Star Wars: Order of the Hidden Flame (2024)

Getting around on a planet's surface or within its cities is just as important as traveling between the stars- even if it doesn't paint as thrilling an image in the action-adventure
holovids. Thousands of vehicles are designed to crawl through, fly over, or dive under every conceivable form of planetary landscape. Many are military machines used for
patrolling, protecting, or conquering local populations; others are built for little more than thrills. Whatever a hero's transportation needs, everything short of starships is
presented here.

The vehicles described in this chapter fall into eight broad categories. First are the dedicated atmospheric vehicles: airspeeders and cloud cars. Then come personal night
devices- gliders, jet packs, and rocket packs- and then speeder bikes and swoops. Following them are groundspeeders, divided into two types: civilian and military. Walkers are covered next, then scacrafL (a small but important category), and finally there's a catchall category for vehicles that don't fit any other general description.
Most vehicles are described by a number of attributes, as follows.

Class: The vehicle's general category.
Size: The vehicle's size category (and its actual size in meters).
Passengers: The number of passengers and/or troops the vehicle is designed to carry. This figure is in addition to the crew, which is covered in a separate entry (see below). Vehicles that carry passengers can use passenger space to carry additional cargo when passengers aren't present. Each unused passenger slot allows the vehicle to carry an additional 50 kilograms of cargo.
Cargo Capacity: The amount of cargo the vehicle is designed to carry. Many vehicles can, in a pinch, carry extra passengers instead of cargo, but doing so is usually a cramped, uncomfortable, and often unsafe experience for those passengers. As a rule of thumb, one additional passenger can be carried for each 150 kilograms of unused cargo capacity.
Cost: The vehicle's price in credits, new and used.
Availability: How available the vehicle is. See Equipment Availability in the introduction for definitions of the various availability ratings.
Era: The eras of play in which the vehicle is usually available.
See the introduction for more information.
Crew: The number of personnel needed to operate the vehicle. The quality of a typical crew assigned to this vehicle type, and that crew's modifier lo appropriate skill checks, is given in parentheses.
Initiative: The modifier added Lo initiative rolls for this vehicle and its typical crew.
Maneuver: The modifier added to Pilot checks attempted by this vehicle's typical crew.
Defense: The vehicle's Defense. This figure includes the vehicle's size modifier and armor bonus.
Shield Points: The vehicle's maximum shield points. Most vehicles don't have shields.
Hull Points: The vehicle's maximum hull points. These are the vehicular equivalent of wound points. lf the vehicle has damage reduction, it is noted in parentheses.
Speed for Atmospheric Speed: Speed (for ground and water vehicles) is the number of meters the vehicle can cover in a move action. lf the vehicle uses two move actions, it can move twice this far in a round. A vehicle can also use all-out movement (a full-round action) and move four times its listed speed. Atmospheric speed (for air vehicles) is the maximum number of 50-metcr squares the vehicle can move per action.
Max Velocity or Altitude: Max velocity (for ground and water vehicles) is the vehicle's maximum overland speed. Altitude (for air vehicles) is the vehicle's operational altitude.
Hovering: The vehicle hovers only, and is not capable of true flight. Hover height for Large or smaller vehicles is typically 2 meters; for larger craft it is typically one-half the
vehicle's length. Hover height is measured from the bottom of the craft's body.
Low: The vehicle has a maximum altitude of about 1,000 meters.
Atmospheric: The vehicle can fly at any atmospheric altitude. On most worlds, this equates to a maximum altitude of about 25 kilometers.
Suborbital: The vehicle can reach the highest outskirts of the planetary atmosphere.just touching the fringes of space. On most inhabited worlds, this is an altitude of 100 to 300
Weapon: The weapon with which the vehicle is equipped. (Some vehicles have no weapons, in which case this entry is omitted. Likewise, vehicles with multiple weapons have multiple weapon entries.) The weapon's characteristics follow the weapon name.
Fire Arc: The arc or arcs into which the weapon can fire.
Attack Bonus: The total bonus on attacks made with the weapon (taking into account vehicle size, typical crew quality, and fire control computer).
Damage: The damage dealt by the weapon.
Range Increment: The weapon's range increment.

