The Baltimore Sun from Baltimore, Maryland (2024)


Turdon Wrlfht, AtlorneT, alarjdaud 'tiut Co, Uuiliimg. TRUSTEE'S SALE VALUABLE STOCK, nHloO1 RKAI.ED Bins. In dupH''ata, endow "Pro-nosals lia picavattniz. cuniiiiKvlv illslalluia ana Today's Almanac For Baltimore liarknlliiig the forty-fight (41 inrn sm'tion mini Baltimore Weather Report Severity-fifth Meridian Time) Opening; for me as minion runiimia manon, ihiiw nn AM Mnnn rlra. ft- A to the B.rd of Awairls of Hslilniom tiltjr will Sua K7 I'M, Sept.

14 and 21 Nhum S.ftO I'M he rrieivnl at the onirsi ol tn Uity iuimiet t'liilnl Malm Weather Pilies'i, llb'erwr'a Regiater NOW High flfllcp, llaltiuioir! mlnill llmie. 11, lily Mull. Baltimore, until 11 r.,.! 'I'im. tt 'HI IN KS fl A Y.

MKPTMI 5 02 A.M., 5 03 P.M Double End Type Ferry Jersey Shore Given Trial And Put. In Service It 11)31. at whtcU time tiiev will i wo- PHANKH lir Till! MlllIN Vltl HFt'TKMHKII Chadford Aparlmcnls Reported Bought By Gillct Realty Corporation The Chadford Apartments. Univer r.n..t.u.l mwl rurl nlana mnA form nf nronilSSl W8V FIXTURES AND OFFICE FURNITURE, AUTOMO-BILES, OF TUB AMERICAN HAT SHOrS, INCORPORATED In Hanknipuy. To Sold in IMir (SalMrootna 10a HOPKINS PLACE lit.

ii'il I I iinarld wuoti SUth I iNr mouu Uth if ti ii tl Ii ll a3 3 r1 na (iDruiueii at; me tmir. ui iw li.jn Mimir im rr, ill ia nil. Daimimre Mil, on and fpntwiihar 11, lll.ll. A rlianir Position! Secured for Graduate A number of Boltimorcans altpndprl TheWealher the trial trio of tha new ferrv Jersev sity Parkway and Roland avenue, ave tn of miiBcuoiu ana una amount win uui be refunded. AM.

hit musr irromMnim ny a rcmnm Slioro, belonBinc to the Delaware-New 1 I I 7 I IM I HI I NV I A fsj 7ii Wl I a 7 fl a I I rlur I lear cinir changed ownership, according to an N.KIII wheit it haa been runotrd for oonremenca of aalr heck nf the birlrlsr drawn on a t'learina-lioiMr Forecast for Baltimore, Maryland and District of Columbia Generally fair P.M, Jersey Ferry Company, of Wilmington, announcement yesterday. bank to tlie order of the JMaynr and I'ltv iv.iini-ll nf Bsltimora, In the amount of Fl jjci. me boat is a departure from the THURSDAY, SEPT. 10 AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M.

The property has been acquired by Temperatures Nnrmal 70 M'lKiuiuni Mean 80 I HIImikmi Dollars i.hiu.iii. Rond in th amount of the wntrael Prioe will H.1 Ufa h- nt iha iiffpRfcful bidder. the Gillet Realty Corporation for a and rontinup'i vartu today and to titorroui. General Condition! accepted type of ferry, being designed for vehicles only. The ferry is of the double-end type and is eouinned with (Inaaea In Ore a fihnrthiinil, Mecrclnrial.

'l oin T.rpeH rlt-Ing, liiiokkecnlna; and Ae Liigliah, and other uhjxrta, Iteglater now for DnT or N'lirht Nrhoof, Svvr tdiiaaea formlnj; fnr Sept. 14 and SI. Call, write, nr phone l'JH for catnloiriie E. H. NORMAN, Pre.ldent Baltimore Business College Baltimore A Light Baltimore By Tirtue of in order nf the I'nltct, Put The Hoard of Auaids reserves I In light to i Mirtf-t i nun inr iNbiiirt aim.

ami. in Hourly Temperatures Why pay more than' HOUSEHOLD'S low The nationally known Household Loan Plan offers cash loans of $50 to $300 to husbands and wives at reasonable rate. Loans above $100 and up to $300 are made at a rata almost one-third lower than the usual small-loan rate. Strictly confidential. No inquiries are made of friends, relatives or tradespeople.

The only signatures required are those of husband and wife. No endorsers are necessary. HOUSEHOLD reject any or all nuts. the matter ot Anieiirn tut Shims, in linnkitiotty. the Trutey wilt 11 HI it Washington Diesel engine of the dou- k.

host. aln-41. Water Kngiiifer. The tropical disturbance is moving alov, oil that of ttttn-k. ett, consinting rie-end, double-clutch type.

This forrv price said to be in the neighborhood of $250,000 in wan from the Chadford Apartments Company. Improving a lot having a frontage of approximately 1D2 fect on University til on I'J HI till ST rapidly westward with increasing in I'. 1. iH'HICk' (ll' I'HK ARCHIKCT 0 THE went Into service yesterday. 5 It A.

7 A. a. 10 A. tl A. Nnnll 1 IV 'A 1'1'l'i II WhhIuiiuIoii 11.

11.. Nelit. H. l'Ml tensity and is now central in the ui hbu, rixinrt'n. (irrite riunnnit.

tc, ONE CHEVROLET TRUCK ONE HUDSON COACH Scaled bitla will be opened in this office, at l. M. Kaatein st.induul time. October 21. 1 13 1 0 Port Paragraphs Tlie steamer Dictator cleared yester for the construction of the new United State Caribbean Sea, about 75 miles south of Swan Island.

It will likely pus 10 I', the building is a four-story brick structure, containing 62 suites of Ntinrenie Omrt HiiiirniiB, lo he nuut on nnnnrea Tenna Cash, linirtenatfl removal. HIVING B. GltAMJHUKJ 17 tliil I'M. Wastilnaton, v. ma nuiiuma designed will occupy apprnxirjiatriy nirMsw 1'rufftea.

n. rynrr a in day for Port Williams, N. to load apples for Newcastle, England, and the Oradcll, for St. John, N. to iMai fret, with approximately ao.uou ariuarc Weather Bulletin (Seventy-fifth Meridian Time) MatH nf tha WNtliw at.

1. Si ami Ilia lilali- AucliunMia, PEABODY aiaiuonai mi terraces ana cinreweya, ceuirai itortlons, five itoriea and basem*nt; aide portions, three stories and baaetnent: fireproof con ami t.iiiiii'iiiii.a rn'ordtil iltiiina tlir lav ni me aiiniutia ninni'd uoiuw; men. struction, with maihle tucing. Drawing's and MneciHcations. not exceeding tliree acta, may be Atlmiliu City.

inland over British Honduras. The northern disturbance has moved northeastward to the Hudson Strait and pressure remains low thence southwefitwai'd to Mexico and California, The disturbance from Alaska is moving southeastward over the district of Mackenzie, while the disturbance over Newfoundland has re Conservatory apartments, According to the announcement the building will be managed by the purchasing concern, which has concentrated its entire staff, including its executive, management and accounting departments, at 810 North Charles street. Other apartment houses con- iivfninecl at the (mice ol the Arcuitect ol tne the diacieticn of Raid architect by any sutisfsctorv aenersl contractor. A deposit ot 103 Hopkins Place, Thursday, September 10th at 10 o'clock A. M.

Peremptory Sale Of Bankrupt Stock of Dunn Plumbing Supply Co. if mi at inrt r4 on i Director. one hundred dollars ISKXJl will be reuuited tot iacn set or qrawinica and specineations to inaure i Trillin in euuu cuimuiuu. i iieinxiib iuubi check nmde payable to the order of Ilavld he Architect ot the uanltol. uaiiu, mained almost stationary, but with 7ll ft III! SS 01 HO III HI' 7S 114 till i II- rchitert ot the I'apitnl.

as-nt load potatoes for Havana, Both steamers have been In the banana trade for several months. Food exports reported by the Maritime Exchange for the week ended yesterday included 76D barrels of flour. No grain was exported. Brcwcrton channel lighted buoy 8B, which was removed for dredging machines, has been replaced. Merwyn Aleck ap Rys Pryce was a passenfjer on the tanker Elisha Walker from Aruba, Mr.

