The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts (2024)


$12 double; LARGE STORE In West Roxbury. good for meat market or confectionery. 3 cenirany locatea. tuat sio tached briclc houM. nil Improvemenu, liglit liousckeeping, Income $5'i0 a month.

6u2t s2ft k-FAMXLY house i income $1380, price $7000. Ilumo Ulu, 2659; Monday. Par. 41pH. ACRKS of land on a busy street: good American neighbors: handy to schools, factory, buwi and train; make a good poultry farm; Plough wood for home use.

Apply JAMES West Medway. Maaa. months' rent free, can Eliot v.r.,o. Su2t GARAGE BUILDING 431 Snawmut Av.

daA al- Sud7t s26 FOR SALE or to rent. 3 miles from State Choice 3 Houses R.M,iTbVroS! 1514 BEACON BROOKUNE PALATIAL apartment In this distinguished fireproof building. Spacious mahogany paneled living room, and dining room with fireplaces, library, 4 chambers, 2 tile baths, kitchen, pantry, laundry room, maid's room and bath. Attendant elevator service. Rental $1800.

See Supt. on premises. House, on main thoroughfare, high doora, 275 Beacon Somerville; Kir. 3100. Sud7t a26 Say what you want eet SjORE, 40 Shawmut $45, near Met.

Theatre, laundry or shoe repair. Hig. 8159, FAKVI. VILLAGE nOMES wnax you want quickly STORE to let on Hawley Boston, a WINTHROP BEACH Overlooking water, comfortable, nr. buses, weekly.

COLONIAL. INN. dSu3t s24 FURN. RM, WITH KIT'ETTE, $8.80 PLEASANT. 873 Beacon Com.

7625. busy loc. for any bus. 340. Globe.

oy simply touching a 'button on your desk. iMV 162 BROADWAY At Shawmut Av. Floor, 1 flight, display windows, steam. DEPENDABLE MACHINERY BELOW CEILING PRICES AMERICAN REARED IIEAI) LATHE, motor driven NII.ES LATHE. UHi.




RLISS 2 18 INCLINABLE PRESS. n.m, hMi9Ri -PJLAIE COMBINATION PUNCH A SHEAS, cap. to shears flat angles TSIZlw 5A nd 6A CHUCKING MACHINES. A BROOKLINE Attractive sunny front large closet, near bath, business people or service man. AYVj-g1544'22 us, OFFICE, DESK SPACE STORE, office and halls for rent.

$10 tic Tremont Temple, 82 Tremont.Boston. Good business demands BRIGHTON. 164 Strathmore Road Sunny front room, priv. elev. serv.

Sta. 9072. SuWF s26 BASEMT. 3 $10: 2 bath. ft.

sides, gas, $2.50. 81 Worcester st. Su2t 619 SU4t 85 FURNISHED APARTMENT WANTED 3-4 ROOMS Business man and wife want to rent a. completely furnished apartment for two or three months. Will occupy Sept.

30. Must be in Boston or nearby community. References furnished if required. Write Box 212, Globe office. DRAINS-RAZOR-KLEENED Or No Charge.

No Digging. Any Day. Any Hour. TO LET Light, airy club room, rent No. Station, 95 Stamford Laf.

2450. MWFSu 620 2-WAY INSTANT COMMUNICATION with your departments. Save steps save time save money. Let's talk it over. BUSINESSMAN wanted for large front room in private fsmily, near car line; breakfast and Sunday dinner given li HOUSES TO LET, WANTED desired.

Hig. buz. MFDFORD 4-rm. cottage house; $20 BACK BAY Newly renovated single and double private bath, hot and cold running water In rooms 234 Newbury st. dSu3t s24 ELECTRIC MACHINE "gtrotBargain" Overlooking Riven Kear a City Iandy for vacations: at village edge, 12-mln.

run to city, few step to bathing river: cottage with spring water, elec. elm shade. Brand views; 36 acres, 10 tillable. 6Pring-watered pasture, woodlot. 60 apple trees; 'giveaway" at $1800; PS.

14 Strout catalog. Viltaga "60," Brick Dwelling 2fia. for all kinds money-making crops, bal. wire fenced pasture watered by brotik spring; 12 rm. dwelling, slate roof, unrinK water, furnace, elec, 30x40 basem*nt barn, slate roof, 14 ties, hay fork, spring, garage, poultry house; sacrificed by aged owner, $2000, part time; pg.

13. Good 140 Acres) Eqpd. Operating farm; 12 cows, heifer, bull, horse, machinery, tools, cider mill crops included; dwelling 7 furnace, 20 maple shade trees, beautiful valley mt. view, 36x48 basem*nt barn, two silos. Other 40a.

tn dark-loam tillage, 50a. spring-wateTed wire-fenced pasture, bal. wood. 200 apple trees; village 2 miles; Incapacitated owner unable to handle. $3350 Including stock 8c eqp't; terms: see picture pg.

4 Big Free Catalog Bargains 18 states. STROUT REALTY, 810-J. Old South Building. Boston liberty 7135. Also large stock of various types of New Machine Tools for Immediate Delivery open sun, atter 3- union St.

REVERE 4 or 6 room house, heated. Mr. Brown. Oak Island. Revere.

Mass. R0T0-R00TER (Original), Kir. 7752 B'KUNE 1 large and 1 medium-sized" h. olentv of heat 24 Auburn dSu30t si VACANT house, look it over; 15 rooms, PHONE or WRITE ALLIED INTER-PHONE GO. PARK SQUARE BOSTON DEVonshlre 7174 Lon.

3077, near Coolidge Corner Corner. rent 870. 618 ITeraont st. dSu7t s25 SUITES FOR RENT BROOKLINE Warm, front, sunny room, JOSEPH DEAL CO. 465 Atlantic Ave.

Tel. Han. 6460 2 5 ROOM 34 Isabella Boston, WANTED TO RENT 5 6 room clean bun-" galow or house within walking distance of Veterans Hospital, West Roxbury. one child 5 years. Write Dr.

S. K. LIVING heated, suitable for 1 or 2. ion. oobj.

selected tenants. $40 and $45. Call P. R. BROOKLINE Large room, 2 closets, twin 73 rremont Cap.

1400. STON, White Kiver Junction, Vermont, beds, on car line, urn, wbj. WEST ROXBURY 7-room house, bath. FREE RENT BOYLSTON 1175, Apt. 33 Room for furnished, on Parkway, 5 minutes to business girl, use of Kitcnen: a ween, UNTIL Nov.

1st if you repair 4-rm. apt. a ureenwooa uor. lax. ouuj.

$18 CAMBRIDGE trains and cars: immediate occupancy: owner on premises Monday, Sept. 27. 12-4 p. m. 1 9 Sidley West rent $125.

WANTED To rent large single house. 10 or 12 rooms. In good location. Gen. 0898.

BOSTON. Back Bay Large room, can accommodate 3 students, reasonable rent, near bath; one smaller room; 2-room basem*nt to let. Call Com. 0648 after 11a. m.

to 10 p. m. 1ST FLOOR. 4 bath, back Diazza electric and gas, adult tenants only, good FOR SALE 1 American Feed Hot Water Heater. Type 9774, No.

S. mfc. by WhlUock Coil Pipe Hartford. Conn. 1 Steam Ensine, size 14x22x18.

No. 00233. Blake knowles. 1 General Electric alternating current generator. No.

195762, Type B. Class 4. 750-1 60O. Form volts 230O. amps.

187, speed 1800. 1 Curtis Steam Turbine. No. 5758. Kw, 7 speed 1800, Form steam pressure lha.

cond. 236 Western Inspection 4-7 p. 10-ROOM guest house, rent very reasonable, St. Stephens Boston: will sell Brighton First Floor. .1 Rooms.

SI 7 Mn CAMBRIDGE 3 mins. Harvard gentlemen, pleasant, warm, homelike showers. $4 and $5. Kirkland 9687. ELECTRICITY, gas.

unheated. Apply 2d floor. 178 North Beacon Lon. 4293. an furniture complete: also 12-rm.

house. Call PAUL'S REAL ESTATE OFFICE. 41 Burbank Ken. 9721, all day Monday. NEW Air Compressors 2-l2-3-S-10 H.