Vehicles may be customized in much the same way as weapons (see the start of Chapter 1 ). They may not be personalized. The number of modifications that may be
made to a particular vehicle is determined by its type.

Table 4-1: Vehicle Modification Limits

MaximumMaximum Customize ModificationsSkill DC to Modify
Airspeeder/cloud car315
Glider/jet pack/rocket pack110
Speeder bike/swoop310
Civilian groundspeeder415
Military groundspeeder220
Other vehicle typesWith GM's permission20

Weapons attached to vehicles may be customized separately, as covered in Chapter I of this book. Vehicle weapons may benefit from one customization, may not be personalized, and have a DC of 20 to modify.

What Can Be Modified

When you modify a vehicle, you can change one of the following attributes.

  • Increase cargo capacity by 25%. This may be done only once per vehicle.
  • Increase speed by 25%. This may be done only once per vehicle.
  • Increase maximum velocity by 25%. TI1is may be done only once per vehicle.
  • Increase maneuver rating by +I. This may be done only once per vehicle.
  • Increase Defense by+ I. This may be done only once per vehicle.
  • Increase hull points by +I. This may be done only once per vehicle.
  • Install an additional weapon. Each weapon counts as a separate modification.
  • Replace a weapon. Each replacement counts as a separate modification.
  • Install other equipment. Each piece of equipment counts as a separate modification.

You cannot affect the damage reduction of a vehicle's armor through modification. You can repair damage to a vehicle using the Repair skill.

Making the Modification

Success, and the time required to make the modification, are determined as for crafting an item, but either the Repair skill or the appropriate Craft skill may be used. lf you have five or more ranks in both the Repair skill and the appropriate Craft skill, the GM may grant a +2 synergy bonus on your skill check. lf a tech specialist with the appropriate mastercraft ability is working on the modification, a +2 circ*mstance bonus applies. If you don't have the proper tools, you take a -5 penalty on the check.

To make the modification, follow these steps:

  1. Find the item's price, either from Chapter Seven of the Star Wars Roleplaying Game, from this volume, or from the GM. Do not multiply it by 10, as you would for a standard Craft check.
  2. Pay one-quarter of the item's price for raw materials.
  3. Determine the price of the modified item. A modified vehicle's cost is increased by 50% of the vehicle's base cost for each modification. For example, an Airspeeder costs 20,000 credits. An Airspeeder with one modification costs 30,000 credits, and a blaster pistol with two modifications costs 40,000 credits.
  4. Make an appropriate skill check to reflect one day's work, against the DC given on Table 1-1. lf the check succeeds, multiply the check result by your skill modifier (your appropriate skill ranks + your intelligence modifier + any appropriate miscellaneous modifiers). If that number equals or exceeds the modified item's price, you have completed the modification.

lf your check result x your skill modifier is lower than the modified item's price, then that number represents progress you have made this day toward completing the modified item. Subtract the amount of progress from the modified item's price and record the new reduced value. At the end of the next day of work, make another check. Each day, you make more progress until the day when your check result x your skill modifier equals or exceeds the modified item's remaining value. At that point, you have completed the modification. Upon completion of the modification, make a final skill check (again, using the DC from the table) to determine if the item functions as intended. lf the check fails, the modification does not work and all the time, money, and effort is wasted. lf the check fails by 5 or more, the item was broken in the process of modification, and it must be repaired (or jury-rigged) just to bring it back up to its basic functionality.

You may take 10 on skill checks for modifying a vehicle. You may not take 20, regardless of the skill you use.

A mastercrafted vehicle may be further customized or personalized, working from the base cost of the mastercrafted vehicle. A vehicle that has been customized may be
further customized or personalized, provided that the weapon has not reached its maximum number of customizations (see Table 1- 1 ).