Pryce, who is employed at Maracaibo, Venezuela, with the oil interests, comes North to attend Bathtubt. Lavatariei. Wash Bnin tolled by the corporation include Che diminished intensity. Pressure re Botuls, Toilet Scots, Lead, Bros ond Warrington Apartments at 3908 North MUNICIPAL NOTICES (99) mains relatively hiKh over the Ohio al ar I'rtitly rloiiiH I'arllv cliilnl.v. I'm My dnliily, .1 'lear 'Ii-ar.

.1 tear Enameled Fittings, Toilet Accessories, Charles street, and the Lalrobe Apart HMVltoll llllirnlii lllllllNliUI t'liiraui) CiiH'inuali 1 llMIV'lT I let mil (liihi'Mon Ilatlrraa Anuvh'a. Mi'iniilna Miami Mium'aixilia NVw Oili-au. Ni. Vnrk llkhihi'iiia I'ity, PilUhtlliitl Itiilf'ifrh Itirlimniiil Hi. I.nnnv Hull Uk t'llv.

'I'mnim Waslillistiin THREE CONVENIENT OFFICES: 15th Floor, Fidelity Building, Charles and Lexington Streets. Phone: Plaza 2654. Srd Floor, First National Bank Light and Redwood Streets. aptfola, plain and combination, Rub- ments, Charles and Read streets, IKPAHTMKNT OF TBUO XVOBKS HUHKAU Of BUIUHNGS. TO WHOM IT MAT Annlif.

oer Hose, all sites, (Jas Fittings, Gas mt Ti (IM a III Ranges, White Lead, Lead TrapsA Exchange of the Jess Walker farm on Setter Connections, Sewer Fittings, i ti. -j Mt. Vernoa Flaca and f'linrlei St. I'hone Vcraou 5ol)S fnIndlnff FRF.PABATOKV DEPT. Virainia Blackhead, Supt.

81 Mt. Vernon I'laia PUoiie Veruoa 000a Its endowment enables It to offer exceptional nrtvnnluitf for Mul-al Culture In all lira ilea and Hranchea. SPECIAL COURSES IN THE PRINCIPLES OF TEACHING FAH. TERM HKOINS OCTOBER 1st rluaa and Prlvnle r.eaaona Apply hi'L. 11 M.

and 4 1'. M. Circulars on Request tfnn will be mnrte to the Citv Couucil 10 dive after dHt of thin notiee (or an Ordinance, iierinittinfl- the estnhlisbttfpnt of DriTe-in Fill-in Station with 10 1 WHI gal. Tanks and 10 runiins tin piPitiiSKa S. W.

Jakfivnuil Ave. r.r,W T. C(-, iiuwmu yacht races at Port William, L. I. and Plumbers' Tools, and other articles "unty' owned by Martin and Lillian Valley and the Southern Appalachian Region.

The weather will be generally fair and continued warm during the next two days except for local showers in Southern Florida. Winds off Atlantic Const: North of Sandy Hook and Sandy Hook to Hat-teras, gentle to moderate southwest or west; Hatteras to Florida Straits, moderate shifting over south portion and moderate northeast over north portion; fresh off the coast. i Kappr Place, Zaiic Snrt onimrrnal area too numerous to mention vertaininam: "esion, lor me dwelling property 7N ss mi Pbone: Plaza lObi 2nd Floor, 209 N. Liberty Street. Phone: Plaza 01G6.

Loans Made in Nearby Towns. to a large and complete' Plumbing at 3109 Virginia auenue, Dorchester PARDON APPLICATIONS (101a) Wfiitlirr anrl Wlnil at P. M.t TVIawarf iitpply Mouse. Heights, owned by Gabriel and Annu Transatlantic Mail And Passenger Schedule HrcikwaliT. i-li-ar.

wit. a Itllli'a. tlfl me aoove stock will be sold in large ska ih mtlhH.I. A imlrft. RTA'I'R OV MATtTf.AXn.

r. 1 xvitiils on Hav. norm or rivmmar iw'fl 11 trie tritue. aai.Hlnz OFFICE OF THK IX WA OF STATU! Irf-r, notl L'l hnura: lifllHa to iim.1f.rala annul Terms Cosli. Immediate removal.

ivritl, nr Heal. TO A LI WHOM IT MAY roNCFRV: change department of the Realty Mart, brokers. The farm contains 107 acres, improved with a dwelling, filling sta iV. B. Lobe Aucts.

N'otir-e ig hprt'bv aiven that annlication ha Npw York Bureau of The Sunl NW Vnrk. Hflit, ill TRAY EX bemi made tn Ihe iOTpmnr of Maryland for tilt-pardon or parole of CLINTON h. SMITH, who IMPIIBTANT SALP: tion, store and outbuildings, the Vir tir iiH 1 1 and f'iBr tpmrra anti Irom llita poit art nn inUuvv' was f-onvicten at the January term. or the VALUARr.K I.KASKIHIl.H fnnpPRTT. Stop Worry! BRYANT STRATTON ginia avenue dwelling being on a fee- i rimmni t-ourt ror Baltimore ity ol ronnprs and ftpntenced to aerre 4 yeara In the Maryland Ppnitentiarv.

riff IV K'Hiicfl Murro hpidombrr 3 i I Ivnioiit h. simple lot 150 by 120 feet. The con Ji i i ii Intelligence Port Baltimore COLLEGE The Jmprnor will take tin tliff saM en for IRiaht uf Orpciiuiount Ar. (1ft 'Jlth St.) Tn be Sold on thf Prenilara THUBSIIAV. 10TH, ATI i Kim Ni'iiUna Brrmrni Aiig'iflt nnai derifiioii on rr alter Nl.rTKSlKhll J4 sideration was about $12,300, it was re- Yoar Bills SATI.KI) KDNKSIiAY ur.ii, until wiiifti time tntiteat against mien pi Tt" 'rontaiia ot Hi feiH bj a dftilh of nnrtpH SO fwt, mors nr lr.

mil I. knmnl poi M.U. rlin or ratrnle will he hoard and the rwners fllen Anintiran Hlnpiw, IMyjuouth, and Hanililiw, Falllilillirl. fivmmilll. rtrhnnrir mi.l intim will bo oihp for i ui iwc tion at the discretion of untPH I IV li' I I IV 1 the Governor.

1 ftTiS'? lnJhe, ubJt'' aaaniiaai I The two-and-a-half-story shingle Worry causes wrinkles, gray hair, Viilrania, t'amipa, ami TrifniR. Aijuiuiuia, itiHilmuig mul rti.iiLliaui.iUin, i (Suppiied by United Slates Coast anrl Geodetic Surrey) By order nr the Grtvemor, DAVID C. WINEltURNNKH. RH, It Secretary of State, CLASSES NOW FORMING INt Orceir Shorthand, Touch Typewriting, Hunk. ktMM)ing, Wnlt.ori Acct.nntiiia, Hectetarial (itfiee Trainina.

Dictaphone and Filing, DAY AND HVUNINd NI5NSIONS Call, Wrlta or Phone PLAZA 5626 for Catalog "8." Charles and Fayette Streets "Seleot tha School That Can Place You." hasty tempers, Stop worry lenna mum piamtnation of titia in so cottage ana two-car garage at i -THF. TIIIKS- IHIU THI'HHDAY ing. Pay your bills. We'll lend you Nnnily purchaser at tima of tale. Queen Anne road, Windsor Hills, was STATU UV MARYLAND Kuropa.

Brmint MpptcunlMrr 4 tig South a ni i Muti ani ninrln)iiii7. OFFICK OF THK MKf'lt hTAUl' OF STATE the money and you can repay us in Tlioiiiau Point. A. M. I'.

M. 2.V7 2 'J7 17 mt Tnrr. Mfllniiry. A. M.

I'. M. a.oj IK! J1.32 11.111 at.6.8,9.l0i Aitiooe''ri sold at auction for $8,600 in fee to Clivrlt.d Mainhitrir AiiBiwt, 3rt ia Bou A. M. M.

-J7 10 17 llll Hlk'll l.uw TO ALL WHOM TT MAY rONrERN; Floride E. Gilmer through T. Newell logne, (rtlvvay, Jlahtfii and Jdton, pub ku ida Sotico is herebv aiven that ruii leation tins ins nni'Kivs pi a pr I. UNltEDKEMi it j-im ACCOUNT auctioneers, ine nouse comainn Bcii'tigaiia Sopttmhar ti 'hiM iHtiiro: mnion or parole or lky p. junks, who small monthly amounts.