P. Ingersoll-Rand 'and Kellogg Available for Immediate Delivery with Proper Priority IN STOCK Large quantity of HIQH 8PCKD drill 1-16' to In 1-fl4lh variations. Van Norman Piston Grinder with cam grinding new. Automotive Distributors, Inc. 89 Bricbton Boston.

STA. BtOO Other Stores in Lynn. Salem, Gloucester and Taunton WANTED by refined business girls, apart-tncnt. Oct. or Nv.

to Mnrrn, central to IhimIiiom ilrlct. Tlim.UIolw oiltc. WANTED by 2 adult." 3 or riMinia'aml 1 (ienrral Electrlo Allernatlnr Current teiirtflr. No, Tf. 80.


A. South Bend Lathe, M. D. New Delta Drilling Equipment Whitcomb 1'Uner 2A Becker Vertical Miller 7" Rhodes Vertical Shaper 13B B. S.

Prod. Miller. Wigglesworth Machinery Co. 199 BENT ST. KIR.

6242 CAMBRIDGE, MASS. CUSSaTEO ADVERTIsem*nTS for The Sunday Globa Must be in the Globe Office not later than 9 P.M. on Friday CAMBRIDGE Single and double room, kitchen and c.wat. Tro. 607.

CAM1V, lluetia Ylsln I'k ofT UplancnHT Furlao. mod. Kir, 34114, CAMlC. 19' Upland ltd. Nicely $4.

bus, glrll mlnjto cars. Vro.7:tD7. CA MB HI DG Very" pleasant lii'Se hoiK-keeping room, nice location. 40 Highland Tro. 6477.

bam. Mealed, vio. Uphams Coiner, i 413, fl II you are living on a reduced In ALLSTON. nienvlllc Av. Apt.

3. all mod ijione ottice, ern, heat, hot water, 7 ADAMS STREET. Koinervllle a room Janitor. Chelsea 0039. ana batnroorn.

nealea apartment, elec tricity and gas included, all modern con APT. heated 3 rooms. 2d floor, good location, near everything. Tal. 6248.

COMMONWEALTH ALLSTON veniences, in excellent repair; ready for occupancy October adults only. Pros- pect wy: aa per month. Couple or business girl: sunny front room and privileges; refined American home. Sta. 3517.

ARL. 5 rooms, steam, glassed porch, garage, rent $45; adults only. KEELER, 742 Broadway, Somerville, weekdays. 2, 3. 4.

5 bath, E. Jam. So. End, low rents. Ded.

0092 anyt CENTRAL SQ. 1 large furnished room, also 1 small. 8 William. Tro.3126. U4 JIM 3 RMS.

and bath, h. $5 ween, iioz -lhira; sou. oze; adults only, ATTRACTIVE, sunny 2 rooms and kitchenette apartment, heat, light, gas and refrigeration included; corner location, near Uphams Corner; ideal for business person or couple. 1 Chamblet S24 DORCHESTER Geneva 1146, business and working girls, attractive rooms in lovely neighborhood, community recreation room and housekeeping facilities. ROOMS, all improvements, 5 min.

to come, ana want security without sacrificing any of the necessities of life, retire to this attractive teaside farm of 200 acres. Old Maine home, retaining the charm of the original, but modernized to today's living requirements. 9 rooms and 3 baths. Guest or farmer's house 8 rooms and 3 baths. 2 modernized barns.

Small herd Registered Jerseys. Modern milk house and refrigerating plant. Also thoroughly modern equipment of incubators, electric brooder house and bird holding pens for Game Birds or chickens. All a family can eat. at practically no cost, and a chance to make a profit on livestock needed for the war effort.

Owner, whose business prevents his use of same, will sacrifice complete with machinery and livestock. Business last year grossed over $8000 and can be Increased substantially. Send for pictures and details. Address HENRY XV. MURK ILL.

82 Devon navyyara. sneafe aauYt S23 6-ROOM duplex house, newly renovated BUSINESS CHANCES BUSINESS CHANCES BRIGHTON Unheated third floor, 4-rm. tenement, gas. elec, low rent. Apply 1st floor.

J64 No. Beacon Lon. 4293. aauits only. lbY Main Kverett.

53-55 PAUL 82-97 Albion St. 2-3 DORCHESTER Nice furn. rm, to let with hskpg. privileges, lady only, in nice quiet comfortable home, close to car lines, at Fields Corner, $4 a wk. 10 Josephine 1st floor.

rooms. month. BACK BAY 5 $50, nr. Mass. Station, steam heat, continuous hot water, Janitor serv.

Apply Office, 95 Norway st. 81 PEARSON AVENUE, Somerville 6 rooms and bathroom, with all modern A It. a-l3M-aniMi, orm x. nw. iinnt.

vill li.HM. amu 814. 1 OirtU hteam Turhinn. No. I7(H, Kw.

I (Ion, speed 30N. Form ateam prs- sure 125. 1 Twin strainer. No. I20R.

mfc. Elliott Pittsburgh, l'enn. Twin Strainer. No. 8567.

F.lllott Co. 1 Steam Pump, Deane, size 10-20-18. No. 74267. 1 Dean Steam Pump, size 16-32-18, No.

75.164. J. W. FITZGERALD. 71 Temple Street.

Gardner. Tel. 165. 1 2 Bag Boss Mixer, rubber tired, hopper lift $500 1 2 Bar American Cement Mixer, hopper life 150 1 Drum 1 Cylinder Hoist 150 I.idserwood Steam Hoist 1001) 2 Drum Steam Hoist, less boiler. 400 10 Ton Mead Morrisson, tractor and snowplow 2500 1 Gas Driven Loader, steel 80O 1 Upright Novo, 1 cylinder 80 1 Insley yd.

Shovel aud Tench Hoe, overhauled 5000 1 Clctrac-Modrl 55 Bulidozrr. .2000 1 Compressor-Sullivan 1DO ft. per min. Can supply Gas Motor 150 1 Compressor-Sullivan 1H ft. with motor mounted on Che v.

Truck $50 CYR OIL 41 Lawrence, Mas. Wanted Several IVz to 2-Ton Chain Hoists Also Trol(eys Must Be in Good Condition State Description and Price BROOKS-SKINNER Quincy, Mass. Telephone PREsident 6090 BKWKL1NB-2 rooms, kitchen, bath, basem*nt apartment, $50; adults only. conveniences, in excellent repair; ready for occupancy October rent $48 per month, near trolley line, in fine nelgh- WOOD TANK 1 Water Storage Tank, 30' dla. by 20' high; 111,000 gal.

capacity, cona shaped roof with float and marcoid switch. 1 Knowles Steam Pump, 1 Worthlngton Steam Pump, 1 Pelton Water Motor, 7871 -A2-15-FS No. 27815. CUYAHOGA WRECKING CO. Care of DU PONT PLANT LEOMINSTER, MASS.

DORCHESTER Room and board to refined American Jewish business person. small family. Call Sun, or eves. Tal. 8783.

DORCHESTER kitchenette large front rm. with kitchenette, gas. light, furn. Gen. 4829.

asp. Mil. lAn. 2218. Dornooa.

i-'rospetrt. U4YY. BOSTON. 101ft Bovlston nt Mass Rub 91 W. BROOKLINE ST.

2-3 rooms. $12- 5 $40. See MR. STOWE at it montn; mrnisnea $2. I0Q4 ttoyiston or phone Lon.

7010. Ssu BELMONT 7-room apartment. 2 porches. shire street. Boston, Mass.

935 MASS. Roxbury 1st floor. DORCHESTER Furn. 1 or 2-room apts. with heat, gas, elec; adults.

43 rooms, bath, piazza, gas, coal range, garden, steam heat; ready Oct. 1, ll Harvard, off Washington Tal. 2798. a weeit. puses by door.