While it is being modified, a vehicle is useless, but it can be made operational by jury-rigging. A jury-rigged vehicle has all the properties of the weapon before the modification was begun.

Here's an example of modifying a vehicle: Vor'en Kum wants to increase the cargo capacity of his vehicle, even though it will reduce his defense. The price of a vehicle with one modification is 20,000 credits. The cost of materials for one modification is 5,000 credits (one/fourth of the weapon's normal cost). The skill check has a DC of 15 (as shown on Table 1- 1). Kum has a Repair skill modifier of +10 and the appropriate tools. By taking 10, he gets a result of 20 on his first day's Repair check. So, at the end of his first day he has made 200 credits' worth of progress (check result of 20 x skill modifier of +10) toward the modified blaster pistol's price. After taking 10 for twenty-five more days, he has exceeded the modified item's price and customized the Airspeeder. He makes another Repair check to see if the modification holds (again, taking 10) and succeeds. His Airspeeder now has a capacity of 150kg, and a defense of 15

Airspeeders are personal transports that fly as high as 300 kilometers above ground level. Most models have flight ceilings of less than l kilometer, however- all that's necessary to provide quick and easy short-distance transportation. Airspeeders are not capable of space travel, and require an atmosphere to function.

GoCorp/Utilitech Metrocab
Incom Corporation T-16 Skyhopper

TaggeCo Cargohopper 102
Ubrikkian Talon I Combat Cloud Car

When all that's needed is transportation for one, sometimes it's better to have a vehicle you strap on rather than climb into. Much of this technology is archaic on any civilized
world, but the romance of the Old Republic's rocket-jumper troops-and an ever-present demand from individuals who want to move more silently than a repulsorlift vehicle allows, or want an emergency exit belted onto their back at all times- has kept some models in production.

Full vehicle statistics are not presented for these items, because they're really personal equipment rather than vehicles. These devices either allow their users to fly or jump, as detailed in the item's move entry. Jumping with the assistance of one of these items is not treated like a normal jump; the wearer's Strength is irrelevant. No Jump check is
necessary-instead, the jump is treated like a short flight that ends after one move action. lf the character isn't on a solid surface at the end of his move, he falls. The altitude entry for each item indicates the highest the wearer can jump in a single move.

These vehicles have a maximum load capacity, which includes the weight of the user and any items carried or armor worn, but not the weight of the jump pack itself.
Heavier races such as Wookiees tend to avoid such devices as a result. When carrying a load heavier than their maximum, these items do not function.

Aratech "Jumper" Rocket Pack
Aratech R82 jump boots
Illiseni Aerodyne Hobbycraft Microweight
Mitrinomon Z-6 jetpack
Mobquet OKC-167 repulsor pack
Nen-Carvon R-23 Paraglider

Though they could technically be classified as groundspeeders or airspeeders, speeder bikes and swoops are more often thought of as a separate class of vehicles. They all follow the same basic design idea- a repulsorlift generator with one or more turbolift engines, with a seal and some controls attached to them. Such vehicles are generally fast and dangerous, making them equally ideal for sport racing, impressing your neighborhood friends, or military scouting.

In general, the most basic and simple designs are referred to as speeder bikes, while the more complex (and often more stylish) designs are called swoops. As a rule, swoops are faster and more dangerous than speeder bikes, with a much higher maximum altitude. Swoop statistics respect this, and tend to be more similar to airspeeders and cloud cars than to groundspeeders. Unlike an airspeeder pilot, however, a swoop rider is exposed to the elements, so that proper protection and breathing masks are recommended.