LOANS OF $10 TO $300 NO FEES OR DEDUCTIONS I PRIVATE ARRANGEMENTS NO OUTSIDE SIGNERS a I Spplt'lllllIT 0 Girls' Latin School Bll.u 'ftUiVN LIIAiN LI was conTicted at the January term, of the three apartments. Sale was for Charles ln rsiilrnr JtomffvrTt, Tffuiihntir SrtflrlJlu, 1 tl Alto riedKO at MvUiaatui 11 N. Gar St rlmmai Court for timore Cits ot murder Stmr. CITV OH' SOUPOI.K. Rose, from llanr mthampUrti (Iherhimig and CnUh.

B. HoiTnian, trustee. iiiiii.ii nave iimi'ii iner. TrK.SIiAY. Stl'T.

IS. AT 1(( A. M. tuirg via Havre and Nurtolk; mails, pansengcis and neneral. to Haltillioie degree, and sentenced to at ire 10 years in the Mar land Penitentiary.

The UoTpnior will take up the Raid esse for 10 Club Road, Roland Park Mpn'a and Women's t'lcthitia. Mrniml In Vallaea and Miactllaneoun College Preparatory Cultural Courses. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS muw decision on or an-cr nir i viMUVAt 1. VM1. until which time Droteat airBinst such nar- to Mil (jrauoaj.

UIKJU8. ALSO ONHiMP PAT AT 1 don or parole will be heard and the papers flJed Company. At Clinton llHlltuad Pier 2. Cautnli. Hlmr.

WALK Ell. Olscll. fniulAlubn: aasnlliie. to Wilbur 1- Hplce ck Inc. At American Oil Coinrnniy winks.

Citrils Inv-Stllir. I.I.KM WllHI Alcliisim, 1 1 "in JSicholsvilt ore, lu Robert Herd tne, At HnarinwB Point You'll be surprised to learn how easily a loan can be arranged. Our friendlv and courteous service has a Dlainuiids. Watcliea. Jewelry and Miaccjlanamu wm be ohti for inspection, at the di.scittkm ot Baltimore City Slmr.

HRICMSO.V. Iieland. from Philadelphia: and iMsscugi'it, to Kilcason Line land Mailed on Mntur I'l I NAM fiom Norfolk: genual to Nurtnlk, Halllnioie and Cartilina Line land "'sailed on letiun), Motor VICTOR LYNN Masne. from Nilllsbiliy; geiiprul, to Victor Lynn tisnspwiutioii taiiy (and sailed mi iciurni. ici i Moiur VEI'llnil; Nil 'J frnin Ravnnne.

N. J. nil. to master. At Meahoard Terminals Corpora- i1 linn.

i Scbr. S'lEPIIKN A. Cll ASM. Ilusik: water- Jllcllnns i ug VTMl I'llll. with halve, from PIlilHurliihla.

Mir 1HH'. i ii Pine New Gymnasium. Register Now 'ntnlnjr. Chesapeake 7718. 1 'i HfOlOlllliPT 9.

An K'lca. Team fVh SIMl'SOX'S LOAN Biokna. sSxUt X. B. I.ulili A A in i order of the 1 1 DAVID C.

WINKRRFNNER 3D. at Swretary of heloed many when they needed money aikkn sium jonri v. Hiwnan i i tirta. ttiiiil lit r. Xi, A 1 .11 1 AVIt nr lir'iilnim Stmr.

VANSAIIOL.VI 1 (Hwcd.l, 1 NilMcm. from quickly, sit can help you, too. Come Uotbenihurg; wnorlntllp, lu ruiness, iviiny a Co. Ltd At Caulon Itailrnad 1'icr II, Canluu. ICnlimtx In riiiiunl Ii.

Ititlit. NTATH OF M4nTr.A'l jMMu-niHiiii (t.w.l, Miiiulmrg Heiiteuibae a Via Niuihaniiiton and ('hfirtHnu iJi Uwiuiliu (irHlirulHirg Hipiemtar DO ID SATUHIUY KniidtiiT.ko fPoU. Augiidt HI tIr in- llMBWIt. PI'W BMN0AY fViliffeTnlft ttliuwuwr it-mlsyir 4 fja Bfl- I fa.Ht. Jiil(ni(1eiTy and UmUmt t'unniiiiii mil.hani,Lou fctepl ember 0 via I HH'I-lHltlrg, i 'I BnlgenUnrl (BrJ, warn 1 Miiewibar 4 iia ir Minilhainntin and i' DicAdm d.m-i, Miwinem via Cliir- tKMMif and Cobh, 1 im--" IVitHMrW Hfftr.t, Brwnpn fitrttiher 9 fia Bnti-lnn and Halirn), (' '1 L'oicm C'mina Vigv and Ma i vaiia.

DTW Mt.NHAY fVtrir fRr.l, Tjnntol Si't'tmrifTt- ft Tin fhhlu-'i ituifil(ahda. Und.ti ftftiilpmhar ft via BoiiUiiiiitt. EATON BURNETT II.MTK11 STA'I'KS SAT.E Div BKKCll A 3-'U ri'ili'iirk Hn OFFICE OF '1U: HKCRL'i'AUK OF STA'i'i- Stmr. Hnone, lioni I'hiladcliiliiii i to Warali K. Wakaonrr, r.r.

tricl pf Maryland By virtuiw of an nnler of Mle IP'neial, lo liii'tn Line (ami eniuu on re ttl'iil. HUM-- Minma rO ALL WHOM IT MAY rONTKUX! iHsueo out or tru united Slates llwlrict I'mirt for the District ot ilnryland. on the Hid dv of to Harvey I). Kit-krl. a.i.

Ktiil. Aotu-e la hereby mvoii that anmicatmn hn BUSINESS COLLEGE, INC. Hi I 1 1 KI1N I. A HE ember, 1IKI1, notice ia hereby given that I will hen made to the nifvenmr of Maryland for the Waxrimn, A. 1., 7 and 9 E.

Biiltlmora St. Plata 1453 iMrdon or rroie ot Harry Brown, who was eon wen (fy r.unoo auclltn. Itr caKIl, on In Ainenran. llirlll, II. a r.

L't Mlmr IHwcd 1, AsUnf, for Vanrniiiar, vie ted at the Mpnteniher tprm. tJIMO of tha limi niiv jnin iAi in' Mr I r.AI IllvK SECRETARIAL, STENOGRAPHIC, BOOKKEEPING, ACCOUNTING COURSES Ill VII Ml' IIIJIl Maiiiio. I-: c. halls-i. by llamsav Hi arlcll A nal Court for Baltimore City of larceny and it 1..

Day and Night School. Send for Gatalouua. Slmr I S'l KA LTV ffler I. Von Nelhen, fnr Kiemen' na Nuriulk I by satttt, Ctf. l.luvd.

-J i Slmr, HKIiliKR NIIEUr HaiTiMi for Tniniiii: Iiv the Coilman Coiuirany. 1 Stlnr.i VEltoNA INur Thorhlnrlcu.i for hi AlMfcritran. 1 hiitr. II. a Stmr.

I fir t. Proud, fnr St. John. m.ll. at 11 oVIrek at: t'nnsl llitnni Curtl Kay, Mdi, Ihe Ui.

S. Norma, her Iioilos, inacltitiery. hm1, lackle. a.t-parel. eppurtrnuncea anrl fimiilnte fta, rhe now tpmpnt-exi: to eerve two years in tne Maryland HmiHj of ('ort'ectinn.

h.illasl,1 by lnited li'rult Ill I I Maimea.l ITie fiovprnor will tnk lin ih nM rasp for VVaxinan, A A triiK.L tn Anihi ican I 111 II. Stmr, V.VSAIIOI.VI iMoed I Niln Mr Ms SHORT HAND IN 30 DAYS SECRETARIAL TRUV1VO DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES nnai awiaion on or atref ae Member 1 1. Win lie Ulvll. w. I'l ii.m kii, iiniied Stnlea

Iisracns; ballast, by Lna Prim, ci Kl nrttil which time anaiiist aurh (mrdrm vanitah: cargo transii. by rurucHS, viiiny A Lid. M. l.intr. A A ucttoneehv at 7 II) 1 l.lHi 'j.

Mil KXTWillill I L'llll Kamnel Cinrk- or. parole will hp tieard and the rapp filed will in, phone or write for full tion. There's no obligation, of course. i Tune in on WCAO for our program tvery Tuesday evening at 10 o'cZock. THE MASTER LOAN SERVICE Three Convenient Locations: 355 Calvert Building Calvert 3252 (Mr.

