Oil Gas Pipeline Failure Rates (detailed) - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Oil Gas Pipeline Failure Rates (detailed) Analysis of Oil Pipeline Failures in the Oil and Gas ... http://www.iaeng.org/publication/IMECS2012/IMECS2012_pp12741279.pdf December 07, 2014 ... This research work on the analysis of oil pipeline failures in oil and gas industries in the ... Variation of Failure Rate by NDSs for All Oil Pipeline ... Proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2012 Vol II, IMECS 2012, March 14 ‐ 16, 2012, Hong Kong Analysis of Oil Pipeline Failures in the Oil and Gas Industries in the Niger Delta Area of Nigeria C.H. Achebe, Member, IAENG, U.C. Nneke, and O.E. Anisiji Abstract ‐ This research work on the analysis of oil pipeline shared his view on how to improve pipeline failures in oil and gas industries in the Niger delta area of Integrity Management, opining that Pipeline operators Nigeria was carried out to ascertain the causes of these failures. can realize many benefits by implementing a data Information on pipeline conditions was gathered for the period integration approach that; enables integrity managers, between 1999 and 2010. Observations showed that the major risk assessment specialists and pigging Engineers to view causes of failure include: Ageing, Corrosion, Mechanical failures – welding defects, pressure surge problems, stress, wall and analyze combined information from disparate surveys thickness, etc. From the data got and results that were and to increase the value of data by shaving it across the obtained, recommendations were given on measures to entire corporation. There have been a number of studies minimize these failures. According to the Gas and Oil Pipeline conducted by researchers on causes of oil pipeline failures in Standards (GOST) of Nigeria, the standard lifetime of a the oil and gas industry. pipeline is 33 years but this research findings revealed that Ikporukpo [2] examined the causes of pipeline leaks 42% of failures were mechanically induced, 18% by corrosion, versus pipeline ruptures and the proportion for each. In third party activity contributed 24%, 10% through operational failures resulting in product loss, leaks constituted 86.8% of error and 6% by natural hazards. Besides applying good failures and ruptures 13.2%. Corrosion is the predominant cathodic protection, or anti‐corrosive agents, reinforced thermoplastic pipe (RTP) seems to be the best remedy, as it is cause of leaks. According to the findings, third party able to withstand many factors that lead to failures. The use of damage is the leading cause of line ruptures. Since 1994, 191 RTPs is therefore recommended as a good measure against hits were recorded, and these are not included on the graph as pipeline failures in the Oil and Gas Industries in Nigeria. they did not result in either leaks or ruptures. The hits equalled 47% of all recorded third‐party incidents for the Index Terms ‐ Cathodic protection, Corrosion, Mechanical years 1994‐1997, demonstrating that approximately half of all failure, Niger Delta, Reinforced thermoplastic pipe. third party incidents resulted in a pipeline failure. Reference [3] showed that about 50% of third‐party incidents resulted in loss I. INTRODUCTION of pipeline products. Ndifon [4] reviewed the number of MAJOR pipelines across the world transport large internal corrosion failures for multiphase pipelines and quantities of crude oil, natural gas, and petroleum products. discovered that internal corrosion failures increased steadily These pipelines play an important role in modern while the number of external corrosion failures held steady. societies and are crucial in providing needed fuels for However, the failure frequency has been quite consistent [5], sustaining vital functions such as power generation, heating [6]. supply, and transportation. In light of the hazardous Moffat and Linden [7] compiled background properties of the products being transmitted through these research and information that is associated with oil pipeline pipelines, a ruptured pipeline has the potential to do failures, it shows that for crude oil pipelines, the causes of serious environmental damage. This problem is further failures appeared to be fairly random in nature, and that no compounded by the fact that many developing countries trends were apparent. They stated for sour gas pipelines, have not established proper guidelines and standards for internal corrosion is the major cause of failure. External the design, construction, and operation of major oil corrosion failures have declined in recent years, possibly as pipelines. This study concerns the analysis of oil pipeline the result of improved coatings and increased inspection. Of the failures in the Niger delta area of Nigeria with the aim sour line failures, about 86% were leaks and 14% were to undertake a desk study to evaluate the procedures for ruptures. They used the latest technology in the fields of pipeline maintenance and contingency plans for addressing internal electronic inspection, metallurgy, coatings, cathodic oil pipeline failures in the Niger delta area of Nigeria. The protection, and chemical inhibition. risk associated with pipeline in terms of safety of people, Nwankwo et al [8] and Odusola [9] extensively studied the damage to the environment and loss of income has been a effects of internal corrosion failures for natural gas pipelines major concern to pipeline integrity managers. which have generally been increasing. Some "other" Sources of failure include Structural problem 40%, category which include high vapour pressure liquids, low Operator error 6%, Others 25%, Outside force damage vapour pressure liquids, fuel gas, and all others showed 27% and lastly Control problems 2%. Agbaeze [1] failure rates to be relatively few and the causes to be relatively random. Manuscript received December 23, 2011; revised January 04, 2012. C.H. Achebe is with the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, PMB 5025, Awka (Phone: +2348036662053; II. MATERIALS AND METHODS e‐mail: [emailprotected]). The aim of this study is to rank the oil pipeline incident U.C. Nneke is with Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka . from data collected from oil and gas industry, so that O.E. Anisiji was with Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka. He is now with Project Development Institute (PRODA), Enugu. ISBN: 978‐988‐19251‐9‐0 IMECS 2012 ISSN: 2078‐0958 (Print); ISSN: 2078‐0966 (Online) Proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2012 Vol II, IMECS 2012, March 14 ‐ 16, 2012, Hong Kong pipeline managers can prioritize their strategies for flow stations for crude oil processing, with more than 7,000 managing the risk involved. km of oil and gas pipelines traversing the entire area and The objectives of the study have been categorized into the seven export terminals. following different areas of activities: Study the historical oil pipeline failures. Assess oil pipeline rupture risks and recommend measures to reduce oil spill probability and impact severity. Identify the best practices in developed countries and recommend ways of translating them to areas having inadequate arrangements or combating oil pipeline failures and mitigation of their effects. Promote establishment of regulatory and monitoring systems. Promote the development of incentive systems to encourage the oil industry to minimize environmental degradation arising from oil pipeline spills (in particular).

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Oil Gas Pipeline Failure Rates (detailed) - [PDF Document] (3)

Oil Gas Pipeline Failure Rates (detailed) Analysis of Oil Pipeline Failures in the Oil and Gas ...

http://www.iaeng.org/publication/IMECS2012/IMECS2012_pp1274­1279.pdf December 07, 2014

... This research work on the analysis of oil pipeline failures in oil and gas industries in the ... Variation of Failure Rate by NDSs for All Oil Pipeline ...

Proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2012 Vol II,IMECS 2012, March 14 ‐ 16, 2012, Hong Kong

Analysis of Oil Pipeline Failures in the Oil and Gas Industries in the Niger Delta Area of Nigeria C.H. Achebe, Member, IAENG, U.C. Nneke, and O.E. Anisiji

Abstract ‐ This research work on the analysis of oil pipeline shared his view on how to improve pipeline failures in oil and gas industries in the Niger delta area of Integrity Management, opining that Pipeline operators Nigeria was carried out to ascertain the causes of these failures. can realize many benefits by implementing a data Information on pipeline conditions was gathered for the period integration approach that; enables integrity managers, between 1999 and 2010. Observations showed that the major risk assessment specialists and pigging Engineers to view causes of failure include: Ageing, Corrosion, Mechanical failures – welding defects, pressure surge problems, stress, wall and analyze combined information from disparate surveys thickness, etc. From the data got and results that were and to increase the value of data by shaving it across the obtained, recommendations were given on measures to entire corporation. There have been a number of studies minimize these failures. According to the Gas and Oil Pipeline conducted by researchers on causes of oil pipeline failures in Standards (GOST) of Nigeria, the standard lifetime of a the oil and gas industry. pipeline is 33 years but this research findings revealed that Ikporukpo [2] examined the causes of pipeline leaks 42% of failures were mechanically induced, 18% by corrosion, versus pipeline ruptures and the proportion for each. In third party activity contributed 24%, 10% through operational failures resulting in product loss, leaks constituted 86.8% of error and 6% by natural hazards. Besides applying good failures and ruptures 13.2%. Corrosion is the predominant cathodic protection, or anti‐corrosive agents, reinforced thermoplastic pipe (RTP) seems to be the best remedy, as it is cause of leaks. According to the findings, third party able to withstand many factors that lead to failures. The use of damage is the leading cause of line ruptures. Since 1994, 191 RTPs is therefore recommended as a good measure against hits were recorded, and these are not included on the graph as pipeline failures in the Oil and Gas Industries in Nigeria. they did not result in either leaks or ruptures. The hits equalled 47% of all recorded third‐party incidents for the Index Terms ‐ Cathodic protection, Corrosion, Mechanical years 1994‐1997, demonstrating that approximately half of all failure, Niger Delta, Reinforced thermoplastic pipe. third party incidents resulted in a pipeline failure. Reference [3] showed that about 50% of third‐party incidents resulted in loss I. INTRODUCTION of pipeline products. Ndifon [4] reviewed the number of MAJOR pipelines across the world transport large internal corrosion failures for multiphase pipelines and quantities of crude oil, natural gas, and petroleum products. discovered that internal corrosion failures increased steadily These pipelines play an important role in modern while the number of external corrosion failures held steady. societies and are crucial in providing needed fuels for However, the failure frequency has been quite consistent [5], sustaining vital functions such as power generation, heating [6]. supply, and transportation. In light of the hazardous Moffat and Linden [7] compiled background properties of the products being transmitted through these research and information that is associated with oil pipeline pipelines, a ruptured pipeline has the potential to do failures, it shows that for crude oil pipelines, the causes of serious environmental damage. This problem is further failures appeared to be fairly random in nature, and that no compounded by the fact that many developing countries trends were apparent. They stated for sour gas pipelines, have not established proper guidelines and standards for internal corrosion is the major cause of failure. External the design, construction, and operation of major oil corrosion failures have declined in recent years, possibly as pipelines. This study concerns the analysis of oil pipeline the result of improved coatings and increased inspection. Of the failures in the Niger delta area of Nigeria with the aim sour line failures, about 86% were leaks and 14% were to undertake a desk study to evaluate the procedures for ruptures. They used the latest technology in the fields of pipeline maintenance and contingency plans for addressing internal electronic inspection, metallurgy, coatings, cathodic oil pipeline failures in the Niger delta area of Nigeria. The protection, and chemical inhibition. risk associated with pipeline in terms of safety of people, Nwankwo et al [8] and Odusola [9] extensively studied the damage to the environment and loss of income has been a effects of internal corrosion failures for natural gas pipelines major concern to pipeline integrity managers. which have generally been increasing. Some "other" Sources of failure include Structural problem 40%, category which include high vapour pressure liquids, low Operator error 6%, Others 25%, Outside force damage vapour pressure liquids, fuel gas, and all others showed 27% and lastly Control problems 2%. Agbaeze [1] failure rates to be relatively few and the causes to be relatively random. Manuscript received December 23, 2011; revised January 04, 2012. C.H. Achebe is with the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, PMB 5025, Awka (Phone: +2348036662053; II. MATERIALS AND METHODS e‐mail: [emailprotected]). The aim of this study is to rank the oil pipeline incident U.C. Nneke is with Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka . from data collected from oil and gas industry, so that O.E. Anisiji was with Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka. He is now with Project Development Institute (PRODA), Enugu.

ISBN: 978‐988‐19251‐9‐0 IMECS 2012ISSN: 2078‐0958 (Print); ISSN: 2078‐0966 (Online)Proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2012 Vol II,IMECS 2012, March 14 ‐ 16, 2012, Hong Kong

pipeline managers can prioritize their strategies for flow stations for crude oil processing, with more than 7,000 managing the risk involved. km of oil and gas pipelines traversing the entire area and The objectives of the study have been categorized into the seven export terminals. following different areas of activities: Study the historical oil pipeline failures. Assess oil pipeline rupture risks and recommend measures to reduce oil spill probability and impact severity. Identify the best practices in developed countries and recommend ways of translating them to areas having inadequate arrangements or combating oil pipeline failures and mitigation of their effects. Promote establishment of regulatory and monitoring systems. Promote the development of incentive systems to encourage the oil industry to minimize environmental degradation arising from oil pipeline spills (in particular).

Oil Gas Pipeline Failure Rates (detailed) - [PDF Document] (4)

In order to fulfil the study objectives, a number of work Fig. 2. Niger Delta Showing the Distribution of Onshore tasks were identified, comprising: and Offshore Oil Fields; Source: NDRDMP (2006) Collection of data on pipeline network of Shell Petroleum Development Company The land area within which the network of transport (SPDC) in the Niger Delta Area of Nigeria; pipelines are located is estimated at 31,000km2. There are ten Analysis and risk assessment of the causes of gas plants and about 30 marginal oil fields farmed out, oil pipeline failures in the Niger Delta Area of through the network of pipelines, to local companies and Nigeria; for export. Three of Nigeria's four refineries, Port‐Harcourt I Review of the legal and regulating regimes of & II and Warri, are located in the region, while the fourth is Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC) located in Kaduna, Northern Nigeria. pipelines in the Niger Delta Area of Nigeria; and Data was collected from known periodicals and other Recommendations for strengthening the literature, as well as the databases of Nigerian National regulatory and monitoring systems in the Nigerian Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), Department of Petroleum oil and gas industry. Resources (DPR), Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC) and other secondary sources that are responsible for operating oil and gas pipelines in the Niger Delta Area of Nigeria. The data collected included the following: Pipeline network data of the major crude oil and product trunk transportation pipelines, including feeder lines and local gathering systems (where applicable) in the States of Niger Delta area of Nigeria. Pipeline failure data during the period 1999‐2005 from the pipelines. Types of data collected included: date of event, site specification (that is, pipeline identification and geographical location), spill quantity and duration, causes and consequences, cleanup and restoration, etc. Geographical and environmental data to identify important environmental factors, as well as populations, habitats, or other environmental features of each state of Niger Delta area along the pipelines that are vulnerable to oil spills. Oil spill contingency plan data including existing contingency plans, type of cleanup equipment, capacities, and so forth in the given countries. Fig. 1. Nigeria showing Niger Delta, major cities & 5 Most of the pipeline data were accessed from a digital map Operational Zones; Source: Anifowose (2006) of main oil pipelines. The data included location of pipelines, diameter in millimeters, and length in kilometers. The The Niger Delta (Fig.1) is located in Southern data have been categorized on a state‐by‐state basis and are Nigeria and is world's third largest wetland. It is summarized in Table 1 below. characterized by significant biological diversity and contains There were approximately 84,000kilometers of pipeline the bulk of Nigeria's proven oil and gas reserves. The region in Nigeria as of 1998. About 90% of this pipeline has a has about 606 oilfields with 355 situated onshore and 251 diameter of greater than 504mm (20inches) while about offshore (Fig.2). There are about 5,284 oil wells drilled and 527 64,000 pipeline kilometers, or 76% of the total, are

ISBN: 978‐988‐19251‐9‐0 IMECS 2012ISSN: 2078‐0958 (Print); ISSN: 2078‐0966 (Online)Proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2012 Vol II,IMECS 2012, March 14 ‐ 16, 2012, Hong Kong

located in the Niger Delta States. The distribution of these pipelines in the Niger Delta area of Nigeria is shown in TABLE 2 Table 1. AGE AND PERFORMANCE RATING OF NIGERIAN Unlike other countries, the main pipelines in the Nigerian MAIN OIL PIPELINES AS AT THE YEAR 2000 Niger Delta states are combined into unified systems that transport natural gas, oil and petroleum fuels to both domestic Year 2000 and international end users, Natural gas is transported Age (years) % total network exclusively by the Nigerian National petroleum % reliability length Corporation (NNPC); oil is transported by a combination <20 46 27 of multinational oil companies and the national pipeline 20‐30 29 32 operator; and refined petroleum fuels are taken care of >30 25 41 by independent oil marketers. (Source: Pipeline Oil Spill Prevention and Remediation in TABLE 1 NDS, NNPC, 2007) NUMBER OF PIPELINE KILOMETERS BY DIAMETER IN THE NIGER DELTA STATES The main sources of information for oil pipeline failures cited in this study are the following: Database of the Oil Spill Intelligence Report Cross‐River Akwa‐Ibom Diameter


(NNPC), Port Harcourt. Rivers

Total Delta

Shell Nigeria Annual Reports, Port Harcourt, Nigeria. (mm)


Hazardous Cargo Bulletin (HCB), NNPC, Nigeria.

Oil Gas Pipeline Failure Rates (detailed) - [PDF Document] (5)

152 28 ‐ 48 ‐ 48 104 Oil and Gas Journal (OGJ), Lagos, Nigeria. 228 ‐ ‐ ‐ 148 ‐ ‐ 148 Major Hazard Incident Data Service Database 304 ‐ ‐ ‐ 14 ‐ 148 168 (MHIDAS); Health and Safety Executive (owner), 381 136 ‐ ‐ 165 ‐ ‐ 301 AEA Technology (operator), Lagos, Nigeria. 457 ‐ 197 ‐ 169 ‐ 60 396 Institution of Chemical Engineers Accident 533 24 ‐ ‐ 52 197 356 629 Database (I.Chem. E), Port Harcourt, Nigeria. 609 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 274 274 Ministry of Niger Delta Area, Abuja, Nigeria. 685 ‐ 742 ‐ 670 ‐ ‐ 1412 762 183 ‐ ‐ 28 742 1483 2436 Note: Ministry of Niger Delta Area covers developmental 838 ‐ 2874 753 197 ‐ 398 4222 projects in the Oil producing states. 914 403 ‐ ‐ 1567 ‐ 958 2928 The relevant data on each of the oil pipeline failures are 990 ‐ 456 ‐ 342 ‐ ‐ 798 summarized in Tables 3‐5 below. The causes of spills were analyzed in accordance with the internationally 1066 ‐ 81 ‐ 43 456 2597 3117 accepted nomenclature (NNPC 1997) 1143 ‐ 161 ‐ 897 81 ‐ 1139 1219 501 197 ‐ 1231 161 1929 4019 TABLE 3 Total 1247 4539 753 5471 1367 8251 21528 A SUMMARY OF THE VARIOUS CAUSES OF OIL PIPELINE FAILURE IN THE NIGER DELTA REGION OF ‐ = Not available NIGERIA (Source: Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR), Shell Operational


petroleum Development Company (SPDC), Port‐Harcourt, Mechanical


2010) Activity

Natural Hazard Failure Failure

The specific age of some of the pipelines are not known, and it was possible to make an objective correlation between the age of pipelines and their rate of rupture [10]. Construc‐ Internal, System, Accidental, Subside‐ However, a large number of the oil pipelines in the Niger tion, External Human Malicious nce, Delta area were put into operation in the 1960s and 1970's Material (Sabotage), Flooding (see Table 2 below). As at the year 2000, pipelines older than and Incidental and 20 years constituted 73% of all pipelines while those over Structural and Acts of Others 30 years old accounted for 41% of the total network length. Vandalism Reliability rating for pipelines less than 20 years in service was found to be about 46% while those above 30 years was about (Source: Pipeline Oil Spill Prevention and Remediation in 25%. This shows a decline of about 21% and an overall NDA, NNPC, 2007) declining pattern with ageing.

ISBN: 978‐988‐19251‐9‐0 IMECS 2012ISSN: 2078‐0958 (Print); ISSN: 2078‐0966 (Online)Proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2012 Vol II,IMECS 2012, March 14 ‐ 16, 2012, Hong Kong

TABLE 4 Akwa‐lbom, Cross‐River, and Edo few pipeline failures NUMBER OF OIL PIPELINE FAILURES BY LOCATION were reported. The spill frequencies for these states are (STATE) AND CAUSE OF SPILL, NNPC, 1999‐2005 represented by lightly colored bars in Fig. 3, because these Cause of spill frequencies are based on a statistical estimate of 0.7

by Third party failures (50 percent confidence in Poisson distribution for

Operational Mechanical


Oil Gas Pipeline Failure Rates (detailed) - [PDF Document] (6)

Unknown Location

zero events).

location Natural Hazard activity Failure

Total Rivers state has a high pipeline failure rate. This high

error rate could be due to good reporting of oil spills. One oil spill in Rivers state was definitely identified as sabotage. Akwa‐ 2 3 1 ‐ ‐ 6 12 The ages of Rivers state's pipelines are unknown, but as Ibom Rivers state is a mature oil‐producing state, a reasonable Bayelsa 8 7 4 9 1 18 47 assumption is that the pipelines are older than average. Cross‐ 1 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 3 4 The pipeline failure rate in Akwa‐lbom is low. This could River be due to poor reporting of oil spills, newer pipelines, better Delta 5 4 3 7 1 3 23 quality of materials used, better maintenance, or less corrosive Edo 1 2 2 4 ‐ 3 12 soil. As stated before, this could be due to teething troubles Rivers 6 5 7 8 1 10 37 for new pipelines or wear‐and‐tear on old pipelines. The age of the pipelines in Akwa‐lbom is not known and so it is Total by 23 21 17 28 3 43 137 difficult to speculate if they are either new or old. cause ‐ =Not available (Source: Pipeline Oil Spill Prevention and Remediation in NDS, NNPC, 2007) TABLE 6 FAILURE RATES FOR NIGER DELTA STATES, 1999‐ 2005 TABLE 5 NUMBER OF OIL SPILL ACCIDENTS BY LOCATION Location No. of Failure rate (STATE) AND DIAMETER CLASS, NDS 1999‐2005 Kilometer‐ by oil per 1,000km‐ Diameter class(mm) years by

State Spills years Unknown

203 381 609 Location

Akwa‐Ibom 12 3,115 0.19 location

to to to >812 Bayelsa 39 5,222 0.20 Total

355 558 812 Cross‐River 3 756 0.14 Delta 41 6,328 0.22 Akwa‐Ibom ‐ 3 1 1 1 6 Edo 5 890 0.16 Bayelsa ‐ 14 13 11 1 39 Rivers 46 7,490 0.23 Cross‐River 3 5 1 2 1 12 Total 146 23,801 1.14 Delta 2 4 6 1 2 15 (Source: Pipeline Oil Spill Prevention and Remediation Edo ‐ ‐ 1 10 1 12 in NDS, NNPC, 1997) Rivers 6 8 10 5 4 33 Total by class 11 34 32 30 10 117

‐ =Not available (Source: Pipeline Oil Spill Prevention and Remediation in Overall Failure Rate NDS, NNPC, 2007) 12 10 8 III. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS 6 4 Overall Failure Assessment of results generated in this study of pipeline 2 Rate failures, including risk assessment of the environment

Oil Gas Pipeline Failure Rates (detailed) - [PDF Document] (7)

from oil pipeline spills, was analyzed on a state‐by‐state 0 basis of the Niger Delta States (NDS). The analysis was performed on data collected for the 113 NDS pipeline spills used in this study that occurred between 1999 and 2005. Table 5 and Fig. 3 present the number of spills, spill Fig. 3. Variation of Failure Rate by NDSs for All Oil frequency expressed as kilometer‐years, and the failure Pipeline Spills, 1999‐2005; (Source: Pipeline Oil Spill rate for each ND State. Except for Bayelsa, Delta and Prevention and Remediation in NDS, NNPC, 2007) Rivers, the number of oil pipeline failures is limited. For

ISBN: 978‐988‐19251‐9‐0 IMECS 2012ISSN: 2078‐0958 (Print); ISSN: 2078‐0966 (Online)Proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2012 Vol II,IMECS 2012, March 14 ‐ 16, 2012, Hong Kong

V. RECOMMENDATIONS Causes of Oil Pipeline Failures,NDA (a) Among the NDs, Rivers state, with 0.8% of total pipeline kilometers had the highest pipeline failure rate during the 45 period of the analysis. Akwa‐lbom and Cross‐river states had the 40 35 lowest failure rates, with 3.4% and 9.8% of total pipeline 30 kilometers respectively. These variations could be due to a 25 20 number of factors, including the following: Differences in the ages 15 of pipelines; Differences in environmental, climatic, 10 geological, and soil conditions and their effects on pipelines and 5 0 pipeline routing; Differences in construction standards; Differences in implementation of contingency plans; and Differences in reporting thresholds for oil spill events. These factors should be reviewed in greater detail so as to establish more precisely the parameters that would explain the Causes of Oil differences in failure rate. Pipeline (b) Failures due to third‐party activities are significant Failures,NDA in both the NDs and Western Europe, thereby highlighting the need for establishing an effective regulatory and monitoring mechanism for oil pipeline operation Fig. 4. Distribution of Causes of Oil Pipeline Failures in the in the country. NDS, 1999‐2005 (Source: Pipeline Oil Spill Prevention and (c) External corrosion can be tackled by improved coatings Remediation in NDS, NNPC, 2007) and cathodic protection e.g. use of polyethylene and multilayer coatings have longer life. Early detection of coating IV. CONCLUSION degradation is an important strategy and pipes should be The following are the main conclusions of this study: subjected to hydrostatic testing [11]. (a) Comparing the six states (Akwa‐lbom, Bayelsa, Cross‐ (d) Internal corrosion can be prevented by dehydration of river, Delta, Edo, and Rivers) of the Niger Delta area as used in gases and periodic pigging of lines to remove accumulated this report, Rivers, Delta and Bayelsa, which are the main hub of water and deposits. oil and gas exploration in Nigeria, have higher pipeline failure rates (at 0.6, 0.5 and 0.45 per 1,000 km‐years respectively) REFERENCES as compared to Akwa‐lbom , Edo and Cross‐river states with pipeline [1] Agbaeze, K. N., (2000); Petroleum Pipe Leakages PPMC Report for Chief Officiers Mandatory Course 026, rupture rate of about 0.25, 0.2 and 0.15 per 1,000 km‐years, Lagos highlighting the fact that the pipelines in Rivers, Delta and [2] Ikporukpo, Chris, (1998); Environmental impact Bayelsa states are more susceptible to rupture than in the assessment and human concern in the petroleum other Niger Delta states. industry: Nigeria's experience, 9th International (b)The specific ages of the pipelines in which the failures Conference on the Petroleum Industry and the Nigerian occurred were not available, and hence, it was not Environment, Abuja, pp.766 ‐ 782. possible to clearly establish the statistical significance of [3] Onosode, Gamaliel, (1997); Petroleum development and this parameter as a cause of pipeline failure. The failure rate the environment: NOES Perspective, In Nigerian of pipelines usually follows a bathtub curve. At the start and Petroleum Business: A Handbook, Victor E. Eromosele the end of the lifetime, failure rates are high; in the middle of (Ed.), Advent Communications, Lagos, pp.287‐291. the lifetime failure rates are usually low. This could be due to [4] Ndifon, W. O., (1998); Health impact of a major oil "teething" troubles for new pipelines and due to wear‐and‐tear spill: Case study of Mobil oil spill in Akwa Ibom State, as the pipeline gets old. 9th International Conference on the Petroleum Industry (c) The severity of spillage, measured by the amount of oil and the Nigerian Environment, Abuja, pp.804 ‐ 815. spilled, is higher in the Niger Delta than in Western Europe. [5] Ekuerhare, B.U. and Orubu, C. O., (1996); Economics of The reason could be poor contingency planning for rapid the Niger Delta, Technical Report, Niger Delta response to spills; poor detection procedures; long Environmental Survey, Port‐Harcourt distances between emergency shutdown valves; or the [6] Eromosele, Victor E., (1998); Costing Niger Delta's larger average diameter of pipelines. oil spills: A joint stakeholder's approach. 9th (d) Prevention of failures caused by equipment malfunction International Conference on the Petroleum Industry and the Nigerian Environment, Abuja, pp.358‐368 is a matter of choosing the right equipment and of proper [7] Moffat, Daniel and Linden, Olofu, (1995); Perception and maintenance and appropriate testing of the particular equipment. reality: Assessing priorities for sustainable Hydrostatic testing by which the pipeline is subjected to development in the Niger Delta, AMBIO: Journal of pressure above the operating pressure, to blow out defects Human Environment, Vol. 24, and Nos. 7‐8, pp.527‐538. before they reach a critical size in service is also used to detect [8] Nwankwo, D. I., Chukwu, L. O., and Brown, C. O., corroded pipe before it fails in service. (1998); The impact of oil pollution on the hydrochemistry and biota of the tidal creeks and canals in Ondo State, 9th International Conference on the Petroleum Industry and the Nigerian Environment, Abuja, pp.538‐576.