Harriet ave. TOILET GOODS CONCESSION Unusual opportunity. Prominent Boston store on Tremont catering to a quality clientele, offers toilet goods concession. Write full details in first letter. 417, GLOBE OFFICE FOR SALE SUCCESSFUL Tire Retreading Plant FULLY EQUIPPED Seven new moulds, lease seven years.

Excellent location. Price and further details on request. 398, GLOBE OFFICE DORCHESTER, 1 large use $20 MONTH for stove htd, Newton. BEST 2 and 3-rm. flats in Boston.

$12 and or Kitcnen. it jvix. vernon si. auw S20 w. iviUKMisoiN.

to tjoncorq sq. camDriage, Auournaaie. wat. 76Y0. dSul2t s22 CAMBRIDGE, 345 Norfolk Street 4 rooms 69 Harvard St.

Furn. room near bath. use of $1 wk. J. R.

CALLAHAN CO. REALTORS FARMS COUNTRY HOMES "oath of Boston OFNTT-EMAN'R FARM and bath, second Moor, $25. and 34a Norfolk street, 3 rooms and bath, first DOR. Front, steam-heated room for one, priv. Suite 2, 30 Stanton St.

APARTMENTS, FURNISHED floor, za. cap. W4l. ELDERLY persons, invalids, kind care; CAMBRIDGE, 655 Concord Av. 5 rooms and bath, new renovated, 5 mm, from FURNISHED APARTMENT WANTED reas.

ss Bowdoin Tal. 624U, WSu9t si FOR SALE Harvard $25; adults only. Wat. 9254. ON main highway.

35 beautiful Colonial, bath, steam heat, fireplaces, cow barn, barn full of hay; garage, shop. PERM. emp. national corp. wants 2-3- FURN.

hot showers and Edison heat, room turn. apt. in uoston or Metropolitan low, reas. rates. 142A Huntington av.

CHARLESTOWN 3 bath. A-l $17; wkdys. SULLIVAN; Cha. iruit. i cows, norse.

tarm macninery go; FURN. rm. to let, business woman pre- area at reas. rental, will take sublease, can furnish best oil ref. Phone Lib.

8270, remaritaDie value; sn.isiu. terms. 4 ACRES Z441. 1 errea. jewisn tamuy.

u-ar. aY4. tf to weeKaays 1 nan. t.nw. V.


one large front kitchenette CHARLESTOWN. 9 Parker St. 3 4 poultry houses. 23 fruit irees; asking FREE RENT LARGE QUANTITIES OF RUBBER alcove, heat, ltgnt, gas. elec.

refrig. separate entrance; conv. to cars. Am. 154(1 $IH-, $2Z; wh.

sink, stove heat Apply suit 1: Ken. 8240. UNTIL Nov. 15, If you repair! $23 apt terms. l'i ACRES, CIIOO Fmith Hanson, tillage.

4-rm. house, shed FUIlNISHira) heated room, nrnr Ken. so 7 Frost St. 2 large unfurn. hskpg, FOR SALE New and used air compressors from next to bath, irlv.

ln. 7104. uw Ln iviuiiii-n. WFSuMWThSu 23 UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITIES THFiTRF only one In town, very modern intMint earning net 300 weekly, forced sole. LADIES' APPAREL 99000 VARIETY STORE EfiS neat, jigiu.

gas. t.n. imua. dSu3t s24 rnust bo sold. See ua.

farms, country homes, smith of Boston. J. R. CALLAHAN 11 Broad Bridgewater: tel. 2473.

JAM. PL. Attractive hskpg. rms. in pleasant home; also single meals.

DORCHESTER Large living rm. and FREE RENT Bathing anndnls, powder rage, baby pantle. Plata act opera, shoe ahlna ktta, shower can, tobacco pouches, pencil and pen cases, sink aciupera, fly swatters. All of the above merchandise made of rubber, win J-horiepower to 10-horsepower motor. good transportation.

End. 79R. jticnt in aquare. open bunqays. kitchen and dinette, fireplace, nrivate bath.

2d Christian UNTIL Nov. 15, if you repair 6-rm. apt, wsau elec. ht. water and gas supplied; $12.50 Clapp Farm Agency VJaDEu LARGE furn.

sunny. In private adult Li a l. riewtun corner, rear. WFSuMWThSu s22 earner, investigate. per wk, coi.

tnim. GARAGE AUTO SUPPLY Inc. 84 BROOKLINE B08T0N KENmors 3866 Res. StougMon 886-W; see photos, got lists lamily, conv. to cars.

So. dSu3t 24 to chain etc. For more detailed I DOG FOOD PLANT SZutfa*gSS? DORCHESTER Complete Hating DORT'llrSTKR ROOM APARTMENT. Coiumbln WANTED New or Used Le-Roi, 4-cylinder motor, model 2877-D, 3Ji bore gtroko. WALTHAM AUTOMOTIVE CORP.

215 Lexington Waltham, Mas. VERY BEST offered: 40-a skill vkwi farm. tntwlern iiourw LARGH double front room, unlet home, mivri inaiion mnaiy writ houses fur sale, all prices and types SHAWMUT REALTY 10U0 liorch. av Su4l s5 ATTRACTIVELY furn. mod.

8-rra. abt P. Oi STORE atre lmvuifl innuiy. in iiuck imv; i-n. ii.i.-.

baths, beamed ceilings, fire-place, lights lfl. 2 barns. best tillage. 2(10 a. 95, GLOBE OFFICE LARGE double room, near St.

Mary's in beautiful residential handy to all transportation, infant or hlh school CrVTP AG'CY. 0.1 rcceral; Hub. OM DOR. 6-room all 1 mo. rent auoway.

cau Ken. 1974. qsuat s2 250 a. wood, gorgeous view, overlooks 2 lakes: cost $20,000. only $4900.

iree ir you make repairs. aauits. aue cnud, neat, gas, elec. ana reirlg. lncL MATTAPAN Lge.

front bath floor, APPiy a warner si. xuj mu. lei, rar. 4f5 w. lew min.

to snuare. launnrv 20 A. CAPE COD house, all 3 ftre- UHl UUU nutoh mm. liffhtx. BROOKLINE 5 furn.

$30: stove $5.50 breakfast woman pret Daisy Donut Machine DOR. 6 rooms, 1st floor, h. w. heater, comp. renovated.

Phone Sunday. Biu. neat; unturn. 525: 2-rm. Kitchenettedinette, 23: 4, rryi nnri lrov.

3659; Monday, par. Diesel Electric Plant Complete 47 K. W. capacity, reasonable price. In-QUire ECONOMY GROCERY STORES 100 Business Hyde Park.

Hyd. 2740. Sud3t s26 MRS. GARVEY. 12 Tolman OTP War.

heat, barn, hennery, near water, can motor in to ocean; $3200. ST. RD. FARM .150 well divided. good $20, stove heat: 3 $8 wk, good 80 Doien an hour capacity, cost 81500, DORCHESTER 4 sunny Piazza.

ren Rox. One nicely furnished location, call laeacon 1873. Mon. modern, $2a. ziv Washington Co Will sell for J50O.

Write to C. E. Monroe WANTED South Bend Lathe 10 or Similar Make XISI PRICE AND PARTICULARS IN FIRST LETTER room on private nome, not-water heat handy Dudley Terminal. Free Gas, Ice Box, H. Strict, lumbia 5910.

ideal tor caDins. $2700 6-a. st. 8 all another to sy turn. nsKre.

some rjvt. DORCHESTER. 77 Favston St. 4 rooms -rm. nouse.

MOTHER, adult daughter desire furnished baths; apts. HOLLAND. 676 Tremont st. tel. iront private Kitcnenette.

Bathroom bath, white sink, piazza, oil burner, coal furnace; Jewish section; $25 mo. Asp. 5778. Riverside Farm, on Asphalt Hway. rnsjviwtsuj.

sio First National Stores, Inc. 5 Middlesex Avenue Somerville, Mass. noor ineaiem on ear line, npar Maurice Marsh, Hardwick, Vt. s2rt uj. uiooe omce.