Smith in Charge) 12 E. Lexington St. Plaza 7819 (Mr. Pumphrey in Charge) mi! ojn ior inspection at tne disci etion ot tne etr. tn William McKlnley.

iiniratoit, tr.r.! nm. Shorthand, Typinn, Piling, English, Off lea Prae tic. Individual Initrurtlon. A. 8.

GILL, Dir. a 1 1. f'llK'UHV llll. AV'ri nr llann.i-r rl By T. W.

HOnllS INC. I 11 1 1 1 'Swed fie- Snvannali 110111 GILL SCHOOL Slinis JMKAI.I.A 'ri iuuin via nil, i 1 i X- 1 order of the Hovprnor. DAVID P. IM'flR FNNKR nn it'- Ji1'1 -wiw Secretary of Mary tl. MeCuriniuk el al.

ti 'the laaasr: I.HAV Icr Van, imer II c. ami Snn lun lis New Vork (not. prernaislt. 810 N. Clwrlea tit.

Vernon B71S WARE110US K.MAN 'S SALE w.u'ihn uY." Y.V Inlk CM AKTEIt CAN'I uir new it Vnik VERONA "INur.j, for llHiiicnii; I llii'i lor Hitmen na STAT OK MARY1 AND at. iihmvhiii, eu it, inunii I Keninrv. ar At. ,4 1 OFFICE OF 11115 SI5CRETAKV OF HTATi; II liSAPliAKE BAY RUPOirrS farueta, rata, drapea, bouaehnM f'lrnitnre and! IHM.I'IIIN nr. Myrtle e.

effects. I'l ia lo notifv the tallowum uartius J. Utility lo Marian Hear- TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONPKRN: HOTELS AND RESORTS (103) ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. from f'lmrlfwtfvn P.

utinr. KtumHIfi, rOVK POINT, Mf. Tleir. Ilitbt north. A ol ice is heiy Riven that armhcatinn has I llllt r.eSllfkH tl' fiat I'tliUlllHIlhlaf.

that we will sell fnr account of I liey. ff.r. 'U. 7HII. CHESAPEAKE CARPET CLEANING um'Eii iwi4--wiiiimi twiwenck.

Mnwti 0 JJ mint. iw jimiie, vn oeen mane to ine uovernor oi njttryiaria lor tue Pdritifil (iiii A. mnir, J. M. In rijrfjre.r.

fnr Ijat'iMiin. (Hi JSepleiubBf ft via tjirhti, tvniway and Boaion. AniPiii'ttit Wp(rihwr 4. 1 N'tiMiw AmHiiirilan. RottMnUiu ftcptumtiut via ilwuiuuite and DPR TI'MPOAV (Mymiitn (Hp Houtluii.t'Uiii ua Cllirhourfl.

AtigiiMim (ti (Jflnoa. hptmibr 4 tia Napb. -Pitmident Tolk, world nmla. DOS WKDNKRT)AT Mtlwaiike fOfir.j, Numbing September via Biriilogiif and Cobb. TO BAITi TIKTHSnAY Hamburg', (Jherbmijg, tioutbaiiiiilou and iiam-biirg.

Tomiilva, Botiprdara. ZhihiliIw, 'ImaiilH, Dakar, Bathuiat, Freetown, rt. City nf Fidrbnry, rrvrmnhafrfn, Btoolch(ilia, Hcl- fftitki nnd l4ntiigiad. City Ituliimoip, fmm Baltimnn and Norfolk 1u IUtih and llmnrryrg. Wildmilula, Vtiim 'JuiVii.

tlrncral vm Steuben, RoutMmvUmt Bouloffrio and. Bremen. Laiayetia, riymaitfh and Ilanrra, nn marr, BMrrnaT raon or naroie i'aui cimnev. no was eon- CAI'K J.FNny. VA-R A.

W. rlonr. nncih AND STORAGE COMPANY ictel at the May term. 11)31. of the Criminal EDMONHSON iMi07 I'aul ().

Knim- I'uwtii Cnrlv.K. Court ftr Baltimore Pity of attempt at burglary wall, lo jiascpli ii. urieancaer, YOKKIOWN. flpt. ArrlTM.

nrhr. Clurmiw Try CLARENDON null's; noon, i-icur, norinweat, nine; v. plfftr, 4 mih'd. ufkKLHl A. iimr, GAommnna Wewna.

c.r. anil And to serve six month a in the Halti- Jul laud, cifimioim, Iwm JtHliuuoi. and within the premiwa. 1710 EDMONDSON AVENUE, ON EIi.MONIlHON UII07 II. moie City Jail.

The (Jovprnor will fik-A ihn Mid pan for, 212 Equitable Building Plaza 4124 SAIL Kl) FOII A LT I lirieaackcr to I am ti. ronnwalt. a.r. EL1.WOOD l'JSH N. Nellie V.

lri lo William Ii Uonohlle. a.r. 4. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1931, nnai nerision on or a iter ftepreniDer i xv.ii, until which time protest ajjainat such pardon (Mr. Long in Charge) Stmr.

Mnryland IBr.t. Indcm 8th. Htinr. IVmbi. Iirouiceso filh.

F.1.MVf)IU e.a, nr. lliddle at. Virginia Ave. Half Block to Baach A Steel Pier Special September Rates DOUBLE $49 PER WEEK SINGLE S25 PER WEEK $4 PER DAY. INCLUDING ALL MEAL8.

RUNNING WATER IN EVERY ROOM. AT 10 O'CLOCK A. John C. Arrhhnld, Cnrpus Chrlitl lh. Htinr.

O. 'V. Waring, Houston 4tll. Stmr. fkin Felipe, via Charleston and Norfolk, llth.

in- paroie win db nearn ana tne papern nien will he open for inapectiou at tlie dircretioa ot Slmr. HtM'l Slniincr, via Turk and TUili, tMlliam h. JJonoliue to til in Arthur, r. Wl All household effects, earners, niea. atorerl iu uieii eiTiva namea ior atiraoe.

Ill A 1KIAII i. 1 lot Inliii 1. Illley di lplila, llnston bill. Slmr. I'st iHhi'iiv, im Angela.

3d. Slmr. Atlanl Oil, Mubile (itli. aceordunce with th. law: uie 'iovernor.

By order of the Governor. DAVID C. WLNKHRPNNER 8D, It Secretary of State. I I r.lnH.,,, lloaltv Cn a I'V 1100 Htinr. Innoko, Ile, via Norfolk.

New Turk 0th. Slmr. I'eninar, Nintroin, New lurk Iflli. P.O. J.

Alton! C41UB. FALLS UOAIJ, I.lnden llialty Co. ft'H )J. .1 Beilloril; to Jiywnh ll.mbnraer. a.r.

taa.SO All HIVED FROM BALTIMORE 8T. CHARLES PLACE Near Beach ujiwi, ti ijee: uriuai'. uaucTninor. rwu STATE OP MAItYT.AlVn OFFICE OF THE SECKETAK OF ISTAl'K f'ohimhiin, T1ymuu(lt, aud Bremen. in ti.stu ir i to (leome C.

Senhert. r. M. rlir. rwuu ii L.tyPJ Vl0'" nr.

t'liapc .1. CjiM2- 8. Coleman; Welwr tn Htwanl F. Potla. a.r.

45. Slmr. .1. A. Moffell, New Oilcans Bih.

Hlmr. ArtiKfls, Martinn, 8tinr. Winona County, ilsncjicsler ttih. Slmr. Antlctsni, Houston Tth.

Stmr, Sidney M. Ilauplinan, Hun Francisco 81.11. Stmr. Conatanc. Chandler.

SatannaJi Hth, Home comforts, eaoallnrit table. Writ. TO ALT, WHOM IT MAY TONrERV- LOANS UP TO $300 No outside endorsers. Easy repay merits. Balance canceled in case of death, loss of Limb or sight Phone Calvert 0677-0678 FRANKLIN PLAN OP BALTIMORE 106 PARK AVE.

Notice- ii hereby triven that flimlication haft fciniX NTfaVi.VZe?.V,iiV,0i5' Or.KNAIOllH AVR. K. Tied- Amenuun iiaiigpr, wswoij, Ii vt on, 1'atifia and I'iiipoji. flat Boa Inn. I'pniiland, IMymimih.