ISBN: 978‐988‐19251‐9‐0 IMECS 2012ISSN: 2078‐0958 (Print); ISSN: 2078‐0966 (Online)Proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2012 Vol II,IMECS 2012, March 14 ‐ 16, 2012, Hong Kong

[9] Odusola, A.F., (1996); Community Participation in Environmental Assessment; In Environmental Policy Planning, P.C. Egbon and B. Morvaridi Eds., National Centre for Economic Management and Administration (NCEMA), Ibadan, pp.152‐174 [10] Awobanjo, S.A., (1981); Oil spillage in Nigeria: 1976 ‐ 1980, Paper presented at the 1981 International Seminar on the Oil Industry, NNPC, Lagos [11] C. Kato, Y. Otoguro, (1981); Grooving Corrosion of Electric Resistance Welded Steel Pipe in Water Case Histories and Effects of Alloying Elements

Oil Gas Pipeline Failure Rates (detailed) - [PDF Document] (8)

ISBN: 978‐988‐19251‐9‐0 IMECS 2012ISSN: 2078‐0958 (Print); ISSN: 2078‐0966 (Online)

Long­Distance Oil/Gas Pipeline Failure Rate Prediction Based on Fuzzy Neural Network Modelhttp://www.computer.org/csdl/proceedings/csie/2009/3507/05/3507e651­abs.html December 07, 2014

... for predicting the failure rates of the long­distance oil/gas ... "Long­Distance Oil/Gas Pipeline Failure Rate Prediction Based on Fuzzy Neural ...

With an aging underground long­distance oil/gas pipeline, ever­encroaching population and increasing oil price, the burden on pipeline agencies toefficiently prioritize and maintain the rapidly deteriorating underground utilities is increasing. Failure rate prediction is the most important part of riskassessment, and the veracity of the failure rate impacts the rationality and applicability of the result of the risk assessment. This paper developed afuzzy artificial neural network model, which is based on failure tree and fuzzy number computing model, for predicting the failure rates of the long­distance oil/gas pipeline. The neural network model was trained and tested with acquired Lanzhou ­ Chengdu ­ Chongqing product oil pipeline data,and the developed model was intended to aid in pipeline risk assessment to identify distressed pipeline segments. The gained result based on fuzzyartificial neural network model would be comparatively analyzed with fuzzy failure tree analysis to verify the accuracy of fuzzy artificial neural networkmodel.

Xing­yu Peng, Peng Zhang, Li­qiong Chen, "Long­Distance Oil/Gas Pipeline Failure Rate Prediction Based on Fuzzy Neural Network Model", CSIE,2009, 2009 WRI World Congress on Computer Science and Information Engineering, CSIE, 2009 WRI World Congress on Computer Science andInformation Engineering, CSIE 2009, pp. 651­655, doi:10.1109/CSIE.2009.738

Oil and Gas Pipelines ­ University of Colorado Boulderhttp://www.colorado.edu/hazards/shakeout/pipelines.pdf December 07, 2014

Oil and Gas Pipelines Prepared for United States Geological Survey Pasadena CA ... failure rates on the order of 0.4/km for high quality welded steel...

Oil and Gas Pipelines

Prepared for United States Geological Survey Pasadena CA


California Geological Survey Sacramento CA

Under contract to SPA Risk LLC Denver CO

By Donald Ballantyne MMI Engineering, Inc. Tacoma WA May 2008

The ShakeOut Scenario:U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 2008‐1150California Geological Survey Preliminary Report 25 version 1.0 Note: over the course of the ShakeOut Scenario, the project name evolved. Where a study mentions the SoSAFE Scenario or San AndreasU.S. Geological Survey Circular 1324 Fault Scenario, it refers to what is now named the ShakeOut Scenario.California Geological Survey Special Report 207 version 1.0 M7.8 Southern San Andreas Fault Earthquake Scenario: Oil and Gas Pipelines

Donald Ballantyne, MMI Engineering, 206‐226‐7496, [emailprotected]

Physical and Operational Impacts of Pipeline Failures

There is a long record of oil and gas transmission pipeline failures in California earthquakes due to ground shaking and liquefaction. The large majority of these have been joint failures where the joints were constructed using oxy‐acetylene welds installed prior to approximately 1930. Pipelines constructed using electric arc welding (post‐1930) have performed much better. There has been only limited mixed experience of modern pipeline performance at fault crossings.

In the 1994 Northridge earthquake, there were 209 repairs required to metallic distribution lines, and 27 to polyethylene lines. There were 35 non‐corrosion –related transmission pipeline repairs of which 27 occurred on pipe joint with oxy‐acetylene girth welds in pre‐1930 pipelines. At one of those failures, gas leaked from a failed 56‐cm line on Balboa Boulevard and was ignited by the ignition system on a nearby truck (T. O’Rourke, 1994). The fire resulted in burning nearby houses (Figure 1).

In the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake, PG&E had three failures of transmission lines, and extensive damage to the cast iron distribution system in the San Francisco Marina District resulting in an extensive pipe cast iron pipe replacement program using polyethylene. (EERI, 1990).

In the 1979 Imperial Valley Earthquake, three pipelines were impacted by fault movement; none failed. A 10‐, 20‐, and 25‐cm pipe were subject from 40‐ to 60‐cm of movement. The 10‐cm line had oxy‐acetylene welded joints, while the other two had electric arc welded joints. These lines were operating at pressures of up to 725 psi. (Dobry, 1992).

In the 1971 San Fernando earthquake, over 80 transmission line failures occurred in pipelines due to shaking that had oxy‐acetylene welded joints while less than five occurred in pipelines with electric arc welded joints (including reconditioned joints). For transmission lines subjected to permanent ground deformation, approximately 10 failures each occurred in oxy‐acetylene

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and electric arc welded pipe. Failures in electric arc welded pipe occurred in areas with offsets of two meters while no failures occurred in another are subjected to two to three meters of displacement (O’Rourke, 1994).

In Washington State, two high pressure gas transmission line failures occurred in 1997, both resulting from ground movement. Another failure occurred in 2003. One of the 1997 failures resulted in an explosion. In 1999, a pipeline carrying gasoline failed due to damage caused by a third party during construction on adjacent facilities. The pipeline failure resulted in discharging 277,000 gallons of product into a creek bed. In the ensuing fire, two boys burned to death, and one young man was killed after he was overcome by fumes.


In summary, modern steel pipelines with electric arc welded joints perform much better pipelines with oxy‐acetylene welded joints (typically pre‐1930 construction). Steel pipelines have performed well when subjected to ground displacements of 60 cm, but sometimes fail when displacements reach several meters. High pressure gas lines do fail when subjected to permanent ground deformation due to slides, and if an ignition source is available, can explode. Gasoline leaked from a damaged product line fueled a fireball when ignited.

Exposed Assets

Pipeline information was acquired using the HSIP Gold database, provided in both Google Earth and ArcGIS format. Six product pipelines were identified in areas of strong ground shaking, two of which cross the fault at Cajon Pass. Three run westerly from the node/distribution terminal in Colton towards Los Angeles, and one runs easterly from that same node as shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Product Pipelines Impacted by the Earthquake Scenario

Pipeline Name Diameter Location Hazard

Colton‐Barlow, CalNev 35‐cm Cajon Pass; San Andreas Fault Crossing, Landslide, Pipeline Company Fault Crossing Liquefaction/Lateral Spread

Colton‐Barlow, CalNev 20‐cm Cajon Pass; San Andreas Fault Crossing, Landslide, Pipeline Company Fault Crossing Liquefaction/Lateral Spread

Colton‐Yuma, Kinder 50‐cm Colton, east south‐east Fault Crossing, Landslide, Morgan SFPP LP along the west side (and Liquefaction/Lateral Spread, crossing) of the San Andreas Shaking Fault to the Salton Sea

Nogales‐Colton 50‐cm Colton – Los Angeles Landslide, Liquefaction/Lateral Spread, Shaking

Watson‐Colton 40‐cm Colton – Los Angeles Landslide, Liquefaction/Lateral Spread, Shaking

Colton‐March 15‐cm Colton to March AFB Landslide, Liquefaction/Lateral Spread, Shaking

Southern California Gas owns gas transmission and distribution pipelines throughout the region. Twenty‐seven fault crossings were identified; eighteen transmission, and nine distribution pipelines (some lines are counted multiple times as they cross multiple splays of the fault). Two of these cross at Cajon Pass (transmission), one at San Bernardino (distribution), fourteen at Palm Springs (seven transmission and seven distribution), and ten at Palmdale (nine transmission and one distribution). The diameter of these lines is unknown. Southern California 2

Gas’s entire pipeline inventory in areas with PGA’s exceeding 10 to 15 percent gravity are subject to landslides and liquefaction/lateral spread through the region.

It is assumed that all of the product and gas transmission lines are constructed using welded steel joints. Some of these pipelines may have been constructed using oxy‐acetylene welded joints (typically pre‐1930), and some using electric arc welded joints (post‐1930). Some of the distribution pipelines may be constructed of cast iron. In most cases, the cast iron would have been replaced with polyethylene.

Vulnerability of Assets

Buried pipelines are vulnerable to permanent ground deformation and wave propagation (shaking). Ground deformation can include fault rupture, landslide, and liquefaction and associated lateral spreading and settlement. Pipe damage mechanisms include: compression/wrinkling, joint weld cracking/separation (particularly for oxy‐acetylene welds), bending/shear resulting from localized wrinkling, and tension.

This earthquake scenario is focusing on an event on the southern segment of the San Andreas Fault that is expected to offset as much as 13 meters near the Salton Sea. A 4.5 meter offset is expected at Cajon Pass. In addition to lateral movement, there may be an additional vertical offset. The fault offset places the buried pipe in shear, compression, or tension depending on the geometry of the pipe relative to the fault. The preferred alignment would be to place the pipe in pure tension; the worst alignment would place the pipe in pure compression. In tension, steel pipelines with welded joints can distribute tensile strain over hundreds of meters minimizing localized stresses. Anchor points (valves of bends) can result in local stress concentrations. By comparison, pipelines readily wrinkle in compression. It may be possible for the pipelines crossing the San Andreas Fault at Cajon Pass to survive if they have been properly designed. If special considerations were not taken into account, it is unlikely the pipelines could accommodate 4.5 meters of offset. The American Lifelines Alliance (2001) estimates that high quality welded steel pipe would have a failure about every 400 meters given these conditions. The Colton‐Barstow CalNev pipelines and the Kinder Morgan Colton Yuma pipeline appear to run parallel to and nearly on top of the fault. Depending on the exact fault location, this alignment could put these pipelines into almost pure compression causing them to fail.

Landslides can load buried pipelines in a similar manner to fault rupture. Pipelines crossing block landslide failures (but moving only several meters) laterally are put into shear at both edges of the block. If they run through longitudinally, they are put into tension at the top of the slide, and into compression at the toe. In catastrophic landslide failures, the pipe may be left unsupported. It is difficult to speculate about vulnerability due to landslides without site specific assessments. However for example, pipeline alignments approaching Cajon Pass, the Kinder Morgan pipeline north of Redlands, and the Nogales‐Colton pipeline east of Whittier are all in rugged terrain,

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subject to slides.


Liquefaction and associated lateral spread and settlement occur in alluvial deposits with a shallow groundwater table (less than 10 meters deep). Most of the study area receives minimal rainfall, and as a result has a deep groundwater table. Additional information is required to identify areas that might be vulnerable to liquefaction. If liquefaction does occur, the greatest vulnerability occurs when buried pipelines move as part of large blocks of soil, down gradient. The vulnerable locations are at the block interfaces. The pipelines are subject to similar loading that would be encountered in landslides.

Compression wave propagation along pipelines puts them first in tension and then in compression. Standing on the ground surface, humans feel this as shaking. Pipelines can readily accommodate wave propagation moving the pipe tangential to its alignment.

Historically, steel pipelines with high quality electric arc welded joints perform very well in this shaking environment. Pipelines with joints using oxy‐acetylene welds can have failure rates nearly 100 times greater than those with electric arc welded joints.

The most extreme shaking intensity in the study area is expected to be about 250 cm/second, located just north of Cajon Pass and in the Palm Dessert‐Coachella area along the Kinder Morgan pipeline. For this level of shaking, the American Lifelines Alliance (2001) estimates failure rates on the order of 0.4/km for high quality welded steel pipelines (Figure 2). Pipelines in the San Bernardino and Palmdale areas would be expected to experience velocities of 150 to 200 cm/sec resulting in failure rates of 0.28/km for high quality electric arc joint welded pipe.

If a pipeline does fail, the consequences are dependent on its contents, its diameter, and the pressure of its contents. The two general categories of contents are “product” including liquid fuels that could be gasoline, jet fuel, diesel fuel, or other liquid fuels, and natural gas. The operating pressure in natural gas pipelines can approach 1,000 psi. Gas released through failures in small diameter low pressure gas mains (distribution mains) will generally dissipate quickly. Failure of large diameter high pressure natural gas pipelines can result in an explosion that can blast a crater in the surrounding soil, and damage nearby and overhead structures and facilities (such as power transmission lines). In any case, an ignition source is required to initiate the explosion. A human caused source could be a vehicle ignition system, cigarette lighter, or spark from a metal on stone impact. There is speculation that pipelines running parallel to overhead high voltage power transmission lines carry an induced current that could cause a spark if the pipeline was ruptured. In any case, there is a high probability that there will be an ignition source in the event of rupture of a high pressure pipeline. As evidenced by the fire that occurred in Washington State, failure and leakage of gasoline can result in an extensive fire if an ignition source exists. For some liquid fuels such as diesel, the potential for a fire is low, but would result in environmental contamination.

Damage Scenario and Lifeline Interaction

Natural gas, gasoline, and diesel pipelines rupture at fault crossings at Cajon Pass, Palm Springs, and Palmdale. A product line carrying gasoline ruptures at Cajon Pass; in the hills east of


Whittier another product line fails spewing jet fuel into the air. The product receiving station tank farm in Colton is heavily damaged.

One of the two Southern California Gas transmission pipelines at Cajon Pass will rupture at the fault and explode (See Figure 3) resulting in a large crater (see Figure 4). The Southern California Gas pipeline‐fault interface occurs where the pipeline intersects the CalNev 14‐inch product pipeline, so when the explosion occurs the CalNev pipeline ruptures. The CalNev pipeline is transporting gasoline, so the gasoline adds to the fire (see Figure 5). Power transmission lines are overhead, and the fire reaches the lines causing them to fail.

The Southern California Gas pipeline is one of two parallel lines at Cajon Pass. Delayed by highway damage and traffic congestion, operations personnel reach the site and isolate the damaged pipe four hours after the earthquake occurs. Their second pipeline is taken out of service as a precautionary measure to check for damage due to the 5 meter fault offset. The second pipeline is temporarily put back in service until the ruptured one is repaired. CalNev operations personnel reach the site and isolate their line 6 hours after the earthquake. Electrical power is rerouted around the damaged transmission line.

The 20‐inch Kinder Morgan product line is ruptured in Palm Springs (Figure 6). The pipeline is aligned directly over the fault. When the earthquake occurs, the pipeline is shortened five meters causing it to wrinkle and rupture (Figure 7). The pipeline is carrying diesel which is sprayed into the air. Ultimately 200,000 gallons of product is discharged into the local drainage until the line can be isolated. A smaller natural gas distribution pipeline is located in the same right‐of‐way. The fault displacement also ruptures this line. Although the volume of discharging gas is much smaller than that coming from the break at Cajon Pass, the gas hampers response efforts. The Kinder Morgan Pipeline fails at an additional 15 locations due to shaking at locations along the 60 km alignment paralleling the fault trace. Each failure location requires environmental cleanup of the discharged diesel product.

In Palmdale, a natural gas transmission line crosses the fault multiple times. It ruptures when the earthquake occurs, spewing gas into the air. First responders quickly evacuate the area and are able to keep the gas from igniting until a Southern California Gas crew arrives to isolate the break.

A landslide in the hills east of Whittier shears off the 20‐inch Nogales pipeline in the hills east of Whittier releasing jet fuel. 100,000 gallons of product is discharged before the line can be shut down. The jet fuel finds its way into a local drainage.

The Colton Receiving Station (Figure 8) is subjected to 40 percent g shaking. The receiving station is a node for distribution of gasoline, diesel and jet fuel. The facility also controls flow of jet fuel to March Air Force Base. Unanchored tanks bounce around breaking connecting pipe. Fuel discharges into the retaining dikes, and is ignited by passing vehicle ignition system.


Southern California Gas has small transmission and distribution piping throughout the impacted

Oil Gas Pipeline Failure Rates (detailed) - [PDF Document] (11)

area. In recent years, they have replaced most of the cast iron pipe in the distribution system with polyethylene. They still suffer approximately 200 pipeline failures, primarily at fittings and transitions.

Mitigation To mitigate pipe failures, there is a series of possible mitigation measures that can be considered on a site by site basis. Seismic resistant design of pipelines at fault crossings may be the most effective compared to landslide and liquefaction areas because fault (particularly strike‐slip faults) locations can be determined with reasonable accuracy. The same mitigation measures can be employed for areas with high susceptibility to landslides or liquefaction/lateral spreading except that the locations of block interfaces may be less certain. There may be an opportunity to avoid landslide and liquefaction zones when selecting the alignment of new pipelines. Selection of pipe joint design is important in mitigating pipe damage due to wave propagation.

To mitigate damage due to permanent ground deformation (fault movement, landslide, liquefaction) use modern welded steel pipe with butt electric arc welded joints. Replace old pipe that has oxy acetylene welded joints within the fault zones and several thousand feet beyond. The pipeline geometry should be designed so the pipe will go into tension when the fault moves. Install the pipe with a coating/covering to minimize soil‐pipe friction allowing the pipe to easily slide through the ground. Avoid use of “anchors” (valves, sharp bends, etc.) to allow the pipe to move so that pipe stresses can be distributed along the pipe. Design the backfill to allow the pipe to move laterally in the trench if required to accommodate the fault movement.

To mitigate damage due to wave propagation (shaking), use modern steel pipe employing electric arc welded joints (the standard in the industry). Replace old (pre‐1930) pipe with oxy‐acetylene welded joints.

To mitigate the consequence of pipe failure, implement an automated control system to allow quick shutdown of the pipeline systems. Construct parallel (redundant) pipelines in independent alignments so if one fails, the other may remain intact.


Figure 1. Balboa Neighborhood Burned by Exploding Gas Line in Northridge Earthquake (left); Fire ball that Burned the Neighborhood. Failure Rate (failures/km)

Welded Steel Pipe

Peak Ground Velocity (cm/sec)

Figure 2. Wave Propagation Pipeline Fragility (After ALA 2001)


Electric Power

Product Pipelines San Andreas Fault



Figure 3. Oil, Electric Power, Highway, and Railway Lifelines in Relationship to the San Andreas Fault at Cajon Pass (Natural Gas Pipelines Not Shown).

Figure 4. Crater Resulting from Williams 26‐inch Pipeline Explosion in Washington State, December 13, 2003. (Photo Credit ‐ Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission)


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Figure 5. Smoke Plume from 1999 Gasoline Fire in Bellingham Washington resulting from Product Pipeline Failure due to Third Party damage. (Photo Credit – City of Bellingham)

Figure 6. Layout of Kinder Morgan 20‐inch Product Line (brown) and Southern California Gas Pipelines (pink). Relative the San Andreas Fault in Palm Springs (dotted).


Figure 7. Wrinkled Pipeline Failed in Compression


Figure 8. Colton Receiving Facility with Tank Farm Vulnerable to Earthquake Ground Motion


Key factors for the estimation of cross­country pipelines ...http://www.erm.com/PageFiles/1962/Key­factors­for­the­estimation­of­cross­country­pipelines­failure­rates.pdf December 07, 2014

... the failure rate for natural gas pipeline has bucked the trend and has increased by approximately ... do not differ for gas pipelines or oil pipelines.

Key factors for the estimation of cross‐country pipelines failure rates Glenn Petitt with comments acknowledged from Richard Espiner

Introduction Underground cross‐country pipelines are widely used in the Oil & Gas and Petrochemical Industries to transport raw materials and products, e.g. crude oil, natural gas and gasoline. The loss of mechanical integrity of such pipelines has occurred on numerous occasions world‐wide, due to a variety of causes such as corrosion, external impact, defects, operational errors and natural hazards. With materials being transported at very high pressures, pipeline failures may result in major releases of hazardous materials. An example is shown in Figure 1: the destruction of many houses after a major fire following a gas pipeline rupture in San Bruno, California, USA in September 2010. Such failures present a risk to people (in the case of ignition of high pressure gas) and the environment (in the case of oil and other liquid products).

There are a number of recognised failure rate databases for cross‐country pipelines, such as CONCAWE (European liquid pipelines) [1], EGIG (European gas pipelines) [2] and the US DoT (both liquids and gas pipelines) [3]. It is remarkable how close the base data from the different systems are, which leads to some confidence that the figures are sufficiently robust to be used in risk analyses.

For each database there is a number of failure modes included, such as corrosion, third party impact, material defects, natural hazards. For some of these failure modes, the databases have shown that there is a correlation between the failure rates and various risk reduction mechanism, such as heavy wall thickness. In particular, a reduction in failure rate can be applied for the corrosion and third party impact failure modes for heavy wall thickness.

However, for other failure modes, in particular material defects, the databases show no correlation between the failure rate and key risk reduction mechanisms such as heavy wall thickness. It would seem logical that the failure rate for material defects should decrease with increasing wall thickness, but for frequency assessments this has often been a constant in past studies, by simple use of statistics from the various databases.

The author has extensive experience of assessing the risks associated with pipeline systems, having been heavily involved in the design and subsequent operation of a number of high‐profile pipelines world‐wide (from a risk perspective). This experience has been applied to the analysis of the various failure modes in order to determine how various risk reduction techniques can reduce the frequency of failure. This includes the assessment of statistics where there is no immediate correlation from the various databases for specific failure modes.

The paper discusses how such data can be applied where logic would suggest that there should be a reduction in failure rates, although this is not immediately apparent from the various databases.

The world’s leading sustainability consultancy

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Historical databasesTable 1 provides a summary of historical pipeline failure data from some of the best sources of data for onshore pipelinesystems. All these sources provide raw data on failure incidents and pipeline length and an analysis of the failure causes.The most relevant and up to date databases available are those of:• CONCAWE,• European Gas Pipeline Incident Data Group (EGIG),• US Department of Transportation (US DoT).

Table 1 Comparison of Various International Pipeline Failure Data Source Period Overall (i.e. unmodified) Failure Frequency (per km.year) CONCAWE 1971‐2010 3.5 E‐4* 1981‐2010 2.8 E‐4* 1991‐2010 2.4 E‐4* 2001‐2010 2.2 E‐4* EGIG 1970‐2010 3.5 E‐4 1981‐2010 2.9 E‐4 1991‐2010 2.0 E‐4 2001‐2010 1.7 E‐4 US DoT, Liquids 1988‐2001 4.9 E‐4 2002‐2011 4.5 E‐4 US DoT, Natural Gas 1988‐2001 7.2 E‐5 2002‐2011 1.1 E‐4 * These frequencies have been filtered to include those only from the cross‐country sections.

The CONCAWE database [1] applies to crude oil and petroleum pipelines that are located in Western Europe, although since2001, pipelines from a number of Eastern European countries have also been included in the database. Data are collected forthe pipeline network every year. A number of figures are provided in Table 1 that show that the general trend of pipelineincidents is decreasing.

EGIG has compiled data collected by a group of 15 major gas transmission operators in Western Europe over the period 1970to 2010 [2]. Failure rates for the whole of this period are provided in Table 1, but again, more recent data show that theperformance of gas pipelines has generally improved.The US DoT collects annual statistics on pipeline failures from reportable incidents. Results can be obtained from the internetback to 1988 [3]. Data from 2002 onwards are more detailed in terms of the failure mode, hence the split in the periodsshown in Table 1. It is interesting to note that whilst the failure rate has again decreased for liquid pipelines in the laterperiod shown in Table 1, the failure rate for natural gas pipeline has bucked the trend and has increased by approximately50% (probably due to improved reporting in recent years), although the overall failure rate is still below that of EGIG.

The overall failure rate data show a relatively good similarly. Data from the most recent years is recommended forestimating failure rates due to the improving performance. These data take into account improved mechanisms for pipelineintegrity, such as superior pipeline coatings and better cathodic protection systems to reduce the likelihood of corrosionfailures; improved mill quality control and construction techniques to reduce the likelihood of material fault failures; andenhanced protection methods, such a concrete slabbing at crossings to reduce the likelihood of external interference failures.However, a number of the older pipeline systems still do not have such enhanced protection mechanisms and data thatincludes earlier years may be more appropriate for these.

It should be noted that the data are an average over different countries in Europe and over different states in the US. Theaddition of Eastern European liquid pipelines into the CONCAWE database resulted in a slight increase in the overall failurerate data when these were first included, due to the inferior performance of these pipelines.

Analysis of the raw data is described in more detail in a previous paper [4], although data from the last few years is notincluded. This current paper is more concerned with how key factors can be applied for the estimation of cross‐countrypipelines failure rates.

Failure causesThe historical databases also provide good data on the various failure modes. For all databases the most common failuremode is due to third party interference. Other key failure causes are corrosion, material defects and natural hazards.Certainly with regard to gas transmission pipelines, third party interference is a major cause of full bore ruptures, which is akey focus of this paper. Failure causes are dealt in detail elsewhere and so not discussed in detail in this paper. However,Figures 2 and 3 show the latest data from CONCAWE (cross‐country sections only) and Figure 4 shows the latest data fromEGIG.

Release sizeA major issue for the potential safety and environmental impact of releases from oil and gas pipelines is the size of therelease.In particular for gas pipelines, serious impact is most likely if there is a full bore rupture; this is generally ‘unzipping of thepipeline’ such that a complete section is lost and gas is released from both ends, initially at a very high release rate. If thefailure mode is accompanied by ignition, or if ignition occurs during the early part of a release, then a catastrophic fire mayensue. (If ignition is delayed, there may still be a major fire, although much of the early inventory will be lost as the pipelinerapidly depressurises.) Hence, for high pressure gas pipelines, one is generally concerned with full bore ruptures, withconsequences demonstrated as shown in Figure 1. (Leaks may also result in serious fires, but the magnitude of these isrelatively small in comparison.)

For oil pipelines the size of release is not as significant with regard to environmental impact. A small release has thepotential to continue for a large amount of time (possibly many days) if it remains undetected. This may cause significantdamage to the local environment. For environmental impact, the amount of oil or petroleum product lost is the key factorrather than the release rate; hence, a small release that continues for many days may be as significant as a large release that isquickly detected and responded to.

