both (and the reader!).

Mark makes his appearance, of course, and is met by not only Imogen’s determination for a better life, but with Cameron’s undying love for Imogen, and Lucy’s gut wrenching guilt that ends up saving her best friends life.

Did I mention it’s steamy? The spice is hot yet relatable and also has you wanting more.

Ali Fischer wove together a wonderful office romance with a mysterious aspect and the right amount of spice to make this a lovely read.

I can’t wait for book two!!!

Sarah Simpkin

32 reviews

August 19, 2023

I love love love this book so much!!!! I need a Cameron in my life and I need Imogens job!! The whole story is gripping it will have u laughing, giggling, smiling and in shock. Its a great fast paced book with gossip and drama you feel part of the gang. Ali is an amazing author and I will continue to read and support everything she does 💜


73 reviews9 followers

March 14, 2022

Oh my actual gosh. I WISH I could rate this 10000/5. When I say don’t even read this review and just buy it I mean it 👋👋

~This was INCREDIBLY written, gripping, all of the emotions and full of spice 🌶. Probably one of the best books I’ve ever read and would be in my top five books of all time.

~ I related to pretty much every single in the book which is scary, but also made it such a fantastic read.

Sarah Mutimer

5 reviews

January 24, 2023

I absolutely loved this book!
This suspense romance had me hooked from the start, if I didn’t have little people I would have read it all in 1 sitting!
I loved the banter and the characters were well written.
I’m looking forward to the rest of the book club series.


19 reviews2 followers

February 27, 2023

I have read this 3 times and love it more each time, the gasps of shock that still manage to fall from my lips. The wide eyed anticipating pleasure of turning the next page. The heart pounding pace at the rollercoaster of emotions Ali has created within the magic of her words. My deviant little soul hums in pleasure devouring each chapter. Each desire wrapped with imagination. There is simply no emotion left spare reading an Ali Fischer creation and for that I will always be grateful. It would be a crime to not instantly read Lucy’s story after. There will be not one moment of disappointment but you may well not sleep as both books deserve devotion beginning to end.

Peter King

Author3 books3 followers

November 26, 2022

Beautiful read with a sprinkle of 50 shades

Imogen's story is a superbly written steamy love triangle. She meets Cameron who's everything while escaping her past with a possessive ex. Lots of twists and passion. Loved the story

Emily Catlow

Author3 books114 followers

September 18, 2023

Really enjoyed this story. It focused on domestic/emotional/sexual abuse, as well as giving us great spice in a romance story.

The characters were interesting and I loved the playlist that accompanied the book- great touch!

Katherine Black

Author19 books66 followers

February 17, 2022

The Book Club; Imogen’s Story by Ali Fischer

This book opens with something I’ve never seen before. The author has included a music playlist to run along with the story. I love, love, love the playlist—I thought I’d seen it all in this job, but I have never seen that. What a fantastic idea. I have to say it’s wasted on me because I get distracted very easily and am one of those people who has to have silence to read. However, I know a lot of people do listen to music when they’re reading, and for them, this is nothing short of inspired. What a fabulous idea. I’ve got a feeling that Ms Fischer will start a trend. Authors the world over will be jumping on the playlist bandwagon. Brilliant.

Getting to the story, it does exactly what it says on the can—with a twist. The author has taken a classic corporate romance and given it an authentic thriller twist. Add a stalker to any book, and it’s hard-pressed not to be a winner.

This is the first in a series of books centred around a group of girls in a raunchy book club.
We follow Imogen, a woman recently out of an abusive relationship, in this first book. She’s moved herself, home and work to escape her ex—and life is looking fantastic.

Especially when she meets her boss—the rich and debonaire Cameron. What was it about the millionaire Cameron that made you fall in love with him, Miss Taylor? However, while he showers her in the good life, this isn’t the story of a gold digger as Imogen finds out what love really is. The story is hard, tight and smooth—I sound like the plotline!

The writing is beautiful, and the story lilts along at a fair old pace. A perfect winter night’s read for anybody looking to escape into a good old romance.

Kate Lockley-Campbell

Author3 books19 followers

April 4, 2022

💜Imogen's Story💜

The first novel of the BOOKCLUB series

Written by Ali Fischer (@alifischerauthor)


I really enjoyed reading this book! It wasn't just the storyline that got me....the texture of the pages and cover were velvety smooth making it pleasurable to keep turning each page.

Now that I got that out of the way....Imogen found herself enjoying her life without her abusive ex boyfriend Mark. Although her sex life (and a heads up here 😘-see what I did there?-there is A LOT and my gosh it was 🔥🔥🔥🤤) and career quickly launch she can't help but worry about her past.

With great new friends (and a new man) Imogen must tackle the issue head on.

Great story of female empowerment while allowing a touch of chivalry to carry the reader throughout the abusive ordeal.