CiKrhoniiig arid Antwerp, MaJcnUc, Cbiubfriurg and HouLbomptflo, lin dn l'flni. Hlvinmith ajd ilcrr. foe booklet. Moderate rates, $4 and up dally. BATH INQ FROM HOTEL Schocnthal Wirtschafter Co.

been made to tlie Governor of Maryland for the MOKANDA IJrlreoll" nwu noimlaa- (i. rtunn: ai'fj partion, iiarote or reducnon of Bentence 01 I IJ If 1 Iranau li. Ii t- glmr. Qllskrr City, Baltimore for Imdon, tailed Slmr. Paeine Pine, Belllnghara, for Baltimore, r448 A ifSi GKKPN SI-RINO AVK gtlMI-Tllle O.ia,- JJ'HL' antea and Trust Co.

to Maratoaa fi. arid Con (irnndft, fjibraliar. a plea and Genoa. HHinarlM, iiarra and. fornlon.

the May term, lfti'8, the Criminal Court for Boston Si h. at. New yolk Ht 11. Stmr. Hoile.

Lewis, Ilsllltnore for Glasgow and riKuHspr i.i(.i, vv. arericn; i anno nu7J in 4.1MSI Slmr. lirllhaien. T.emlidin. Rallisnor.

fiar Man Hammore City of larceny and sent meed to botvp fliteen years in the Maryland Penitentiary. The (inventor will take up the said raae for liublin. wiled New link inn. ril71 lirien 'ri 1 H4 A fliJS'. Hf'HINll cheiler, ssiled Bnaion 8ih.

Hot or Iietrnlter, llaltlmore for Milwaukee, paaeed Nialimdam, HyniouUi, Umiloantj and Bxttsrdam. Allfweiir, .1 fJrenle D11 10. Lucy Holbrook: 1WI1IIIU f' UnD isiL llitlawuia HiitsHWater nn. nnai ne'ision on or after iSenteroDer 14, IM.I until which time molest, auainst siifh narrion Mnniii'l Ainu. Cadln and llarralnnlk nraaoLiNA avp ati AMTrriTV ntr: ,475: "Kff.

W'lllVf) Between Fayette anc Lexington Sts naroie or te-rtuction of sentenre will he heard and 'JMiachfrontHoUl-JuttettlhtWiDC WIRELESS Positions given ore for noon unless otherwise (ndicoted Ida Jnne. fl'IT, ilphpcca Kail hite If, Slicliacl ,1. ll.r. aim. ii i u11 87I7 John K.

Willi the pa jwra filed will he optn tor inspection at fnraatrla, Cobb and l4vpnii)l. Ki'Pdprk-k VIM. (Mu and CxiM-nhagpn, AiiHviild, Liilxiii, Cttiwhtsntii. 'I'angier, tS, jai'd, Itrrai-ii and Haliio, Co-bh and Livertiool, yia BaaLtxi, ROBERT B.LUUY, D. nail i i.

At John S. Uuaiek et g.r. f-k-i ii' i vv. uwynn falls pakkwav. ir n.ils nnil Cnbm fith.

I.Stnir. Hcl c. ml PS flrnn Psltinime Rlh ine nirwTPnon or toe ((oTeinor, By otder of the finmnor. DAVIl) O. WJNI HRKNXFR 3I.

1t Secietary nf State. Slnif' Meny VVceins, lift mill from Jacksonville Isiinr. W'eeuia, nulea from Roc f'F Sicolyf aIooV." iT fc t)en; lu fame 13137. P.vnter; .7. Pilcrt; CWI4.1, II KIC ifW" 'W "ih" "lni a Air.

Mf! NbAf (Iiande hi Ii. Stb, NEED MONEY QUICKLY! Cash Loans of $10 to $300 Within 24 Hours. Small Monthly Repayments. Kumpa iMnirlwiirg, ttntfiiamtrfoii and Clarion VESSELS DUE IN BALTIMORE l.iimn, OFFirra OF THad Km hZTA UF S'lATt: Srher. n.lfid.

Mhenlm. OT.11 o.1.....; I "enzel, ft Nik wfBirin (Mr. via Hmim and J'ttiUtiHti'hla Pori innfl. Ore. Aiwifdt.

f'fw mT'WCm' Stewart HANlA'BH W.V.' "nr. WrijeniriR Pa'rh ftlhot- ii iwni: Krt'tn W. Well, to 'I'he Co. lleaMI TO AT At WHOM rP MAT rOVORnSf REDUCE i-t-t- uni. c.

arewart Swiker: nl 180. M. Ti A lUHtt V'. j.iteiiHXH AuBum. T.

Wmins. r.i-ptf-inhfff' 4. Notice is hereby given that application hae Tw'tt hn jurprlaerl linw eaan.T a loan ran 1 aminecd. lur fripndlv and oilltemi jM'tier, has Marriace Dccnses Otaoo, Dorolliy Tompkins C777'J A. Tvrll- 7772, A.

Tvrell: neen mane to tne uovernor ot Maryland tor tne Alir. Tift md, pwmmi a- HIIHt "'It BpntlowfTr. tU fltfannah. riiarlrntnm. Olire B.

Ahorkej (lea.w. Snnnn 'fravftler, from Portlattfl, Or, OrArm O.ISL'3. T. Ward; parnon nr mrnie 01 Anniew HaTasp. who was Ron H.VKl.I'.M AVK.

IIIL'O Marian King In helped raanv when they needed money nuirKiv. Crime in, phone or writa for full uitorniatiou, LOVE POINT, MD. niiis; tioni. ixnna we la; curtl, K. Wll victed at ie HeotemDer term, IU-h.

or the urim llmater A. Alhrefhl Ptnmmpi. (mm Portland, 0m til Art- Hlf mmeid.vk (Ijul.i, (ram (AteidHrn, at aw Williams: C2722, Willis: ri19. Mshei IIAIi.r.'K1 tOllt B. Bhnelief inal Cmirt for Baltimore City of larceny and sentenced to aetve two and one-half years in thf Baltimore Citv BANTS Jacob 21 1 Mrf anere is no oonaarinn, PERSONAL FINANCE CO 331 Eauitable Third Floor.

giiMr Kn.i (It nmtfrffam AnmWi in h'elim. Hnn k'rtinciwn Rw-MmlW 4. Wiae: C'-'49. H. WoodmfT: C433, T.

H. i r- Wright; 8501 Ir. Reorge Kennard; 87S4. Mrs HII.TO.N. nr.

M.rlariah 'i. Brniiklyn. The invert or will take tin the aaid raw fnr Oi.iKtlM X'rinta Uom Msmla, at VmaT LOVE POINT ROUTE AUT08--TRUCK8-PA8SENQER8-FREIOHT DIRECT SERVICE Between BALTIMORE and LOVE POINT Pnirenia Coleman: 8753. Mrs. Sydney ,0.

u1 -'r Nti-fl Kxiicnter, tmm (hnnirhai, WmoIti)t Ail- ni'f'ZKOWSKI PRZTWABA Jnanph, Calvert and Fayette Sts. Plaza 6085. ami 14. Rollins: Urn. Mai Schneider- 82A9.

lira I Maximllll. .7,175 nnai dpciaion on or a tier weptemoer i( iimi, until which time protest aninat such pardon or jHirole will be heard and the paper filed will be open for inspection at the discretion of tin Mh liner, frwn CfllcuH. unnnt-d Gibiallar wlilnwer, 12-4 SniiU iSUwood avu-nurr: Sli'lla, 30, widow. Anna M. Schllltz: 8781.

Mrs Kll. ThrnV BOSalKWIMIIr 2Kfl la-nnm Klllnn Allnn. ilonr.iuni A.iaurit an. kVnis-iifiM I "iiv Himiiitiim. At 0W Tori.

SCHEDULE effectiy. SEPTEMBEB 8th, 1931 TucludeH in this eta dmi! i.a 1 i leinens, trustee. In WaverW R. a.r. DKN II A HOT SHI.t.l VA ts.

TTonry AllfiUHf, if, Slept. J(aiitr, from tmtfrw. Onion Angmt 2H. Sfet'l Traveler, from JJiiaanoia, IVtiang Ait uovernor. Baltimora (Pier fi.

Mizht St I DAILT size rag equal to new. Alminstera. Wlltona. I .1,100 QUICK AUTO LOANS JI, mm 'J blrrt airnni; mm 15,, lit. hn Arfhhoi'i, nimw uriati avmrnnu i- 7.00 A.

M. 2.80 P. M. S.aO P. M.

Velvet. Rugs and Canieta in all af. un imii.nksii'. IWMinnle Plain, lo By order or the Governor. DAVID C.

