Today's Final Jeopardy - Wednesday, July 31, 2024 (2025)

Note: This page contains spoilers for the July 31, 2024, game of Jeopardy! — please do not scroll down if you wish to avoid being spoiled. Please also note that today’s game is an encore presentation of the game that originally aired on March 1, 2024.

Here’s today’s Final Jeopardy (in the category Countries of the World) for Wednesday, July 31, 2024 (Season 40, Game 125):

Fearful of independence in 1975, around 120,000 of this country’s people, a third of the population, fled to the Netherlands

(correct response beneath the contestants)

Today’s Jeopardy! contestants:

Josh Saak, a traffic engineer from Boise, Idaho
Today's Final Jeopardy - Wednesday, July 31, 2024 (1)
Brian Henegar, a guest services agent from LaFollette, Tennessee
Today's Final Jeopardy - Wednesday, July 31, 2024 (2)
Stephen Webb, a data scientist from Longmont, Colorado
Today's Final Jeopardy - Wednesday, July 31, 2024 (3)

Andy’s Pregame Thoughts:

The encore presentations of the 31st Tournament of Champions continues with quarterfinal #6 between 8-day champion Stephen Webb, 3-day champion Brian Henegar, and Champions Wildcard advancee Josh Saak.

I have an occasional mailbag column where I answer fan & viewer questions regarding the show. If you have a question, feel free to send it to!

(Content continues below)

My friends over at Geeks Who Drink have introduced a daily trivia game—Thrice! Existing to make daily clever trivia content accessible to a wide audience, it's a daily challenge that tries to get you to the answer via three separate clues. It has a shareable score functionality to challenge your friends and new questions every day will give you a new daily social ritual! You can find it at!

Are you going on the show and looking for information about how to bet in Final Jeopardy? Check out my Betting Strategy 101 page! If you want to learn how to bet in two-day finals, check out Betting Strategy 102!

Are you looking for information on how to stream Jeopardy! in 2024? Find out information here on how to stream from most places in North America!

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You can find game-by-game stats here at The Jeopardy! Fan of all 17 players, now including Adriana Harmeyer, that have won 10 or more games on Jeopardy!

You can now listen to Alex Trebek-hosted Jeopardy! episodes from TuneIn Radio without leaving The Jeopardy! Fan — listen now!

Correct response: What is Suriname?

More information about Final Jeopardy:

(The following write-up is original content and is copyright 2024 The Jeopardy! Fan. It may not be copied without linked attribution back to this page.)

Suriname, colloquially known pre-independence as Dutch Guiana, was one of the Dutch colonial possessions; Suriname is on South America’s northern coast. In the lead-up to Surinamese independence in 1975, many Surinamese, who had been given equal status with the mainland provinces of The Netherlands, fled to Europe, fearing a potential loss of economic opportunities post-independence.

When this first aired back in March, I thought that this was going to be a straightforward Final Jeopardy clue for most ToC-level players, who should hopefully be familiar with the general history of European colonialism in the Western Hemisphere. As you’ll see, though, that was not the case in studio.

We have many new offerings at The Jeopardy! Fan Online Store! Here are our current featured items:

Game Recap & Tonight’s Game Stats:

Looking to find out who won Jeopardy! today? Here’s the Wednesday, July 31, 2024 Jeopardy! by the numbers, along with a recap:

Jeopardy! Round:

(Categories: Place Name Etymologies; Getting Seal-y; Food, Fast; Pop Culture Princesses; Decades; Rhymes With Rhyme)

Although Stephen got to the Daily Double, an incorrect response dropped him into the red. Both Brian and Josh had a good start, but Josh led on the strength of not giving any incorrect responses.

Statistics at the first break (15 clues):

Josh 5 correct 0 incorrect
Brian 5 correct 1 incorrect
Stephen 2 correct 2 incorrect

Today’s interviews:

Josh is a bit of a local celebrity in Boise.
Brian spent part of his winnings on a Ferrari…racing wheel for his Xbox.
Stephen did an interview from a coffee shop right after a workout.

While Stephen struggled with incorrect responses, Josh and Brian kept a very close battle going.

Statistics after the Jeopardy round:

Josh 11 correct 0 incorrect
Brian 10 correct 2 incorrect
Stephen 3 correct 3 incorrect

Scores after the Jeopardy! Round:

Josh $5,600
Brian $5,200
Stephen -$800

Double Jeopardy! Round:

(Categories: That’s A Long Story; Architecture; Cover Me; “N”owledge; Chemistry Class; Gendered Language)

While Stephen got DD2 correct, he was unable to stay out of the red by the end of the round and won’t be playing Final. Meanwhile, Brian got to DD3, but an incorrect response brought his score back close to Josh’s. No matter, though, Brian picked up 8 correct in the second half of Double Jeopardy to hold a crush-sized lead going into clue #61.

