The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)

THE DAILY PROGRESS, CHARLOTTESVILLE, Classified Advertising: "The Market Place" Insertion, Minimum 25c per insertion. Six consecutive Insertions He pre does CASH WTTH ORDER. paper it ad is Incorrectly inserted. Net responsible for errors after frat in 1 annuities for and safety. Single annual.

Call 17 for or nonresentative. 1. Via, Life Assurance Society. it may concern: We re the right to articles sell or left dispose here for all storage for 10 days 20 or it or not called for within articles will be sold. these car.

Protect your Insure your for rates. Call 202, For Ask tore. PLUMBING HEATING repair work, du barner and heating. Roy H. stoker Son.

Preston. Ave. NOTICE: our shop on April Arst All work must be for duration. before this date. We ted you for your past patronage.

Radio Sales Service. wish to express our heartfelt We a for the many kindnesses to a for us the during use of cars and floral our bereavement. Henry Morris family. Bus. Service your appliance In top repair letting us 'em up" Eutrie Refrigeration Co L.

Water St. Phone Your tires added protection winter by having 'em aped. They'll be months good if you for let many winter way them today. Phone Tire it. Recapping, F.

Main St. TAYLOR'S PLUMBING Service Taylor Phone 1895-J. hotograph framing. Framed picus gifts, Paul B. Victorious.

11 W. Main St. Phone 2838. Have your home "comfy" this Ay having your grates overhauled here! Roberts' Repair Shop, 14 Dice Sta. For Rent ANGER Sewing machine by month or by hour.

Singer Sewing chine Ca. Phone 558. ROOMERS. 330 15th St. Call after 1 P.

M. 2045-R. POSSESSION April 1,. furnished rooms, bath, Frigidaire, maker, downtown, near business section $55. Write Progress, Box ATTRACTIVE Corner room near bath.

Small family. Breakfast Near bus. University. ENT Furnished completely decorated, four bedrooms, kitchen. Rental $60.00 math.

Write P. O. Box 1638, Univeralty Sation. FARCE Comfortable, sunny, room, destrable location. Immediate repancy.

Phone 2840. EIGHT of good land, one mile from city, $60. Phone 2165-J. For Sale FRUIT TREES Snow's Nursery still have a good rapply cherry, of peach, grape, apple, pear, and plum trees. Phone 1630.

DORMANT SPRAY Fruit trees, shade trees certain should be sprayed this stimates You will save by getting our advice, Snow's Nursery. 1630. FLOOD TESTED Chicks, sexed batched, Leghorns, Rocks, Trails trollers. co*ckrela $4.95 up. Reda, End Poultry Farm, Gorsourille, Virginia.

BABY Rock, New. Chicks. Barred. and White born. Kenesaw Hampshire Poultry and T.

Bowles, Phone Farm, 1754-W. brubes, FULLER, Tooth, clothes, bowl, wall pollabes. mops, brooms, waxes, Phone 1725-L Caskie. PAINT, All colors, 3. discount for card.

Consumers Supply Co. blovie Time Table PARAMOUNT "Old Acquainti 1:22 at 7:10 Your Uncle 12 7:54 Comes 7:35 Thoroughly clean hardwood use Bruton's Ideal Cleaner. Orr small space at a time using water but a damp cloth. Rub a and wipe off. You'll 1 be amazed their newness.

MISTIC And expert picture and Miscellaneous HAVE You done your part? if you have not been solicited take or send your contribution to Red Cross War Fund Headquarters, 108 E. Main. Wright's Wrecking Yard, 1330 E. A Toast to your linens "Long may they live." After you have used every precaution you know, then let us help you with scientific laundering. Just: call 200.

Laundry, Preston Grady Ave, VA. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 8, 1944 YOUR VICTORY GARDEN By Robert Geiger To irrigate, open ditches on each side of seed row. Thoroughly irrigate at: infrequent intervals, rather than sprinkle lightly frequently. l'art 9 Coptour furrowing WAS major remedy helped cure the old dust bowl, and it is a farming idea that may add pounds of harvest to your Victory Garden. Here's how: If your garden plot lan't level, don't attempt to run the irrigation ditches up and down the hill.