ROXBURY 2 furn. heat, cont. hot water. narkintr snare. ABOUT 160 acres, 50 for crops, abundantly-watered pasture: dandy biz site, few LEE CO.

DOR. 3 gd. MASS 662 Clean, nicely furn. kit- lei. nia.

oiuo. mtn. to village advantages; dwelling 10 water in kitchen, elec. elm and fir WANTED Apply to 9 Templetou way. suite 1.

Sud3t s26 FOR SALE Ara Craakerrr ruil OHbb Poultry lun loelo-Inc 40 aeres Woodland, ft urn ama landt situated on. Pond, with plenty al Water and hand. Pumping ao4 Irrigated System. Heated flcreeohoose and Eaul mrnt, and four living room. Iarga 8Ur age buildlngi Office bttildincai two-eu sarsgei new and modern Poultry House) Sprayinc-Dasung-Fertilizing and all Hir-vestinr and working cqoiDnient Include 4.

Nothing more to buyi ererythioc ready as a going business. Good opportunity for shore property development. A real ra ent and post-war opportunity for any one Good reason for eling. Writ Ciiobe office. BETTER AND SAFER THAN owning a business: I am Instructed to sell at om-e 12-apt.

brick Mock (3 and 3 rm no hent). which wul show a proflt of $150 to $20O per month, to any man or woman who has a little arpara time: price $8250 for quick ale. $1500 cash. bal. on mortgage with araorti.

payments. GEO. GRANTHAM. 54 Devonshire Laf. 7105.

cneneue suites, single nr. 1. sta. SSu ROXBURY. 42ft Dudley St.

2-3 rooms, uruicie, lovciy view. Darn 40xno, garage an low rent. Mig. 7075 2 Harrison Fields Corner Dist, ENVELOPES WANTED MALDEN riv. home.

cont. hot ROXBURY, 913 Albany I rent NEW OR SECOND-HAND STEEL SMOKE STACK. 23 TO 24 INCH DIAMETER BY 30 FEET LONG. THE JOHN 8 WEN SON 4 rooms, $20 per montn. siiop, luo-ft.

poultry nouse; otner interests of owner only reason for sale; bargain at $2800. part down. List other bar water. bus. people.

Mai. 3653-W. S2 wk. Tel. sou.

4319. FSU 824 Heavy Duty lathe compound rest, complete; I'ratt Whitney compound rest, complete: Pratt 6c Whitney compound rest, taper attachment, complete; 1-2 and 3 spindle drills, pinner and shRper, vises; hacksaws-chucks, etc. 410 Dorchester a South How ton; Sou. 2220. FOR RENT Suite 3, 5 rooms, stove heat, NEWLY furnished rooms, heated, nrivate C.RANITE COMPANY, CONCORD, NEW HOXPURY.

60 Webber St 5 rent adults on y. rent 21 May JJorcn. gains mailed Free. E. P.

Hunt. STROUT 1 AJ.TY. Farmlngton Falls, Me. home. Brookllne.

Chestnut iiAwnrw 1 1 ill nf i M. ati. Wk. Tel. Soil.


Illll: narklntr KTiAoMt TiMir tvti lm rA FURNISHED 12 Taylor, 15 Newland Konabfa to right party. Phone Parkway 772 REVERE 3 rooms to let, Xurnlahed. B-a w. Brookiine st. DERRY.

N. $4200 wHi-vj, all day Sunday. tseacniana av. JAMAICA PLAIN, 36 Chestnut Avenue OPEN TIME ROXBURY 2 rooms and kitchen, fur- AUTOMATIC FOR SALE 2 MODEL 4-SPINDLE CRIDLEZ 8 1 NEW BRITAIN SPINDLE 1 iXk 4-SPINDLE r.Rini.KY 53A (rear) Walnut for 2 people, 4 rooms and bath, first floor. S2Z Cap.

63-ACRE farm, 5-room house and garage, 2 large chicken houses. 200 hens. 1 cow, JULIUS POLLAK SONS nisnen neat. cas. eipc.

rnnt. fnr an tsnen. 0041. 2 business people, $12 a week. 17 Rock- WE have facilities available for a wide variety of machine work; we make our SOUTH BOSTON 2 nice furn.

rms. for JAMAICA PLAIN. 350 Amorv St. 5 rms 141 East 25th New York City, N. Y.

High. 9181. dSu3t s24 4 pigs, fruit trees, beach wagon, farm tools and tractor; on Chester Route 102, from Derry Village, the 7th house M. P. COMPANY.

P. O. Box 445, unhtd, See MRS. FOLEY on ngnt Housekeeping, all heat, light 607 East 7th near st; ring 1st flr, ROXBURY Mod. unite.

24. rjrnvillo apnnsneia, Mass. own moisi jigs, nxiures, ana gauges necessary and have an engineering and premises or call Longwood 7010. aau on left from Beaver Lake; Old Cummings SSU" xumisnea room, cont. not water and gramng service, jjupjuicate PARTS CO.

JAMAICA PLAIN i all improve neaiea. ENGINE DRIVEN GENERATORS iTue farm; seen any time, in formation Somerset 4786. FSu s24 mc, ho ciniorg boston; 0.8902 ments, newly renovated: 2 oaxaaie SUBLET furnished 1 room, kitchenette and bath Com. Ailston. Write ROOM to let for 2 people, well heated.

off Green-St. Station. Che. 2346-R. SSu Illuminatinr Gas.

Gasoline nr nirsrl In Am. OUD. Ciiobe omce. Machinery Must Be Sold by October 1st JAMAICA PLAIN. 74 Spring Park Av.

3 rnO CHIC 300-acre farm. 2 complete line Driven, for All Types or Applications. TWO furnished rooms for light housekeep- sunny basem*nt rooms. $15 a montn. rwii wMkfc.

setg ot DUiidings with stock United States Motors Corp. ins, wren ngnr. ana neat, good neighbor- 1 AMES lathe. 2 Lincoln type millers. 1 Prndurtn miller.

1 1ft" ana mndern tools, located in northwest ATTENTION NECKTIE MANUFACTURERS Send us cut silks, linings and trimmings, we will make up complete: ties, any grade. Prompt deliveries. LODGING HOUSES JAMAICA PLAIN 3 rooms, bath, piazza. LUMBER BUSINESS FOR SALE 1ST CLASS lumber yard In center cf thriving town: no competition: good, rail siding; lumber business established for "0 years; sold at sacrifice, subject to mortgage. Address communications to 217.

Globe office. HOT NUT MACHINE BRAND NEW $123 monel metal eeoker nuoo. nanco*ck orr Hanco*ck, Ever t. VAN HEUSEN FARMS, built in 1740, health spot of distinction, day or permanent, guest house cottages 1-5 large garage, trailer park, buses and trains to all points. Routes 28 and 62.

North Reading; phone 8078. WSuSu S22 aauits. 2Z Adelaide St. Alan Painter. Hanover, Mass.

Hanover 834 planer, ESSEX MACHINE WORKS, Es ern Michigan Climate adaptable for orchards, potatoes, cattle and grain; elec WA.TERTOWN Large, warm priv, JAM. 28 Everett St. 2 alcove. sex, -onn. j.ei.

bayDrooic 73BW. Sud3t b2 nr. cars, reas. wai. uo.

tricity and good running water: reason tuith, cont. hot water. 822. H.vd. 2iifi-w.

BULLDOZER FOR SALE for selling, death In family. ARTHUR JAM. PLAIN 2 rooms, bath, piazza. $23. WINTHROP 1.

2 und 3 nicely furn. ANSORl.f., Cedar Route 2. MirhUan DIAL INDICATORS $7.50 EACH, well-known make for IB cranslon St. CHILDREN TO BOARD Alllit-Cholmers. Model K.

fl.1 h. p. Coll htd, rig. Address 451). Globe.

dSu3t s25 Sunday. 2-0. Wul. Hlflri, Kllot 2140, or and glass display ce, rmui eieetne. for $50: also 100-year-old antique bed com JAMAICA PLAIN 3 largo unfurn.

pleasant rooms, heated, cont. h. janitor NOW I the time to bun consult oar Hat write H. A. McLAUtiHLIN, 118 Wether- 10-ACRE FARM.