Statistics after Double Jeopardy:

Brian 23 correct 5 incorrect
Josh 16 correct 1 incorrect
Stephen 8 correct 7 incorrect
Total number of unplayed clues this season: 0 (0 today).

Scores going into Final:

Brian $12,800
Josh $8,400
Stephen -$800

While Josh named another country that gained independence in 1975, neither player could come up with Suriname. Brian’s crush position going into Final puts him into the semfinals!

Tonight’s results:

Stephen -$800 (By rule, did not participate in Final Jeopardy)
Josh $8,400 – $4,405 = $3,995 (What is Papua New Guinea?)
Brian $12,800 – $4,001 = $8,799 (What is Belgium?) (Semi-Finalist)

Today's Final Jeopardy - Wednesday, July 31, 2024 (4)

Other Miscellaneous Game Statistics:

Daily Double locations:

1) PLACE NAME ETYMOLOGIES $600 (clue #10)
Stephen 400 -1000 (Brian 1800 Josh 1200)
2) “N”OWLEDGE $2000 (clue #7)
Stephen -3600 +2000 (Brian 3600 Josh 6800)
3) THAT’S A LONG STORY $1600 (clue #15, $13600 left on board)
Brian 10800 -3200 (Stephen -800 Josh 7600)
Overall Daily Double Efficiency for this game: -30

Clue Selection by Row, Before Daily Doubles Found:

J! Round:
Stephen 5 5 4 3*
Brian 3 4 3 4
Josh 4 3

DJ! Round:
Stephen 5 4 5 4 5* 5 3
Brian 4 3 2 3 4*
Josh 3 2 4†

† – selection in same category as Daily Double

Average Row of Clue Selection, Before Daily Doubles Found:

Brian 3.33
Josh 3.20
Stephen 4.36

Unplayed clues:

J! Round: None!
DJ! Round: None!
Total Left On Board: $0
Number of clues left unrevealed this season: 0 (0.00 per episode average), 0 Daily Doubles

Game Stats:

Brian $16,000 Coryat, 23 correct, 5 incorrect, 43.86% in first on buzzer (25/57), 1/2 on rebound attempts (on 6 rebound opportunities)
Josh $8,400 Coryat, 16 correct, 1 incorrect, 26.32% in first on buzzer (15/57), 1/2 on rebound attempts (on 9 rebound opportunities)
Stephen $200 Coryat, 8 correct, 7 incorrect, 21.05% in first on buzzer (12/57), 1/1 on rebound attempts (on 3 rebound opportunities)
Combined Coryat Score: $24,600
Lach Trash: $13,800 (on 11 Triple Stumpers)
Coryat lost to incorrect responses (less double-correct responses): $15,600
Lead Changes: 6
Times Tied: 5

Player Statistics:

Stephen Webb, career statistics:

223 correct, 39 incorrect
13/14 on rebound attempts (on 37 rebound opportunities)
40.70% in first on buzzer (232/570)
6/7 on Daily Doubles (Net Earned: $21,200)
3/9 in Final Jeopardy
Average Coryat: $16,840

Brian Henegar, career statistics:

137 correct, 26 incorrect
6/8 on rebound attempts (on 21 rebound opportunities)
50.18% in first on buzzer (142/283)
5/8 on Daily Doubles (Net Earned: $4,000)
1/5 in Final Jeopardy
Average Coryat: $19,400

Josh Saak, career statistics:

186 correct, 28 incorrect
6/10 on rebound attempts (on 34 rebound opportunities)
36.52% in first on buzzer (187/512)
7/8 on Daily Doubles (Net Earned: $26,800)
6/9 in Final Jeopardy
Average Coryat: $15,978

Andy’s Thoughts:

  • Today’s box score will be linked to when posted by the show.

Final Jeopardy! wagering suggestions:

(Scores: Brian $12,800 Josh $8,400 Stephen -$800)

Stephen: (By rule, did not participate in Final Jeopardy)

Brian: Standard cover bet over Josh is $4,001. (Actual bet: $4,001)

Josh: Bet at least $400, but you might as well go all in here. (Actual bet: $4,405)

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Contestant photo credit:

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Have you had a chance to listen to our podcast game show, Complete The List, yet? Check it out! It's also available on Apple Podcasts.

Today's Final Jeopardy - Wednesday, July 31, 2024 (2025)
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Name: Aron Pacocha

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.