Concawe dataAccidents statistics were analysed for hole size distribution [4]. The hole size failure rate by cause is shown in Figure 5. Inthe CONCAWE data the various hole sizes are described as follows:• Pinhole: less than 2 mm x 2 mm• Fissure: 2 to 75 mm long x 10% max wide• Hole: 2 to 75 mm long x 10% min wide• Split:75 to 1000 mm long x 10% max wide• Rupture: >75 mm long x 10% min wide

In terms of terms of their equivalent diameter, (required for consequence modelling in a risk analysis) these have beeninterpreted as shown in Table 2. The ‘rupture’ hole size is interpreted as any hole size above 150 mm.

Table 2 Estimated Hole Size by Failure Mode (CONCAWE)Failure Mode Hole Size 5 mm 50 mm 100 mm RuptureMechanical failure 50.0% 38.0% 8.0% 4.0%Operational 18.8% 43.8% 25.0% 12.5%Corrosion 55.3% 37.8% 4.7% 2.3%Natural hazard 42.0% 29.0% 19.3% 9.7%Third party activity 37.5% 29.5% 22.0% 11.0%Egig dataAccidents statistics have also been analysed for hole size distribution. The hole size distribution by cause is shown illustrated in Figure 6,which shows the overall failure rates. A ‘pinhole / crack’ is interpreted as a 5 mm equivalent hole and a ‘hole’ is interpreted as a 50 mm

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Risk reduction mechanismsThere are a number of risk reduction mechanisms that will have an influence on the overall failure rate of the pipeline. Thesecan be listed under the various failure modes.In this section all potential risk reduction mechanisms are discussed. For ‘external interference / third party activity’ and‘corrosion’, the risk reduction mechanisms have been discussed in a previous paper presented at Hazards XXI in November2009, and there has been little change in the analysis. However, for ‘material failures’ further research has been carried outon the potential risk reduction mechanisms and this is described in more detail in this paper.

External interference / third party activityProbably the most significant effort in risk reduction is made to reduce the chance of pipeline failures due to third partyactivities, whether these are accidental, intentional or incidental. (Incidental failures are which there is an external impact,which does not cause a failure at that time, but where a loss of containment eventually occurs, as the integrity of the pipelinereduces at that point.)Some of the more common risk reduction mechanisms are as follows:• Pipeline safety zones,• Increased wall thickness,• Increased depth of cover,• Warning marker posts,• Plastic marker tape,• Concrete slabbing,• Physical barrier within pipeline trench,• Vibration detection,• Regular inspections of pipelines ROW,• Intelligent pigging.

Pipeline safety zones may be established during the pipeline construction. The intention is to avoid construction activityalong or near the right‐of‐way (ROW). Regular inspections of a pipeline ROW would help to decrease the failure rate due tothird party activity, certainly accidental and intentional, and an appropriate reduction factor may be applied depending onthe inspection interval.Probably the risk reduction mechanism with the largest influence is the wall thickness (WT). This shown by the EGIG data(Figure 7), where there is a large drop in failure rate for pipelines with a WT above 10 mm and no failures for a WT above 15mm. Unsurprisingly, the failure rate is much higher for pipelines with a WT of less than 5 mm. In deriving failure rates for aspecific pipeline, the WT should be taken into consideration, but the maximum allowable operating pressure (MAOP) shouldalso be considered, particularly with regard to liquid pipelines, as this would be taken into account in the pipeline design,e.g. a liquid pipeline that traverses a mountainous route may have a thicker wall at the bottom of a slope than at the top, dueto the change in pressure head. (For gas pipelines, essentially the MAOP will not vary with change in elevation.)

The depth of cover may also influence the failure rate, again as shown by Figure 8 for EGIG data. Certainly, where the depthof cover is less than 0.8 m, the failure rate due to third party interferences increases significantly. One would expect that thefailure rate decreases significantly as the depth of cover increases to, say, 2 m, but there is not the data to support this,probably as the nominal depth for most pipelines is in the order of 0.9 to 1.0 m.

The other risk reduction mechanisms listed above would also have an influence on the failure rate due to third party activity.Mechanisms such as warning posts, concrete slabbing and plastic marker tape are often used at road crossings, for example,although the crossing itself may warrant an increase in the failure rate at that point, and so the risk reduction mechanismsmay serve to keep the failure rate the same, i.e. the failure rate at a crossing would be increased from that on the rest of thepipeline if there were no mechanisms such as concrete slabbing. Work by British Gas, summarised by Morgan 1996 [5],found that a combination of slabbing with a visual warning such as plastic marker tape was particularly effective inpreventing accidental damage. These techniques may therefore be usefully deployed in other sensitive areas to reduce thelikelihood of damage by machinery.

Some pipelines may include mechanisms to guard against illegal hot‐taps (intentional third party failures), such as a physicalbarrier in the trench and vibration detection. Also, there may be increased patrols by military personnel. In such cases, thefailure rate due to illegal hot‐taps would become very small, although the failure rate due to intentional activity wouldchange depending on the country or area that the pipeline runs through, as illegal hot‐taps are a significant problem in somelocations.

Intelligent pigging may reduce the risk of latent incidental third party failures, by detecting a potential failure before thisbecomes critical after the initial damage has occurred. CONCAWE reports [1] that over the past 40 years, 51 spills have beencaused by mechanical damage (including incidental damage by third parties) or faulty welds that could, in principle, havebeen detected by intelligent pigs.

Risk reduction factors for external interference are also discussed in detail in PD 8010‐3 [6], which applies to steel pipelineson land, and IGEM/TD/2 [7], which applied to natural gas pipelines only.CorrosionA significant effort is also made to reduce the risk of pipeline failure due to corrosion (internal and external). Risk reductionmechanisms include:• Increased wall thickness,• Pipeline coating,• Cathodic protection (CP) system,• Internal lining,• Intelligent pigging.

Similarly to external interference, the WT plays a major role in determining the failure rate due to corrosion. Again, thisshown by the EGIG data (Figure 9), where there is a large drop in failure rate for pipelines with a WT above 10 mm and nofailures for a WT above 15 mm.

The relationship between pipeline coating, CP and failure rate due to corrosion has been analysed by de la Mare et al. [8] in astudy on US gas transmission pipelines. The study showed that during the years 1970‐1973, on average, the corrosion failurerate was reduced by a factor of about five for pipelines that had either a coating or CP. Most pipelines now have an externalcoating, CP, or both and this is reflected in the base data. Review of the CONCAWE data shows that where there was afailure due to external corrosion, this is generally due to a failure of the external coating or of the CP system. Hence, it wouldbe appropriate to increase the failure rate due to corrosion if a pipeline was not protected, rather than reduce the failure rateif it was protected, particularly if there was an aggressive soil type or in areas where the soil was wet, i.e. where there may bemore of a potential for external corrosion.

An internal lining may reduce the potential for internal corrosion, although such linings are often used if the internal fluid iscorrosive, e.g. sour gas.

Certainly, if the pipeline fluid is transported at elevated temperatures due to a high viscosity at ambient temperatures, then itmay be appropriate to increase the failure rate data due to corrosion, as this failure mechanism is enhanced at elevatedtemperatures, shown by CONCAWE data.

One would not expect high corrosion rates for newly laid pipelines, but this would change with time, so a reduction factorwould not be expected, as one should be studying the pipeline over its life‐cycle. It may be appropriate to increase the failurerate for older pipelines, e.g. pre‐1960, but there are little data to substantiate such an increase in the case of CONCAWE.

Again, intelligent pigging may reduce the risk of corrosion failures, by detecting a potential failure before this becomescritical. One would need to take into consideration how often intelligent pigging is conducted. CONCAWE reports [1] thatover the past 40 years, there have been 102 spillages related to external corrosion and 25 to internal corrosion, at least some ofwhich could have been detected. (Nearly two thirds of the 102 spillages related to external corrosion occurred in ‘hot’pipelines, most of which have now been retired.)

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Risk reduction factors for corrosion are also discussed in detail in PD 8010‐3 [6], which applies to steel pipelines on land, andIGEM/TD/2 [7], which applied to natural gas pipelines only.

Natural hazardsThe base failure data contain a background rate for natural hazards, although in reality, this is due to the environment wheresome pipelines in the database pass through. Where a pipeline crosses, for example, rivers, seismic fault lines and areassusceptible to landslides, the failure rate should be increased at that point, unless there are substantial measures taken in thepipeline design to mitigate against such hazards. Natural hazards are particularly relevant where a pipeline passes throughmountainous regions, where all three examples of potential failure mentioned above may exist.

Such mitigation measures may include micro‐tunnels for river crossings, in particular where there may be a severe washouthazard during a spring melt of snow, seismic fault design, and ensuring that a pipeline is laid in the direction of a potentiallandslide area rather than across it. Soil erosion control and geohazard monitoring may also be factors in reducing thepotential stress on a pipeline and hence the likelihood of failure.

There is insufficient historical data to establish a relationship between ground movement failure data and individual pipelineparameters [7]. For example, the pipeline wall thickness is not taken into consideration. The failure frequency for naturalhazards along the pipeline ROW should be assessed on the particular natural hazards encountered at specific locations andthe particular mitigation mechanisms should be taken into consideration. For example guidance on the pipeline rupture rateis given in IGEM/TD/2 for different slopes where a landslide may be present, as shown in Table 3 [7].

Table 3 Failure Rate due to Landslide from Different Slope Types Description Pipeline Rupture Rate (per km‐year) Slope instability is negligible or unlikely to occur, but may be affected by 0 to 9 E‐5 slope movement on adjacent areas Slope instability may have occurred in the past or may occur in future – is 1 E‐4 to 2.14 E‐4 present and may occur in the future Slope instability is likely and site specific assessment is required >3 E‐4With regard to landslides, there are a number of experts who can provide judgements as to the likely occurrence of alandslide and whether these may cause a rupture of the pipeline. Such experts have worked with the author to providevalue judgements at potential landslide areas. Measures can be taken for modern pipeline systems (and current systems) tomitigate the effects, certainly by designing the pipeline route such that landslide areas are avoided, or where this may not bepossible, such that the pipeline runs in the direction of the potential landslide and not across it.

Material failuresThere are no significant mechanisms to reduce the risk of material failures or construction faults once a pipeline is laid, otherthan intelligent pigging, which may detect potential weak points before these become critical. As noted above, CONCAWEreports [1] that over the past 40 years, 51 spills have been caused by mechanical damage (including incidental damage bythird parties) or faulty welds that could, in principle, have been detected by intelligent pigs. However, it should be notedthat faulty welds come under the category of ‘construction faults’; the spill sizes from these tend to be much smaller than‘material faults’ (by a factor of about 40 on average), as shown by Figure 10. Hence, if only faulty welds may be discoveredby intelligent pigging, this may not reduce the risk of a much larger failure due to a fault in the material.

One major issue is that the manufacture of pipework in terms of the milling process has improved with time, such thatmodern pipework systems are less likely to develop failures. This can be shown by Figure 11 where the failure rate versusyear of construction is considerably reduced (EGIG data). Of course, one key factor is that there are far more km years forolder pipelines in the data set and one would expect a reduction in the number of failures in later years for this reason alone.

Data shown in PD 8010‐3 [6] for the failure frequency due to material and construction defects is given in Table 4, whichshows that the failure rate decreases as the wall thickness increases. UKOPA data have indicated that the material failuresmanifest as gas leaks, and that there have been no full bore ruptures within the UK to date. This is contrary to the EGIG datashown in Figure 11, which indicates that there have been a number of full bore ruptures within the rest of Europe.

Table 4 Failure Rate due to Material Failures vs Wall Thickness Wall Thickness Range (mm) Failure Rate (per km‐year) WT < 5 5.05 E‐4 5 < WT d 8 6.4 E‐5 8 < WT d 10 4.6 E‐5 10 < WT d 12 3.1 E‐5 12 < WT d 15 7 E‐6 WT > 15 4 E‐6The failure rate due to material failures in the UK is dependent upon the year of construction and hence the age, design andconstruction standards, in particular the material selection controls and welding inspection standards applied which haveimproved significantly since the early 1970s [7]. For pipelines commissioned after 1980, UKOPA states that the materialfailures failure rate can be assumed to be reduced by a factor of 5, as shown by IGEM/TD/2 [7].

A key point is that there have been no full bore ruptures in pipelines constructed from 1984 onwards in Europe as a whole,not just in the UK. This does not mean that such an occurrence will not happen; however, there have been over 25 years inthis data set from EGIG and it is an encouraging factor that there have been no full bore ruptures due to material failures inpipelines constructed from 1984 onwards. Hence, there is justification for reducing the full bore rupture failure ratesignificantly for gas transmission pipelines constructed after 1984. This has a major implication on European gas pipelinerisk assessments (and possibly beyond), i.e. rather than using a figure of about 4 E‐6 per km‐year for full bore ruptures,which can be taken from Figure 6, a much reduced level could be applied. If a reduction by a factor of 5 is assumed forpipelines commissioned after 1980, this reduces to 8 E‐7 per km‐year. However, a further factor can be applied to take intoaccount that there have been no full bore rupture events for pipelines constructed in Europe from 1984 onwards.

If the wall thickness is taken into account as shown in Table 4, then this reduction becomes even greater for heavy wallpipelines. For example, the data in EGIG show that the failure rate for material failures is about 5.8 E‐5 per year. This ties inwell with the data shown in Table 4. Hence, for a heavy wall pipeline of wall thickness greater than 15 mm and constructedfrom 1984 onwards, a significant reduction in the failure rate could be justified.

This was demonstrated in a recent quantitative risk assessment conducted by the author for a modern gas pipeline systemwith heavy wall thickness. A significant reduction in the external interference and corrosion failure rates was applied in anarea where there were no significant natural hazards and where a hot tap in error would be extremely remote. In this case,by applying the generic EGIG data, the full bore rupture failure rate due to material failures was calculated to be about 98%of the overall full bore rupture frequency. Certainly this was not logical given the modern pipeline system and the veryheavy wall thickness. By using the reduction mechanisms noted above, the failure rate for material failures became morereasonable, i.e. more in line with the other failure mechanisms where one would expect heavy wall thickness to be an all‐round risk reduction factor.

With regard to oil pipelines, those constructed from 1984 onwards would also be expected to have a drop in the failure rateof large failures, as the pipeline construction method (at the mill and at the construction site) do not differ for gas pipelines oroil pipelines. For material defects, the CONCAWE data show only one failure for pipelines constructed from 1984 onwards.(There have also been construction defects for such pipelines, but these failures tend to be small as shown in Figure 10.) Forsignificant releases of oil or petroleum product (although as noted above this may not be for a large leak) there have been anumber of failures in recent years, most notably a release of 5,401 m3 in 2009. However, all significant failures have been inpipelines constructed prior to 1984 (where the pipeline age was noted), which ties in with the data for gas pipelines. Hence,it would also be appropriate to apply similar reduction factors for oil pipelines based on age and wall thickness.Overpressure protectionLiquid pipelines in mountainous area may require overpressure protection. The MAOP and the minimum wall thicknessrequirements are taken into consideration in the pipeline design. Some pipelines require surge relief (tanks at pump stations

Oil Gas Pipeline Failure Rates (detailed) - [PDF Document] (16)

or pressure reduction stations), and again, these are considered in the pipeline design due to the potential for a surge, so areduction in the base failure rate would not be appropriate.

Design factorThe pipeline design factor (the ratio of hoop stress to material yield stress) should be taken into consideration when assessingpotential hole sizes for gas pipelines. The design factor is a function of the type of steel, pipeline diameter, wall thicknessand the MAOP. In particular the WT would have already been taken into account in determining the overall failure rate, butit should be noted that at design factors of 0.3 and WT of >11.91 mm, propagation to rupture is extremely remote [9], i.e. toget a benefit from both effects, it requires a DF achieved through a WT >11.91mmm, and not merely from getting a low DFfrom higher grade steel. (The 0.3 DF relates to leak before break behaviour from crack growth mechanisms. The 11.91 mmrelates only to ruptures due to impact from e.g. digger teeth and other external impact implements common in agricultureand construction in the UK during the 1970s.)

However this 0.3 figure for design factor may be considered somewhat conservative, particularly for large diameter, heavywall pipelines, and therefore the factor is sometimes increased (i.e. less onerous), e.g. in the UK Institution of Gas Engineerscode IGEM/TD/1 [10], to 0.5 for pipelines with a wall thickness over 19.1 mm.

Risk reduction factors for design factor are discussed in detail in IGEM/TD/2 [7], where failure rate predictions for externalinterference rupture and leak frequencies vs design factor are given for specific diameter and wall thickness pipelines.

ConclusionThe various databases give excellent base data to estimate the likelihood of failures of cross‐country pipelines. However, it isnot sufficient to rely on these databases alone in predicting the failure rate. One needs to include the various factors: design,operating, and environmental in the estimation of the failure rate, which may change along the pipeline ROW.A previous paper presented at Hazards XXI [4] discussed how the various risk reduction mechanisms could be applied forthe key pipeline failure modes of external interference and corrosion. However, at that time there was no discussion of howrisk reduction mechanisms would affect the failure rate of the material failure release mechanism. This paper has providedsuch a discussion, as materials failure is a key release mechanism in estimating the overall failure rate from a cross‐countrypipeline, and several factors should be taken into account when conducting a pipeline risk assessment.REFERENCES

1. CONCAWE, Performance of European Cross‐country Oil Pipelines, Statistical summary of reported spillages in 2010 and since 1971, Brussels, December 2011, http://www.concawe.org/ 2. European Gas Pipeline Incident Data Group (EGIG), Gas Pipeline Incidents, 8th Report of the European Gas Pipeline Incident Data Group, Doc. No. EGIG 11.R.0402, December 2011, http://www.egig.nl/ 3. http://www.phmsa.dot.gov/pipeline 4. Pettitt, G., Morgan, B., A Tool to Estimate the Failure Rates of Cross‐country Pipelines, Hazards XXI, Manchester, November 2009. 5. Morgan, B., Hill, R.T., Current Issues and Questions Concerning Pipeline Safety Report of the OECD Workshop on Pipelines. (Prevention of, Preparedness for, and Response to Releases of Hazardous Substances). Oslo 1996 OCDE/OECD/GD (97)180. 6. Code of practice for pipelines. Steel pipelines on land. Guide to the application of pipeline risk assessment to proposed developments in the vicinity of major accident hazard pipelines containing flammables, PD 8010‐3, December 2008. 7. Application of pipeline risk assessment to proposed developments in the vicinity of high pressure Natural Gas pipelines, IGEM/TD/2, 2008. 8. de la Mare, R.F., Andersen, Ø., Pipeline Reliability, DNV Report 80‐0572, 1980. 9. Townsend, N.A., Fearnehough, G.D., Control of Risk from UK Gas Transmission Pipelines, British Gas plc, Research and Development Division, Presented at the 7th Symposium on Line Pipe Research, American Gas Association, Houston, USA, October 1986. 10. Steel pipelines and associated installations for high pressure gas transmission, IGEM/TD/1, 2008.

Figure 1 Gas Pipeline Incident in San Bruno, California, USA in September 2010 Figure 2 Failure Causes from CONCAWE (1971 to 2010)

Construction Incidental TP Fault damage 7.5% Materials Fault Malicious TP 7.2% 8.3% damage 5.0%

Human Error 2.5%

Accidental TP damage 33.5% External corrosion 26.0% Internal corrosion Other natural 5.3% hazards 0.3% Stress Cracking Ground 1.1% movement 3.3%

Figure 3 Failure Causes from CONCAWE (2001 to 2010)

Construction Incidental TP Fault damage 10.4% Materials Fault 7.8% 13.0%

Malicious TP damage 15.6%

Oil Gas Pipeline Failure Rates (detailed) - [PDF Document] (17)

Human Error 1.3%

ExternalAccidental TP corrosion damage 14.3% 32.5% Internal corrosion 3.9% Stress Cracking Other natural 1.3% hazards Ground 0.0% movement 0.0% Figure 4 Failure Causes from EGIG (1970 to 2010)

Other and unknown Hot‐tap made by 6.6% error 4.8%

Ground External movement interference 7.4% 48.4%

Corrosion 16.1%

Construction defect / Material failure 16.7% Figure 5 Hole Size Failure Distribution by Cause (CONCAWE)




70.0% Rupture 60.0%Percentage

Split 50.0% Hole Fissure 40.0% Pinhole 30.0% No hole



0.0% Mechanical Operational Corrosion Natural hazards Third party

Figure 6 Hole Size Failure Distribution by Cause (EGIG)

1.0 E‐4

9.0 E‐5

8.0 E‐5 Failure Rate (per km‐yr)

7.0 E‐5

6.0 E‐5 Pinhole/crack 5.0 E‐5 Hole Rupture 4.0 E‐5

3.0 E‐5

Oil Gas Pipeline Failure Rates (detailed) - [PDF Document] (18)

2.0 E‐5

1.0 E‐5

0.0 E+0 External Construction defect Corrosion Ground movement Hot‐tap made by interference / Material failure error Figure 7 Failure Rate vs Wall Thickness for Third Party Activity (EGIG) 3.0 E‐4

2.5 E‐4Failure Rate (per km‐yr)

2.0 E‐4

Unknown 1.5 E‐4 Pinhole/crack Hole Rupture 1.0 E‐4

5.0 E‐5

0.0 E+0 d 5 mm 5‐10 mm 10‐15 mm 15‐20 mm 20‐25 mm 25‐30 mm e 30 mm Wall Thickness (mm)

Figure 8 Failure Rate vs Depth of Cover for Third Party Activity (EGIG)

4.0 E‐4

3.5 E‐4

3.0 E‐4Failure Rate (per km‐yr)

2.5 E‐4

Unknown 2.0 E‐4 Pinhole/crack Hole 1.5 E‐4 Rupture

1.0 E‐4

5.0 E‐5

0.0 E+0 < 80 cm 80‐100 cm > 100 cm

Cover Class (cm) Figure 9 Failure Rate vs Wall Thickness for Corrosion (EGIG)

1.4 E‐4

1.2 E‐4

1.0 E‐4 Failure Rate (per km‐yr)

8.0 E‐5 Unknown Pinhole/crack 6.0 E‐5 Hole Rupture

4.0 E‐5

2.0 E‐5

0.0 E+0 d 5 mm 5‐10 mm 10‐15 mm 15‐20 mm 20‐25 mm 25‐30 mm e 30 mm Wall Thickness (mm)

Oil Gas Pipeline Failure Rates (detailed) - [PDF Document] (19)

Figure 10 Gross Spill Size vs Number of Spills for Material Failures (CONCAWE)


1,000 Gross Spill Size (m3)

100 Construction faults Materials faults


1 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

Number of Spills Figure 11 Failure Rate vs Year for Material Failures (EGIG)

1.2 E‐4

1.0 E‐4 Failure Rate (per km‐yr)

8.0 E‐5

Unknown 6.0 E‐5 Pinhole/crack Hole Rupture 4.0 E‐5

2.0 E‐5

0.0 E+0 pre‐1954 1954 to 1964 to 1974 to 1984 to 1994 to 2004 to 1963 1973 1983 1993 2003 date

Year of Construction

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Long­Distance Oil/Gas Pipeline Failure Rate Prediction Based on Fuzzy Neural Network Modelhttp://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/CSIE.2009.738 December 07, 2014

Long­Distance Oil/Gas Pipeline Failure Rate Prediction Based On Fuzzy Neural Network Model Xing­yu Peng Peng hang Li­qiong Chen SouthwestPetroleum University

With an aging underground long­distance oil/gas pipeline, ever­encroaching population and increasing oil price, the burden on pipeline agencies toefficiently prioritize and maintain the rapidly deteriorating underground utilities is increasing. Failure rate prediction is the most important part of riskassessment, and the veracity of the failure rate impacts the rationality and applicability of the result of the risk assessment. This paper developed afuzzy artificial neural network model, which is based on failure tree and fuzzy number computing model, for predicting the failure rates of the long­distance oil/gas pipeline. The neural network model was trained and tested with acquired Lanzhou ­ Chengdu ­ Chongqing product oil pipeline data,and the developed model was intended to aid in pipeline risk assessment to identify distressed pipeline segments. The gained result based on fuzzyartificial neural network model would be comparatively analyzed with fuzzy failure tree analysis to verify the accuracy of fuzzy artificial neural networkmodel.

Xing­yu Peng, Peng Zhang, Li­qiong Chen, "Long­Distance Oil/Gas Pipeline Failure Rate Prediction Based on Fuzzy Neural Network Model", CSIE,2009, 2009 WRI World Congress on Computer Science and Information Engineering, CSIE, 2009 WRI World Congress on Computer Science andInformation Engineering, CSIE 2009, pp. 651­655, doi:10.1109/CSIE.2009.738

Pipelineshttp://www.failure­analysis.com/z­oil­gas­pipeline.htm December 07, 2014

Oil and Gas Pipelines. ... Oil and Gas Pipelines Failure Analysis. AMC has significant experience with oil and gas pipeline failure analysis.

AMC specializes in oil and gas pipeline construction & repair, inspection, corrosion, industrial failure analysis, metallurgical engineering, welding, andweld repair. Visit our home page for detailed information on our oil and gas pipeline construction & repair, inspection, corrosion, stress corrosioncracking, industrial failure analysis, welding, and weld repair services.

Oil Gas Pipeline Failure Rates (detailed) - [PDF Document] (20)

AMC has significant experience with oil and gas pipeline failure analysis. Our metallurgical engineer can identify the cause of failure of your pipelineleak or explosion. Consulting engineering for fabrication of pipelines or repair of pipeline damage. Contact AMC and take advantage of our pipeline,welding, and metallurgical engineering experience to solve your pipeline problems.

Questions concerning oil & gas pipeline construction, or repair can be emailed to info@failure­analysis.com

Analysis of Gas Pipeline Failure ­ Iowa State Universityhttp://home.eng.iastate.edu/~jdm/katrina/Data/Natural%20Gas/NG%20Transportation/Analysis%20of%20Gas%20Pipeline%20Failure.pdf December 07, 2014

Analysis of Gas Pipeline Failure E. Phillip Dahlberg and T. V. Bruno SUMMARY Failure of an operating gas pipeline is a rare event. However, when itdoes occur, it must

Analysis of Gas Pipeline Failure E. Phillip Dahlberg and T. V. Bruno


Failure of an operating gas pipeline is a rare event. However, when it does occur, it mustbe properly analyzed to prevent recurrence. What follows are analytical procedures foranalyzing pipelines along with examples and characteristics of some typical failures.


Failure of a natural gas transmission or gathering line during service is extremely seriousbecause of the potential for loss of life. Yet statistics show that failures occur only once ayear per thousand miles of pipeline. Part of the reason for this excellent record is thepipeline industry research over the past thirty years into failures and means of prevention.Figure 1. This work, sponsored by such organizations as The American Gas Association,The American Iron and Steel Institute, and The British Gas Corporation, has resulted inimproved pipeline steels, manufacturing and inspection procedures, and improved pipelinedesigns.


While pipeline configuration simplifies the geometrical aspects of analysis, the traumaaccompanying the failure often obscures or destroys characteristics important to identifyingthe causes. The sudden release of large amounts of stored elastic strain energy can badlydeform the pipe, while gas fires, if they occur, can alter pipe properties. In addition, post‐ Figure 1. Number of gas pipeline servicefailure corrosion and handling away from laboratory facilities may obliterate fine‐scale incidents versus year of occurrence byfracture features. To overcome inherent difficulties and accurately determine causes, a cause. (From Giedon, D.N. and R.B. Smith,variety of analytical techniques must be applied in a careful and well‐prescribed fashion. “An Analysis of Reportable Incidents for Natural Gas Transmission and Gathering• Overall Macroscopic Visual Inspection‐To identify the failure origin, it is imperative that Lines 1970 through 1978,” NG‐18 Report No.a careful macroexamination of the entire available fracture surface be done. In‐service 121, Sept. 1980.)pipeline ruptures generally develop from a region of stable crack growth or from a defectcaused by an outside force or corrosion. Certain macrofeatures on the fracture surface canaid in locating the failure origin. The most common of these is the chevron pattern on planestrain fracture areas pointing back to the origin. The acute angle edge of a full shearpropagation ductile failure often contains secondary cracks which form saw tooth‐likeridges pointing back to the origin. Running a finger back and forth along this edge willoften indicate by roughness differences, which way the crack was propagating. Since crackbranching will show propagation directions, putting a fragmented pipeline together (usuallydone by matching paper patterns of the various pieces) will help identify the origin area.