Instead, extend them across the hill almost level but with just enough slope to permit water to run slow. This method prevents the water from "washing. away valuable topsoil and causes more of It to sorp into each inch the vegetable. row. When you Irrigate your.

garden, allow the water to -run down the ditches as slowly as possible and never so fast it causes erosion. With each watering, the soll should be soaked thoroughly, as itis soaked by a steady rain, If such method is used, Irrigation doesn't have to be as frequent when only the top; soil la sprinkled. Chrysler 82 Commercial Credit Cons. Aircraft Columbia Com. Solvents 15 Consolidated Edison Continental Can 1-2 Consolidated Ou.

11 Curtiss Wright 7-8 Douglas Aircraft 1-8 Dupont 145 34 Electric Auto-Lite 40 Fairbank General Electric 35 7-8 General Motors Goodrich 45 1-2 Goodyear Harvester Intl Nickel Int'l Paper Kennecott 30 7-8 Loews in Lorillard 1-4 Montgomery Ward Nash Kelvinator New York Central 18 North Amer. Aviation Paramount of Pennsylvania 28 is Pure OIl Radio Republic Steel 17 Reynolds Tob. B. 30 of cars Roebuck 88 Socony- Vacuum Southern R. 27 Southern R.

R. PFD. 47 Southern Pacific Sperry la Standard Brands Standard OIl N. J. Timken Detroit, Axle Union Carbide in United Aircraft United Gas Imp." .8.

Rubber 8. Steel PS PFD. 121 1-4-123 PS 113-115 Western Union 45 Woolworth TRADE ECZEMA Check itching with antineptie, lating Black and White aide only as direct Cleanse with Black and White Skis Frequent and light sprinkling can do serious harm to the garden the top soil dries quickly and moleture fails to penetrate to the deep roots, light sprinkling, on the other hand, keeps the shallow roots of weeds well' watered and makes them flourish. The texture of roll determines how much water it needs. Randy soils dry quickly: hravy molls much slower.

In the "average" areas of the United States, Department of Agriculture experts rattinata a den needs a heavy soaking about once a week. If straw, dried lawn clippings or are used to cover ground between rows and around the planta it will conserve moisture and keep down weeds. It is usually essential that gar. den be irrigated- by trench, in stead of by sprinkling, because sprinkling washes way chemicals that are sprayed upon planta to kill insects and (NEXT: How to Vie Fertillerr.) 1 OBITUARIES CHARLES. SWANIGAN.

Charles Swanigan, of Route 1, Crozet, a construction worker, died Monday, night at the University Hospital, after a brief Illness. The remains were taken by private yesterday afternoon to Gatewood, W. where funeral and Interment will take place. Mr. Awanigan was a native of Granium, Ky, son of Mr.

and Mrs. William Swanigan, and was years of age. He married Miss Opal' McCormick of Gatewood, W. who aurvivca, with four childrenCharles V. Swanigan, U.S.

Army: William and Carroll Swanigan, both of Charleston, W. and Margia: Swanigan of this county. Punctuation. la. not.

required Chinese. WHAT IS A CLANDA? A A who with she bakes she uses Rumferd, the of the all phosphate acting baking powder, her cakes and biscuits always as light as a "March Winds and April Showers, May Bring Lovely Flowers 1 7 But these elements don't do your Roof any good. If you need new roof, or roof repairs, Phone 533 for Johns-Manville approved roofers- 4 Blue Ridge Insulators Roofers Phone 533 PAGE ELEVEN Local Markets Veals (Tops). $17.20. Veals Common to Medium $10 00-- $13.50 Sows Hogs 4170 200 16 $13.20 (200) 300) 158) 45.

-Hogs 4123-110 lbs $10 30 Stork Heifers AB.I For Sale SPLENDID Lots in Univeralty Park at greatly reduced prices to settle estate, Roy Wheeler Realty Co. Phone 017. ONE. 1929 Fordson tractor with pulley to saw wood priced at $75.00. Phone 1630 or Snow's Nurvery.