$2900 WINTHROP 2-room housekeeping, heat fenso nicchanlca and shops only; orders filled C.p.D. F. S. CARMAN. 6 Florence Rfiliabld Woman will board child over ntw plete with new mattrea.

li.i; noariy 1 I. ur'na nouaeai Dee roaa, waitnam. ea. lei, ucean zuoo. aauot" S2 pad.

Call ampriage. 397B. Su4t s5 service, Al location, would let to miaaie-age couple, must be sober. $35 a month. Write 444, Globe office.

xia rug. 55, including bet Cunningham 0891: no dealers. WEST ROXBURY 4-room tenement for Crystal 1271-W. aauits only, aip St. FSu s24 COPPER TANK 30O 20O L.

TEST LOCATED in central New Hampshire. 8-room colonial house, good condition, electricity, telephone: never failing well water, electric pump, lavatory, large shed, poultry houses. 40 laying pullets and 185 BOARD girl over 4 years, near school and JAMAICA PLAIN 5 rooms, all imps. 3 ROOMS, kitchenette and bath, adults cars. Eooa nome, 90 weeK.


MAHONEY ELECTRICIAN WIRING INSTALLATIONS Somerset HIMt stove heat; top floor. 77 Forbes st. 1 niGH-I'RESSHRE BOILER, VERTICAL, Ll r. 1 i oniy, dus. coupie pi $50.

Am 3715. 3t 624 JAMAICA PLAIN 5 rooms, bath, white cure, irain, Kooa 100a. nich. and $10 wk. Pre.

6947. to lay soon; price for all $2oo. 3(b. Globe office. i ii.

r. TEL. COM. 1780. PLUMBING HEATING OWING to illness one of the oldest ahopa may now be purchased In Boston, higit grade of customers, an opportunity for intelligent.

Industrious plumber to have hi own business and enjoy a steady income. 339. Globe office sink, porch; $25. Lamartine terrace. 3-ROOM fur.

cottage home, step cars. CHILDREN to board, best of care. S3 wk. LEXINGTON- $3.00 week. 6-rm.

all improve- ocean Kevere, FOR WAR WORK OPPORTUNITY fnr r.n.nn iui ovx. oji, suc S1V Country Homes for Security ments; rent $35. Call Arl. 0028-M, ",111 1 4 ROOM completely furnished. $40 SHEET METAL Tool.

Bo.ght nd Sold. Brakes, Sheiri, HOME wanted for father and sons. 3 and WOODWORKINO machinery of all tvnen: Muwi mccuuvb position, salary $50 wklv. MED Wanted, 2-family, 5-6 or 5-5 2 living large kneneru IN an unexploited locality, beyond the w.ius, iiiuiier usea iot mercnanmse nniv yrs. an.

tsig. 148. send us your inquiries. BOSHCO. nam.

nr. iviasa. l.i Farnman st. trom owner. J30, Globe ofhee.

quick turnover; record of past BROOKS, 361 Atlanll. Bolton; Hanco*ck 5200 Sud3t' S20 MOVING By the hr. (not by the rm.) but I WILL BOARD a girl, best home and care, near school, large yd. Arl. 2861.

vw uvB.vM iTjcuiuia, iviysiic 4uiv. SU4t s5 yi.jijiCTa mp. requireq. x- aa. GIQhe office.

Slllt BO noon tide ot nign prices: iarms. unspoiled colonials, ouiet village homes. WEARE PROPERTIES Weare Center, N. H. Telephone 35-tl tne price is tne same.

Ari. iii or (iuu. Su2t 626 ORNAMENTAL NORWAY SPRUCE TREES BOILERS ENGINES, PUMPS SUMMER COTTAGES HOUSES WILL board, children over 2, farm home, or, bus line. MRS. MACFARLAND.

Main Sherborn, tel. Natick MEDFORD 5 mod'n, 3d 4 E. J. MAHONEY MASTER ELECTRICIAN 4 YRS. OLD, $4 for 15 trees delivered LUMBER PLANT WATER POWER.

12 acres, heart of Augusta. suitable for other mfg also sawmill with standing timber for sale to settle estate. M. SHAW JOHNSON, Route 1. Vassal horo, Maine.

WILL PAY HIGHEST CASH PR TOT for hardware, drv good. hoe. W. G. CUNNINGHAM.

283 a Salem wn. tup, aat aaiem iviys. oajo-it. rrumn o. py appoimmenr.

MATT AP AN 6 all improvements. WIRING jobs wanted. Somerset 1100. limit 30 per person. Enclose price with AMERICAN CHEMICAL A73Ct ftlH Mace T3A.4nJA I 1 AT THE KNOLL Cottages for week, week-ends; gas, electric: Andover WOULD like to board my daughter out as pninnaTi fm.

boa A. ir4.A 2 verandas. 4 Violante st Blu. 4714. Master Electrician rusnway.

jyu. vernon roaa, JNorth Keadmg, GRAND VIEW FARM WONDERFUL View of river and countryside, house 7 rooms, barn, shed. 7 acres nice land, high elevation, free from frosts; only $2800; large mortgage can remain. THOMAS W. LOCKE.

Newton. N. H. Dept. 3.

dSul4t sl8 NEWTON 8 rooms; 5, recp. snd bath. 2d 353. Globe office. 2U4t 812 Contractors and Lumbermen recep.

ana patn. 3d 8oa. tug. 4B SING- JOBS WANTED. E.

J. MAHONEY, Som. 1100. Su3t sl2 WILL board child, any age. Call.

Col. 4036. STORE FOR RENT clothing, stores or any merchandise. M. MANOMET.

White Horse Beacli 3-year-old 5-room cottage, ocean front, for sale. Call eves, after 6 p. DAVIS, Cir. 9668. 1 and 4-cyl.

Le Rol engine power saw, rip and cutoff, good cond. Sta. 2555. ROXBURY 5 sun. bath, piazza, new 1 min.

Jam. or sub. cars, to responsible $16 Key S. 2, 32 Amory St. SEIDEN.

105 Winchester Brookline. Su4t 13 IN BUSY N. H. city, Al location and good AIR COMPRESSOR dSu7l 623 YACHTS, MOTORBOATS business. Apply canteen.

Market PortTYirif w. if crii Concrete Mixer 8x8 Fairbanks Se Morse stationary belt WANTED 3-room camp on pond or lake about 10 miles north nt Tlnstnn. PhrmA anven py la H.f. motor. 238.

Globe." ROXBURY 5 rooms, sun parlor, all im-provements; adults, ref.j vac Oct. 1. 25 Rockledge st. rutt 00 uroaaway, somerville; Som, POULTRY FARM, $1800 HENNERY for 1600, 4-room cottage, acre land, handy to bus, mile to town; illustrated folder bargain list free. GEO.

KEEZER. Plaistow. N. H. CANOE.

14-foot, excellent condition; $30, new. P. O. Booc 37. Marstons Mills, tel.

Osterville 2045. SAWMILL AND BOX SHOP WATER POWER sawmill and box shop, near plenty of timber, for sale; adso good market for all product: very reasonable rra. weeKaays; no brokers. BAND SAW ROXBURY 5 unheated, hot and cold water, comp. renovated.

Including GOING BAKERY PLANT KEY BLANKS WITH 24" vhfl riy. Llv9J. At price. JAY E. EMERY.

Franklin. N. H. SUMMER BOARD FOR SALE 22-ft. sloop, 26-ft.

solid mast, good sails to use one season. EDWARD h.h- 124 Green et- nnSSuel- new $21 mo. ua wmthrop st. vuiiuiuuu. uione ottice.

WHOLESALE and retail: also 3-familv house with store: total Innmia tj ram FOR sale, pre-war stock. B. S. 284 Washington Brookline. BUY any business yon like; we will finance the balance yon nrfd aaMaa- SAW TABLE STEEL ROXBURY To let.