• Sectioning and Cleaning‐Often, the critical areas identified by the visual analysis willhave to be sectioned from the rest of the pipe allowing detailed fractography andmicrostructural analysis1. Care must be exercised to prevent damage to the fracture areawhen cutting small pieces for laboratory analysis. In particular, torch cutting of samplesrequires caution to avoid thermal damage to the metal in the fracture area. The orientationof small pieces relative to the macro‐crack propagation direction and the pipe outside andinside surfaces should be marked for identification during the microanalysis.

The techniques for cleaning debris and corrosion products from pipeline fractures includewashing with a mild detergent and bristle brush, solvent cleaning and degreasing in anultrasonic cleaner, replica stripping, and chemical or electrochemical etching in mild orinhibited alkaline or acid solutions. The techniques should be applied in a serial fashionemploying only the minimum necessary for cleaning the specific fracture region analyzed.Prior to cleaning, potentially significant corrosion products should be carefully removedand saved for analysis. Figure 2. Rupture sections of 8‐5/8 inch gas• Microfractography‐The aim of high magnification fractography, using transmission or pipeline that failed due to externalscanning electron microscopy, is to relate the fracture appearance to the cause or mechanical damage.mechanism of fracture. This procedure involves comparing the service failure resultingFigure 3. A 3‐1/2 inch long gouge found near Figure 4. A cross section through the gouge Figure 5. SEM fractrograph of fatigue damagethe midpoint of the rupture shown in Figure 2. Shows a dark etching area near the outside associated with the longitudinal weld seam of Surface with a small secondary crack (arrow) a 34‐inch O.D. pipeline. Near the fracture.

from unknown conditions to "pedigreed" fractures generated in the laboratory under known conditions of stress, strain, strain‐rate, and environment. Fractographic examinations can also reveal changes in fracture mode, local crack propagation directions, and the progress or history of cracking.

• Metallographic Analysis‐The fracture path relative to grain boundaries, inclusions, transformed and second phases, and external defects can be determined by metallographic analysis using standard techniques. The mounting and polishing of a cross section of matching fracture surfaces at the failure origin often provides evidence to positively identify the failure mode. • Chemical Composition and Mechanical Properties‐Chemical analyses and mechanicalFigure 6. Inside surface at the failure origin tests are generally run to determine: if the pipe is of the proper type and grade, whether itof a 20‐inch pipeline. meets appropriate standards, and whether any deviation contributed to the failure. The most common mechanical tests are tensile, bend, and flattening tests. Other tests, such as Charpy impact tests or crack tip opening displacement (CTOD) tests may be useful in determining fracture behavior. CAUSES OF PIPELINE FAILURES Over half of all in‐service pipeline failures result from some externally applied mechanical force as shown in Figure 1. The following are examples of five typical failures. Figure 2 shows the rupture that developed in a section of 8‐5/8 inch O.D. electric‐ resistance line pipe. Visual and metallographic examination revealed the failure was caused

Oil Gas Pipeline Failure Rates (detailed) - [PDF Document] (21)

by mechanical damage, in the form of a gouge and dent, often associated with heavy equipment such as a back‐hoe. Figure 3 shows a detail of a gouge that was near the mid‐ point of the rupture. The profile of the gouge, shown in Figure 4, is a polished and etched cross section of matching fracture surfaces at the failure origin. The combination of a gouge and dent is particularly damaging. The gouge cold works the steel and reduces its resistanceFigure 7. Cross section taken adjacent to the to crack initiation. The dent, by changing the geometry, creates an area of high stress andfracture shown in Figure 6. The arrowidentifies the fracture surface in the pipeline. stress concentration. A second form of external damage can be introduced by fatigue cracking during pipe shipment, particularly in rail and sea shipment. The damage, sometimes called transit fatigue, results from flexing the pipe during load movement. Transit fatigue in seamless pipe and the base metal of welded pipe results from concentrated stresses where the pipe contacts a protrusion, such as a rivet or bolt, the weld of an adjacent pipe, or bearing strips of insufficient size. In submerged‐arc welded pipe, transit fatigue cracks can develop at the toe of the weld even in the absence point contact. Figure 5 shows the fine ductile fatigue striations and secondary cracking that characterize transit fatigue damage. Corrosion can cause failures by thinning the wall over a large area or localized pitting. Both external and internal corrosion can lead to failures, but the widespread use of cathodic protection has greatly reduced external corrosion. Figure 6 shows the inside surface at the failure origin of a 20‐inch gas line that failed shortly after the operating pressure was increased. The failure resulted from internal pitting corrosion on the bottom of the pipeline that significantly reduced its wall thickness. Figure 7 shows the depth or the pitting on a polished cross‐section cut transverse to the fraction (arrow). Another form of corrosion, stress‐corrosion cracking, can also lead to failures.Figure 8. Outside surface of pipeline sectionremoved because of a leak. The arrowsindicate two clusters of crack indicationsvisible after magnetic particle inspection. Figure 11. Hydrostatic test rupture of seamless 6‐5/8’inch O.D. pipeline showing thin tongue of metal protruding from around a pipe lamination.

External stress‐corrosion cracking results from the accumulation of moisture on the pipesurface at imperfections in the pipe coating. Certain corrosives in the moisture inconjunction with normal operating stresses cause cracking. Stress corrosion cracking inpipelines is identified by the distinctive intergranular nature of the cracks. Figure 8 showscracks in a section of pipe removed for examination because of a leak. The cracks resultedfrom stress‐corrosion cracking. The surface of a crack, extending across the wall, wasbroken open in the laboratory and is shown in Figure 9. A metallographic cross‐section,Figure 10, showed the cracks to be intergranular. Material defects are not common causes of service failures because they areusually found before the pipe is placed in service, either during inspection of the pipe orduring hydrostatic testing. The few failures that do result typically originate at longitudinalweld seams or at laminations in seamless pipe. Figure 11 shows the rupture of a 6‐5/8 inch Figure 9. Surface of crack (see Figure 8) thatO.D. seamless pipeline that resulted from a pipe lamination. In this instance, failure was broken open in the laboratory. Theoccurred during hydrostatic testing. inside surface is at the top.


Despite advances in manufacturing, testing, and inspection of gas pipelines,failures do occur. Research and experience have helped characterize the different types offailures so that their cause can be determined and appropriate preventive measures applied.By using careful analytical techniques, and with a thorough understanding of the pipelineoperating conditions, the cause of failure can almost always be determined.

Figure 10. Microstructure in area of second‐ ary crack showing an intergranular cracking mode.

OIL AND GAS PIPELINE FAILURE MODELLING ­ NIGChttp://research.nigc.ir/files/Info_Res/Articles/86123AN_R32.pdf December 07, 2014

The failure rate data for offshore pipelines and risers is to be found in Battelle Research (1985) and (PARLOC 96, ... OIL AND GAS PIPELINEFAILURE MODELLING 9.

0957–5820/03/$23.50+0.00 # Institution of Chemical Engineerswww.ingentaselect.com=titles=09575820.htm Trans IChemE, Vol 81, Part B, January 2003

OIL AND GAS PIPELINE FAILURE MODELLING F. K. CRAWLEY1 ,2 , I. G. LINES3 and J. MATHER3 1 Department of Process and Chemical Engineering, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK 2 W. S. Atkins Consultants Ltd, Glasgow, UK 3 W. S. Atkins Consultants Ltd, Warrington, UK

T his paper examines the key parameters for risk assessment near to oil=gas pipelines with particular reference to ames. In particular it examines out ow characteristics of the different uids handled. It then examines the consequence modelling; more particularly the surface emissive powers of the ames, the failure rate data, the consequences using the Piper Alpha reball and nally failure statistics. It is shown that the out ow characteristics are more complex than might be expected; the assessment of surface emissive powers has to be done with care; and nally, older pipelines distort the failure rate statistics or failure modes which are not relevant to a modern pipeline system. One speci c conclusion of this paper is that the land‐use planning zones round modern landlines may be reduced by more rigorous analysis of both effects of the leakage and the appropriate pipeline failure data, both in

Oil Gas Pipeline Failure Rates (detailed) - [PDF Document] (22)

frequency and spectrum. This paper uses hitherto unpublished information and therefore some of the sources must remain con dential.

Keywords: pipeline; failure; risk assessment.

INTRODUCTION public. Occasionally the uids from one platform ow to a second which acts as a gathering station before it ows on toAll of the North Sea gas and nearly all of the oil produced in a nal destination (as with Piper Alpha).the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS) is transported to shore in In the case of North Sea gas lines the distribution networkpipelines with diameters of typically 24 inches or 0.6 m (this covers nearly all of Britain from the processing facilities onshould be treated as indicative) (DTI, 1993). Under the sea the east and west coasts to the user. Failure of almost anythere are approximately 3000 km of pipelines operating at part of the gas grid would affect the public. The transporta‐pressures between 7 and 11 MPa (DTI, 1993) and over tion of oil with an elevated vapour pressure is limited to a17,000 km of on‐shore natural gas distribution piping opera‐ few discrete areas. The transportation of high‐pressure LPGting at about 7 MPa (Braithwaite, 1985). Not only is oil and and ethene is also limited to clearly de ned areas. Failure ofgas handled on land but also ethene, LPG, petrol, diesel oil these lines would affect the public and also the environment.and other chemicals. Around the land‐based pipelines (land‐ The out ow characteristics from a severed pipeline arelines) there are land‐use planning zones where there are in uenced not only by the pressure, diameter and length butrestrictions on some types of developments. This could also the properties of the uid. In the case of a gas the uidcreate a limitation on land use near the receiving station, could enter the two‐phase regime due to retro‐condensationwhich would be, normally, an industrial site with housing in as the uids pass into the two‐phase envelope and create athe vicinity. While the majority of the land affected will be two‐phase choked ow within the pipeline. This reduces thecountryside the routing of the landline may be affected by out ow and affects the crack propagation characteristics, asthe presence of farms and small villages. the crack propagation velocity can be higher than the The pipelines carrying the products of the offshore oil and compression wave velocity in the uid=gas resulting in agas industry can be analysed in four sections. The rst is the running crack. Likewise oil will evolve light hydrocarbonsriser or the rigid section of piping, which conveys the uids (from gas in solution) resulting in a foaming system in afrom the production facilities to the seabed (and vice versa); vertical line (riser) or a landline. The lower head of frothingthis can be up to 175 m long. Failure of this section will affect oil can result in a hydrostatic head which is less than thethe production platform and the production personnel, as uid vapour pressure. The loss of this hydrostatic head willshown in the Piper Alpha Disaster (Cullen, 1992). The result in the out ow of oil froth, which can last for manysecond section is the sealine, which transports the uids to hours. This characteristic can result in a large sea re and athe shore; this can be over 100 km long. Failure of this gross error in the prediction of the consequences that maysection will affect shipping and also create potential pollu‐ occur following a pipeline failure.tion. The third section is the land approach; this is about 1 km There are two methods for the assessment of the amelong; failure of this section could affect the public. The nal characteristics. The rst is to assume a percentage of the totalsection is the landline, which is buried under the ground; this combustion energy is released as radiant heat from one orcan be any length. Failure of this section could also affect the more point sources. The second is to de ne the morphology

34 CRAWLEY et al.

of the ame and then to ascribe a surface emissive power Following line rupture the initial out ow from a ruptured(heat ow per unit area of the ame boundary, SEP). From pipeline is the result of the release of the strain energy inthis the radiant heat impact can be assessed by means of view both the oil and the pipeline walls; this is often referred to asfactors. Each method has potential errors. This will be line pack. This takes place over a time‐scale of somediscussed in more detail in the section titled Flame minutes; thereafter the line dynamics dominate the out ow.Characteristics. The key feature is the reservoir of dissolved gas (solution Nearly all reliability data sources will include relevant gas) within the horizontal section of the sea‐line on theand non‐relevant data, and so it is with pipeline failure data. seabed. Once the pressure at the foot of the riser falls belowThe older pipelines, which may not necessarily have been the vapour pressure of the oil the amount of gas available tobuilt to the same standards as more modern pipelines, can drive the frothy ow increases signi cantly. Following thedominate the data in the database. It is therefore necessary to release of the line pack the mean density of the two‐phaseanalyse the data with care. In general this results in lower uids in the riser falls by a factor of about 3. This suggestsfailure rates for the more modern designs=builds. that, in order to prevent the pressure pro le in the riser Taking all of these factors together it is evident that there dropping to a level where the oil in the pipeline acts as acould be a signi cant error in the perceived risk if the driver for two‐phase ow, the vapour pressure of the oilout ow, effects and failure models are not analysed must not exceed about 30% of the hydrostatic head in thecorrectly. This paper highlights the main sources of error, riser.the problem areas in assessing risks on sealines and Six simulations were carried out, using the computer codelandlines and shows, for landlines, that a more rigorous ‘OLGA’ (Bendikson et al., 1991) with three synthesizedtreatment could reduce the consultation distances and free oils, three on the 175 m riser and three on the 125 m riser asland for bene cial use. shown in Table 1. The approximate compositions are shown The results of the study draw heavily from the oil and gas in Table 2.industry but there is a re ection of the results of this The out ows for the four highest vapour pressures areinformation on the on‐shore pipelines. The out ows will shown in Figures 1–4. The difference in the two gas‐to‐oilchange slightly due to lower backpressures and the ame ratio curves between the 175 and 125 m risers is a functionmodelling is identical, but the different environment in u‐ of the way in which the two ends were modelled as, forences the failure rate data. simplicity and reality, the sea‐line was treated as two risers of 175 and 125 m length joined by a gently rising sea‐line. Further, for reality, the line was simulated with heat loss from the wall to sea such that the uids cooled from 333 to OUT‐FLOW CHARACTERISTICS 283K over the length of the line; the temperature 10 km into the line was about 298K. The two lower vapour pressures Crude Oil de‐packed and ow arrested within a few minutes as The properties of the uids under discussion are such that predicted from the analysis of the higher vapour pressurethey require special analysis. Oil is a mixture of hydrocar‐ oils. The total release of oil during depack was 25–50bons and to a good approximation the higher the mole tonnes. The two highest vapour pressure oils still owedfraction of the lower molecular weight hydrocarbons, the after 3 h, but the middle two arrested in the interval 2–3 h. Ithigher the vapor pressure. As a generalization it is better to should be noted that the oil with the highest vapour pressuretransport oil with lighter hydrocarbon molecules to the in the 175 m riser was in hydrostatic equilibrium at the footStabilization plant and to recover the methane to butane of the riser. During the line de‐packing the peak oil owsthere for bene cial use. The actual vapour pressure is a were initially over 1200 kg s¡ 1 falling rapidly to aboutfunction of the composition; a higher mole fraction of 500 kg s¡1 and then to below 250 kg s¡ 1 within 20 min.propane will have the same effect as a lower mole fraction The out ows showed a general decay curve until the owof methane. As the oil is oversaturated at the transport arrested; following this there was a period of intermittentpressure, the lighter hydrocarbons come out of solution slugging lasting many minutes. During the slugging periodwhen the pressure is reduced; this process is relatively the net out ow was relatively small. The slugging may beslow and, due to the surface physics of the oil (including an artefact of the simulation or it may be real and representviscosity), the oil starts to foam (this also inhibits the gas bubbles formed in the horizontal section of sea‐lineformation of aerosols, see later). This is a known problem entering the riser, before they re‐entered solution, soin stabilization units and is therefore accentuated in a discharging small quantities of oil in slugs.con nement such as a pipeline where gas=liquid separation Of more note is the general rising curve of gas‐to‐oilis more dif cult due, once again, to the surface physics of ratio. This re ects a depletion of the solution gas in thethe oil. The establishment of an equilibrium is relatively horizontal section of the sea‐line and that the ow willslow, and, while it might be expected that the hydrostatichead of oil in a riser would suppress de‐solution of gases, infact the foam density falls to such a level that the hydrostatic Table 1. Vapour pressure of three synthesized live oils.head is less than the vapour pressure of the oil. The effects Vapour pressure (MPa)

Oil Gas Pipeline Failure Rates (detailed) - [PDF Document] (23)

of the foaming in severed risers were studied shortly afterthe failure of Piper Alpha (Cullen, 1992) using a typical sea‐ Composition 175 m Riser 125 m Riserline 0.6 m (DTI, 1993) diameter (24 inch) and a length of100 k with riser heights of 175 and 125 m (DTI, 1993). The 1 1.5 (333K) 0.9 (298K) 2 1 (333K) 0.6 (298K)oil vapour pressure was controlled by systematically varying 3 0.55 (333K) 0.2 (298K)the mole fraction of light hydrocarbons.

Trans IChemE, Vol 81, Part B, January 2003 OIL AND GAS PIPELINE FAILURE MODELLING 5

Table 2. Composition of three synthesized oils.

Mole fraction

Compound Composition 1 Composition 2 Composition 3CO2 0.0018 0.0015 0.0007C1 0.03 0.018 0.004C2 0.035 0.032 0.02C3 0.1 0.1 0.09C4 0.079 0.07 0.068C5 0.082 0.084 0.084Higher Residue Residue Residue

eventually arrest. The time to arrest follows the vapourpressure relationship and the riser height (imposed pres‐sure), as would be expected. The increase of the gas‐to‐oil Figure 2. Out ow from ruptured 175 m Riser TVP 8 Bar.ratio was as might be expected with the greater frictionallosses in the sea‐line (a lower density required to drive the uid pump), but the maximum in the 175 m riser cannot be seabed oil would still ooze out of small breaches after theexplained easily. (It will be noted that the gas‐to‐oil ratio is line de‐packed but the out ow from a full bore breach wouldabout 1–2% wt=wt in this model. Normally a value of nearer then be determined by the local seabed topography. At5% might be expected for live oils which have undergone at operating conditions a 25 mm puncture at the seabedleast one stage of separation, but again it will be dependent would produce an out ow of around 39 kg s¡1 at a lineon the composition, particularly the methane mole fraction.) pressure of 70 bar, assuming that the pumps did not shut The total out ow for these examples represents between down. A rupture would be more problematic; rst the12 and 7.5% of the total sea‐line inventory. hydrostatic head could equal the vapour pressure and the The out ow from smaller holes (the size of the few ow could involve displacement of oil by seawater. Alter‐centimeters diameter) is less certain. In this hypothetical natively the vapor pressure may be higher than the hydro‐example, 25–50 tonnes of line pack will be ejected whatever static pressure so the balance of the driving force (vapourthe breach size; the dynamics thereafter will depend upon the pressure minus imposed head) would determine the out owbreach size itself. For small sizes the mass ow across against friction losses.the breach must be balanced against the two‐phase pressure For horizontal landlines a similar analysis to that abovedrop, the oil=gas separation in the riser and the imposed shows that the out ow will depend upon the breach size,pressure at the base of the riser both hydrostatic and line topography and breach orientation. Small breachesdynamic. For breaches of less than 10 cm diameter, once are very problematic but the out ow from a 25 mm puncturethe pipe line had de‐packed, there would be a period of would be around 53 kg s¡ 1 at pipeline pressure. Large,reducing two‐phase ow in the riser until out ow became a full‐bore breaches will result in the vast majority of thegas as the riser section developed a gaseous zone at the top line contents being ejected at similar mass uxes and due to(of the riser) where oil and gas may disengage. the same mechanism as the breached risers. Because of the The out ow from a horizontal section of sea‐line would abrupt drop in pressure the main oil line pumps will, oncedepend upon the imposed backpressure. It is to be expected again, shut down due to the low line pressure. Thereafterthat for major ruptures the main oil line pumps will shut the initial out ow will be a little higher but eventuallydown on low pressure and the system pressure will rapidly the driving force will reduce to the vapour pressure whichapproach that of the vapour pressure of the oil. On the has to overcome the frictional forces. The initial de‐pack

Figure 1. Out ow from ruptured 175 m Riser TVP 14 Bar. Figure 3. Out ow from ruptured 125 m Riser TVP 8 Bar.

Trans IChemE, Vol 81, Part B, January 20036 CRAWLEY et al.

problems for line repair. A running crack will not neces‐ sarily increase the risk at the process platform, as the effective release point would be more remote from the platform. It could, however, affect the public if the crack propagated from a remote area to an inhabited area. As a means of reducing the propagating conditions, special tough steels can be used. However there is an alternative on sub‐ sea lines: tests have been carried out in water of about 100 m deep to investigate the effects of the local shock wave at the crack tip and the compensation pressures which might hold the crack tip closed (con dential study). These tests veri ed that it was not necessary to use special steels for deep‐water pipelines. A 60 m length of pipe was sunk in about 100 m of seawater and lled with a synthetic gas mix simulating typical North Sea gas. The line containing about 15 Figure 4. Out ow from ruptured 125 m Riser TVP 6 Bar. tonnes of mixed gas was scored and split using hydraulic rams. When ruptured, the gas would have cooled to about 200K and behaved as a dense gas at the point of release.will again be of the order of 50 tonnes over a few minutes However when the gas reached the surface the cone wasbut thereafter the frothy oil will have a lower density, about 10–20 m diameter and the gas had warmed suf ‐resulting in a higher velocity, which will result in a higher ciently during the turbulent rise to the surface for it topressure drop, thus inhibiting the gross out ow. A typical behave as a buoyant gas. This experiment has not been0.6 m (24 inch) pipeline would have a capacity of about reported in any subsequent literature. The cone diameter and300 kg s¡1 with a pressure drop of about 1–2 MPa per the warming of the gas are very important pieces of data as100 km. The nal analysis will depend upon the vapour they help to de ne the source terms for the subsequentpressure and the gas‐to‐oil ratio following de‐solution; dispersion of the gas. The arrest of the running crack giveshigher gas‐to‐oil ratios should produce lower out ows some con dence that a crack will not run to the platformthan lower gas‐to‐oil ratios, the reverse of what might be and that any damaged gas sealine would be capable of beingexpected intuitively. repaired. The peak, instantaneous, out ow from the ruptured Tartan riser has been assessed to be 7000 kg s¡1 at a system High‐pres sure Gases pressure of 12 MPa, falling to between 1200 and The rupture of a high‐pressure pipeline will result in an 2400 kg s¡1 (depending on the friction factor used) afterexpansion which is between isenthalpic and isentropic. The 15 s. The reduction in ow is due to the acceleration lossestemperature will fall and, depending on the upstream con‐ in the pipeline, the frictional losses and the choking of the

Oil Gas Pipeline Failure Rates (detailed) - [PDF Document] (24)

ditions, the gas could enter a two‐phase regime. In this case ow as it entered the two‐phase regime. The initial out owthe compression wave velocity falls below the recognized would have been sonic at the point of rupture but wouldvalue. The compression wave velocity for a pure dry gas for have been slowed by impingement on the under‐sides of thea typical northern North Sea gas of relative molecular modules. Even after an hour the out ow would be overweight ca 21 and pressure ca 17 MPa is 380 m s¡ 1. 100 kg s¡1. The picture of a torch re (about 2 h into theDuring the de‐pressuring cycle the uid enters a two‐ event after the collapse of the accommodation module) inphase regime, the uid temperature falls to about 200K at the Piper Inquiry report (Cullen, 1992) shows a amethe point of release (even with heat gain from the pipe wall equivalent to between 50 and 100 kg s¡1; the nal pictureand heat soaking from the seabed) and the compression of the stumps of the jacket show a ame from a severed riserwave velocity falls to ca 200 m s¡1 (con dential study). of between 1 and 3 kg s¡1 (blowdown of long lines is a long(This should be compared to a typical crack propagation decay curve). These ows are very much as might bevelocity of ca 200 m s¡1.) Should there be a failure in the expected.pipeline resulting in a crack, the crack will propagate down The ows from simple holes of 10 and 25 mm give outthe line at the same speed as the compression wave velocity ows of around 1 and 7 kg s¡1, respectively (at the samethus resulting in a running crack. A similar effect is noted conditions), but will always be sonic until the pressure at thefor propane using BLOWDOWN (Richardson and Saville, exit falls to about 2 MPa. These results show there are major1996), where the pressure at the end of the pipeline remains differences in the out ows for a gas and a liquid system.fairly constant as the line contents pass through the phase Similar out ows would be expected from landlines. Theenvelope and produce a form of moving choke. (In the case effects of the pressure wave should be more accentuated, asof ethene the minimum temperature could be as low as the backpressure will be lower. The nal out ows will not169K.) The ow exit of the pipe will be effectively sonic be regulated by the high static head backpressure. The naluntil the pressure falls to about 2 MPa under 100 m of sea modelling will not be signi cantly different.and to 200 kPa on land. The effects of temperature and compression wave velocity CONSEQUENCEShave a signi cant impact on the risk assessments. First, anyemergency isolation valve (be it on land or sub‐sea) in the The consequences of large out ows of hydrocarbon onpipeline must be closed promptly for reasons of safety and offshore installations tend to dwarf the understanding of thevalve integrity and the running crack could create its own combustion process. The res are potentially exceedingly

Trans IChemE, Vol 81, Part B, January 2003 OIL AND GAS PIPELINE FAILURE MODELLING 7

Table 4. Leak rate from Tartan riser by calculated out ow and by reballlarge and there are many persons who are at risk with only dimensions.one means of escape, the TEMPSC (totally enclosed motorpropelled survival craft). Onshore, be it on a process plant or Out ow assessed Assessedthe public, there are redundant and often multi‐directional from reball out owescape routes. The main differences between the two areas dimensions (using from line the combustion rate of dynamicsare the immediate impact on escape and the ‘safe haven’ (or Diameter (m) 0.021 kg m¡2 s¡1) (kg s¡1) (kg s¡1)refuge). Offshore the two are intimately tied up with theintegrity of the supporting structure (jacket) but onshore it is 340 7600 7000 180 2000 1000–2000amore closely allied to the ability to arrest escalation. The oil riser failure on an offshore platform is most likely a Dependent on the surface roughness.to be the result of a re, but if the failure was due to impact,or other failure modes, the gas release (as solution gas) issigni cant, being about 5 kg s¡1 (18 tonnes h¡1). Release This analysis suggests that the reballs from ruptured gasrates such as those assessed in this paper would have a high pipelines can be modelled as a form of BLEVE andprobability of ignition over the release time. The resultant knowing the out ow at any time, t, it is possible to assesspool re diameter, for a severed 0.6 m diameter riser, would the safe standoff of a riser installation from the host platformbe in the range 75–100 m diameter (Rew and Hulbert, on the basis of a heat dose or radiation criterion. This1996); this would inhibit evacuation and have a high method has been used already on at least one North Seaprobability of total human and facility loss due to smoke platform.effects or the collapse of the jacket. The only mitigationwould be the effects of pool drift under the in uences of thewind and free‐fall TEMPSC. The requirements for the protection of installations FLAME CHARACTERIZATIONagainst riser failure on offshore platforms are covered by The ame characterization for any hydrocarbon re isthe Offshore Regulations (Pipeline Safety Regs, 1996) and fundamental to the nal risk assessment. As already indi‐are not considered further. cated in the Introduction it is dependent on the SEP and the The rupture of the Tartan riser on Piper Alpha demon‐ surface shape which dictates the view factor. This sectionstrated the need to model and understand the history of the addresses both together. uid out ows and consequential res. The out ows havealready been outlined. The reball was the result of the high‐velocity jet of gas leaving the riser impacting on the under‐ Surface Emissive Powersside of the platform. The initial re started as a reasonablywell‐de ned reball but rapidly became an elongated re‐ There are many quoted surface emissive powers (SEP) inball or fat torch. Observation of video footage of the actual the literature, ranging from over 1000 kW m¡2 to wellrupture shows the period of growth of the Piper reball was under 50 kW m¡2. The reality is that full recognition ofvery typical of a boiling liquid expanding vapour explosion both the fuel source and ame structure is essential. Jet, or(BLEVE) which is then followed by a steady shrinkage of premixed, ames are well aerated and burn more cleanlythe ame. The growth period to a maximum dimension was than pool res. A series of tests are illustrated in a videoabout 5–7 s, when the reball was about 340 m in diameter. ‘Hot Stuff’: an Introduction to Fire Hazards by BP (contactAfter about 15–18 s the shape of the re was an elongated BP Exploration, Dyce, Aberdeen) and with this are quotedbubble with an effective diameter of about 250 m. ame temperatures and maximum heat transfer uxes Simple theory of reballs gives equations for the effective which are informative. (Heat transfer ux includes bothdiameter and duration based on the mass of uid (gas and forced convective and radiant heats transfer so the SEPliquid, W kg) as shown in Table 3. could not exceed 350 kW m¡2. Peak temperatures were of Whichever reference is used, the power of W for area £ the order of 1573K. First the nature of the ame, itstime equals nearly to unity, so it is possible to derive a burn temperature and its emissivity, is critical. Methane amesrate for the reball ame area in kg m¡2 s¡ 1; this is produce little or no carbon (soot) and therefore are grey0.021 kg m¡2 s¡1 (using MHAP, 1982; for the traditional body radiators (see below), whereas heavy hydrocarbonsdiffusion ame of a pool re the combustion rate is in the ‘pyrolize’ and produce carbon. In suf cient depth carbonrange 0.008 kg m¡2 s¡1 for small pool res rising to can act as a totally black body with emissivities tending to0.014 kg m¡2s ¡1 for large pool res). The equivalent leak unity while deep clouds of carbon dioxide and waterrate for the two reballs is given in Table 4. It is of note that vapour have an emissivity value nearer 0.1. In the casethe Piper reballs have some pre‐mixing and are not the in question the very actively aerated ame at or nearest totraditional semi diffusion type of BLEVE. the jet will be optically thin and, although the theoretical SEP might approach 350 kW m¡2, the true value would be nearer 275 kW m¡2. Against this is the partial combustion Table 3. Two reball models. of the fuel, leaving soot in the plume path, again reducing Model Diameter (m) Duration (s) the true SEP. A simple energy balance round a ame would 1=3 1=3 suggest that in the idealized conditions the SEP for any jet MHAP (1982) 5.8 W 0.45 W ame should not exceed about 400 kW m¡2; a value higher x y Lees (1996) K1W K2W than this would indicate grey body radiators with ame K1 ˆ 5.25–6.48 K2 ˆ 0.8–1.07 x ˆ 0.314–0.333 y ˆ 0.167–0.333 colours approaching the white end of the spectrum (over

Oil Gas Pipeline Failure Rates (detailed) - [PDF Document] (25)


Trans IChemE, Vol 81, Part B, January 20038 CRAWLEY et al.