Refrigeration Service. Expert ServIce all makes electrical regrigeratora, Satisfaction guaranteed. General Refrigeration Company, 103 N. W. Thirteenth Street, C.

Goodloe, Jr. Phones 2861, 2346-J. HILL DD: show -case and compressor. with rack and Toledo Burroughs adding machine, Iron. safe.

Juice extractor. 3' Two. wet bottle beverage coolers. C. Goodloe, N.

W. Thirteenth St. FAN Clean Lespedeza seed 13c per B. Fray, Advance Mills, Va. PIGS.

C. Milton Fray, Free Union, Va. Phone Rural 7922. THREE Steel storage tanks, 12000 gallon capacity, 1 steel storage tank, 18,000 gallon capacity, Tanks are horizontal type. Location Charlottesville, Va.

Write Box X-1, Progress. CORSETS. Girdles, made for you. Call 1581, Mrs. Lucy Plunkett, 'practical purse.

SIX Room house, 4 extra lots, Belmont, 7 room house, Fry's Spring, outside city limits, $28,00.00. Telephone 226. J. D. Addington.

1931 Model A Ford Roadster. Excellent condition. Good tires. New upholstery, top side. curtains.

Price $200 cash. 22F12, Greenwood. JUST Received 5000 frost proof cabbage plants, carload of certified and selected Irish Cobbler seed potatoes, Maine grown sand compiete assortment of garden 4 flower Also receiving weekly shipments of baby chicks. H. M.

Gleason Co. Warchouse 1st Garrette St. Phone 291. 13 Shoata, 8 months old, each or the lot for $60.00, 1 fine brood sow with 8 pigs $50.00, large bred sows to farrow in April, $30 each, 10 other large hogs and large shoats, cheap. E.

R. Duff, Phone 2126. ONE Pair large mules, with compiete new heavy harness guaranteed to work anywhere double or. gentle and in best of dition, $300.00. Also good low frame 2 horse wagon; iron wheels with body $50.00, good milk COWS.

E. Duff, Phone 2126. '37 Chrysler Royal. In perfect condition. Tel.

1328. ONE International Model: D8-35 Truck with 78 stake trailer body, price $1200. H. M. "Gleason Co.

Warehouse. Phone 291. TWO Used Friend sprayers mounted. one with gallon tank for $115.00. One with 250 galion tank for $150.00.

H. M. Gleason Co. Warehouse, Phone 291. 31.6 Acres forest land, 2 miles from city limits.

Price $1000.00. Phone 1290-R after 8.P. M. GAS Steve, four burners, oven, cooks, bakes good. Call 2860-R.

FORTY Thousand pounds of Korean Lespediza, purity 99,50 at $16 per bundred. Five hundred pounds or $15 more per of hundred. Korean Red Lespediza Clover at $28.20 per bushel. Sweet Clover at $1290 per bushel. Kansas Alfalfa at $31.84 per bushel.

Spring Oats at $1.45 per bushel, H. M. Gleason Co. Warehouse, Charlottesville, Va. Phone 291.

1934 Roadster in running condition. Call 1489-R after six. SEVEN Room house and ten acres of land six miles out the Scottaville Road. For quick sale thirty-eight hundred and Atty dollars, James E. Irvine.

CRAB Meat, shrimp, clams, oysters, lobsters, shad roe, hard crabs, lobster meat, roe buck shad, pompano, pink, salmon, Spanish smackerel, rock Ash, Allet sole, Allet haddock, bass, spots, porgies, founder, steak mackerel, herring. Phone Garrette Bibb Fish Poultry Market." Help Wanted MAIDS. Apply Housekeeper, Mrs. Martin, Monticello REGULAR Work and good pay for colored men at the Cinder Block Plant. Apply in person.

for SILK Finisher in Diy Cleaning Dept. Home Laundry. 1 E. Market St. DESK Clerk.

Queen Charlotte Hotel (under new management). Pleasant middle-aged man pre ferred with knowledge bookkeeping and good penman. Good character 1 necessary and strictly sober. Apply Mr. Walker, Mgr.