Aratech 74-Z Military Speeder Bike
Bespin Motors JR-4 swoop
Ikas-Adno R-2000 Raptor speeder bike
Incom Corporation MVR-3 speeder bike
Mobquet Flare-S Swoop
Mobquet Overracer speeder bike
Razalon FC-20 speeder bike
TaggeCo Air-2 Swoop

Civilian Graundspeeders
Groundspeeders are the most common vehicles found on the civilized worlds of the galaxy. Operating on repulsorlift drive technology, they can achieve remarkable speeds. The classification can be somewhat misleading, though; this category includes some rather slow-moving "speeders" as well, such as the Ubrikkian Bantha 11 cargo skiff.

Most speeders have variable hover heights that change according to their speed. When stopped, they typically hover I /2 meter or less above the ground, allowing easy access for passengers disembarking or climbing aboard. As they move, they gradually increase their altitude as their speed climbs; most average-sized speeders hover 1 to 2 meters above the ground at cruising speed. Larger groundspeeders move at slightly higher levels; as a rule of thumb, their cruising speed hover height is about one-half the vehicle's length. This gives these vehicles the ability to clear minor obstacles without
bouncing the passengers around.

A few models have the ability to fly at higher levels-up to 200 meters above the ground-which blurs the line a bit between groundspeeders and true airspeeders. These exceptions aside, all groundspeeders have an operational altitude of hover (see the vehicle attribute descriptions at the beginning of this chapter).

Aratech Arrow-23
Borliss Automation Concepts, Incorporated HVP-200 hover shopper
Mekuun TR-14a Land Carrier
Mobquet A-1 Deluxe Floater
SoroSuub JG-8 Luxury Speeder
SoroSuub V-35 Courier
SoroSuub XP-38 Sport Landspeeder
TaggeCo SCS-19 Sentinel
Tion Industries Hyperfoil 1000-XTC
Trast A-A5 Speeder Truck
Ubrikkian Commuter Gravsled
Ubrikkian Personnel Skiff Model VI
zZip Motor Concepts Astral-8

Military speeders operate in the same manner as civilian speeders, but they are designed from the ground up lo serve combat functions. Possession of a military speeder is regulated on most worlds, and actually driving one around on public roadways is usually a criminal offense. On less civilized worlds, battered, outdated military speeders are a much more common sight, and may elicit very little official notice.

Baktoid Armor Workshop Transpeeder
KAAC Freerunner
Mekuun CMD-1 Speeder Command Vehicle
Merr-Sonn WW-676 Repulsorlift Sked
Sienar Ultra-Light Assault Vehicle
SoroSuub V-19 Gian Speeder

Though the earliest walker designs were hundreds of years old at the time, huge advances in walker vehicles were made toward the end of the Old Republic and in the early days of the Empire. Hovermines that sought out repulsorlift vehicles, coupled with durasteel barriers that impeded wheeled vehicles, made walkers not only practical but
almost a necessity. The Empire soon found that large walkers such as the AT-AT also had use as weapons of terror, their massive size serving as a deterrent lo any civilian
population that found itself watched by the long-legged weapon platforms.

Walkers retain their balance through finely tuned gyroscopes, and actually offer a fairly smooth ride. They rely on even footing, however, and when they topple, the results can
be disastrous.

Arakyd Emperiax Walking Throne
Caridan Test Grounds Mountain Terrain Armored Transport
Kuat Drive Yards All Terrain Personal Transport
SecuriTech Espo Walker
zZip Motor Concepts Gladiator Walker

Though most speeders are capable of traveling over water, very few are designed to do so. A strong wave could knock a speeder over-a catastrophe for groundspeeders, which rarely float. Aquatic speeders follow all the rules for groundspeeders (including being able to travel over land), but are sealed against fluids and self-righting if tipped in a storm. Aquatic speeders do not function underwater.

SedriMotors Amphibion

Other Vehicles
Some vehicles are not easily categorized. A few odd and
unusual - but useful - varieties are covered in this section.

Aratech A14 Repulsorlift Disk
CMC Mining Digger "Sandcrawler"
Kuat Drive Yards A5 Juggernaut HAV

Star Wars: Order of the Hidden Flame (2024)
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Name: Greg Kuvalis

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.