4 recently renovated, rent $5 per week. Apply MRS. DOYLE, third floor, 2775 Washington st. NEW HAMPSHIRE jemur, sen iot a3.uin. mi.

ti he office. FOR SALE 16' Winabout sailboat (1 set tially. HARRISON FINANCE IS Tremont Boston Laf. 4809. DUPLEX STEAM PUMP TOP Al condition.

241. lobe. Attractive Dept. For Rent ROXBURY 4 rooms, excellent condition. u3T auz FARMS AND COUNTRY HOMES 12 ROOMS, modern, 44 acres, barn, orchard, horse, cow, tractor.

$3750. SALE Small farm, center of fine New Hampshire town, among best of neighbors; poultry, dairy and eggs sold at your door, house in good repair. 7 rooms and bath, with other buildings; no brokers; $3400, $500 cash. Write 32. office, A-l condition.

236. Globe. LATHES, bench miller, shapers, planers, anil presses, punch cresses. crinrfr sans), in water at Y. tender included, $175.

F. ELLIS. 47 Sea Quincy. Suit sl9 FOR SALE 26-ft. aux.

sailboat, fully IN Sizeahln eWn DUDE RANCH NEW HAMPKHlnr. 4i; gooa location, American adults. Irwin av. off 107 Blue Hill av. 450 THEATRE LEATHER suitable for sportswear, children or shoe ROX.

I-artfe kit'nett. priv. A. C. GET 'TOR.

30 K.V.A., 6003601800, exciter and panel board; Hercules portable crane hoist. 3 cap. 2000 air compressors: WestlnHhouse Type sear SWIMMING, fishing, dancing, horseback oce lviK. aiAiLCX, 406 Boylston st. Bear cutters, screw machines, hardening furnaces, cold saws, bolt and pipe threaders, arbor presses, chain falls, elec.

mo- AND spring-seat cushions, slightly used. large cabin; built 19J9. 246. Globe. riuina.

nuy noes. 1101 mass at ranrh Knn bath, gas. $4.50. 14 Hurkins st. SuW' 26 in storage; must sen: mane oner or part, E.

C. CAMPBELL. 240 Milk t. days; 10O miles from Boston, 3 trains dailv: excellent ftioH. motor, h.

p. 75. 500'3UO. frame 204C, r. tnucKj, collets, dividing heads and many olhcr machines snH Inni.

BEAUTY SHOPPE READVlLL rm. heated mrvl.m. FOR SALE One B-cyl. Chrysler rebuit. GEORGE F.

DUNN, tel. Salem 107. WASHINfJTOW rvf'uiunj p. m. at fun loan jz.n; zo uprignt arm.

back seared power fe'd: rebuilt electric Alice Thomas, HoMtess Ranch; tel. Dan- handy loca.s reas. rent. 40 Prescott st. DOCTOR COMPLETE equipment, price reasonable Tel.

Melrose 4010. Sunday, Melrose 351 1-J. uiny, jm. quid; uosion oince, Ell. Km 12.

winiiiiiKiuu i.ynn; lei. Ly. ft-3'ltJ4. motors, pulleys, shnftlntx. hnnners, H.

ROXBURY. nr. Dudley 3 FSJ? AfcJXih. o. ithrop.

Uke nfw. Write 285. Globe ofilre. MACiirN'Y 4-r. Asher ironer.

newiy reoec; adults; $.1 wk. Hig. STF.P Into 15 yrs practice of rettrinsl M. D. Address 412.

Glob onlce luc.iJur.Kti' "oral' A r. -iTcmnnt Worcester 8. tel. 6-3497. Su3t sl BEAUTIFUL modern country home, 10 rooms, two baths, fireplace, half-m'lo INVESTMENT u-iniunn wnxn.

wjieel. KcnOlHO, ROXBURY, Uimont St. 4V i luwii. traiiji inux.3. niton, im.

in BUSINESS and nnartmenf STAR Class sallbont, eood condition, S250 for quick aula. 02 HillMdo or Kk-rldes Hoot Yard. Shirley Wlnthrop. renovatea. cu in.

after 0 p. in. BOILKRtube. '3H by 'ill. Mver'al larife henllrnt hollers.

smoKratncks. mules. W. LO A I Ci A C1I I KS nTedriielt 5r bucket. 207.

Globe olllif. Cranberry Bog aunt- aula da 4-tm. n.nfii.v ROXBURY, 27 Linwood St. 3 white yrmiy. wruo i' 21111, l.lnlie olm-e FOR RALE 05-acro farm, house and burns.

Sunapee, N. plenty of wood; apringfed pasture: no reasonable oiler refused. Write JAY N. SNELL. Hidden, Mnss.

FSu FA KM for sale, or rent, honjy to Boston. stale It. D. stand. WM.

J7 BLACK. 579 Washington Dedhnm. 5" tT SULLIVAN, Mlddleboro. hTROUT AGENCY. Taun ton St.

Slaine 18th cent. exc. all compL furn. with antiques. 100 Caterson.

Damariscotta Mills. Maine. G. UNNING HAM. Wohum 02711.

sink and bath, low rent. Hig. 7075. MITER nOX $23; 2-20- chuinST $12 Ed. elec.

drills. S40! nin. it 3'4-ACRE crop. T418. Globe office.

WANTFD-Tnvefn. fuH'liquor'Hceon). fi BOATING, fishing. vegetables. milk, cream, ccsrs, chicken.

$14 per week. H. O. WHEELER, Contoocook. N.

H. "of" CJaroVil 'Vr CislcrA "'nT urru KTANIt Willi aub. int ofllrei price ft. Art, Cilolir. ROX.

3 bath, stove heat and oil, $16 hriiHhes. inch isoll nine. R-bhI. Ice rirhanm for family hnu. morta mo.ri'e 52 Blue Hill suite 1.

BARRElt SHOP for aile "in Newtiii7Sl iA "ft avk- 2.1 screw. $B(): sklllsaw, 200; engineer's transit. $175; voltmeter. 08, tjlohe oflU-e. (food and priced rlaht; also outboard motor with electric starter.

WINlSfR H. HIGF.I.OW. 1(K Brtxikllnn turome $82 month. For awt. crenm freezer, ilre btme.

ItUHEKT AUAIK 5I() Broadway, Maiden. IDl'AL place for Fall vacation, comfort-able home, mod. home cooking, beautiful scenery, bus service, rate $18. iimiim. iuuy equippea.

doing woiulerful ROXBURY 2 rooms, bath, all $13 wrile p. E. Olsen. 127 capen rrrn. mo.ADAMS.

4(1 Cedar Han. 4191. lei, iVlMSSHCmiKtlIS. PRINTERS, power and "lever paper cutters, loll 11 ri.i 1 1 .1 .1 ANTED Small buslnosa: prefer shop, rlettrlcnl contrai-tlnc or parkas w.iniii,-o. i-eiuer or uiixinrta cllstrli-t, cash; selling under doctor's irr, tor Informntlun tel.

ljiit. Mm). SuM uai 1 yn-nca. iviouuonooro. n.

SOUTH BOSTON, 380 Broadway 8 clean WANTED 40-50-. cabin cruiser In good condition. mutf Vi min. RESTFUL riort. freh ootTl mllb- yaam liquor store.

270. Globe ortlce FOR SALE Direct connected water wheel and generator, regulator, trannformers. 4000 ft. copper wire, complete plant: 75 ft. 3-ply engine belt, Mason reducing valves: Pratt traps, air compressor: 50 h.

p. vertical and horizontal boilers: water rooms, over store, stove, piazzas, S3.50. SuW s26 i lurnuure. stones, mitre machines and lead cutters, fmt buy. or sell rooming nmur, liquor WILL sell 18 light-housekeeping rooms.

state location and lowest price: full particulars in 1st letter. 53. Globe, nffiw vcciouhw, IHIVMUIS. beds, screened porch, tennis, horseshoes. siore.

llOLLANll, 676 Tremont tel. stitchers, we also buy. sell and ex- SOMERVILLE. Ten Hills 6 rooms, all im 1 1 East Springfield Phone oat run k. men aitituri.

nnri si7 mrq provement, iront oc oacKPorcn. gar. WANTED Auxiliary BEAUTY eauirt. Amrwrn. fF.i.m.i n.av.