TWO Men, draft exempt, to learn Hardware Business. Apply In person, Martin Hardware." Help Wanted WHITE Woman to assist housekeeper, must be able to use ing machine. Only willing workers need apply. Manager. Monticello Hotel.

COLORED Man for general cleaning. Apply Housekeeper, Monticel. lo Hotel. PLANT Workers. Apply in person at the Monticello Dairy on Grady Ave.

PERSONNEL Director. Apply In own handwriting. Mr. Ix, Frank Ix Sons. MAN To clean out well.

Smith, 620 Farrish Street. COLORED Girl to care for two children do light housekeeping. 112 14th Street. COUPLE For country home; man cook and general house work; man yard garden and help with farm Location 14 miles south Charlottesville mile from bus line. Good wages to right people with Saturday and Sundays off.

Prefer middle aged people. Own 1 cottage separate from main residence, bath room, radio. References required. Write Box Progress. CREDIT MANAGER FOR Jewelry Store Newport News, jewelry store requires services of man experlenced in general office manage ment, opening of charge accounts and collections.

Inside work. Permanent position at good salary. Excellent opportunity for right man. Reply in writing giving full qualifications, also state places of employment for last years, Shaw Jewelry 2800 Washington Ave, Newport News, Va. DRIVERS, Regular, work, pay.

Taxi Co. Wanted WE WIn pay for good cars trucks. MacGregor Mctors, 416 Male WILL Pay best cash prices for used sewing machines Singer Sewing Machine Ca. $11 Main st. CASH For your used bicycle parts.

See us before you sell. Western Auto Associate Store, 517. Main. AUTOMOBILES, Highest cash price. 717 W.

Main St. Phone 711, Yancey Motor Co. RAGS, Large clean cotton. The Daily Progress. FOUR Downtown Or 5-room section.

apt. Unfurnished. wife. Duration. Call 2555.

BY June 1st 3 or 4 room unfurnished apartment near business section. Box Z-1, Progress, SIX Room house, brick or cinder block in good residential section. Call 2425-J after 5:30 P. M. TO Buy from owners, seven eight room modern house University or outskirts.

Give details reBarding location, size of lot, rage, constructon, heating plant, baths, basem*nt and attic. State price and when available. University P. O. Box 1264.

GAS Stove in good condition. Phone 1075. Instruction JEFFERSON School of Commerce, fully accredited by. the National Association of Accredited Commercial Colleges. Complete retarial training.

special typing classes. Phone 952. Lost GENTLEMAN'S Reddish brown Waterman fountain pen, goldtrimmed. Return to Progress. Re ward.

PAIR Glasses; amber frames, red leather case. Name Inside. Phone 2418-L WHITE Angora kitten. Reward. Mrs.

P. E. Barnett, 402 Robinson Ave. STRAYED, Light Jersey cow from Shamrock Rd. Please call Mrs.

H. M. Addington 1767-J. LADIES Sheaffer Life Time pen, gold trimmed green mottled, exterior, bearing name "Miss Carrie K. on bar.

rel. Return to Progress Once. Reward. Miscellaneous WITKINS Treacter Storage Co Experieaced movers, peckers shippers of Sne furniture. 200 for EXPERT Packing crating, stor age, long distance moving.

Furniture Storage Company. 419 Main Street Phone P. East KEEP -Your Maytag -in. top order a0 it'll last the duration. By regular checkups and proper care it will be going "good" when the war is over.

Arrange with our service man. Phone 7303. Albemarle Maytag Co. 705 W. Main 8t.

Auctions Legals AUCTION RALE Friday March 10th, at 10 A. M. J. K. Paco place on Hardware River near Blenheim.