The measured uxes in the Kuwait well res (OTI Report, The graduation in SEPs along a ame boundary is1992) were of the order of 150 kW m¡ 2; such values were modeled in the pool re thermal radiation model by Rewdetermined near to the ame centre and at the upwind side. and Hulbert (1996).This is as would be expected. The average taken over thewhole ame surface would not exceed 150 kW m¡2. This is Aerosolsas would be expected for a smoky ame. The analysis of the structure of the reball in the previous There is a general assumption that the ash from anysection gives a burn rate; if this is converted into as SEP volatile uid should be enhanced by a factor of 2 or 3 towith a worst case heat radiated fraction of 0.35, the SEP re ect the aerosol effect. This may well be valid for suchcannot exceed 330 kW m¡ 2. In reality, due to incomplete uids as propane or butane but this is less credible forcombustion, the value is nearer 225 kW m¡2 as quoted by de‐solution effects where the viscosity and mass transferMoorhouse and Pritchard (1982), who give values in the will result in a relatively slow and non‐vigorous release ofrange 150–300 kW m¡2. For an oil line rupture where some vapour (typical separators are designed with a residencesmall amount of oil may be atomized, the ame could time of 180–300 s). Furthermore, following the rupture of abe smoky and as a result the SEPs quoted may be a little long line the ef ux velocity is relatively low (of the order ofhigh. The values quoted by BP in the ‘Hot Stuff’ video give 10 m s¡1) so little or no secondary aerosol formation shouldmaximum temperatures for a well‐aerated oil jet ame at be expected from an oil line rupture. This could result in athe brightest part of the ame structure of 1573–1623K, signi cant reduction in the reball dimensions and also itwhich for a true black body gives SEPs in the range could moderate the SEP.350–400 kW m¡ 2. However, these are theoretical maximafor optically dense ames and the true SEPs and those at the Flame Shape Modellingsmoky, feathered ame tips would be signi cantly lower.Methane ames were approaching translucent giving SEPs The modelling of the shape of pool and BLEVE reballswhich would not exceed 75 kW m¡2. For ethene, which can is relatively well‐developed technology (Rew and Hulbert,produce smokey ames in a poorly aerated state, the SEP 1996; MHAP, 1982).should not exceed 350 kW m¡2. The modelling of jet ames is often carried out using the Jets of oil, however, began to rain out un‐burnt oil when method proposed by Chamberlain (1987). In this the amethe pressure at the jet was less than 300 kPa (‘Hot Stuff’ is modelled as the frustum of a cone and SEPs are thenvideo). This is again easy to understand, as there would be deduced from the fraction of heat radiated from the ame.insuf cient energy to produce adequate size reduction and The shape of the ames from the Kuwait oil wells is also adroplet formation and this would result in a mixture of a jet useful model of an oil jet re as the exit velocity and the re and a pool re. The jet re, being more aerated, is by far gas‐to‐oil ratio are similar to those in question. The shape ofthe hottest. the frustum is dictated to a degree by the release conditions Moorhouse and Pritchard (1982) has proposed various (source terms). In the BP releases the upstream pressuresSEPs for different ames. It is essential that the values are were over 1 MPa and the diameter‐to‐length ratio was of thebased on thick ames where the ame is a true black body order of 0.3 (0.25–0.35). In the Kuwait res (OTI Report,and not a grey body radiator. The values for JP4 pool res in 1992) the ratios were also of the order of 0.3. Of morethis reference show a maximum value for the SEP, as would particular signi cance was the fact that the maximumbe expected, between two pool size extremes. When the pool received heat uxes were experienced at right angles tois small the ame will not be optically dense but as the size the ame=wind. This is due to the higher view factor and theis increased the pool becomes more optically dense but also view of the hotter parts of the ame. An analysis of the ressmoky, hence the maximum. For oil the value for a pool re in the OTI report (1992) (which had a gas‐to‐oil ratio ofwill be about 75 kW m¡2 10% wt=wt and were not unlike pipeline uids) was Mizner and Eyre (1982) quote the SEP for pool res of compared with the results using Chamberlain (1987). Onlynatural gases in the range 150–200 kW m¡2. These values one of the wells could be analysed in detail as there werewere measured low in the ame and lower values are some doubts as to the true source terms (exit ori cemeasured nearer the top of the ame. This re ects the dimensions) and also the true release rates. Well 17A datanature of a diffusion ame and t in well with the expecta‐ seems to be the most secure and the results of the observedtions from pipe ares where the fraction of heat released and calculated dimensions are somewhat different as tabu‐from methane is about half that of the mixed hydrocarbons. lated below. The SEP measured on well 19B was used toThe re on the Ocean Odyssey (shown in the newscasts but draw this up in Table 5.also reproduced by BP in the ‘Hot Stuff ’ video) following a In effect the Chamberlain model does appear to indicatesub‐sea gas release during drilling) also showed this ethereal that ame surface area is almost twice that of the observedburning. The same reference gives SEPs for LPG and well 17A ame. This in turn will increase the view factorkerosene pool res of 48–35 kW m¡2. and overestimate the received radiant heat. Well 17C

Table 5. Analysis of well 17A.

Observed Observed maximum Assessed fraction of heat Calculated Calculated Percent of heat frustum diameter of radiated based on frustum maximum frustum radiated length (m) frustum (m) ame shape (%) length (m) diameter (m) (from graph) (%) 45 17 11.1 65 27 28

Trans IChemE, Vol 81, Part B, January 2003 OIL AND GAS PIPELINE FAILURE MODELLING 9

appeared to be more vertical than well 17A and it is likely In all 39 were rejected as irrelevant, for example thethat the source is a damaged Christmas tree and not a vandalism was on an above‐ground line in a site and onesevered wellhead. The percentage of heat radiated in the earth slip was due to a failure of a trestle across a river.case of well 17C was about 16%. The Chamberlain correla‐ The nal pipeline failure rate is 0.00026 per km‐year. Of thetion predicts both longer (50% more) and wider ames 45 remaining events the only evidence for full bore rupture(again by about 50%). (The OTI ames are both shorter and are those of sabotage, one failure during pressure test,narrower.) The reasons for this are not entirely clear but one failure due to stress corrosion cracking and one unspeci‐could be due to the very high relative density of the blow ed failure. By far the greatest leakage was due to damageout, the droplets in the released uids, the relatively high induced by diggers, trenchers or similar. While the breachmolecular weight of the released uids and of course the size is not speci ed, it does appear from the leakage andhigh momentum ux at the source. mass of un‐recovered uids that the majority of failures were The SEP assessed by Chamberlain method was similar to punctures and of a few centimetres in size. This alsothat measured on well 19B, but the ratio of the radiant heat suggests that running cracks are relatively rare, as indicatedreleased to the total potential heat released (the API F factor) by the analysis of Fearnehough (1985). The rupture rate forback‐calculated from OTI data was about 10–15%. This also a properly controlled pipe corridor should therefore be ofsuggests that the area calculated by the Chamberlain method the order of 0.00002 per km‐year and the other failures split,is a little high and therefore also the view factors. The actual probably, one third–25 mm and two thirds 5–10 mmpercentage of heat radiated (the API F factor) can be diameter. The spectrum (per km‐year) is as follows:subjectively assessed from the degree of smokiness, the ame colour and reference to other are types. A value of10–15% would seem very likely for the Kuwait blowouts, not 1 0–10 mm 1.7 £ 10¡428% from the Chamberlain model. The typical percentage of 2 10–25 mm 0.9 £ 10¡4radiant heat released from a low velocity pipe are burning 3 Rupture 2.0 £ 10¡5methane (F) is taken as 15% of the total heat as the basis of Total 2.62 £ 10¡4 are stack designs. The Chamberlain model infers that atsonic velocity the value is between 15 and 20% but the BPtests show an almost translucent ame with a percentage

Oil Gas Pipeline Failure Rates (detailed) - [PDF Document] (26)

Similar trends are to be found in subsequent more up to dateradiant heat release of 10–5% or less. Typically, methane CONCAWE data.burnt on a Kaldair, or low emissivity, are also produces an Fvalue of about 7.5%. The Chamberlain model does appear to Fearnehough (1985) suggests that the evidence from gas transmission piping gives a failure spectrum ( per km‐year) as:overestimate the percentage of heat radiated from jet ames. These features suggest that the application of the Cham‐berlain model to oil‐based releases may be outside the 1 0–20 mm 2.0 £ 10¡ 4boundary of validation and any attempt to modify the 2 20–80 mm 2.2 £ 10¡ 5 3 over 80 mm 7.5 £ 10¡ 6source terms to avoid some of the areas of dif culty maylead to further errors. Total 2.3 £ 10¡ 4

Failure Rate Data A further analysis of the residual CONCAWE data shows that the leakage is dominated by internal and external CONCAWE (CONservation of Clean Air and Water‐ corrosion. Modern on‐line inspection vehicles (OLIV) orEurope) produces an annual record of on‐shore piping inci‐ intelligence pigs can detect very early evidence of corrosion.dents. In the 10 years 1982–1991 there were 183,000km‐years Fearnehough (1985) also show that, if the imposed stress toexperience and 84 leaks. Of the leaks the following failure yield stress ratio does not exceed 0.3 for arti cially createdcategories were not necessarily applicable or relevant in terms defects and 0.6 for corrosion defects, there is a leak beforeof predicting the failure rate for a particular pipeline: break, that is the line will not rupture spontaneously under a corrosion regime. However, there will be an upper limiting breach size (or defect) which will result in a running defect 1 Vandalism 5 2 Earth slip=movement 2 with a breach size equivalent to a full bore rupture. This 3 Gasket failure 5 suggests that the use of intelligence pigging on a regular 4 Collapsed steel 1 basis should afford at least a further factor of 2 reduction in 5 Rubber hose 1 the failure rates. 6 Pump gland 1 7 Draining for maintenance 2 The failure rate data for offshore pipelines and risers is to 8 Trenching or equivalent 10 be found in Battelle Research (1985) and (PARLOC 96, 9 Geological drilling 2 1996). The Battelle data (the rst data set) were compiled 10 Pump logic failure 1 from mostly Gulf of Mexico data and is a mixture of results 11 Salt in line 1 taken from UKCS and the Gulf of Mexico. The second, 12 Acid in line 1 13 Failure in pressure test 2 PARLOC, is totally UKCS data. The spreads of the two data 14 Flange failure (under speci ed) 1 sets are signi cant. The following is an abstract: ‘The North 15 Farm activity (unspeci ed) 1 Sea data provide frequencies of 0.02 incidents per year in 16 Heat treatment 1 the vicinity of platforms, 0.038 incidents per year in shore 17 Bellows failure 1 18 Poor fabrication of a tee 1 approaches and 0.00016 incidents km‐year in open waters. This compares to the gures for the Gulf of Mexico of

Trans IChemE, Vol 81, Part B, January 200310 CRAWLEY et al.

0.0044 incidents per year around platforms and 0.00072 reduce the instantaneous out ow but extend the duration.incidents per Km‐year in open water’. On a super cial In the case of uids=gases transported above the criticalanalysis the two data sets are not truly comparable. Further pressure the out ow will again be reduced and durationthe modelling by Battelle is based on a number of variables: extended by the retrocondensation of droplets and thepipe diameter, age, pressure test procedure, line trenching production of a two‐phase choke.and inspection. It is possible that the size of the database There are also signi cant differences between the aerosolwould not allow accurate multi‐variable assessments. The formation between uids. After the initial de‐packing of anbath tub ‘wear in’ curve, in particular, is simulated by a oil line the aerosol formation cannot realistically exceed acorrection factor after 4 years’ exposure. This is an odd factor of 2 but for LPG the aerosol factor could readily reachapproach as corrosion is an aging effect, not an infant unity. Live oils can take over 180 s for the de‐solutionmortality effect, but impacts are more likely during process to reach a form of equilibrium. This is due toconstruction when the no anchor zones are less rigorously mass transfer limitations inside the liquid, which in turncontrolled. This data set may be at risk of double counting. are affected by the physical properties of the liquid. ThisFinally the Battelle data refers to only the pipeline while the will result in a much smaller potential reball at the point ofPARLOC data includes ttings. rupture. For the rst 4 years the Battelle data show a failure rate of Current approaches to ame modelling, not only in its0.0065 per year for risers and the rst 100 m of sea line morphology but also surface emissive power, can producefalling to 0.00142 per annum after 4 years. The spectrum an overestimate of the risk. The SEP is non‐uniform across(per riser and 1000 m sea‐line year) is: the ame surface (with the exception of a BLEVE) and more sophisticated ame models are required. The analysis of jet ames in particular is very sensitive to the upstream pressure and hence not only atomization but also air 1 Leak ˆ 10 mm 9.32 £ 10¡4 2 Split ˆ 25 mm 2.44 £ 10¡4 entrainment. The ame shape as a cone with height and 3 Rupture 2.44 £ 10¡4 base dimensions is equally important. The use of an Total 1.42 £ 10¡3 arti cial F factor to reset the SEP can produce errors not only in SEP but also view factor, particularly if the SEP varies across the surface of the ame owing to the ame structure. The analysis of blowouts, which most closely The PARLOC data gives a different spectrum: resemble holed pipelines, suggests that the maximum heat ux is on an axis normal to the wind and through the ame axis. It also shows that for oil=gas jets the SEPs are somewhat higher than might be expected from the equiva‐ 1 Leak ˆ 10 mm 1.74 £ 10¡3 lent are models. This is probably due to the higher 2 Split ˆ 25 mm 5.04 £ 10¡4 3 Rupture 4.43 £ 10¡4 predicted ame dimensions. Of more importance is the Total 2.69 £ 10¡3 rain‐out of oils which could occur with an oil line rupture (and was evident in the clean‐up required after the Kuwait res). The rain‐out will burn as a very smoky pool re and not contribute to the jet re dimensions and heat ow. In These values contain the ttings which are not contained effect the jet re modelling for oil line failure may bein the Battelle data but which make up half the total failure signi cantly in error.rate. It is of note that the failure rates, allowing for the The modelling of any gaseous re is by de nition as a jetmissing ttings in one data set, are in remarkable agreement. or loose diffusion ame. The use of are type models doesHowever the rst source is based predominately on the Gulf appear to produce some discrepancies. This may be due toof Mexico data and has an arti cial aging factor of 0.2 (that the very high momentum uxes in two‐phase release and

Oil Gas Pipeline Failure Rates (detailed) - [PDF Document] (27)

is a reduction in the failure rate with time), which might not the pyrolysis of higher molecular weight molecules in thebe fully justi ed as it probably results in some double combustion zone. The very high‐pressure gaseous methanecounting. jets appear to produce more radiative ames than test All in all there are grave discrepancies between on and evidence might suggest. While these models are the onlyoffshore data and signi cant error potential if the data is not ones available at present they may be being used outsidecorrectly purged of irrelevant data. their area of application. The reliability data for pipeline failure is very sensitive to the source and applicability. The reliability data should be taken from an equivalent environment and equivalent uid, DISCUSSION not a global set of data. The offshore rupture rate is, from This paper has shown that there are potentially mitigating the data, signi cantly higher than for the onshore equiva‐circumstances for the assessment of the thermal effects lent. There are many reasons for this, none less than thefollowing the loss of containment of a ammable uid uids could contain water and of course the sealines arefrom a pipeline. In the case of a live uid such as high‐ always under water. The use of ‘raw’ data, which treats thevapour‐pressure oil the de‐solution of gases may both failure data as a global average without any allowance for itsexacerbate and reduce the potential risk. Offshore the geographic location, could result in a factor of up to 5desolution will assist in the deburdening of the pipeline pessimism, particularly if age effects (post‐constructionbut onshore it will reduce the out ow. In the case of truly damage, and all causes) are included without the removal of ashing ow uids the two‐phase choking effect will irrelevant data. Further, it is necessary to include mitigating

Trans IChemE, Vol 81, Part B, January 2003 OIL AND GAS PIPELINE FAILURE MODELLING 11

factors such as patrol and on‐line inspection. These are this conclusion should not be used arbitrarily to challengeessentially software safety not hardware and therefore it may existing distances without detailed site‐speci c analysis.be more dif cult to assess the bene ts in a numeratemanner. It is suggested that the are‐based models hithertoused for torch res should be reviewed in the light of more REFERENCESdata on well blowouts and other high‐momentum jets. This Battelle Research, 1985, Economic Implications of Pipeline Reliability, Jointwill take some years to achieve but it could be of use in Industrial Project (Battelle Research, Geneva, Switzerland).more accurate assessment of risks near pipelines and so free Bendikson, S.M., Malnes, D., Moe, R. and Nuland, S., 1991, The dynamic two‐ uid ow model OLGA. Theory and application, SPE Prod Engng, 6:land for other uses. 171–180. Braithwaite, J.C., 1985, Operational pipeline inspection, in The Assessment and Control of Major Hazards, Manchester, IChemE Symposium Series CONCLUSIONS no. 93 (IChemE, Rugby, UK). The modelling of any failure of a landline must rst Chamberlain, G.A., 1987, Developments in design methods for predicting thermal radiation from ares, Chem Engng Res Des, 65.recognize that the out ows must be modelled by an appro‐ Cullen, Hon. Lord, 1992, The Piper Alpha Disaster (HMSO, London, UK).priate method which takes into account the physical proper‐ DTI, 1993, The Brown Book, Development of the Oil and Gas Resources ofties of the uids and also models the frictional and inertial the United Kingdom (HMSO, London, UK).effects properly. A simple model which attempt to model the Fearnehough, G.D., 1985, The control of risk in gas transmission pipelines,out ows taking the source as a large vessel will produce in The Assessment and Control of Major Hazards, Manchester, IChemE symposium Series no. 93 (IChemE, Rugby, UK).higher ows but shorter duration. In particular, uids which Lees, F.P., 1996, Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, Vol. 2involve a phase change in the out ow process (gas to liquid (Butterworth‐Heinemann, Oxford, UK).or liquid to gas) must be modelled using the appropriate MHAP, 1982, Thermal Radiation Monograph, IChemE Loss Preventionvapour=liquid equilibrium models and where necessary the Bulletin 82 (Major Hazards Assessment Panel). Mizner, G.A. and Eyre, J.A., 1982, Large scale LNG and LPG pool res. inheat ows into the pipeline modelled. The Assessment of Major Hazards, Manchester, IChemE Symposium Flame modelling for pools and BLEVEs is reasonably Series 71 (IChemE, Rugby, UK).secure, but the assessment of surface emissive powers still Moorhouse, J. and Pritchard, M.J., 1982, Thermal radiation hazards fromrequires an element of judgement. Modelling jet res by a large pool res and reballs, a literature review, in The Assessment of Major Hazards, Manchester, IChemE Symposium Series no. 71 are type model is open to error. The ux pro les near to a (IChemE, Rugby, UK).breach could be overestimated if the ame properties are not OTI, 1992, Study Kuwait Scienti c Mission, Vol. 2, Technical Report, OTImodelled correctly. 96 641 (HSE Books, London, UK). Taking these two points together the ame size and SEPs PARLOC 96, 1996, The Update of Loss of Containment Data for Offshorecould be overestimated, resulting in higher radiant heat Pipelines, OTH 551 (HSE Books, London, UK). Pipeline Safety Regs, 1996, SI 825 (HSE Books, London, UK). uxes than might be expected. Rew, P.J. and Hulbert, W.G., 1996,Development of Pool Fire ThermalRadiation The failure rate data varies for uid and location. Wet Model. HSE Contract Report no 96=1996 (HSE Books, London, UK). uids result in internal corrosion but equally subsea lines are Richardson, S.M. and Saville, G., 1996, Blowdown of LPG pipelines, Transmore vulnerable to external corrosion and impact from IChemE, Part B, Proc Safe Env Prot, 74. shing trawlers. Global data may include inappropriatefailure models so that those lines must be purged from the ADDRESSdata sets. The data gained from the particular offshore needs Correspondence concerning this paper should be addressed tofollowing the Piper Alpha disaster can be readily transferred Mr F. K. Crawley, Department of Process and Chemical Engineering, Univer‐ sity of Strathclyde, Glasgow, G1 1XJ, UK.to the onshore analysis of pipeline failures. E‐mail: [emailprotected]. Taking all of these results together there is good reason tobelieve that a more rigorous analysis around landlines The manuscript was received 3 May 2002 and accepted for publicationshould result in smaller consultation distances. However, after revision 30 September 2002.

Trans IChemE, Vol 81, Part B, January 2003

ERM paper on cross­country pipelines failure rates as presented at the IChemE Hazards XXIII Conferencehttp://www.erm.com/en/Analysis­and­Insight/Publications/ERM­paper­on­cross­country­pipelines­failure­rates­as­presented­at­the­IChemE­Hazards­XXIII­Conference/ December 07,2014

ERM paper on cross­country pipelines failure rates as ... pipelines are widely used in the Oil & Gas and ... of cross­country pipelines failure rates by...

by Glenn Petitt with comments acknowledged from Richard Espiner

This paper was presented at the IChemE Hazards XXIII Conference in November 2012. Proceedings for the conference can be found at the IChemEShop.

Underground cross­country pipelines are widely used in the Oil & Gas and Petrochemical Industries to transport raw materials and products, e.g.crude oil, natural gas and gasoline. The loss of mechanical integrity of such pipelines has occurred on numerous occasions world­wide, due to avariety of causes such as corrosion, external impact, defects, operational errors and natural hazards. With materials being transported at very highpressures, pipeline failures may result in major releases of hazardous materials. An example is shown in Figure 1: the destruction of many housesafter a major fire following a gas pipeline rupture in San Bruno, California, USA in September 2010. Such failures present a risk to people (in the case

Oil Gas Pipeline Failure Rates (detailed) - [PDF Document] (28)

of ignition of high pressure gas) and the environment (in the case of oil and other liquid products).

There are a number of recognised failure rate databases for cross­country pipelines, such as CONCAWE (European liquid pipelines) [1], EGIG(European gas pipelines) [2] and the US DoT (both liquids and gas pipelines) [3]. It is remarkable how close the base data from the different systemsare, which leads to some confidence that the figures are sufficiently robust to be used in risk analyses.

For each database there is a number of failure modes included, such as corrosion, third party impact, material defects, natural hazards. For some ofthese failure modes, the databases have shown that there is a correlation between the failure rates and various risk reduction mechanism, such asheavy wall thickness. In particular, a reduction in failure rate can be applied for the corrosion and third party impact failure modes for heavy wallthickness.

However, for other failure modes, in particular material defects, the databases show no correlation between the failure rate and key risk reductionmechanisms such as heavy wall thickness. It would seem logical that the failure rate for material defects should decrease with increasing wallthickness, but for frequency assessments this has often been a constant in past studies, by simple use of statistics from the various databases.

The author has extensive experience of assessing the risks associated with pipeline systems, having been heavily involved in the design andsubsequent operation of a number of high­profile pipelines world­wide (from a risk perspective). This experience has been applied to the analysis ofthe various failure modes in order to determine how various risk reduction techniques can reduce the frequency of failure. This includes theassessment of statistics where there is no immediate correlation from the various databases for specific failure modes.

The paper discusses how such data can be applied where logic would suggest that there should be a reduction in failure rates, although this is notimmediately apparent from the various databases.

Read the full paper, with comments acknowledged from Richard Espiner (434Kb PDF )

1. CONCAWE, Performance of European Cross­country Oil Pipelines, Statistical summary of reported spillages in 2010 and since 1971, Brussels,December 2011, http://www.concawe.org/

2. European Gas Pipeline Incident Data Group (EGIG), Gas Pipeline Incidents, 8th Report of the European Gas Pipeline Incident Data Group, Doc.No. EGIG 11.R.0402, December 2011, http://www.egig.nl/

Analysis of Oil Pipelines Failure C.H. Achebe IMECS 2012 6phttps://www.scribd.com/doc/189336531/Analysis­of­Oil­Pipelines­Failure­C­H­Achebe­IMECS­2012­6p December 07, 2014

Analysis of Oil Pipelines Failure C.H. Achebe IMECS 2012 6p. ... fuel gas, and all others showed failure rates to be relatively few and the causes tobe relatively ...

pipe line manag ers can prioritize their strategies for The objectives of the study h ave been categorized into the following different areas of activities:

Identify the best practices in developed countries and recommend ways of translating them to areas oil pipeline failures and mitigation of their effects.