WINKHRKNNER It Secretary of State. EVANH noWMNfi. Wllllnm 28, household fnmitnra. hAflrnnm Terl lleallv g.r. 8118.

SPOT CASH-NO WAITING Hint, ad fvHfi.iM (Pan Hombiira Auewr. 2. 'lHtiiiiH friim 1 Vi fa Aiuniar. 31. Lore Point IB.

oi K. n. K. fieri DAlhX 1.00 A. M.

10.40 A. M. G.30 P. M. KvUntvt fHwfKj Hwe-ifii Anffiiaf 24.

living room suitea. odd urea us, tablea. chairs' MT- I.AMC 1 lot Clisrlolte H. HlmiiiBlnn. MHraiinrilo za.

wansHl Mil I ll (JiP.i, Tl nw if-im, STATE Of MAUYLANH Dictiirea. ehfna, glass, etc. I to Hallo, and Wau, Jt Autos find, driver). X2.50 each. Trucks TiHmke frnm NlrhiJa itsff, Ornti A mml 27 GUAM EU WOOIKO ItD.

Wllaon OFFICB OF THE SIXUiJCTAItY OF STATE flncl. driver I. it to 7 each. Fare nr.e tiar. U'iMfum, frmii Han 'ranctm-o, (1nfm Anaimt 'lennairaah.

Immiyliare removal. Bv order Chesaneake flame. rl.nln. HULBK1IRT AMI RTIIICKKIl RT An UOa Round trip 110-day limit), tl.00. VViHiwi.

frtwn iVrLiaaci, im AiigelEf Au l.iiiu Weat Lombard street uorotur 38. Mamniir, fiowi SoatUe, i'orllana. Storaire CompHny. I n. w.

cor. Julius Fiddle to Benjamin TO AfaL WHOM TT MAY CONCKTlVt gust ev'l. iriwt 2. Geare. a.r.

Alio Notine ia herehv divert that, no nli cation haa T. C. W. HOBBS Auctioneers. KO WALEWRKl JKNK IXS.

Alfxan- MCKLLEIl H40V- Ceoree C. Ilsncn et beep made to ttm Governor of Marvland for the 8HORTEN8 THE WAY TO and FROM the EASTERN SHORE DRIVE ON and DRIVE OFF BALTIMORE and EASTERN RAILROAD rnone pura mm. an26.30.s5.10.1fls5t an, Mi) Halt avenue; uiaayi. in. a to .1.

ttslarlt or 'M pardon or parole of WIM.IK! KENNKDY, who damage to utrtmohile: f-Mter It. at. PAR A Penning. Kf l.LOVVHKI It XI 'H WA r.SKA. WaU wan eonvicrea in mhv tern ih.h ot COURT CALENDAR HfrriMiti D.

Ilallufflk infig ton. tn Auuttar. HtrnmsKv. Criminal ourt for Baltimore city of bttrplary, lr 613 Soutb JUaliaa atreut, Durol h. J7.

MuckiMMii ft nl trading aa MflckbiirrMifm'l rtrh At 5.fMH. iiKrr. fih-d AUkii ana Renrenoea to serve two years in tne Mary' land Penitentiary. PATAPMCO 1411 Anna K. Uuilley In Unbelt II.

Dudley, g.r. $.10 PENKHKB nr. Pulaski si-- OCEAN CITH, MD, Khynliarl, attnrrify, ilnrgat'ft Van Wagprtt'ii MARTIN VENNINOTON. Erlj 2-t, Bring Your Car and Title AIXO FURNITURE LOANS Will Refinance Your Freaent UsJanca. AY ARES LOAN 415 N.

HOWARD ST. Wear PrankltD atrcatl. VERNON 7114. rRTE Parking Spaca tn Front anil Rear. "WE LEND MONEY QUICKLY ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE.

SALARIES AND AUTOS. t25 TO At Lawful Interest Only. Ask About "THE MERIT PLAN." It la Ready To Srrra You. MERIT LOAN SERVICE, 899 Calvert Bldg. riaza 6636.

St. raul anrl Fayette streetn. Criminal Court Judge O'Dunn The Governor will take up the aaid raw for lliacti Nclni la llenrv V. Ncliulix. r.

Allilille lllvi-r; l.ulii W. vh, Amis'iIchi) rtTt'H i.i,niMr, (nr aniial injuries; KJrtiuii ti atlorrirya. By A. J. nil.MO A CO.

LANDLORD'S SALE By virtue of a warrant of dislreea, Issued at the suit of Mr. ami Mia, frank Enuncll, against the eoods and chaltcls. on the premisea. leased to Alfred fl. and Caroline JI.

Kicks, filKH IHartord road, to mo I h.t. Ywlfrrtair- Afwanlt, (true Murt in. niiHi aecisioii on or alter bki'J j. lilM1. until which tfm nrotrst adHinst anch fllA L'KKKINH UKBIiS.

Uli linrrl 47, Kr ami ami Jranio, jnny. PINKWOOD nr flaifold Pardon or naroie will he heard anM the naners City Court- Judges Frank, Solter road William L. Stuckert in William MAJESTIC HOTEL FACING THE OCEAN We're hers to cerve vou as always. tiled will be open for inspection at the discre wlilowr-r, Wi-Ht 1'raiikllu street! A una, 44. illvnrreil.

IHnitHlie lin-HniHlMin, iiwrfium, tc. not Bihity. J.otifrs. C'lmil' Mmitlt. And Dawklne tion or tne irfivei nor.

(M and tfiaia; I'harlfa Hilhains, yiw, thy in jsii, Iwmo i.efaf.f tnan, ntih iin riltIK KONOI'KA. Ertwln 22, 6W7 iind taken in diatrcea, all Ihe' following goods Aftlma Kilfd Hrhtrt Marri llr-nry Bv order of the Governor. DAVID WINKRRKNN'KR SD. 1t Secretary uf Sue, rumriliipy alrwt; Minnie, -'u. mmu fimnns on lain prt-niises, namely: Altrerl OPEN TO OCT.

1. RATES REDUCED TO Miner, g.r. aisi PI TIE IIOMEIANH I'd No ftos. well J. Biinteaa, lo Harry (I.

taint. POPLA li tn Morris ffmslein. lc I li.iJtiO, iHTional iHtnneH; Hinrlfi- A MINIMUM. Write for rates. n.

mil i arraine il. Ulcus, in and to: National Cavil Rpnistpr Lr.r,i'l7ll.7r,.fl I'l KHt II Kl, BA II RK TT. ficorge llntry Ha v. ay n. jh IVtkins, rtt Kllilty; Jntiif Nitfio not aiiHty; Fell.

ifltMw( to t'wv Kni.ilnifk 'l t-rfffi, Hiih rllilrt; and 1-rmm HoMjindr, Mom in Mti-in vtt. ftinf. X.VINiO. tfirciiRl ininriM: Mairie t- O. PARKER SMITH, Prop, STATK (IV MARYT.AXn 2 cull rliMnenaAta an1 Mpjy ftuiildin vs.

f'sh htj jsilwoou avenue; "Mar-itHri't 20. OFFICE OF TUB SKCftlXAUi: OF STATE, g.r. IS uu Uuardwalk. fnvtte KOia 'Khimiijk, mi givilty; lap Oauihle, AKA HT sa. nr Cuiev jot oi aiass iar anu eonienta, 1 as sorted nt of patent medicine.

1 scale. 1 aa HASTIflGS i mm, imtiiial irnuiica; A SilvprtwM'g, aitfirnpyi, Inrnr! fi. Junrt barht. Free parkiBW vpace. Special rates for It KMKNCH XnwAKOWSKA.

Frank TO A WHOM IT MAY CONCFRN' ward Wirtz to Pinch Bcalty Corporation Aiimmnl TniiiiV' AMMtiH. FrwIeTirlt JllHann Notice ia herebv eiven that annlifation haa Ji. Mil Cloaivlew avenue; Violet 111. Kifiiimrk Hatftlftl. gm.

ijirtiaviy, rwiinrs It Coata Lesa tu Uorruw at TEE MERCANTILE 8AVINUS BANK. Park Ata. and layette HI. S. a Branrh.

E. Mmmroent W. MORRIS PLAN BANK, fjoana and Wayinga Ifi K. Fayette at. been made to the Governor of Maryland for the 4ennin, Nitro, Arthur Jdhnunn, Nraro.