NLNGHAM. 378 Atlantic Boston. wheel gears; regulator; cast iron case; Ken. 3 1 00 WANTED Profitable bu1nesa for retired WALLACE RHODEY. Grand View Farm; Hopkinton.

N. H. tel. 12-3. gooa $4u; adults only.

399, Olobe, souna. i Avcta, oy -neisea iiverett. ON SHORE Winnisquam Lake. 5-room cottage, screened in porch, modern improvements, year-round home, garage: $2000. terms.

235 acres shore line on large pond, very secluded, in Dartmouth-Lake Sunapee region, $1300. State road farm. 187 acres, well divided tillage, pasture, woodland: 10-room house, barn. 6heds. running water, sugar orchard, lot wood and timber.

$2300. A. E. LANG LEY, Tilton. N.

H. iov. cnair. etc. Mvs.

6181-M. TiA1AVJVE5wanted: SOMERVILLE 4 all h. w. CRUISER, CRUISER, man. 413.

Globe WSU S22 automatic gas water heater; 6-ft. wood tank with copper coils: blowers. 45" and 25-FT. 8-ft.

beam. Marine Grey Motor, stove. Ice chest, toilet; about $550 or best offer. Las. 4051 or can be WANTED 25 sets of good used booths for stm.

$30. Pro. 4669; call 5-6 p. m. only.

BARGAIN for quick sale, lodging house. BOARD AND ROOMS 12 shafting; hangers: 5 and 75 h. x. cafe, call Pro. osuv.

aa iurenatn noslon. steam engmes; iron pipe: sprinkler valves; seen xne waierxown xacnt ciut. SWAP 6-rm. Brighton, for WANTED A popcorn machine or com- TWO ENGINE lathes. 14-inch step cone with quick change gear and draw-in attachment with a set of collets: also 2 used bench lathes, all in good ACP'y WADE TOOL ITir'Su S23 crignxon or arookiine.

Tel Bea. 0640. BAKERY wanted, doing about $500 wccklj business. Boston or suburbs. 356, Globe.

10O acres alluvial land; 20 h. p. L. generator: 18" link chain escalator. WHIT plete corn crlspet outfit.

3Z. Globe 1 HSKPG. 3 mlns. Kenm. clean, attrac, gas, elec, linen, dishes.

also sgL or dbl. $4 up. Ill Mountford. WILL trade 1S38 Ford sedan for lodging NEY SUPPLY COMPANY. Leominster.

CONTRACTORS wanted for sewing small 68' CRUISER, converted to houseboat: bargain. VERN HART. 296 Freeport st.l Dorchester: Tal. 8707. dSu7t s23 SOMERVILLE, 10 Wallace Street First floor.

3 rooms and Cap. 0041. SOUTH BOSTON Store. 2 rooms, $6 Mass. 1 ai.vVfiiLiiflm S26 house or store Tel.

com. Bza7. learner soras. wallets. Picture frames. 82 liivie. CLOCK (Simplex for iii FOR SALE Metal-cut ing band saw WOULD like to buy small business: tt writing portfolios. Write EDWARD P. PAUL 1133 Broadway, New York. I RM.

h. water, dishes, linen, ice. shwrs montn, yard for car. 157 st. SMALL, farm wanted, 10 or more acres, cheap for cash.

277, Globe office. WSu S22 ANTED Stocked or unstocked dairy farm. 23 miles of Boston. 6-ROOM genuine colonal, Dutch oven, 3 fireplaces. 12 acres, a bargain, $2500.

DlOOMS, 3 poultry houses, 14 acres, 60 r.i.,,A' Room et8, Province complete details. I 01 one orpce. bench milling mnchincK. machinist's bench lathe and drill presses, hydraulic oiti adults. $0.

69 Bonalr; Som. 9010. MISCELLANEOUS SOUTH END 4 rooms and bath, $14 DRUfr STORE, established over f0 years. TvRM. house.

South End. well furnlahed. 12 TAYLOR Off Mllford St. 2-room WANTTO Machine. hanH uimiin.

codd nan, lai. locuted irillrn from Moslem. sc-Mlnir on nlways rented, hot-water heat, new mat steam ana water pumps, air compressors mixers. Mass. standard air tanks, motors.

basem*nt, hrst floor, $4.50 week. account of lllnesB, icauouable. Write tubes, or machinist SOUTH END 3 basem*nt rooms. $10 mo. various other types of maeh.

BERG. DI- ROACHES EXTERMINATED Guar't'd to rid your place of roaches, bedbugs, vermin. SANITARY EXT. Cb.rCom. 787f 1- oj-4.

uione omce. wppiy anaron ret rtan. 4191. "Par lUne' a.43' MARE BERG. 77 Haverhill Laf.

6172. S2tMX. 30 CONCORD SQUARE, Boston Large, attractive square room; clean side rooms, MRS. JACKSON. dSu5t s26 DRUG STORE to rent, fully equipped, boiler, nice home, good income 1 sacrifice.

150, Globe office. 2--CHAIR barber shop equipment inelud lng plumbing ana electrical fixture, willing to sacrifice. Marblehemj 1643-J. TEACHER and wife desire 4-6-rm. apt.

FOR SALE 3 Buck Eye steam engines QSUBOt 81 8 ROOMS. 30 acres, orchard, ideal poultry farm, $3500. lurnuurei iuuniain; est. 10 yrs. som.

4Ui9. aooui can i-ar ijiiYa j. WANTED Delta or Craftsman circular Iron: elevator motor WHITNEY SUPPLY miwDiMv tJi- 45 CONCORD SQ. Fur. hskpg.

rm witn piston valves ana siaing cut on with shaft governors, one left hand en dishes, linen, h. and c. $3: basem*nt. SELL all types drafting supplies, lncl. B.

W. machine, instruments, planimeter, lg. board, etc. 374. Globe office.

$75 DOWN, price $175. rent $50. buy this dSu3t s24 EST. general store, short distance from Portland, grain, groceries, meats, malt beverages, dry goods, hardware, roofing, gas, oil, tires, about $125,000 cash business, complete stock: price WANTED -6-rm. htd.

3 adults, middle Dor -Jam. rent not to ex-ceed $50: by Nov. 1. 370. Globe office.

WANTED To rent in Dedham, Roslin-dale. Forest Hills or Jam. Plain. or rooming nouse. 9 nutiana sr.

gine 340 H.P.. 1 left hand and one right hand engine 270 P. ach. THOMAS E. BATEY.

Box 86. Waltham. Mass. REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE 72-74-102 W. NEWTON ST.

Housekeep- 12 ROOMS, good rent $50, price WANT buy 12 steel tanks, 10,000 to ABL' 9 STANHOPE. 60 East 4 2d New York city. N. Y. ing rooms.

10 siae, $40O. MRS. WAITE. 662 Masa. IT.

FOR SALE ASPHALT mixing plant, ex reasonable: owner has other interevi PHOTOGRAPHS, CAMERAS rms. in good locality. 368, Globe office. ceptionally good condition, reasonable 74-10-11 RUTLAND ST. Kitchenette, 1-2-3-room 2-room basem*nt.

Address Box 72. Globe. dbu3t" s24 price; tel. Lynn a-aazu. SPORTING GOODS WILL sacrifice nearly new skilsaw.

also FOR RENT Store and 3 rooms. 21 Bay buy. sell real estate anywhere. K. D.

Bogoslan. 101 Tremont: Lib. 2855. YOUR CHOICE. 24 homes and invstmnt.

properties. Write fully, Box 2, Newton. Su2t s26 137 BAY STATE RD. -1 double twin WANTED 5 or 6 room oil heated apartment near transportation by adult family of 2. Telephone Highlands 1993.

uorcnesxer. AMP0RO 16 mm. sound projector, equal to new, $425. no priority required. 284.

Globe office. iiisui sonuiiig maenme. wat. 7870. FSu s24 KRAG 30-40 porter and ammunition.