Promote the development of incentive systems to In order to fulfil the study objectives, a number of work

Collection of data on pipeline network of (SPDC) in the Niger Delta Area of Nigeria;

Analysis and risk assessment of the causes of oil pipeline failures in the Niger Delta Area of

Review of the legal and regulating regimes of pip eli nes in the Nig er D elt a Area of Nigeria; and

regulatory and monitoring systems in the Nigerian The Niger Delta (Fig.1) is located in Southern Ni ge ri a an d is world's third largest wetland . It isthe bulk of Nigeria's proven oil and gas reserves. The region has about 606 oilfields with 355 situated onshore and 251 offshore (Fig.2). There areabout 5,284 oil wells drilled and 527 flow stations for crude oil processing, with more than 7,000 km of oil and gas pipelines traversing the entire areaand The land area within which the network of transport

gas plants and about 30 marginal oil fields farmed out, through the network of pipelines, to local companies and for export. Three of Nigeria's fourrefineries, Port­Harcourt I & II and Warri, are located in the region, while the fourth is Data was collected from known periodicals and other literature,as well as the databases of Nigerian National Company (SPDC) and other secondary sources that are responsible for operating oil and gas pipelinesin the Niger Delta Area of Nigeria. The data collected included the following:

of the major crude oil and lines and local gathering systems (where applicable) in the

from the pipelines. Types of data collected included: date of event, site specification (that is, pipeline identification and causes and consequences,cleanup and restoration, etc.

important environmental factors, as well as populations, habitats, or other environmental features of each state of Niger Delta area along the pipelinesthat are vulnerable to oil spills.

so forth in the given countries. Most of the pipeline data were accessed from a digital map of main oil pipelines. The data included location ofpipelines, diameter in millimeters, and length in kilometers. The data have been categorized on a state­by­state basis and are There wereapproximately 84,000kilometers of pipeline in Nigeria as of 1998. About 90% of this pipeline has a diameter of greater than 504mm (20inches) whileabout 64,000 pipeline kilometers, or 76% of the total, are

Proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2012 Vol II,

AN INNOVATIVE APPROACH TO MANAGING THE INTEGRITY OF OIL ...http://www.vurup.sk/sites/default/files/downloads/pc_1_2012_usman_152.pdf December 07, 2014

... the development of a plan for the maintenance of the pipeline system is a requirement ... in failure rates, ... System for oil and gas pipelines ...

Petroleum & CoalISSN 1337‐7027 Available online at www.vurup.sk/petroleum‐coal Petroleum & Coal 54 (1) 1‐8, 2012

AN INNOVATIVE APPROACH TO MANAGING THE INTEGRITY OF OIL AND GAS PIPELINES: PIPELINE INTEGRITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM M. A. Usman1* and S. E. Ngene2 1 Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Lagos, Akoka, Lagos, Nigeria 2

Oil Gas Pipeline Failure Rates (detailed) - [PDF Document] (29)

Department of Petroleum Resources, Lagos, Nigeria, *corresponding author: [emailprotected]; [emailprotected]

Received August 17, 2011, Accepted January 5, 2011

AbstractIn the oil and gas industry, management of the integrity of pipeline has grown to become a seriousbusiness because of the overall consequence of pipeline failure: economic, social, environmental,and possibly legal. This research is an attempt to check pipeline failures by carefully following asuite of activities. This suite of activities, also called Pipeline Integrity Management System (PIMS),is generated for an operational pipeline and populated with data gathered on the pipeline system.An analysis of the data collected on the pipeline over a period of five years indicates improvedmonitoring, reliability, availability, and compliance to regulatory guidelines in the operation of thepipeline systems.Key Words: Pipeline; Failure; Integrity; Management; System.

1. Introduction In the past, management techniques for pipelines were minimal. In general, pipelineswere typically not maintained regarding their structural integrity until a failure occurred,at which time either the failed section, or the entire pipeline would be replaced. Thesepipelines may have been inspected at planned outages, at which time obvious problemswere typically repaired. Systematic methods of managing pipe, pipelines, or pipe systemswere not used to anticipate failures and attempt to conduct preventive maintenance orreplace the pipe before failure occurs [1]. The approach of fixing the pipeline when it failsmay not be acceptable in cases where burst of pipe may lead to huge damage to propertyor injury to people, or where loss of the fluid would have deleterious environmental conse‐quences. The upward and continuous surge in the cost of energy will also compel theoperator to make appropriate plans to avoid production down time due to pipeline failures.A pipeline integrity management program is needed for these pipeline systems to increasetheir reliability and availability, and to effectively manage and minimize maintenance, repair,and replacement costs over the long run. Pipeline Integrity Management System is an innovative approach to generate a suite ofactivities required to properly manage pipeline assets so as to deliver greater safety by mini‐mizing risk of failures, higher productivity, longer asset life, increased asset availabilityfrom improved reliability, lower integrity related operating costs, and ensure compliancewith the regulations. Pipeline Integrity Management Systems are developed to serve uniqueoperational needs peculiar to particular pipeline system. For new pipelines systems, thefunctional requirements for integrity management shall be incorporated into the planning,design, material selection, and construction of the system. However, for pipelines whichare already in operation, the integrity management plan is drawn after baseline assessmentsand data integration. An integrity management program provides the operator with infor‐mation to effectively allocate resources for appropriate prevention, detection and mitigationactivities that will result in improved safety and reduction in the number of incidents [2].Inthe development of the Pipeline Integrity Management Systems, the integration of infor‐mation from some relevant sources with the evaluated results of integrity assessment onthe pipeline system is necessary. The operator will normally use a risk‐based approach inprioritizing repair and maintenance activities, and thus the need to identify the location,nature and relative risk of features that could threaten the integrity of each pipeline segment M. A. Uman, S. E. Ngene/Petroleum & Coal 54(1) 1‐8, 2012 2

beforehand. In Nigeria’s oil and gas industry, the development of a plan for the maintenanceof the pipeline system is a requirement for the grant of Oil Pipeline License to the pipelinesystem. On this instance, the Pipeline Integrity Management System is preferred to anyother form of plan: it has the capacity to manage all known type of operational difficultieswith pipeline failures.2. Methodology2.1 The Pipeline System This work relied on System A (Table 1), a major crude oil export pipeline, to show theeffectiveness of the Pipeline Integrity Management System (PIMS) in providingavailability, reliability, and regulatory compliance for oil and gas pipelines. The pipelinesystem was commissioned in 1971 with a crude oil export capacity of 550 Kbpd and hadoperated till 2005 without a formal integrity management plan. External corrosion, internalcorrosion, and fatigue cracking were the most likely deterioration mechanisms for thispipeline system. CO2 and Sulfate Reducing Bacteria (SRB) are the key internal corrosionagents. Stagnant water is swept from pipeline by high flow rates thus making waterunavailable to sustain SRB growth.2.2 The Process The process could be summarized in the chart below: Identifying Gathering, Reviewing, Potential Impact and Integrating Data by Threats

Risk Assessment

No All Threats Evaluated?


Integrity Assessment

Responses to Integrity Assessment and Mitigation

[2] Fig. 1 Integrity Management Process Flow Diagram .Based on the Chart above, the following tools were generated for the pipeline:i. Segment Data for System A (Table 1) shows the necessary pipe attributes, design and construction information as well as some vital operational data. These information are

Oil Gas Pipeline Failure Rates (detailed) - [PDF Document] (30)

required to fully define System A.ii. Integrity Assessment Plan (Table 2) which is focused on the major threats on the system: external corrosion, internal corrosion, fatigue cracking, and to a lesser extent third party damage. Operational information and regulatory compliance were used as guides in determining integrity assessment intervals for the identified threats. Mitigative measures suggested were also dependent on the outcome of the assessment and are as stated in the plan. The Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) is evaluated using the Risk Matrix in the Appendix B. The Likelihood of Occurrence (LOO) and the Consequence of Failure are obtained from the Risk Matrix and recorded on the MRP.iii. Maintenance Reference Plan (Table 3) activities are scheduled with keen interest on checking external corrosion, internal corrosion, and 3rd party damages [4]. CO2, H2S, and SRB are key internal corrosion agents and thus were be properly monitored through the plan to ensure reliability and availability of the pipeline system. Pigging, CP installation and upgrade, inhibition, and other corrosion control activities are included in plan [3,4].iv. The Integrity Verification Plan (Table 4) considered a five‐year review period for the system (2005 – 2009). The Technical Integrity Indicators and Performance Indicators (PI) for the various activities were calculated and recorded to indicate the integrity M. A. Uman, S. E. Ngene/Petroleum & Coal 54(1) 1‐8, 2012 3

status of the pipeline and the degree of execution of the prepared MRP. The overall integrity of the pipeline indicates that it is still fit for purpose at its de‐rated operating pressure of 400 psi.v. The performance Measurement Plan (Table 5) shows a 5‐year plan which could lead to verifiable deductions that PIMS leads to improved monitoring and management of the system’s failures and repairs. There is marked reduction in failure rates, leaks, and volume of fluid spilled and subsequently the total number of repairs but an increase in the percentage of planned of planned activities completed as well as action that impacted safety as the year progressed.3. ResultsThe summary of the recorded effect of PIMS is shown in the table below:

Year Indices for Evaluation 2000 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Volume of Fluid Spilled (Barrels) 4000 2400 1100 600 400 100

Repair Actions due to Direct 3 7 6 5 4 2Assessment ResultsLeaks due to Pipeline Failures 4 2 1 1 1 1(willful damage not included)Actions Completed which Impact 1 4 6 9 10 12on SafetyAnomalies Found Requiring 12 8 7 6 5 4Mitigations

4. Conclusions The current continuous and sustained increase in the price of steel has placed the costof steel pipes in international markets in a continuous hike and thus the reason for seriesof cost reviews in most recent pipeline projects. The availability and reliability of pipelinesfor operations are threatened by pipeline failures. Environmental degradation due to spillsfrom line failures has also created a regulatory demand for new and operating pipelinesystems to be appropriately monitored. These are obvious reasons why generation andimplementation of Pipeline Integrity Management System for oil and gas pipelines isnecessary. This research work generated Pipeline Integrity Management Systems for System A,an operating pipeline system. The effectiveness of PIMS was monitored over five yearsperiod using the information from the operating System A whose operator has been takingsome actions considered components of PIMS in the last six years to ensure reliabilityand availability of the pipeline. Evaluation of the results generated from the PIMS for theoperating pipeline system using the review period indicated improvement on the threatsituation and failures observed as the years progressed. This corresponds to decrease inanomalies requiring repairs not minding that the pipeline system is already past its designlife. It is an indication of how important PIMS is to the life of an operating pipeline. In all,PIMS has been found to be effective tool for resources allocation in the prevention, detection,and mitigation activities that will lead to improved safety and reduction in the number ofincidents on pipeline systems.References[1] Pittalwala, S.H and Wittas, D. J (2006) “System and Method for Pipeline Reliability Management” Patent No: US 7,043,373 B2.[2] ASME B31.8s (2001). “Managing System Integrity of Gas Pipelines” Supplement to ASME B31.8.[3] Mobil Producing Nigeria Unlimited (2008): Presentation to Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR) on “Critical Crude Pipeline Segments Replacement”.[4] Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria Limited (2006): A Presentation to the Department of Petroleum Resources on “PIMS Engagement”.[5] API Recommended Practice 1160: “Managing System Integrity for Hazardous Liquid Pipelines” First Edition (August 2001). M. A. Uman, S. E. Ngene/Petroleum & Coal 54(1) 1‐8, 2012 4

APPENDIX ATable 1 Segment Data for System A Segment Data Type Pipe Grade API 5L X60 Nominal Diameter 42” Wall Thickness 12.7mmPipe Attributes Manufacturer N/A Date of Manufacture N/A Seam Type Spiral Welded Operating Pressure 280 psi Design Pressure 720 psi Coating Type Coal Tar/Cement Coating Condition GoodDesign/Construction Pipeline Commission Date 1971 Joining Method Electric Arc Process Medium Type Offshore Hydrostatic Test 890 psi Design Temperature 0 ‐ 80oC

Oil Gas Pipeline Failure Rates (detailed) - [PDF Document] (31)

Process Fluid Temperature 25oC o Crude Quality API=36.8 Flow Rate 550 KBPDOperation Planned Repair Method Replacement Leak/Rupture History 3rd Party Damage / Corrosion Cathodic Protection Sacrificial Anode SCC Indications Yes

Table 2 Integrity Assessment Plan Criteria/Risk Integrity Mitigation Interval Threat Assessment Assessment Conduct Replace / Repair hydrostatic Some external locations whereExternal Corrosion test or perform 10 Years corrosion observed CFP is below Direct 1.25 x MAOP. Assessment Internal corrosion is Conduct in‐lineInternal Corrosion ‐do‐ 5 Years suspected inspection Potential concern for Conduct Replace / RepairFatigue Cracking fatigue cracking of hydrostatic pipe at failure 10 Years spiral weld pipe test locations No ManufacturingManufacturing ‐do‐ ‐do‐ N/A issues No Construction/Construction/Fabrication None Required N/A N/A Fabrication issuesEquipment No Equipment issues ‐do‐ ‐do‐ ‐do‐ Conduct hydrostatic After every test, perform Replace / Repair 3rd party damage is repair/replaceThird Party Damage ILI and pipe at failure observe ment due 3rd observe locations damage repaired locations No incorrectIncorrect Operations None required N/A N/A operation issuesWeather & Outside No Weather/Outside ‐do‐ ‐do‐ ‐do‐Force Force issues M. A. Uman, S. E. Ngene/Petroleum & Coal 54(1) 1‐8, 2012 5

Table 3 Maintenance Reference PlanLine System A Export PipelinePacer ID SYS A 003 Dia (“) 42Service Oil Installation Date 1971Environment Offshore MRP Review Date Failure Mode and Effect AnalysisFailure Mode LOO COF RemarksExternal Corrosion M 5Line Blockage (Sand) L 4Line Blockage (Scale) L 43rd Party Damages M 5Internal Corrosion H 5Line Piggability (Y/N) Yes Last IP ( 2005 ) Next IP (2010 ) No Last UT ( ) Next UT ( ) MRP ActivitiesNo Activity Title Frequency Comment001 Offshore CP Potential profile and Six Monthly Replace missing / faulty anode condition survey anodes002 Offshore CP shore approach ‐do‐ survey003 Offshore risers CP survey ‐do‐004 Offshore riser coating survey Annually005 Offshore line position survey ‐do‐006 Non‐supported span survey 5 Yearly007 Routine pigging Monthly Debris > 0.5 kg; Mechanical de‐scaling before IP.008 Non‐routine pigging As Required009 Third party damage Monthly010 H2S Monitoring (MIC) Six Monthly H2S and pH Measurement011 Biocide Treatment & Bacteria ‐do‐ Check effectiveness on SRB Count012 Water Chemistry Six Monthly013 CO2 corrosion rate prediction ‐do‐014 Oxygen Ingress Control As Required015 Acid Corrosion Control ‐do‐ pH check016 H2S Monitoring (Sour Service) Six Monthly017 Impingement /Erosion Monitoring As Required018 Intelligent Pigging 5 Yearly019 ROW Surveillance & Maintenance Quarterly020 Valve Maintenance Annually021 Inspection of offshore manifolds ‐do‐ and piping022 CP System Upgrade ‐do‐ Follow the recommendation of CP System Audit023 Pipeline equipment condition Annually survey maintenance024 Operational Control As Required025 Manifold painting 5 Yearly

Oil Gas Pipeline Failure Rates (detailed) - [PDF Document] (32)

026 Corrosion Inhibition As Required027 Corrosion Monitoring Six Monthly028 Protection of Mothballed pipelines ‐do‐029 CP System Audit ‐do‐ M. A. Uman, S. E. Ngene/Petroleum & Coal 54(1) 1‐8, 2012 6

Table 4 Integrity Verification PlanLine 42” System A Export Pipeline Wall Thickness (mm) 12.7 0Pacer ID SYSB 03 Coating Coal Tar /Concrete Diameter (“) 42Service Oil Length 35.00 Commissioning Year 1971 (Km)Environmen Offshore Grade API 5L X60 Reviewer SNtThird Party Technical Integrity Indicator PI Comments Period Sabotage Mech. Damage 09/04‐ 4 1 70% 08/05 09/05‐ 3 1 60% 08/06 09/06‐ 2 0 50% 08/07 09/07‐ 2 1 60% 08/08 09/08‐ 2 1 60% 08/09Internal Technical Integrity Indicator Last IP 2005 CommentsCorrosion Year Repairs MRP Yes/No PI 2005 3 CO2 Meas. Y 100% 2006 2 H2O Chem N 0% 2007 2 H2S Check Y 50% 2008 1 pH Check Y 60% 2009 1 Biocide Y 75% Treatment Bacteria Y 50% Count Sampling Y 100% Inhibition Y 75%External Technical Integrity Indicator CommentsCorrosion Year Repairs MRP TII PI 2005 0 CP main 75% stations 2006 2 Test post 100% checks 2007 0 CIPS 50% 2008 1 CP Audit 50% 2009 1 Riser 75% Survey Coating 100% SurveyFailure of Ancillary Equipment Operational Error During period of review four (4) None ancillary equipment failures occurredOverall Integrity Status The pipeline which has been de‐rated to 400 psi is still fit for purpose. M. A. Uman, S. E. Ngene/Petroleum & Coal 54(1) 1‐8, 2012 7

Table 5 Overall Performance Measurement Plan

S/ Description 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 N1 Km of pipeline inspected Vs Integrity 40% 50% 70% 80% 85% Management Program requirement2 Integrity Management Program Changes 8 5 3 2 1 requested by authorities3 Percentage of planned activities 40% 55% 70% 75% 80% completed4 Fraction of the system included in 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.8 0.85 Integrity Management Program5 Actions completed that impact safety 4 6 9 10 126 Anomalies found requiring repairs / 8 7 6 5 4 mitigation7 External corrosion leaks 2 0 1 0 08 Internal corrosion leaks 3 2 2 1 09 Leaks due to equipment failures 2 1 1 1 110 Leaks due to third party damage 3 4 4 2 211 Leaks due to manufacturing defects 0 0 0 0 012 Leaks due to construction defects 0 0 0 0 013 In‐service Leaks due to stress corrosion 1 0 0 0 0 cracking14 Repair actions taken due to In‐Line 0 0 0 0 0 Inspection results15 Repair actions taken due to direct 7 6 5 4 2 assessment results16 Hydrostatic test failures caused by 0 1 0 0 0 external corrosion17 Hydrostatic test failures caused by 3 2 2 1 0 internal corrosion18 Hydrostatic test failures due to 0 0 0 0 0 manufacturing defects19 3rd Party damage events detected 3 2 4 2 320 Unauthorized crossings 2 0 0 1 021 Precursor events detected 1 2 3 3 422 ROW encroachments detected 1 2 2 3 223 Re‐rating of pipelines 0 1 0 0 024 Segments with deeper pitting than 0 0 0 0 0 before25 Volume of fluid spilled 2,400 1,100 600 400 100 M. A. Uman, S. E. Ngene/Petroleum & Coal 54(1) 1‐8, 2012 8

Oil Gas Pipeline Failure Rates (detailed) - [PDF Document] (33)


Risk Matrix for Pipeline Systems




Incident Happens Never Happens People

Assets Heard of has several heard of so many in …… occurre times per in …… times a the d in our year in the year in a industry compan our industry location y company No health No 0 effect/ No effect damage No impact injury Slight health Slight Slight Slight 1 effect/ damage effect impact injury Minor health Minor Minor Limited Low 2 effect/ damage effect impact Risk injury Major Localise health Localised Considerabl Medium 3 d effect/ effect e impact Risk damage injury PTD or 1 Major Major National 4 to 3 damage effect impact fatalities

Extensiv Multiple Massive Internation 5 e High Risk fatalities effect al impact damage Note: The Risk Matrix has three (3) risk classes: Low (L), Medium (M), and High (H). The Likelihood of Occurrence (LOO) uses these 3 classes of risks.

Oil and Gas Pipeline Failure Hazard Mitigation Planhttp://gbra.org/documents/hazardmitigation/update/Section15­PipelineFailure.pdf December 07, 2014

Location of Oil and Gas Pipelines in the GBRA Basin ... a “pipeline failure,” it is valuable to consider these events as presenting a range in ...

OIL AND GAS PIPELINE FAILURE Hazard Description ........................................................................................................................................ 1 Location ......................................................................................................................................................... 1 Extent .......................................................................................................................................................... 11 Historical Occurrences ................................................................................................................................ 11 Probability of Future Occurrences .............................................................................................................. 16 Impact and Vulnerability ............................................................................................................................. 16

Oil Gas Pipeline Failure Rates (detailed) - [PDF Document] (34)

Hazard Description Fuel pipeline breach or pipeline failure addresses the rare, but serious hazard of an oil or natural gas pipeline. An estimated 2.2 million miles of pipelines in the United States carry hazardous materials. Natural gas pipelines transport natural gas, and oil or liquid petroleum pipelines transport crude oil and refined products from crude oils, such as gasoline, home heating oil, jet fuel and kerosene in addition to liquefied propane, ethylene, butane and some petrochemical products. Sometimes oil pipelines are also used to transport liquefied gases, such as carbon dioxide.

Pipeline failure is a rare occurrence, but has the potential to cause extensive property damage and loss of life. Pipelines have caused fires and explosions that killed more than 200 people and injured more than 1,000 people nationwide and 50 people in Texas in the last decade.

Location Figures 15‐1 on the following page shows the locations of gas and oil pipelines throughout the GBRA Basin region. Figures 15‐2 through 15‐9 show locations of pipelines in each respective county. It is important to note that due to scale, some pipelines cannot be seen on maps where one pipeline runs directly over another or where pipelines appear too close together to be visible on the map. HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN UPDATE: PROTECTING THE REGION AGAINST ALL HAZARDS

SECTION 15: PIPELINE FAILURE If any of these energy pipelines were to rupture, such an event could endanger property and lives in the immediate area. Immediate impacts can occur within a half‐mile area and secondary impacts within a mile of the incident. Therefore, due to the location of both oil and gas pipelines in the county, each participating jurisdiction faces a moderate to high risk, with the exception of Jamaica Beach. Figure 15‐1. Location of Oil and Gas Pipelines in the GBRA Basin

Gas and Oil Pipelines in GBRA Basin

Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | 2011‐2016 2

SECTION 15: PIPELINE FAILURE Figure 15‐2. Gas and Oil Pipelines in Caldwell County

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SECTION 15: PIPELINE FAILURE Figure 15‐3. Gas and Oil Pipelines in Calhoun County

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SECTION 15: PIPELINE FAILURE Figure 15‐4. Gas and Oil Pipelines in DeWitt County

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SECTION 15: PIPELINE FAILURE Figure 15‐5. Gas and Oil Pipelines in Gonzales County

Oil Gas Pipeline Failure Rates (detailed) - [PDF Document] (35)

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SECTION 15: PIPELINE FAILURE Figure 15‐6. Gas and Oil Pipelines in Kendall County

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SECTION 15: PIPELINE FAILURE Figure 15‐7. Gas and Oil Pipelines in Refugio County

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SECTION 15: PIPELINE FAILURE Figure 15‐8. Gas and Oil Pipelines in Victoria County

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SECTION 15: PIPELINE FAILURE Figure 15‐9. Gas and Oil Pipelines in Cibolo (in Guadalupe County)

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Extent While many of the historical accidents presented in Table 15‐1 are relatively small in terms of the amount of property damage that was reported, and while some may not meet the conventional idea of a “pipeline failure,” it is valuable to consider these events as presenting a range in magnitude of a possible occurrence. Reading Table 15‐1 in conjunction with the Figures 15‐1 through 15‐9 provides an indication of the possible intensity of an event. In addition historical occurrences provide an indication of the types of issues related to gas and oil present in the GBRA Basin and the preventable nature of many of these occurrences. For example, in Table 15‐2, several of the incidents reported to the Railroad Commission of Texas were of unknown origin, the result of drivers hitting presumably unprotected facilities with their vehicles. Several incidents appeared to be the result of miscommunication or lack of communication regarding locates prior to digging. Maintenance and possibly homeowner education could have been a contributing factor in two of the events.

Historical Occurrences The causes of pipeline failures can range from internal issues such as corrosion or material defects to outside forces. Such forces can include damage from natural hazards, such as earthquakes, or intentional destruction by humans. Table 15‐1 summarizes the incident log of historical pipeline accidents reported by the Railroad Commission of Texas. Table 15‐2 illustrates pipeline accidents that transpired between 2003 and 2008.

Oil Gas Pipeline Failure Rates (detailed) - [PDF Document] (36)

Table 15‐1. Historical Pipeline Accidents (Gas and Oil Combined) (1985‐2001)


Annualized Number of Events

3Expected Number ofPipeline Events = 21.571429


0 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 Year

Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | 2011‐2016 11

SECTION 15: PIPELINE FAILURE Table 15‐2 Historical Pipeline Accidents1 (Gas and Oil Combined) (2003‐2008)2


1 Source: Texas Railroad Commission 2 Limitations of the data used to populate Table 15‐2 include the following: more than 25 percent of the entries do not provide an operator name, 35 percent of the entries do not show a cost for the release, two incidents are undated, and the data range covers only eight years (2003‐2010). All entries are shown in chronological order by county. LPG stands for liquefied petroleum gas. 3 OG stands for oil and gas. Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | 2011‐2016 12


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Probability of Future Occurrences Based on the previous incident data and location of pipelines throughout the region, the possibility of a future occurrence is likely, meaning that an event could occur in the next three years.