Lar- va, pinvd ari.Hi, ppnu.nni miuricK; S. 'raDiPr. ftttorny. iionkcr VV'indhUKh tn. Jnhn Washington, ffi.fxio, rwnornI fn-Miii; Oorge VV.

fccana, aMomp. William ftver irtftnt, rtr fi. CharlM Ilecker arid COLONIAL eortert lot of Balers I druea, 1 faa range, 1 assorted lot of confectionery, 1 aborted lot rif neara and ciaarettea. 1 assorted lot of fier-furnea, 1 lot of rubber anode and biushea, 1 iron 'are of narcolica, 7 pints of lirinor. 1 desk, 1 jmajl Iron safe, 1 lot nf precriitirm files, I lot of general toilet article! and all other Bonds Ornrir 42, 4H Boardwalk; booklet; tsth season, pacta I 8ept, Rate iwnton or i akkt jikhjiinh, vin was con victed at the Neoternher term Iflllt of thi rmir.

John Mimr. villi ft niayinr. imivij i.inw fmH, Negro Millw, Nigra. Jiininnn ttanuaii stitoi lisrtna, an, sakatiiua i aim vv. unci, tteaitr tn Paul C.

Hotclcr SARATOGA RT 1.100 Paul C. Bottler to Finch Realty a.r. I7R SA II A TOO! A lleslty Corp. to VVilhur Mvlander, r.f. f7.v.

UNION KIJ.1 Hubert VV. Leppn. ete. to Andrew Htlllky. a.r, VTA I.

BROOK AVK. 'Ill I- Frederick Criminnl Court for Baltimore Citv of larcenv pprsnniv, ininrifn Walkw, Milton Hr.iirf, rJmer hiown and spntence Rtianended and nurolftd hv court. w. Knni, flHftrn-T, Arilmr W. Ilvft ine ttovemor will tKe lip the irt cute tor WKNTZ-MAHTIN.

2X 1414 AUCTION SALES (106) 10 tenant. Ana I Hereby giro notice plnnfl. Nfflrro. niom aofnla, Miltrm ON1TED BANKEK3. 15 Eaat Favntte t.

OOStMON'WKALTH FINANCE SBRVIfE CO INC. 140 Fayette at. Room PI. H77 i nnttf-n iiwKpr nn j.j,oir, nnai neciPion on or after WKi'j if.M kkh m. Mont nniipr alrnnt; Lorraine 2z.

Niinffr Aiiilt in miinlpr. Hun malmflor falt-ri. im mi noil a Mrvires; sums aitoniey. nnri which tim nrotet. aeftinM.

ph VVll.Cl.T TnilSKOWHKl lanicri wilt be heard nnri the nawri Hied will he trustee, to Lini Olirmsnn Orphan' Court Judges Caither, Miilonp fprm chr Asr.iaiianont ii(nf. WII.KK.NIv AVE. I'SiHt-Juhn N. Cookerly FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11. 1931, AT 10.30 A.

AT 5003 HARFORD ROAD, onen for innpection at the discretion of the Governor. Hr(f 1'ifwtH ilUf-n, H-tnri I hnn. 'olnrM 2, uinirinnan. nnio: ncrniee i. Baltimore County h-oRtiMn.

HalMix Alpycm. criwm aLtig tf n. aNv-ffrd. Rv orriet of the Governor. DA VI C.

I.NKBRKVNRn 30. 1t Kectctarv nf Stute, Dunn And Sykes fsifttr Tfttaiiwitarv Knlxte Cor lfifri rtf Adminisitifttfiiin ff.t.aT iranid- Kfc tutM of Mrtrtha I. VopHI in Pntil Majmw. In .1 Konsl'I lfnrBev. g.r.

VVILKK.NM Konsl'I Horsey tn John N. Cookerly. r. o0 YOI1K, es. nr VVtnslon- Onld- nan to llsrrv K.

Oillierl, g.r. KS IV MIWCKI.f.AVEOrS MONEY WANTED (95) ritlVATB party vranfa tn horrow on first rnort-Bupe; new rrfiirleluie; aiirtnihin. Hun. fvAN'ffin 2 ik tin (jood aEuuitiTT! APDRKSS the city of Baltimnre. I will otter fnr asle the said pronerty seized and taken in distress, at I'uhlie Auction, to the highest bidder for BROWNE SI I.OKH A X.

Kilwin H. Circuit Court Judge Owen K. HlntTorrl; Rune 111, 4.HH1 fVrnlilll vnnii(. rm Ptttnan Twtwviiv Mm iw Dana Bank ti By M. FOX SONS CO.

Seymour Philline. Solicitor Caircrt Itidg. RECEIVER'S SALE EQUIPMHNT, STOCK AND TRUCKS amtaut ire cpkam 1315 POPLAR GROVE ST. SEPT. 10, 11 A.

M. EDUCATIONAL (102) ONB T.OT -William P. Miller In William an.r, (p.J.a.i. a Marv hitrhnn to admr a JM.tmo, fyttfn fif Adminutavilon t.nmtfd -KHBtc rf HORIIR RHJIiS. J.

liorilnit, 41. tjjvorff timittf-rt Anria from Nitiekerl. i 7H i. BAVSOV HfKIPlcrf Chief Cnnstnhle of Ballimor. City, A.

J. BILLIG alOtt't. And ioneeea. riotrrmKki rifun Minnie DIOHT TITLKANH PROPOSALS flg: Fiiiaiis 41, fortieth alreet ana Kwwl''! rmiil. (98) I'ifvtrfHkvsltt.

aiM 1.. A In H. II llama 1 tW. Wilhclmin.i VtwWn to iUrxv l-Vprt ACCOUflTING SKVKItAL I.D'IS-VValb, A VV-ir kshsgen, Hftiniml Jfolirr: Uartwrll M. Kins, aitrnnry to Walnn A.

WprcashHcen t) try, 2 lnrmnm A. Mr'nakv to IMna H. l8krv and Kdward R. Higpt-, pi tan: Jiniingt.oii Grand Officers, Eastern FORAGE KEALEH rROI'OHALH in duplinte, ed ilreased "Pronjoaals for Furnishine and Deliver dEV'EfMI, lITH William Bartcla to HirltrHv Satniiinnf fun. ittoTnfV.

Jthr H. jS'-rv William Meyef. e.r. ISOU 5,000 r. a.

mm izati. namr Under and hv virtue nf an order of the iiiuuft Jalin it. Nouumger (partiaU; l'aul E. T. HEWBLL CO.

SHERIFF'S SALE On. Iff TtltSa Punch P.m. a. SKVEItAL LOTH- William T. Itevell et al.

ing Forage," addressed to the Hoard of Awards of Baltimore City, will be reecived in the office Vii If fiiniina Carey, Mary Har- A ntiMimn, attorney. Star, To Visit Acco*kceh to siaiison r. Ncsi ri.rriai Court of Baltimore City, the undersigned, He-ceiver, will eell hy ptihlie auction on th. above Hr rn 1tlrr. KKVntAL 1iTS K.

Neat lo K. Circuit Court No. 2 Judge Dennis Inntmlrs nf Tttvhr KTHhnr, 1 Btirrongtw Addina Machine, i Inhn w. Keren ft ot the city negater until maw wti DAY. fiKI'TfcMBKR 23.

Sneciflcfttiona and nronoaal form mar he ob oremtsee tn. T(rllnwtng: EMKHY THOMPSON mRKZETI, CBHSST fCR RUEAKhK. ANDKllKD.N Wn IT. nr. Hnff-nan el --William .1, Bt Steel Uline Cabinet.

1 Iron Hale 1 wil Cshl- Dignitaries Scheduled To net, 1 Flat-Top Ileak, 1 Wnal riling Cabinet. 2 Revolving Chairs. 1 Check Protector. 1 Ceil. flicyer M'arn-r, Jairtfl K.

War npr. Wrnr, ft at.Vrf): Wpli HuW. Mux M.300; Ken-ntrd B. Ymng NHli A. Vf'ttt.

SI 2W. Chariot M. Droteel. Uum E. Draa-ar).


nwea, g.r. f.Oj,, I Baltimore County tained at the nSire of the City Purchasing Agpnt, City Hell, Baltimore. on and aftm Wednesday, September 9. 1931. A charge of five dollars 00) for eaeh set of speeifatiuns will be refunded upon their return in good condi Guestt Of Grace Chapter Tonight Miacellaneous Material, etc.