FOR SALE lOOO-gallon water storage tank, practically new; also pump and equipment for artesian well: price reasonable. BOSTON KNITTING MILLS, 217 California Newton; Big. 7460. O. K.

inside and out. 283. Globe. beds, 3 singles, facing river, gentleman's apt. Com.

8 157; d3u3t s25 255 NEWBURY ST. Attrac. single dble. new mgmt. Com.

6039. dSu4t S23 FOR SALE One DeVry projector. Write FINANCE your business through private party; unlimited capital; confidential. P. O.

Box 1 133, Boston. SuW s26 FOR SALE Residence and business, con WALTHAM St. Lodging house for many years; reasonable rent to proper party. Apply at 84 Waltham Tel. 9671 Hub.

is; z.iz. iiote omce. SSu 5-FT. LATHE, lathe parts of all kinds. 70 Benjamin 16" 200 watts shades, bench drill with motor.

D. elec. drill, also longjengths angle iron. Everett 0R44-W. WANTED Target pistol: also target or snorting ritle: must be in new condition.

REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES WANTED 16 mm. sound projector. venient transportation. 11 furn. kit'netta WANTED by quiet married couple, no children, a 2 4 room bealert ant vif.

FORDSON Tractor on rubber: Ferguson double plow 6c disc harrow, $500: come Sunday. EARL SKOG. Farm Millis. Mflunii.ii jviaimn. ntenpurg.

2 ELECTRIC fans. ilwavs occupied, 5 car sttn. $25 for both. 538 MASS. AV.

Front side with or without gas plate, renovated, refs. SSuT s25 Beacon Hill-B. B. -Ailston. 247.

Globe. 234. Globe. Mass. Write 250.

Globe office. 6x30 Bausch Ac Lomb military stereo binoculars. $75: 2 French lightweight Mercies, lady gent's, new. tl6Q. tug.

44.5. 300 Savage rifle, like new, $75: 23 rifle. income huo very iioerai terms, ti 475. Globe office. 70AA F1LMO 1 3.5 lens; Dallameyer 6" 4.5 telephoto; Ememann 35mm with built-in sound recorder.

1000' magazine, ampli- WEYMOUTH 5 first floor, modern. F. E. HOVEY SECOND MORTGAGE LOANS made and cash paid for second mortgages; no delay. Court Cap.

4936. 24" EXHAUST fan, D. C. has been rewound Com. 8646: 615 Albany st.

FOR SALE Beauty- shop fairly 43 montn. within miles of shipyard. 101 Broad st. dSu3t s24 FOR SALE Sun motor analyzer and sun combustion analyzer. THE A SPIN-WALT, GARAGE.

64 Asninwall new, can Mys. 4487-M. developing reel and printer: 35mm Cello long. 200 rounds. $13.

2H, Giooe. WANTED 2-3 apt. heated kitchenette; wiujcuiur wiiu buuiiu nuDiic aaaresa sys Brookline; Lon. 870Q. A SINGLE refined gentleman who travels would like accommodations when in town with an intelligent person; price doesn't matter; confidential.

312. Globe. ATTRACTIVE rm, for business girl; quiet residential section: near everything. After 5 p. Wat.

9357. ThSSu s23 Z39. Globe office. SAFES GUEST house. 28 excellently located.

Coolidge Corner, Brookline: long must be sold bec'se of Illness. T405, Globe. tem; sell lot or any part. BARNETT, 128 Vi Broadway. Newport, R.

I. FOR SALE -yd. gas. Hanson shovel. STORAGE WANTED To lease or sub-lease apt.

9 FACTORIES, STORES, LOFTS suwt- S2 full swing, excellent condition; price $2000. 450. Globe office. 5x7 ENLARGER with lens wanted, no or iu oetn. and Mass.

WE P3 HIGH PRICES for modern USED SAFES. MOSLER SAFE 84 Sudbury st Boston: Cap. 0370. Beacon, water side, or Com'th av. preferred.

Address 336. Globe office. STORAGE CORNER store to let. SI Roxbury st, Rox bury; rent reasonable. ALLSTON Furn.

heated room, next bath, convenient to 2 car lines. Sta. 1732. dSu3t s24 POPCORN SOLD HOT Automatic be coin operated electric machine pops, dispenses in bags. Buy direct.

ELECTRO, Peoria, Illinois. aea lers. fnone leo Ha miiton. Ell. 3406.

16 MM. and sound films, rented exchanged. Fraak Lane, 5 Little BIdg. Su2t sl9 FOR SALE One 6x8 hand elevator, can be used for 2 rr 3-story, almost new. TYNGSBORO ICE 507 Dutton st.

Lowell. Mass. dSu7t S23 WANTED 5-rm. for 3 adults, stm. STORE your furniture In bonded and or h.

w. nt. write 304. Globe office. WANTED A small used house or office licensed storage, pay Dill 3 mos.

later, pay moving 10 days later. Hub. 9689. Mass. FOR SALE 5 boiler sections American.

aaic. uu LaPltOl HaB. asu7t S22 A ht. dishes, linen, ice. $7 gar.

$5 mo. 69 Bonair: Som. 9010. BELMONT Excellent location, one or two rooms, private bath. Bel.

0544. WANTED 3 or 4-room heated apartment, restricted location, 2 adults. Blu. 1453. GARAGE.

Back Bay, 5500 sq. no posts, $125 mo. 190. Globe office. "WSu s23 MFG.

buildings, north of Boston, about 35,000 sq. steam heat, sprinkled, fine rixvlitfht. rail: for sale nt a low price. S-17-36: also some fittings and gate lift furniture moved, nn ft IC.C 4 MU. stored.

bonded; rriUa I 00 0 RADIO MARKET valves. Call MR. LEWIS. Som. 1200.

SEWING MACHINES Wanted by family of 3, 4 or 5 rooms, 8 months to pay. Better Home Storage. or tinnenteq, ny ijcr. 1. 71.

CHobe NEW radio, consoles, CI IAS. W. HOWARD tic SON, 32 Summer POSTAGE stamp prof, part-time enterprise, maehs. pert, cond. ROOMING HOUSE for sale, olf light housekeeping Winter fuel in cellar, all apts.

filled, separate apt, for owner. Call at 632 Dorchester, Uphams Corner. WEST NEWTON Best location, 7500 Ml ft. light, mfg. apHcn, formerly rteanslng plant, will renovate- to suit tenant or sell $4500 cash.

Owner, Axl. bttuo. irrmi. mi 12111 iiyae vnrvi av. FOR SALE One 10 cubic ft.

refrigerator, equipped with Kelvinator refrigeration. Call Pro. O50fl. m- FOtl" SALE Fordsoiv tractor. Call Hyde Park 0504.

Maiden oartz, eves, fro, mnt. (Af A KIT Em used machines, any con-VMn I riitlon Kir. 37U3. WANTED B-rm. apt in South Boston by couple without children, modern Imps.

Call Sou. 4197. TOILET, INVALID ARTICLES WANTED Uoktoiv police auto radio. Call BROOKLINE Attrac. seml-priv.

bath, nr, Coolklgo kit. priv. Lon. R5im. StKl.1t s2fl BROOKLINE Beautifully furnlk'hexTrrMtm in twin beds.

St. Paul 2 girls or couple; must take care of own room. Asp. 1283. floor space, near Boston, 45.000 sq.

joi. vim. loor. heated, sprinkler, rental atone tie WANTED PortaTiie eSectrio sewing machine: no dealers: reasonable. ii.UH.

Wanted Automatic Victrola radio FOR SALE 2-ton, chain hoist, like new. WILL sell a wheelchair la excellent con W. HOWAliU SON. 32 WEST MEDf*ckU or B-room apt. 6 ftl .1,..

Tmc OTA TIaHa alt A.llmfffftN iuaaer Globe office. j. u. cc v. Ai.

con. ulODO. usea very luue. bou. Z'Jlit.

ves. 6-7. aiuou. reaaonaDte price, asp. ijk.

The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts (2024)
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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.