Impact and Vulnerability Pipeline failure can have a substantial impact. Such events can cause multiple deaths, completely shut down facilities for thirty days or more, and cause more than fifty percent of affected properties to be destroyed or suffer major damage. Table 15‐3 and Table 15‐4 are based on data from the Texas Railroad Commission and show the total number of people and buildings exposed to gas and oil pipeline ruptures, respectively. The analysis for gas pipelines consists of liquid petroleum gas (LPG) and natural gas (NG). The analysis for oil pipelines consists of crude oil (CRD) and natural gas liquids (NGL). The immediate (primary) area of impact for both types of pipeline accidents is a 500‐meter buffer. The secondary area of impact for both types of pipeline accidents is a 2,500‐meter buffer. Table 15‐3. Potential Impact Due to Gas Pipelines by Jurisdiction TOTAL TOTAL IMMEDIATE IMPACT SECONDARY IMPACT POPULA BUILD‐ (500 METERS) (2,500 METERS) JURISDICTION TION IN INGS IN Number Number Number Number Value of Buildings Value of Buildings JURISDIC JURIS‐ People Buildings People Buildings Exposed ($) Exposed ($) TION DICTION Exposed Exposed Exposed Exposed Caldwell Co. 14,661 6,462 4,944 2,275 $220,481,000 8,871 3,998 $386,230,000 Lockhart 11,591 4,217 4,484 1,239 $209,500,000 11,081 4,010 $599,465,000 Luling 5,025 2,584 3,549 1,715 $183,244,000 5,025 2,584 $264,373,000 Martindale 917 424 Negligible 0 Negligible Negligible 14 $4,849,000 Calhoun Co. 8,541 6,463 4,092 2,940 $409,521,000 5,915 5,899 $696,161,000 Point Comfort 781 477 581 381 $108,781,000 781 477 $121,298,000 Port Lavaca 12,035 5,489 762 334 $34,746,000 9,473 3,990 $490,796,000 Seadrift 1,350 1,069 Negligible 27 $3,781,000 1,214 839 $57,555,000 DeWitt Co. 8,805 5,417 6,333 2,777 $351,817,000 9,172 4,303 $523,970,000 Cuero 6,544 3,824 2,465 478 $108,074,000 8,246 3,705 $445,559,000 Nordheim 323 266 274 150 $19,004,000 473 266 $35,517,000 Yoakum 5,729 3,306 911 518 $48,119,000 5,689 3,275 $368,441,000 Yorktown 2,204 1,568 935 507 $47,553,000 2,698 1,568 $150,778,000 Gonzales Co. 8,343 5,619 2,353 1,538 $114,617,000 3,910 2,565 $189,584,000

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SECTION 15: PIPELINE FAILURE TOTAL TOTAL IMMEDIATE IMPACT SECONDARY IMPACT POPULA BUILD‐ (500 METERS) (2,500 METERS) JURISDICTION TION IN INGS IN Number Number Number Number Value of Buildings Value of Buildings JURISDIC JURIS‐ People Buildings People Buildings Exposed ($) Exposed ($) TION DICTION Exposed Exposed Exposed Exposed Gonzales 7,160 3,636 1,478 700 $84,260,000 7,101 3,596 $397,921,000 Nixon 2,178 1,326 Negligible 0 Negligible 2,178 1,326 $94,690,000 Waelder 947 572 Negligible 0 Negligible 395 249 $16,926,000 Cibolo (Guadalupe 3,035 1,338 1,926 734 $151,541,000 3,035 1,338 $221,273,000 County) Kendall Co. 17,618 8,189 4,721 2,036 $355,143,000 10,168 4,496 $675,621,000 Boerne 6,125 3,016 Negligible 0 Negligible 297 161 $36,763,000 Refugio Co. 2,670 1,360 2,195 1,098 $126,752,000 2,667 1,349 $148,189,000 Austwell 192 176 Negligible 0 Negligible 192 176 $28,397,000 Bayside 360 304 Negligible 0 Negligible 360 304 $26,026,000 Refugio 2,920 1,805 2,254 1,328 $138,391,000 2,920 1,805 $186,843,000 Woodsboro 1,683 837 Negligible 17 $1,480,000 1,686 837 $78,606,000 Victoria Co. 23,482 9,699 20,148 8,307 $1,018,746,000 23,407 9,671 $1,171,269,000 Victoria 60,606 24,412 28,685 10,803 $1,792,231,000 58,585 23,357 $3,793,993,000

4TOTALS 213,765 103,855 93,144 39,902 $5,527,782,000 185,548 86,158 $11,211,093,000

4 Totals for the study area may include values less than $5,000 for dollar amounts and less than 50 for populations that are classified as “Negligible” in the table. Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | 2011‐2016 17

SECTION 15: PIPELINE FAILURE Table 15‐4. Potential Impact Due to Oil Pipelines by Jurisdiction TOTAL IMMEDIATE IMPACT SECONDARY IMPACT TOTAL POPULA‐ (500 METERS) (2,500 METERS) BUILDINGS JURISDICTION TION IN Number Number Value of Number Number Value of IN JURIS‐ JURIS‐ People Buildings Buildings People Buildings Buildings DICTION DICTION Exposed Exposed Exposed Exposed Exposed Exposed Caldwell Co. 14,661 6,462 5,108 2,219 $207,861,000 8,097 3,513 $330,166,000 Lockhart 11,591 4,217 Negligible 14 $1,174,000 676 263 $39,810,000 Luling 5,025 2,584 2,707 1,397 $151,366,000 5,025 2,584 $264,373,000 Martindale 917 424 917 424 $40,522,000 917 424 $40,522,000 Calhoun Co. 8,541 6,463 1,718 915 $153,075,000 4,135 3,853 $486,934,000 Point Comfort 781 477 596 387 $110,085,000 362 233 $85,232,000 Port Lavaca 12,035 5,489 2,612 1,243 $180,751,000 10,618 4,633 $552,209,000 Seadrift 1,350 1,069 69 56 $6,259,000 1,477 1,024 $67,812,000 DeWitt Co. 8,805 5,417 Negligible 0 Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible Cuero 6,544 3,824 Negligible 0 Negligible Negligible

Oil Gas Pipeline Failure Rates (detailed) - [PDF Document] (40)

0 Negligible Nordheim 323 266 Negligible 0 Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible Yoakum 5,729 3,306 Negligible 0 Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible Yorktown 2,204 1,568 Negligible 0 Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible Gonzales Co. 8,343 5,619 1,868 1,040 $111,340,000 3,460 2,242 $194,858,000 Gonzales 7,160 3,636 7,160 3,636 $401,785,000 7,160 3,636 $401,785,000 Nixon 2,178 1,326 Negligible 0 Negligible 1,821 1,157 $75,870,000 Waelder 947 572 947 572 $37,972,000 947 572 $37,972,000 Cibolo (Guadalupe 3,035 1,338 Negligible 0 Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible County) Kendall Co. 17,618 8,189 Negligible 0 Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible Boerne 6,125 3,016 Negligible 0 Negligible Negligible 0 Negligible Refugio Co. 2,670 1,360 1,220 649 $74,514,000 2,068 1,065 $113,495,000 Austwell 192 176 192 176 $28,397,000 192 176 $28,397,000 Bayside 360 304 Negligible 27 $3,216,000 279 240 $20,668,000 Refugio 2,920 1,805 126 108 $7,564,000 1,957 1,296 $127,492,000 Woodsboro 1,683 837 461 211 $18,121,000 1,686 837 $78,606,000 Victoria Co. 23,482 9,699 4,841 2,024 $194,184,000 8,828 3,655 $392,540,000 Victoria 60,606 24,412 Negligible 0 Negligible 2,867 1,116 $106,593,000

5TOTALS 213,765 103,855 32,751 16,424 $1,822,876,000 62,572 32,519 $3,445,334,000

5 Totals for the study area may include values less than $5,000 for dollar amounts and less than 50 for populations (where applicable) that are classified as “Negligible” in the table. Hazard Mitigation Plan Update | 2011‐2016 18

Wikipedia, the free encyclopediahttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oil_pipeline December 07, 2014

... of the products based on pre­calculated absorption rates. ... Oil and gas pipelines also figure prominently in the ... 6B crude oil pipeline failure in ...

Pipeline transport is the transportation of goods through a pipe. Liquids and gases are transported in pipelines and any chemically stable substancecan be sent through a pipeline.[citation needed] Pipelines exist for the transport of crude and refined petroleum, fuels ­ such as oil, natural gas andbiofuels ­ and other fluids including sewage, slurry, water, and beer. Pipelines are useful for transporting water for drinking or irrigation over longdistances when it needs to move over hills, or where canals or channels are poor choices due to considerations of evaporation, pollution, orenvironmental impact. Pneumatic tubes using compressed air can be used to transport solid capsules.

Oil pipelines are made from steel or plastic tubes which are usually buried. The oil is moved through the pipelines by pump stations along thepipeline. Natural gas (and similar gaseous fuels) are lightly pressurised into liquids knows as Natural Gas Liquids (NGLs). Natural gas pipelines areconstructed of carbon steel. Highly toxic ammonia is theoretically the most dangerous substance to be transported through long­distance pipelines,but accidents have been rare. Hydrogen pipeline transport is the transportation of hydrogen through a pipe. District heating or teleheating systemsuse a network of insulated pipes which transport heated water, pressurized hot water or sometimes steam to the customer.

Pipelines conveying flammable or explosive material, such as natural gas or oil, pose special safety concerns and there have been various accidents.Pipelines can be the target of vandalism, sabotage, or even terrorist attacks. In war, pipelines are often the target of military attacks.

It is uncertain when the first crude oil pipeline was built. Credit for the development of pipeline transport is disputed, with competing claims forVladimir Shukhov and the Branobel company in the late 19th century, and the Oil Transport Association, which first constructed a 2­inch (51 mm)wrought iron pipeline over a 6­mile (9.7 km) track from an oil field in Pennsylvania to a railroad station in Oil Creek, in the 1860s. Pipelines aregenerally the most economical way to transport large quantities of oil, refined oil products or natural gas over land.

Natural gas (and similar gaseous fuels) are lightly pressurized into liquids knows as Natural Gas Liquids (NGLs). Small NGL processing facilities canbe located in oil fields so the butane and propane liquid under light pressure of 125 pounds per square inch (860 kPa), can be shipped by rail, truck orpipeline. Propane can be used as a fuel in oil fields to heat various facilities used by the oil drillers or equipment and trucks used in the oil patch. EG:Propane will convert from a gas to a liquid under light pressure under 40 psi (280 kPa), give or take depending on temperature, and is pumped intocars and trucks at less than 125 psi (860 kPa) at retail stations. Pipelines and rail cars use about double that pressure to pump at 250 psi (1,700 kPa).

The distance to ship propane to markets is much shorter as thousands of NGL processing plants are located in oil fields or close by when a numberof pipelines tie into each other from various relatively close fields. Many Bakken Basin oil companies in North Dakota, Montana, Manitoba andSaskatchewan gas fields separate the NGL's in the field, allowing the drillers to sell propane directly to small wholesalers, eliminating the largerefinery control of product and prices for propane or butane.

The most recent major pipeline to start operating in North America, is a TransCanada natural gas line going north across the Niagara region bridgeswith Marcellus shale gas from Pennsylvania and others tied in methane or natural gas sources, into the Canadian province of Ontario as of the fall of2012, supplying 16 percent of all the natural gas used in Ontario.

This new US supplied natural gas displaces the natural gas formerly shipped to Ontario from western Canada in Alberta and Manitoba, thus droppingthe government regulated pipeline shipping charges because of the significantly shorter distance from gas source to consumer. Compared to shippingby railroad, pipelines have lower cost per unit and higher capacity. Pipelines are preferable to transportation by truck for a number of reasons.

Oil Gas Pipeline Failure Rates (detailed) - [PDF Document] (41)

Employment on completed pipelines represents only "1% of that of the trucking industry."[1]

To avoid delays and US government regulation, many small, medium and large oil producers in North Dakota have decided to run an oil pipelinenorth to Canada to meet up with a Canadian oil pipeline shipping oil from west to east. This allows the Bakken Basin and Three Forks oil producers toget higher negotiated prices for their oil because they will not be restricted to just one wholesale market in the US. The distance from the biggest oilpatch in North Dakota, is Williston, North Dakota, only about 85 miles or 137 kilometers to the Canadian border and Manitoba. Mutual funds and jointventures are big investors in new oil and gas pipelines. In the fall of 2012, the US began exporting propane to Europe, known as LPG, as wholesaleprices there are much higher than in North America.

As more North American pipelines are built, even more exports of LNG, propane, butane, and other natural gas products will occur on all three UScoasts. To give insight, North Dakota's oil production has grown to 5 times in late 2012 compared to what it was just 6 years ago creating thousandsof good paying long term jobs[citation needed]. North Dakota oil companies are shipping huge amounts of oil by tanker rail car as they can direct theoil to the market that gives the best price but pipelines are cheaper. Rail cars can be used to avoid a congested oil pipeline to get the oil to a differentpipeline and get the oil to market faster and different less busy oil refineries.

Enbridge in Canada applying to reverse an oil pipeline going from east­to­west (Line 9) and expanding it and using it to ship western Canadianbitumen oil eastward.[2] From a presently rated 250,000 barrels equivalent per day pipeline, it will be expanded to between one million to 1.3 millionbarrels per day. It will bring western oil to refineries in Ontario, Michigan, Ohio, PA, Quebec and New York by early 2014. New Brunswick will alsorefine some of this western Canadian crude and export some crude and refined oil to Europe from its deep water oil ULCC loading port.

Although pipelines can be built under the sea, that process is economically and technically demanding, so the majority of oil at sea is transported bytanker ships.

The market size for oil and gas pipeline construction experienced tremendous growth prior to the economic downturn in 2008. The industry grew from$23 billion in 2006 to $39 billion in 2008.[3] After faltering in 2009, demand for pipeline expansion and updating increased the following year asenergy production grew.[4] By 2012, almost 32,000 miles of North American pipeline were being planned or under construction.[5]

Oil pipelines are made from steel or plastic tubes with inner diameter typically from 4 to 48 inches (100 to 1,220 mm). Most pipelines are typicallyburied at a depth of about 3 to 6 feet (0.91 to 1.83 m). To protect pipes from impact, abrasion, and corrosion, a variety of methods are used. Thesecan include wood lagging (wood slats), concrete coating, rockshield, high­density polyethylene, imported sand padding, and padding machines.[6]

The oil is kept in motion by pump stations along the pipeline, and usually flows at speed of about 1 to 6 metres per second (3.3 to 19.7 ft/s). Multi­product pipelines are used to transport two or more different products in sequence in the same pipeline. Usually in multi­product pipelines there is nophysical separation between the different products. Some mixing of adjacent products occurs, producing interface, also known in the industry as"transmix." At the receiving facilities this interface is usually absorbed in one of the products based on pre­calculated absorption rates. Alternately,transmix may be diverted and shipped to facilities for separation of the commingled products.[7]

Crude oil contains varying amounts of paraffin wax and in colder climates wax buildup may occur within a pipeline. Often these pipelines areinspected and cleaned using pigging, the practice of using devices known as "pigs" to perform various maintenance operations on a pipeline. Thedevices are also known as "scrapers" or "Go­devils". "Smart pigs" (also known as "intelligent" or "intelligence" pigs) are used to detect anomalies inthe pipe such as dents, metal loss caused by corrosion, cracking or other mechanical damage.[8] These devices are launched from pig­launcherstations and travel through the pipeline to be received at any other station down­stream, either cleaning wax deposits and material that may haveaccumulated inside the line or inspecting and recording the condition of the line.

For natural gas, pipelines are constructed of carbon steel and vary in size from 2 to 60 inches (51 to 1,524 mm) in diameter, depending on the type ofpipeline. The gas is pressurized by compressor stations and is odorless unless mixed with a mercaptan odorant where required by a regulatingauthority.

Highly toxic ammonia is theoretically the most dangerous substance to be transported through long­distance pipelines.[citation needed] However,incidents on ammonia­transporting lines are uncommon ­ unlike on industrial ammonia­processing equipment.[citation needed] A major ammoniapipeline is the Ukrainian Transammiak line connecting the TogliattiAzot facility in Russia to the exporting Black Sea­port of Odessa.

Pipelines have been used for transportation of ethanol in Brazil, and there are several ethanol pipeline projects in Brazil and the United States.[9] Themain problems related to the transport of ethanol by pipeline are its corrosive nature and tendency to absorb water and impurities in pipelines, whichare not problems with oil and natural gas.[9][10] Insufficient volumes and cost­effectiveness are other considerations limiting construction of ethanolpipelines.[10][11]

Slurry pipelines are sometimes used to transport coal or ore from mines. The material to be transported is closely mixed with water before beingintroduced to the pipeline; at the far end, the material must be dried. One example is a 525­kilometre (326 mi) slurry pipeline which is planned totransport iron ore from the Minas­Rio mine (producing 26.5 million tonnes per year) to a port at Açu in Brazil.[12] An existing example is the 85­kilometre (53 mi) Savage River Slurry pipeline in Tasmania, Australia, possibly the world's first when it was built in 1967. It includes a 366­metre(1,201 ft) bridge span at 167 metres (548 ft) above the Savage River.[13][14]

Hydrogen pipeline transport is a transportation of hydrogen through a pipe as part of the hydrogen infrastructure. Hydrogen pipeline transport is usedto connect the point of hydrogen production or delivery of hydrogen with the point of demand, with transport costs similar to CNG,[15] the technologyis proven.[16] Most hydrogen is produced at the place of demand with every 50 to 100 miles (160 km) an industrial production facility.[17] The 1938Rhine­Ruhr 240­kilometre (150 mi) hydrogen pipeline is still in operation.[18] As of 2004 , there are 900 miles (1,400 km) of low pressure hydrogenpipelines in the US and 930 miles (1,500 km) in Europe.

Two millennia ago, the ancient Romans made use of large aqueducts to transport water from higher elevations by building the aqueducts ingraduated segments that allowed gravity to push the water along until it reached its destination. Hundreds of these were built throughout Europe andelsewhere, and along with flour mills were considered the lifeline of the Roman Empire. The ancient Chinese also made use of channels and pipesystems for public works. The famous Han Dynasty court eunuch Zhang Rang (d. 189 AD) once ordered the engineer Bi Lan to construct a series ofsquare­pallet chain pumps outside the capital city of Luoyang.[19] These chain pumps serviced the imperial palaces and living quarters of the capitalcity as the water lifted by the chain pumps was brought in by a stoneware pipe system.[19][20]

Pipelines are useful for transporting water for drinking or irrigation over long distances when it needs to move over hills, or where canals or channelsare poor choices due to considerations of evaporation, pollution, or environmental impact.

The 530 km (330 mi) Goldfields Water Supply Scheme in Western Australia using 750 mm (30 inch) pipe and completed in 1903 was the largestwater supply scheme of its time.[21][22]

Examples of significant water pipelines in South Australia are the Morgan­Whyalla pipelne (completed 1944) and Mannum­Adelaide (completed 1955)pipelines, both part of the larger Snowy Mountains scheme.[23]

There are two Los Angeles, California aqueducts, the Owens Valley aqueduct (completed 1913) and the Second Los Angeles Aqueduct (completed1970) which also include extensive use of pipelines.

The Great Manmade River of Libya supplies 3,680,000 cubic metres (4,810,000 cu yd) of water each day to Tripoli, Benghazi, Sirte, and several other

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cities in Libya. The pipeline is over 2,800 kilometres (1,700 mi) long, and is connected to wells tapping an aquifer over 500 metres (1,600 ft)underground.[24]

District heating or teleheating systems consist of a network of insulated feed and return pipes which transport heated water, pressurized hot water orsometimes steam to the customer. While steam is hottest and may be used in industrial processes due to its higher temperature, it is less efficient toproduce and transport due to greater heat losses. Heat transfer oils are generally not used for economic and ecological reasons. The typical annualloss of thermal energy through distribution is around 10%, as seen in Norway's district heating network.[26]

District heating pipelines are normally installed underground, with some exceptions. Within the system, heat storage may be installed to even outpeak load demands. Heat is transferred into the central heating of the dwellings through heat exchangers at heat substations, without mixing of thefluids in either system.

Bars in the Veltins­Arena, a major football ground in Gelsenkirchen, Germany, are interconnected by a 5­kilometre (3.1 mi) long beer pipeline. InRanders city in Denmark, the so­called Thor Beer pipeline was operated. Originally, copper pipes ran directly from the brewery, but when the brewerymoved out of the city in the 1990s, Thor Beer replaced it with a giant tank.

A beer pipeline has been proposed for construction in Bruges, Belgium to reduce truck traffic on the city streets.[27]

The village of Hallstatt in Austria, which is known for its long history of salt mining, claims to contain "the oldest industrial pipeline in the world", datingback to 1595.[28] It was constructed from 13,000 hollowed­out tree trunks to transport brine 40 kilometres (25 mi) from Hallstatt to Ebensee.[29]

Between 1978 and 1994, a 15 km milk pipeline ran between the Dutch island of Ameland and Holwerd on the mainland, of which 8 km beneath theWadden Sea. Every day, 30.000 litres of milk produced on the island were transported to be processed on the mainland. In 1994, the milk transportwas abandoned.[30]

In places, a pipeline may have to cross water expanses, such as small seas, straits and rivers.[31] In many instances, they lie entirely on the seabed.These pipelines are referred to as "marine" pipelines (also, "submarine" or "offshore" pipelines). They are used primarily to carry oil or gas, buttransportation of water is also important.[31] In offshore projects, a distinction is made between a "flowline" and a pipeline.[31][32][33] The former isan intrafield pipeline, in the sense that it is used to connect subsea wellheads, manifolds and the platform within a particular development field. Thelatter, sometimes referred to as an "export pipeline", is used to bring the resource to shore.[32] The construction and maintenance of marine pipelinesimply logistical challenges that are different from those onland, mainly because of wave and current dynamics, along with other geohazards.

In general, pipelines can be classified in three categories depending on purpose:

When a pipeline is built, the construction project not only covers the civil engineering work to lay the pipeline and build the pump/compressor stations,it also has to cover all the work related to the installation of the field devices that will support remote operation.

The pipeline is routed along what is known as a "right of way". Pipelines are generally developed and built using the following stages:

Russia has "Pipeline Troops" as part of the Rear Services, who are trained to build and repair pipelines. Russia is the only country to have PipelineTroops.[35]

Field devices are instrumentation, data gathering units and communication systems. The field Instrumentation includes flow, pressure andtemperature gauges/transmitters, and other devices to measure the relevant data required. These instruments are installed along the pipeline onsome specific locations, such as injection or delivery stations, pump stations (liquid pipelines) or compressor stations (gas pipelines), and block valvestations.

The information measured by these field instruments is then gathered in local Remote Terminal Units (RTU) that transfer the field data to a centrallocation in real time using communication systems, such as satellite channels, microwave links, or cellular phone connections.

Pipelines are controlled and operated remotely, from what is usually known as the "Main Control Room". In this center, all the data related to fieldmeasurement is consolidated in one central database. The data is received from multiple RTUs along the pipeline. It is common to find RTUs installedat every station along the pipeline.

The SCADA system at the Main Control Room receives all the field data and presents it to the pipeline operator through a set of screens or HumanMachine Interface, showing the operational conditions of the pipeline. The operator can monitor the hydraulic conditions of the line, as well as sendoperational commands (open/close valves, turn on/off compressors or pumps, change setpoints, etc.) through the SCADA system to the field.

To optimize and secure the operation of these assets, some pipeline companies are using what is called "Advanced Pipeline Applications", which aresoftware tools installed on top of the SCADA system, that provide extended functionality to perform leak detection, leak location, batch tracking (liquidlines), pig tracking, composition tracking, predictive modeling, look ahead modeling, operator training and more.

Pipeline networks are composed of several pieces of equipment that operate together to move products from location to location. The main elementsof a pipeline system are:

Since oil and gas pipelines are an important asset of the economic development of almost any country, it has been required either by governmentregulations or internal policies to ensure the safety of the assets, and the population and environment where these pipelines run.

Pipeline companies face government regulation, environmental constraints and social situations. Government regulations may define minimum staffto run the operation, operator training requirements; pipeline facilities, technology and applications required to ensure operational safety. Forexample, in the State of Washington it is mandatory for pipeline operators to be able to detect and locate leaks of 8 percent of maximum flow withinfifteen minutes or less. Social factors also affect the operation of pipelines. In third world countries, product theft is a problem for pipeline companies.It is common to find unauthorized extractions in the middle of the pipeline. In this case, the detection levels should be under two percent of maximumflow, with a high expectation for location accuracy.

Various technologies and strategies have been implemented for monitoring pipelines, from physically walking the lines to satellite surveillance. Themost common technology to protect pipelines from occasional leaks is Computational Pipeline Monitoring or CPM. CPM takes information from thefield related to pressures, flows, and temperatures to estimate the hydraulic behavior of the product being transported. Once the estimation iscompleted, the results are compared to other field references to detect the presence of an anomaly or unexpected situation, which may be related toa leak.

The American Petroleum Institute has published several articles related to the performance of CPM in liquids pipelines, the API Publications are:

As a rule pipelines for all uses are laid in most cases underground.[citation needed] However in some cases it is necessary to cross a valley or a riveron a pipeline bridge. Pipelines for centralized heating systems are often laid on the ground or overhead. Pipelines for petroleum running throughpermafrost areas as Trans­Alaska­Pipeline are often run overhead in order to avoid melting the frozen ground by hot petroleum which would result insinking the pipeline in the ground.

Maintenance of pipelines includes checking cathodic protection levels for the proper range, surveillance for construction, erosion, or leaks by foot,

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land vehicle, boat, or air, and running cleaning pigs, when there is anything carried in the pipeline that is corrosive.

US pipeline maintenance rules are covered in Code of Federal Regulations(CFR) sections, 49 CFR 192 for natural gas pipelines, and 49 CFR 195 forpetroleum liquid pipelines.

In the US, onshore and offshore pipelines used to transport oil and gas are regulated by the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration(PHMSA). Certain offshore pipelines used to produce oil and gas are regulated by the Minerals Management Service (MMS). In Canada, pipelinesare regulated by either the provincial regulators or, if they cross provincial boundaries or the Canada/US border, by the National Energy Board (NEB).Government regulations in Canada and the United States require that buried fuel pipelines must be protected from corrosion. Often, the mosteconomical method of corrosion control is by use of pipeline coating in conjunction with cathodic protection and technology to monitor the pipeline.Above ground, cathodic protection is not an option. The coating is the only external protection.

Pipelines for major energy resources (petroleum and natural gas) are not merely an element of trade. They connect to issues of geopolitics andinternational security as well, and the construction, placement, and control of oil and gas pipelines often figure prominently in state interests andactions. A notable example of pipeline politics occurred at the beginning of the year 2009, wherein a dispute between Russia and Ukraine ostensiblyover pricing led to a major political crisis. Russian state­owned gas company Gazprom cut off natural gas supplies to Ukraine after talks between itand the Ukrainian government fell through. In addition to cutting off supplies to Ukraine, Russian gas flowing through Ukraine—which included nearlyall supplies to Southeastern Europe and some supplies to Central and Western Europe—was cut off, creating a major crisis in several countriesheavily dependent on Russian gas as fuel. Russia was accused of using the dispute as leverage in its attempt to keep other powers, and particularlythe European Union, from interfering in its "near abroad".

Oil and gas pipelines also figure prominently in the politics of Central Asia and the Caucasus.

Because the solvent fraction of dilbit typically comprises volatile aromatics like naptha and benzene, reasonably rapid carrier vaporization can beexpected to follow an above­ground spill—ostensibly enabling timely intervention by leaving only a viscous residue that is slow to migrate. Effectiveprotocols to minimize exposure to petrochemical vapours are well­established, and oil spilled from the pipeline would be unlikely to reach the aquiferunless incomplete remediation were followed by the introduction of another carrier (e.g. a series of torrential downpours).

The Keystone XL extension is designed to be buried under four feet of soil, which will hinder post­spill vaporization of the carrier fraction. Diluent andbitumen will migrate at different rates, depending on the temperature­ and composition of the surrounding soils, but separation will take place moreslowly as the aromatics diffuse through sediment rather than through air.

The introduction of benzene and other volatile organic compounds (collectively BTEX) to the subterranean environment compounds the threat posedby a pipeline leak. Particularly if followed by rain, a pipeline breach would result in BTEX dissolution and equilibration of benzene in water, followed bypercolation of the admixture into the aquifer. Benzene can cause many health problems and is carcinogenic with EPA Maximum Contaminant Level(MCL) set at 5 μg/L for potable water.[36] Although it is not well studied, single benzene exposure events have been linked to acute carcinogenesis.[37] Additionally, the exposure of livestock, mainly cattle, to benzene has been shown to cause many health issues, such as neurotoxicity, fetaldamage and fatal poisoning.[38]

The entire surface of an above­ground pipeline can be directly examined for material breach. Pooled petroleum is unambiguous, readily spotted, andindicates the location of required repairs. Because the effectiveness of remote inspection is limited by the cost of monitoring equipment, gapsbetween sensors, and data that requires interpretation, leaks in buried pipe are more likely to go undetected

Pipeline developers do not always prioritize effective surveillance against leaks. Buried pipes draw fewer complaints. They are insulated fromextremes in ambient temperature, they are shielded from ultraviolet rays, and they are less exposed to photodegradation. Buried pipes are isolatedfrom airborne debris, electrical storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, hail, and acid rain. They are protected from nesting birds, rutting mammals, andwayward buckshot. Buried pipe is less vulnerable to accident damage (e.g. automobile collisions) and less accessible to vandals, saboteurs, andterrorists.