Under and by virtue of a Writ of t-'iM. issued Otlt Of Ihe UttlUmnrm Cl, ,1. BARRISON two lol Willlsm Porter anrl wire to Tree on It l.use and Acco*keek, Sept. 9 Worthy suit of Zerva I. Standford va, Standfotci Manu- tion, npecincatioti uefj mailing bids will Complete Course in Walton Higher Accounting and Business Administration fur Young Men and Women Vcara Day, Open Sept.

14 Years Evening, Open. Sept. 89 SPECIAL EVENING CLASSES) Accounting Eesnsmlei cc'no foe ookk'p'ra Ingllih fur Bunnell Arjvertlilnrj Foralan Languaoea Builnui Flnanea Income Taa taw Mathematics Buslnail Piycholoflr Public Speaklnj Cost Aocountlng Salesmanship Wile, phon. of call for Catalog STR A YE R-BR A NT STRATTON COLLEGE Charle. and Faye(tt) riaza 8 Ap'WJrit, Halt- raoti BntMt nf Morrif try, try.

ra If MX. Admnitrtion Afmint I'ad Efntr, of EAMTSII1P one Uiuidalk Co. to Smith w. Iluntiiigton fniilmff At-isunti. nrilffr to sigaM- i-iipldjera' AaMJCiftUcti f.

Harlan, sub rriria. If'rr) filar!" JC. rririki fn-m Mnr-rurrt Drink; William S. Jafioba fiom Nora K. rlarihi.

Aw-ignmrnt Today Noa. 81, IS, 14, 44. Suita J'iJeff for iHmrce Dora W. Arm-H'orftjv T.i. Hewn Arnwworthy tf.artiilf: W.

Mel-h-mma1 Hurt, attrn. H(rrt T. Wlcr ti hfnuti Snlkr; Haitrfl Ktrig, vurrnry MilMrM Hofl U'arl Hotufl: )iaftwII vyomorauon, a onny corporate, hare seized and takn in uu hryre and wite. eonsinerea as retumen. All proposal must be ccomtMnied by a chef-k of the bidder drawn on clearing-fconse bank In the amount named in the SDeci- grand matron of the Order of the Eastern Star of the State cf Maryland, CHEVROLET SIX-WHEEL UK, LIVERIC TKUCK' E.N'O.

NO. i.13i USE DtinrtB DKMTKRX TRUCK, ENG. NO. A J334S.I; C'AMlIUl. MR0P8.


Immediate removal. SEl-llOI PHILLIPS, HBl.TTTrR. 4s- sskJ jtirjiocjtcnzat ZKMKX one lot Villa Nora Co. to at public auction on the prcmlsoa. No 12 vv Perry street, on Thursday, Scritemher 10, loai, n.

ia, ueecnoea I.tfti Jin. Einms T-pe, arfmrs Mimrra, t'olf. Carroll J. Hwir, admr. Mhn), 1405; Tui? NIm A.

Tounr Brann, A. Htmrarn admry. ad r-oMigfridiin. JUW.W?: frrmm B. Atkinami, Harry W.

Ehlen. flnatjons, made payable to the order of the layor and City Council of Baltimore. 1 be successful bidder on this contract will he Mrs. Lulu W. Boucher, of Barton, and Worthy Grand Patron 'terms Cash.

JOSEPH C. DEEG AN, Sheriff of Baltimore City. M. Kmg, jttomy, IrVHlitrri Jaie Charles F. Yeager, Baltimore, accom require, ro give pona ior the taitntui pertorm-me of the agrefment, equai in amount to the vain of the Contract and to comply with City Gnirdianfttr AfrfmnM fTfat" An- panied by other grand officers of the Order of the Eastern Star, will make drrw fl vlrp k.

Tor 7.nW, It K75 W. fniirih: Kli Hfmcvhmim, Simfm Cniwp- rrzr.m-. Tim RoonMnm Pimor, Tt. Vrhn, trd S) trjr.tiH: Irwtn Hfmrntmtim. Hmxtt It V4iri.

srd $1 frjrKm. VViJjjaiii; i'eter VVcMxihury, attornfy. Superior Court- Judges Bond. Stump And Stanton Filpil Witlttm inkle OrfrAr l.iim'fry, i.O'ri, imgp to uinmobil, Nathan Ht Johnfrt, jttorrir. 'Willim Hinklo Mm1.

jynffmni inMirf. Aiietirsntsera, their annual visitation to. Grace Chap TIIK ter No. 21 at Indian Head, Fri Norman VI. Bonder and Ii FAIKLAVVN lot-William llarmim A to Ltiiffi Pigioli, PAIHLAVVN, one brt Luigl Pnggiftlt and wife to Michsel Hlnnak and wife.

HAHPMBI) PK threw lots Albert I. Aitian and wile to Andrew VVtutt, g.r, EI. NUB IP RO we lrrt Thomas. I Wet to F'idHtv Trust trustee, g.r. A I'K one lot Ttioinaa I Webb to Prank 1 fmllii g.r.

IKI 01.0 HAIIIOHIl one I'loriem and wife to Alliert ll. Alban end Wllf ll 01. II HAIIFOftn one Im- Albert. II. Albari and wife tn John II, VVolsh and wile ii 01.

II FfARPriKfl RH three 1ma. Andrew c. VV lute Ir, Allert ll. Alhan and wife, a.r. t.

I I'HIH apillVIt Rl Ibree serfs Jrnmn T. isdlr anrl wife tn Julius "adic-r and wife a WkRRRM AIH. Ma-Alonm i. King to Alice King A Br LEWI MA Ml El. CO.


10. AT 10 A.M. Jn pr( Birirofim, i Af ire Room, J.minst Spfinjr, Wrirfirohw, t'tnif irw, Im Hoxr. K'tfhrn fhtntt, Rkr Hrxttng many o.lier itnn tno piimM-min in day. George Criswell Buried Miirtinsburg.

Sept. 9 Fu APCTION SALB HP AI RICHT. TITI.B AMI IN'IV'II KST 1.1 MAUKET HT ALL 7li HKLA1II IIETWI.EN b.xmiR AMI HAY KIN. to be hrld siithin the auction rnoms nf T. Newell A 7'IH N.

Honard l- jwinff atUrn, K. Hinkf t. Mine lATHnrtflt vi'iUTfW, aij attmripy Mrs. Florence Buck is worthy ma tcpeciiug corn mrxn, i motttt. City Purchasing Agent.

A ppr'wen MAYOR HOWARD W. JACKSOX. Preidpnt Board of Awards. 4i COMMISSION EH 8, D. C.

Wahingtrm. 7. imi Sealed propmalg will lw receive) at Boom 5f9, Diatritt Binldfng, nntij 2 o'ctnek r. Kastero Standard time, Sei-t. 14, trt leairig Ditcoreted pier at the foot of Ninth ftret, formerly Ieaef hj Johnwm Timstt.

the Washington Channel of po-4om(! nrer; are. about 'JftffttQ oj. depH rt aif at end rf pier. hoit If 4 depth ot I'er in alii, from tn IS ft. Apply Room 4T.

Diitnct Building, lor propoftaia and information, e9 Hi ilhani Hiuklv tn mr ititti. 'f Inr Slcniemlr 11. at 1 All sd 'nil manls KASPAR Af'HOOI, OF INT. Classical and Jan Courses 1. Plane, Plano-Acordion, Organ, Sineine, Ele, Special rani, methods fee adults.

Pay enly SI. 00 a wees. Ten Plane Lessens Free. Strletly private instruction. PonOs from all sections.

Oprn Until 11 P. Wl. Phone wolf. 1114. lUO-u Ashland Are.

tron of Grace Chapter and Austin Adams, of Fort Washington, arand patron. Mrs. Julia C. Halia. past neral service were held here today for Gcori! Criswcll.

75, member of a very well-known Berkeley county to ho msde dsv nf sale, 'letms: Cash. By orfler ni Phillip Knaso and H. fliineo. Wifp tfrv.ft, fmma a it or A H'fikie, infTit, -m ri, Vki in mi if mm Mtfnmry, S'titm HtFfki nmmf. nn ht wr-t tM -rrTH" -c flicfc's infant mtnrftpr, William K.

Wf-fcf t-nw, family, who dird at hi hom Monday worthy matron of Grace Chapter, if Lewis Manrlrl Jnc, Auctn.1 the deputy grand lecturer. Ifl.ilrlH Aajctirneera,.

The Baltimore Sun from Baltimore, Maryland (2024)
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Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

Phone: +2611128251586

Job: Mining Supervisor

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.