Having' 'sold my home "Mount Airy" and having to give complete possession before April I Am selling. at public auction to the highest bidder all of my live stock, machinery, equipment, feed. and some house hold goods. Partial list of personal property: mules 3 of which are only 3 years 10 horses, 2 milk cows, 1 AnBull coming two years old, Angus helfera, 5 Holstein and Jerheifers, 43 hogs and shonta, chickens, hay, corn, shucks. 1 practically new double row corner.

planter, two disc harrows one never used, 1 A. C. harrow, 3 walking plows, 2 Thrivvic plows, 1 double shovel plow, 1 practically new John Deere horse mower, 1 practically new John Deere horse rake, 1 twohorse wagon, harness, saddles, and other small things too numerous to mention. 3-7 3t. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Ofof District Supervisor, Tax Unit, Burcau of Internul Revenue, Baltimore, Maryland.

Date of first publication, February 1941. Notice is hereby given that following automobile with accessorica was seized in the Western District of Virginia for the Internal Revenue Laws, to wit: Section 3321, I. R. 1934 Ford Coach, Motor Number seized February 14, 1944 at minchester. Any person claiming an interest In said property must appear the office of Investigator An Charge, Alcohol Tax Unit, Richmond, Virginia, and file Claim and Cost Bond as provided by Section 3724, L.

R. on or before March 1944, otherwise the property will disposed of according to law. N. Tuttle, District Supervisor. VIRGINIA: IN: THE CORPORATION COURT OS THE CITY or CHARLOTTESVILLE THE Int DAY OF MARCH.

1944 IN THE MATTER OF THE EETATE OF SALLIE CHAMPE TYLER, DECEASED EX PARTE ORDER The report of W. Gilmer Dunn, Commissioner of Accounts for this Court, dated and Aled the 29th. day of February, 1944, of the accounts of the National Bank and Trust Company of Charlottesville, Virginia, the Administrator, c. t. of the Estate of Sallie Champe Tyler, deceased, and of the debts and de-, mands against sald decedent's Estate, which report was made atter notice to creditors was duly posted, was this day produced Court.

And, it appearing that more than one year has elapsed since the qualification. of said personel representative," upon the motion of Margaret Walker Barnwell, one the legatees of sald decedent, It ORDERED that the creditors of the said Sallie Champe Tyler, deceased, and all other persona, show cause, any they can, on the 1st. day April, -1944, against the payment and delivery of the estate of said decedent to her legatees or distributees, and without the requiring of refunding bonds from said legatees, or any one of them. And it further Ordered that a copy of this Order be published once week for four successive weeks In The Daily Progress, newspaper published the City of Charlottesville. A Copy Teste: C.

E. Moran, Clerk. W. Glimer Dunn, Commissioner. 8-1: lawk, twks.

Today's Markets Quotations Proctor a M. C. A. 1 (Quotations at 1 P. Amer.

Car' Foundry 37 Amer. Locomotive American Smelting 38 'Amer. Steel Foundries 26 Amer. Tel. Tel.

159 Amer. Tobacco 60 Anaconda 26 Atchison 64 Atlantic Coast Line 37 Atlantic Refining 30. Aviation Corp. Benedix 37 Bethlehem Steel Boeing 15 J. I.

Case C. 0. FURNITURE STORAGE Space, Primate Michie Ca Sterage Dept Pa For Victory. Gardeners GARDEN LAWN SEEDS Fresh stock of high germination, tripletested seed. Plant them, they'll grow.

Timberlake's Drug Store PHONE 166 WE DELIVER 3' Save At Sears On VICTORY GARDEN You Will Always Find A Complete Line Of GARDEN SEED TOOLS AT OUR FARM STORE GARDEN HOSE FERTILIZERS and So RAKES HOES INSECTICIDES SPRAYERS SHOVELS SEEDS MAKE SEARS YOUR HEADQUARTERS Sears. Rochuch Phone and 75 Co. Charlottesville Water Street Store BABY CHICKS Buy Your Baby Chicks Now From Sears Farm Master Stocks ALL CHICKS FROM U.S. APPROVED FLOCKS $110 Per Hundred New Hampshire Reds Barred Rocks tars, and Co. Phone 75-Water Street Store- Charlottesville.

The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)
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Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

Address: Apt. 915 481 Sipes Cliff, New Gonzalobury, CO 80176

Phone: +6773780339780

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Gaming, Jogging, Rugby, Video gaming, Handball, Ice skating, Web surfing

Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.