#alifischer #bookclubseries #bookreview #bookdiva #authorssupportingauthors #authorsofinstagram
#imogensstory #readwritecoffeerepeat #readersofinstagram #bibliophile #bookishreview #bookishpost #mustread #trillernovel #femaleprotagonist #chivalryisntdead

Brigitte Morse-Starkenburg

Author3 books14 followers

March 31, 2022

I thoroughly enjoyed Imogen’s story! It’s hot and steamy with a great suspense plot involving a crazy stalker ex-boyfriend and lick-your-fingers employee/boss romance trope. The steamy parts are well written and never over-done or cringeworthy. That is a great skill! The dilemma Cameron faces is how to protect Imogen without becoming the controlling boyfriend himself? Is Cameron too good to be true? It’s an interesting question and I thought well handled by Fischer. The supporting characters are delightful too, and I would love to find out more about them. I can definitely recommend this suspenseful romance!

Tracey Gerrard

Author7 books60 followers

July 17, 2022

Steamy, romantic suspense!
Finally, Imogen builds up the courage to leave her abusive boyfriend, Mark. With a new home and job on the cards, she’s optimistic. What she didn’t expect was to fall deeply in love right away with the handsome Cameron.
But can she escape her ex. With the text messages coming thick and fast, she’s not so sure.
Imogen’s Story is gripping from the start. With lots of hot and steamy moments, a suspenseful story line and lovable characters. Everything you want in a romantic suspense novel.
I found this story to be well-written and an enjoyable read.


64 reviews1 follower

April 1, 2023

Enjoyable easy read

I downloaded a sample to see if I liked the writing style and I was drawn in enough by the story to go hunting for a Kindle unlimited subscription.

It has been years since I read a book in a day. I fancied reading something saucy and this fit the bill. There was a decent storyline and although I guessed one plot twist, I didn't see the other coming. Here and there some of the dialogue is a little bit cringey, but it's not enough for me to knock a whole star off. I plan to read the next book imminently!


183 reviews2 followers

June 19, 2023

DNF’d at 20%. The writing felt bland, and I felt like far too much time was spent on mundane things (she showered, then ate, then exercised, then worked, then ate, then slept) that didn’t significantly contribute to the story. The instalove felt corny (like within minutes without any actual conversation, they have fully clothed “sex” and all of a sudden he’s making declarations about he doesn’t want, but *needs* to protect her).

The story concept could be interesting, and maybe it gets a lot better, but the writing style just wasn’t for me.


65 reviews1 follower

April 30, 2022

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐/ 5


I absolutely LOVED this book!

I read won a copy of this book with a friend @bookmadbeauty and we read it as part of a buddy read.

We had set pages to read every day, but couldn't stick to them as we had to read more and more each day!

This book is so good! There are so many twists and turns, lots of emotions, you get to follow Imogen on the path of true love.

This truly is an erotic romance you won't want to put down!

Beckie x💛x



329 reviews

February 17, 2024

This has been on my TBR for a long time, and I finally got to it. The story was great and flowed nicely. The friend group portrayed in the book felt real and makes you look forward to the next books in the series. I personally prefer all my romance novels be written in first person with multiple points of view. I feel more connected with the character's thoughts and feelings. However, I stuck with this one and enjoyed the story. I will definitely continue on with the series.

Jemma Carnell

5 reviews6 followers

April 30, 2022

This book was everything I love in a book - and more! Romance, suspense, twists and turns!

Cameron… well what else can I say other than he is my new book boyfriend! Protective, caring, makes perfect coffee and 🥵

This is probably my favourite read of 2022 so far! It will definitely stay with me for a long time!

Aleasha Payton

82 reviews

June 4, 2022

Pretty good story just didn’t grab my attention.

It was part of my book group buddy read, so I did finish it. The ending was good and it was fun to discuss. I personally struggled with how the third person was written but loved the characters I just wish I had gotten more or maybe a different perspective.

The ended was definitely a what the crap just happened but in a good way.


60 reviews1 follower

February 10, 2023

I loved this story and the characters in it!

The dynamics between all the different characters made the side stories so fun and the main story arc had just the right intensity for this kind of romance.

Sometimes the writing style felt a little choppy and disjointed, but by the end it seemed to come together well.

I'm super keen for the next one!


57 reviews

June 23, 2022

What a whirlwind! This is a sweet love story that is wrapped in a thriller and deals with some important real life topics like domestic abuse. It is very English and has a lot of banter (and spice) to keep entertained.


273 reviews2 followers

February 21, 2024

DNF! 20%. I detest insta love. Like her boss instantly wants her and takes her to the forest. And she goes.

The writing was a bit meh for me. It was pretty basic, no proper description, or depth. So sadly I won’t be continuing Imogen’s story.

It’s not you it’s me. 😉

H.R. Lloyd

Author6 books33 followers

March 5, 2024

Such a good book! Imogen and Cameron are so adorable, Cameron is a teddy bear with a 'touch my woman I'll make you hurt' complex. The trauma in this story was handled so well and the relationships were so relatable. Such a great start to the series!

Jay Allen

8 reviews

February 23, 2022

Wowowow! I read it in one sitting... didn't want to put it down! I need more!! Absolutely amazing.


122 reviews73 followers

March 14, 2023

Good easy read when you’re looking for some romance, drama and spice.
Loved the song choices at the beginning of the chapters too!



139 reviews2 followers

December 7, 2022

Full of suspense, spice and great characters. I loved the funny moments and banter between them all, especially liked the chat between the boys when they were in the club watching! Cannot wait for the rest of the series.

Imogen's Story (Book Club #1) (2024)
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Author: Otha Schamberger

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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

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Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.