Previous work[39] has shown that a 'worst­case exposure scenario' can be limited to a specific set of conditions. Based on the advanced detectionmethods and pipeline shut­off SOP developed by TransCanada, the risk of a substantive or large release over a short period of time contaminatinggroundwater with benzene is unlikely.[40] Detection, shutoff, and remediation procedures would limit the dissolution and transport of benzene.Therefore the exposure of benzene would be limited to leaks that are below the limit of detection and go unnoticed for extended periods of time.[39]Leak detection is monitored through a SCADA system that assesses pressure and volume flow every 5 seconds. A pinhole leak that releases smallquantities that cannot be detected by the SCADA system (<1.5% flow) could accumulate into a substantive spill.[40] Detection of pinhole leaks wouldcome from a visual or olfactory inspection, aerial surveying, or mass­balance inconsistencies.[40] It is assumed that pinhole leaks are discoveredwithin the 14 day inspection interval, however snow cover and location (e.g. remote, deep) could delay detection. Benzene typically makes up 0.1 –1.0% of oil and will have varying degrees of volatility and dissolution based on environmental factors.

Even with pipeline leak volumes within SCADA detection limits, sometimes pipeline leaks are misinterpreted by pipeline operators to be pumpmalfunctions, or other problems. The Enbridge Line 6B crude oil pipeline failure in Marshall, Michigan on July 25, 2010 was thought by operators inEdmonton to be from column separation of the dilbit in that pipeline. The leak in wetlands along the Kalamazoo River was only confirmed 17 hoursafter it happened by a local gas company employee in Michigan.

Although the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) has standard baseline incident frequencies to estimate the number ofspills, TransCanada altered these assumptions based on improved pipeline design, operation, and safety.[40] Whether these adjustments are justifiedis debatable as these assumptions resulted in a nearly 10­fold decrease in spill estimates.[39] Given that the pipeline crosses 247 miles of theOgallala Aquifer,[41] or 14.5% of the entire pipeline length, and the 50­year life of the entire pipeline is expected to have between 11 – 91 spills,[39]approximately 1.6 – 13.2 spills can be expected to occur over the aquifer. An estimate of 13.2 spills over the aquifer, each lasting 14 days, results in184 days of potential exposure over the 50 year lifetime of the pipeline. In the reduced scope ‘worst case exposure scenario,’ the volume of a pinholeleak at 1.5% of max flow­rate for 14 days has been estimated at 189,000 barrels or 7.9 million gallons of oil.[39] According to PHMSA’s incidentdatabase,[42] only 0.5% of all spills in the last 10 years were >10,000 barrels.

Benzene is considered a light aromatic hydrocarbon with high solubility and high volatility.[clarification needed] It is unclear how temperature anddepth would impact the volatility of benzene, so assumptions have been made that benzene in oil (1% weight by volume) would not volatilize beforeequilibrating with water.[39] Using the octanol­water partition coefficient and a 100­year precipitation event for the area, a worst­case estimate of75 mg/L of benzene is anticipated to flow toward the aquifer.[39] The actual movement of the plume through groundwater systems is not welldescribed, although one estimate is that up to 4.9 billion gallons of water in the Ogallala Aquifer could become contaminated with benzene atconcentrations above the MCL.[39] The Final Environmental Impact Statement from the State Department does not include a quantitative analysisbecause it assumed that most benzene will volatilize.[40]

One of the major concerns about dilbit is the difficulty in cleaning it up.[43] Enbridge's Line 6B, a 30 inch crude oil pipeline, ruptured in Marshall,Michigan on July 25, 2010, mentioned above, spilled at least 843,000 gallons of dilbit.[44] After detection of the leak, booms and vacuum trucks weredeployed. Heavy rains caused the river to overtop existing dams, and carried dilbit 30 miles downstream before the spill was contained. Remediationwork collected over 1.1 million gallons of oil and almost 200,000 cubic yards of oil­contaminated sediment and debris from the Kalamazoo Riversystem. However, oil was still being found in affected waters in October 2012.[45]

Pipelines conveying flammable or explosive material, such as natural gas or oil, pose special safety concerns.

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Pipelines can be the target of vandalism, sabotage, or even terrorist attacks. In war, pipelines are often the target of military attacks, as destruction ofpipelines can seriously disrupt enemy logistics.

4. Trends in Natural Gas Transportation Rateshttp://www.eia.gov/pub/oil_gas/natural_gas/analysis_publications/energy_policy_act_transportation_study/pdf/epactch4.pdf December 07, 2014

This chapter discusses trends in natural gas transportation rates delivered. ... Office of Oil and Gas, derived from: ... Pipeline Transportation Rates

4. Trends in Natural Gas Transportation Rates

This chapter discusses trends in natural gas transportation rates delivered. Because of data limitations, the estimate of totalfor the period 1988 through 1994 and how Federal regulations savings may be low because for offsystem industrial customersand policies affect those trends.55 Regulatory reform, new only the savings in wellhead prices are included. However, oflegislation, and restructuring in the natural gas industry have the $6.5 billion savings, industrial customers were the mainexpanded options for sellers and buyers of natural gas, resulting beneficiaries, receiving over half of the savings ($3.8 billion),in increased competition within the industry. Buyers now have while electric utilities and commercial customers each sawmore choices for purchasing gas, and ancillary services such as savings of $1.4 billion.pipeline transmission and storage rights. Suppliers have a widerrange of prospective customers and greater flexibility in setting Another way to estimate savings is to compare the average pricethe terms of sale. This competition has contributed to higher gas per thousand cubic feet to each end‐use sector in 1994 andthroughput on the interstate pipeline system and lower average 1988. This method assumes that transmission and distributiontransmission prices (Figure 9).56 From 1988 through 1994, costs would vary with the volumes delivered. In 1994, the pricedeliveries to end users increased 16 percent, while average of 1 thousand cubic feet of gas (wellhead price plus deliverytransmission markups declined 16 percent, from $1.49 to $1.25 charges) to the end‐use sectors was between 3 and 19 percentper thousand cubic feet. In the face of increasing competition, less than 1988 levels. The differential in savings stems from themany segments of the industry have become more efficient and range of prices different customer groups pay for natural gasreduced costs, to the general benefit of consumers. deliveries. The prices are based on a number of elements, particularly the level and quality of service required.Natural gas consumers have benefited in two ways. First, thewellhead price of natural gas, effectively the price of the The analysis in this chapter focuses only on the costs associatedcommodity itself, has declined substantially. Between 1988 and with the delivery of natural gas from the wellhead to the end1994, the average wellhead price of natural gas, in real terms, user. Interstate pipeline companies transport gas from the supplyfell 11 percent, from $2.05 to $1.83 per thousand cubic feet. areas to serve some customers directly, but much of the gas theyAverage prices paid by some customer classes, specifically transport is to the “citygate” of a local distribution companyonsystem industrial and electric utility customers, have declined (LDC). LDC’s then provide the distribution and other serviceseven more than the decline in the wellhead price, indicating that needed to supply homeowners, commercial establishments, andadditional benefits have been obtained from lower costs of other customers. The interstate pipeline companies are regulatedtransmission and other delivery services. Residential and at the Federal level, and the extensive regulatory changes causedcommercial customers, who for the most part obtain all of their by Orders 436 and 636 have directly affected the rates theyservice from local distribution companies, have not experienced charge. LDC’s are regulated at the State level, and while somesignificant reductions in the costs of service beyond the decrease changes are being made at the State level comparable to thein wellhead prices. Although these customers have paid less for Federal level, there have not been extensive changes to date.transmission, distribution costs have increased resulting in littleoverall change. As discussed in Chapter 1, there are no publicly available data series on the actual prices paid by shippers on interstate pipelineIn total, EIA estimates that consumers paid almost $6.5 billion companies. The information available relates only to the tariff(9 percent) less, in real terms, for natural gas service (including rates (maximum rates) authorized by the Federal Energywellhead purchases combined with transmission and Regulatory Commission (FERC). The analysis of transportationdistribution charges) in 1994 than they would have in 1988. rates in this chapter uses several approaches, both qualitativeThis estimate includes $2.5 billion in reduced transmission and and quantitative, to illustrate how transmission costs have beendistribution charges and $4 billion of savings resulting from the affected by legislative and regulatory changes. Sections of the11‐percent reduction in wellhead prices since 1988. The bulk of chapter address:the $2.5 billion represents the reduction in the fixed costs oftransmission and distribution that do not vary with the volumes

55 All rates and prices are quoted in terms of real 1994 dollars. 56 The transmission markup is calculated as the difference betweenthe average citygate price and the average wellhead price. Thetransmission price (or markup) represents the average price paid for allservices required to move gas from the wellhead to the local distributor.The data reflect the prices paid for gas sales services provided byLDC’s only.

Energy Information Administration 39 Energy Policy Act Transportation Study: Interim Report on Natural Gas Flows and Rates Figure 9. Indices of Natural Gas Transmission Markups and Deliveries to End Users, 1988‐1994

120 Deliveries to End Users

110 Index 1988 = 100


90 Transmission Markup


0 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994

Sources: Energy Information Administration, Office of Oil and Gas, derived from: 1988: Historical Monthly Energy Review 1973‐1992 (August 1994). 1989‐1994: Natural Gas Monthly (August 1995).

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! Factors affecting interstate transportation rates. To understand how changes in laws and regulations can ! Impact of revenue from pipeline capacity release in affect transportation rates, it is useful to look first at how offsetting payments for capacity reservation. Shippers rates are structured. This section first describes some of holding capacity rights on interstate pipelines may release the key determinants used to develop interstate that capacity in the secondary capacity market if they do transmission rates and how economic and regulatory not need it. Revenues obtained from that capacity release changes between 1988 and 1994 have affected the are not reflected in the overall maximum rates discussed calculation of the rates. In addition, as the restructuring of earlier, even though they lower the overall cost of the industry proceeded over the period addressed by this shipping gas. study, FERC implemented mechanisms for companies to recover costs associated with the restructuring, such as ! Changes in transmission markups at the national reformation of contracts, stranded investments, and other and regional levels. A more aggregate measure of trends transition costs. Finally, the effect of the more in transmission markups can be obtained by comparing competitive environment on rates charged by pipeline the differences between wellhead, citygate, and end‐use companies is briefly addressed. prices. Because of the options available to customers to use alternative transmission routes, analyzing rates along ! Trends in maximum rates for selected interstate specific corridors may miss the impact of the increased corridors (Corridor Rate Analysis). Some indication of flexibility available to customers. This section examines the overall movement in transportation rates over time markups from the wellhead to the local distribution can be obtained from looking at changes in the maximum company and from the citygate to the end user, at both the rates charged by pipeline companies. This section looks national and regional levels. at rates for 16 pipeline companies along 14 corridors. However, because pipeline companies often discount rates, the rates actually paid by many customers may be substantially less than the maximum rate approved by FERC.

40 Energy Information Administration Energy Policy Act Transportation Study: Interim Report on Natural Gas Flows and Rates Factors Affecting Interstate company, is a weighted average of the firm’s cost of debt and the rate of return on equity as determined by the Pipeline Transportation Rates regulatory process. FERC examines a number of elements in determining the rate of return for a particularPipeline company tariff rates for interstate transportation pipeline company, including capital structure, riskservices are determined using the traditional cost of service conditions, and other factors. Modifications to a pipelineapproach. The maximum (tariff) rate that a pipeline company company’s approved rate of return alter its total cost ofcan charge a particular customer is determined by several service, which, in turn, can lead to changes in thatfactors. The key determinants are: the rate base, the allowed rate company’s maximum rates for transportation services.of return on the rate base, the level of operating costs, the From 1988 through 1994, approved rates of return foramount of capacity reserved, the load factor, the expected level pipeline companies decreased, partly because theirof interruptible throughput, and the rate design (see Appendix marginal cost of debt declined, as reflected by generallyD for additional information on the determinants of rates). This lower interest rates. For example, the rate for AA utilitysection discusses the impact of each of these determinants in bonds declined from 10.26 to 8.21 percent. During thisisolation, that is, assuming all other factors remain constant. A period, the decrease in the average approved rate ofquantitative assessment of the trend in each factor is also return for pipeline companies was more modest than thepresented. reduction in interest rates. One possible explanation is the relatively higher interest costs paid by the pipeline ! Rate base. The rate base is the historical cost of physical companies as a result of their low bond ratings.58 capital on which the pipeline is entitled to earn a return. Specifically, the settlement rates of return were largely The rate base is generally calculated as net plant in flat at about 11.5 percent during most of the period but service (gross gas plant in service plus construction work did decline in 1994 to approximately 10.2 percent59 in progress less the accumulated depreciation, depletion (Figure 10). and amortization) plus prepayments and inventory less accumulated deferred income taxes. Depreciation of the ! Operation and maintenance (O&M) expenses. These physical assets in service and abandonment or sales of are the direct costs of operating and maintaining pipeline existing plant lowers the rate base over time and will facilities necessary to keep the system operational. O&M lower the maximum rate that pipeline companies are costs are reviewed as part of a rate hearing and any allowed to charge. However, this effect is offset by any increases approved by FERC can be expected to result in investment in new capacity or the refurbishment of higher rates. Changes in these costs that were not existing capacity which increases the rate base, and the anticipated at the time of the rate hearing are not maximum allowable rates. addressed until the next hearing and therefore do not affect the approved rate in the interim. As a result of the The 1988 through 1994 period was marked by a increased competition under open access, pipeline significant amount of new pipeline construction. As a companies appear to have become more efficient, as result, the costs of new construction more than offset the evidenced by reductions in operating costs and effect of depreciation for the industry‐wide rate base administrative and general expenses and increases in reflecting the physical capital used in providing employee productivity (measured by natural gas transmission services. This new construction was deliveries per employee).60 Between 1988 undertaken for a variety of reasons, including hooking up new sources of supplies (both domestic and imports) and meeting the requirements of a 13 percent increase in consumption. As a result of this investment, the total rate base for the major pipeline companies grew, in nominal dollars, from $20.2 billion in 1988 to $25.6 billion in 58 For additional information, see Energy Information Administration 1994 (Table 7).57 One would expect rates to have (EIA) report, Natural Gas 1994: Issues and Trends, DOE/EIA‐ increased over this period because of the increase in the 0560(94) (July 1994). rate base. 59 It should be noted that the rates cited represent only those revised rates that FERC approved ("settlement cases") during the year and ! Approved rate of return. The allowed rate of return (or hence, do not necessarily represent the entire industry. The number of the cost of capital), approved by FERC for each pipeline settlement cases during 1993 and 1994 was 12 and 13, respectively, considerably below the 16 to 18 cases per year between 1989 and 1992. 60 57 Rate base trends, only, are stated in nominal dollars to conform to For additional information, see the EIA report, “Natural Gas 1995:the ratemaking process of computing rates. However, the return on rate Issues and Trends,” DOE/EIA‐0560(95), to be published in the fall ofbase is converted to constant dollars to agree with other discussions. 1995.

Energy Information Administration 41 Energy Policy Act Transportation Study: Interim Report on Natural Gas Flows and RatesTable 7. Composite Rate Base, 1988‐1994 (Billion Nominal Dollars) Rate Base Elements 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994

Rate Base Gas Plant in Service 44.3 44.2 48.8 52.7 52.3 54.3 55.1 Accumulated Depreciation 26.1 26.5 28.1 30.5 28.6 29.7 29.7

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Net Plant in Service 18.2 17.7 20.7 22.2 23.7 24.7 25.4

Additions to Rate Base 8.3 7.4 8.5 8.9 7.8 6.9 5.9

Subtractions from Rate Base 6.3 6.1 6.0 5.4 5.2 5.5 5.7

Total Rate Base 20.2 18.9 23.2 25.7 26.3 26.1 25.6

Note: Construction work in progress is included in additions to rate base. Sources: 1988‐1989: Energy Information Administration, Statistics of Interstate Natural Gas Pipeline Companies 1990 (April 1992). 1990‐1994:Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Form 2. “Annual Report of Major Natural Gas Companies,” Balance Sheet File from FERC Gas PipelineData Bulletin Board System.

Figure 10. Average Yield on AA Utility Bonds and Rate of Return for Interstate Pipeline Companies, 1988‐1994

12 Rate of Return


10 Percent


Yield on AA Utility Bonds 8


0 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 Note: The rate of return represents the average settlement rate of return approved by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Sources: Yield on AA Utility Bonds: Moody’s Investor Service, Inc., extracted from DRI History file: USQ0993.WS. Rate of Return: FederalEnergy Regulatory Commission, Office of Pipeline Regulation.

42 Energy Information Administration Energy Policy Act Transportation Study: Interim Report on Natural Gas Flows and Rates and 1994, O&M costs declined in 1994 dollars from $8.5 existing reserved capacity, the overall average utilization billion to $5.4 billion (Table 8). In addition to efficiency of the pipeline system was about the same in 1991 and improvements, falling O&M costs may be the result of 1994 (see Chapter 3). The combination of increased firm several factors including technology improvements and deliveries and pipeline expansion during this period may the spin‐off of pipeline facilities. indicate that the amount of reserved capacity has increased. ! Load profile. The load profile of a pipeline customer is indicated by its load factor, which is simply the ratio of its ! Expected level of interruptible throughput. While average (usually, the annual average) level of pipeline interruptible rates may be lower than firm rates, throughput to the maximum pipeline capacity it has interruptible throughput does contribute to fixed costs. reserved. Shippers with relatively large load factors are When determining tariff rates, fixed costs are allocated said to have higher load profiles, while relatively smaller between firm and interruptible services based on their load factors equate to lower load profiles. For example, respective loads on the pipeline.63 The interruptible local distribution companies that serve residential and customers’ load is estimated from their forecasted annual commercial customers must reserve sufficient pipeline throughput level. As a result, an anticipated decrease in capacity to satisfy the wintertime peak demands for these the level of interruptible throughput raises firm customers, even though their off‐season demand can be transportation rates by increasing the level of fixed costs satisfied with substantially less capacity. Thus, an LDC’s allotted to firm transportation services. Interruptible throughput averaged over the year is likely to be throughput declined over the 1988 through 1994 period relatively low compared with the capacity it must reserve (Figure 11) putting upward pressure on firm to meet peak demands. When this is the case, it is said to transportation rates. have a low load profile. The load profile affects the way in which fixed costs are assigned in computing rates. ! Rate design. Firm customers pay a reservation charge to Pipeline customers with a low load factor will be charged reserve pipeline capacity as well as a charge based on the higher average rates compared with customers with a amount of gas actually transported. Rate design refers to high load factor. While this is an important consideration how fixed costs are allocated and collected in these two in determining rates, there is insufficient information charges. From 1988 through 1991, the modified fixed‐ regarding load profiles to provide a quantitative variable (MFV) rate design was widely used. Under this assessment of the impact of load factors on changes in system, fixed costs were allocated to both the reservation transportation rates. and volumetric components of rates. FERC Order 636 stipulated the use of the straight fixed‐variable (SFV) rate ! Capacity reserved. An increase in the amount of design. Under this method, all fixed costs are allocated to capacity reserved on a pipeline tends to lower reservation the reservation charge, while variable costs are allocated rates because the fixed costs will be collected over more to a commodity or usage fee (Figure 12). This change in units of reserved capacity. Reservation charges are billed rate design tends to increase rates for low‐load‐factor to a customer for each unit of capacity reserved, whether customers and decrease rates for high‐load‐factor or not the capacity is used.61 Data limitations do not customers (see Chapter 2). The change to SFV permit a precise assessment of the trend in reserved reallocated approximately $1.7 billion from the usage fee capacity between 1988 and 1994. However, there is to the reservation fee.64 evidence to suggest that the amount of reserved capacity has increased. Much of the increase in deliveries to end ! Take‐or‐pay costs. Contract reformation costs resulting users from 1988 through 1994 is accounted for by firm from take‐or‐pay settlements associated with services (Figure 11).62 While some of this increase in deliveries may be associated with higher utilization of

63 The firm service load is derived from the amount of space firm

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61 If a customer requires 1 million cubic feet (MMcf) of gas on a day service customers reserve on the pipeline or the measured load firmduring the month of January (assuming the pipeline company does not service imposes on the pipeline system during the period of maximumoffer seasonal rates), that customer must reserve 1 MMcf of space on use.the pipeline for every day during the year. 64 Monetary estimate from the Federal Energy Regulatory 62 Besides traditional firm service, this includes released firm Commission, Order 636‐A, footnote 314, 57 F.R. 36128,36173transportation, no‐notice transportation, and short‐term firm (1992). Actual costs paid by any class of customers depend on thetransportation. A pipeline company may sell the unused portion of any discounts from the maximum allowable rates that may be obtained fromfirm transportation capacity on its system on a short‐term basis. the pipeline company.

Energy Information Administration 43 Energy Policy Act Transportation Study: Interim Report on Natural Gas Flows and RatesTable 8. Composite Cost of Service (Billion 1994 Dollars) Elements 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994

Return on Rate Base 2.8 2.6 2.9 3.1 2.9 3.1 2.6Operation and Maintenance Expenses 8.5 9.3 6.1 9.0 7.5 6.9 5.4Other Expenses 3.4 3.2 3.1 2.4 3.0 3.3 3.1

Total Cost of Service 14.6 15.1 12.2 14.6 13.4 13.3 11.1

Note: Return on Rate Base = Total Rate Base multiplied by FERC Approved Rate of Return. Sources: 1988‐1989: Energy Information Administration, Statistics of Interstate Natural Gas Pipeline Companies 1990 (April 1992). 1990‐1994:Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Form 2. “Annual Report of Major Natural Gas Companies,” Balance Sheet File from FERC Gas PipelineData Bulletin Board System.

Figure 11. Natural Gas Transmission by Type of Service, 1987‐1994

25 Firm Transportation Gas Sales No‐Notice Service 20 Interruptible Transportation Released Capacity

15 Quadrillion Btu



0 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994

Source: Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (INGAA), Gas Transportation Through 1994 (August 1995).

44 Energy Information Administration Energy Policy Act Transportation Study: Interim Report on Natural Gas Flows and RatesFigure 12. Rate Design in Transition: Modified to Straight Fixed Variable

Modified Fixed Variable Demand Commodity

Peak Day (D1)

Annual (D2)

Fi xed Costs Variable Costs Long‐Term Debt Nonlabor O&M A&G Other O&M DDA Fi xed Costs Elements Changing Other Taxes Return on Equity O&M Related Taxes Demand Commodity

Peak Day (D1) Annual (D2)

Fi xed Costs Variable Costs Long‐Term Debt Nonlabor O&M A&G Other O&M DDA Fi xed Costs Other Taxes Return on Equity Straight Fixed Variable O&M Related Taxes

Reservation Usage A&G = Administrative and General Expenses

Oil Gas Pipeline Failure Rates (detailed) - [PDF Document] (48)

DDA = Depreciation, Depletion, and Amortization Expenses Other Taxes = Other Nonincome Taxes Fixed Costs Variable Costs O&M = Operation and Maintenance Expenses Return on Equity Nonlabor O&M Nonlabor O&M = Nonlabor Operation and Maintenance Expenses Related Taxes Other O&M Other O&M = Other Operation and Maintenance Expenses Long‐Term Debt A&G DDA Other Taxes O&M

Source: Energy Information Administration, Natural Gas 1992: Issues and Trends.

the implementation of Order 436 have totaled are likely and will probably affect rates for the next 3 to approximately $10.2 billion as of May 30, 1995.65 5 years. Pipeline companies have agreed to absorb about $3.7 billion. Of the remaining $6.6 billion, $3.6 billion is ! Costs of pipeline expansion. For the period 1991 being recovered through a surcharge on firm through 1994, the interstate pipeline companies spent transportation customers and the remainder is being $6.5 billion on expanding interstate pipeline capacity. recovered through a surcharge on volumetric rates. Expansion costs generally have been passed through to Recovery of these take‐or‐pay costs began in the late all customers and will continue to influence 1980’s and is expected to result in higher rates for some transportation rates, because they are amortized over customers throughout the 1990’s. many years. Pipeline expansion costs increase the rate base and, subsequently, transportation rates. ! Transition costs. As of August 1995, $2.7 billion in transition costs associated with Order 636 have been filed Changes in the elements described above for determining rates at FERC for recovery through increased transportation offset and counterbalance each other. The rate design, which rates to shippers.66 The $2.7 billion of costs include $1.4 determines how costs are allocated and recovered from billion of gas supply realignment costs; $0.6 billion of customer classes, probably has the most significant direct unrecovered gas costs; $0.7 billion of stranded costs, and impact on rates. In addition, industry restructuring has resulted $9 million for new facilities. Additional transition costs in significant costs associated with the changes implemented in the new regulations, including more than $10 billion in take‐or‐ pay costs under Orders 436 and 500, and an additional $2.7 65 A contract provision obligating the buyer to pay for a certain billion in transition costs associated with Order 636.minimum quantity of product, whether or not the buyer takes thatquantity during the stated period. When Order 636 shifted the responsibility and risk of 66 Shippers include any customer who uses transportation services. maintaining service from the interstate pipeline companies to the

Energy Information Administration 45 Energy Policy Act Transportation Study: Interim Report on Natural Gas Flows and Rateslocal distribution companies and consumers, the allocation of apply to customers who pay discounted rates for services,costs for some services changed. For example, a charge that was pipeline company core customers generally pay maximum tariffpreviously included in the price paid for interstate transmission rates. Therefore, the analysis of maximum rates will provide aservice may now be included in the distribution costs (or it may basis on which to gauge the general movement of firmbe paid directly by the end user and hence not reported by either transportation rates. The tariff rates analyzed include surchargesthe interstate pipeline or the local distribution company). This such as Order 636 transition costs.can affect the accounting (and reporting) of both the costs oflong‐haul transportation (by interstate pipeline companies) as Firm transportation rates in 1994 were compared with rates inwell as local delivery charges (by local distribution companies). effect in 1991 for a sample of 14 supply/demand areas orFor this reason, only aggregate costs of transmission and corridors (Figure 13). The 16 companies represented in thedistribution service are examined for some of the areas sample have a combined service area that spans the country andanalyzed. In addition, firm transportation rates previously may a throughput level that is almost half the total industryhave included a number of other services, such as storage and throughput. The sample of corridors was developed based onload‐balancing. In this analysis, it was not possible to adjust the the market corridors presented in the Foster Associates’data to reflect a consistent definition over time. Therefore, December 1994 publication Competitive Profile of Natural Gastrends in transportation rates may only be approximations. Services (discussed in more detail in Chapter 5).67 For any single corridor in the sample, there may be several routes, withThe difficulty of differentiating distribution from transmission each route representing the transportation services of one orcosts presents additional problems when analyzing the effects of more pipeline companies. For instance, the corridor from theFederal policies and regulations on transportation rates. Gulf Coast supply area to the Boston market area includes twoDistribution rates charged by local distribution companies are separate routes: (1) Texas Eastern Transmission Company andregulated by State utility commissions not by FERC. Recently, Algonquin Gas Transmission Corporation and (2) Tennesseesome of the larger consuming States have been experimenting Gas Pipeline Company. An aggregate or “unit” rate,with various types of rate designs, such as market‐ and representing the total transmission charge for moving 1 millionincentive‐based rates, to introduce greater competitive forces Btu (MMBtu) of gas, was developed for each of the 21 routes ininto the distribution system. Some States are even advocating the sample. The results from the rate analysis are presented inthat LDC’s unbundle their services. constant 1994 dollars.

Because of these and other data limitations, this analysis does The analysis compares the unit cost for firm (i.e.,not attempt separately to attribute specific changes in noninterruptible) transportation service, defined as the chargetransportation rates to specific Federal legislation or regulations. for transporting one unit (MMBtu) of gas, for two types ofRather, the chapter presents general trends in transmission rates, customers:showing how they are influenced in aggregate by regulations,legislation, and policies, as well as economic and market ! High‐load‐factor customers tend to transport gas at aelements. constant level throughout the year. These customers impose a daily demand on the system that is about equal to the average of their annual volume transported. For The Corridor Rate Analysis example, a high‐load‐factor customer who transports 365

A number of regulatory and market influences affected ratesover the 1988 through 1994 period. One of the most significantregulatory changes that has had a direct impact on rates is FERCOrder 636 and the resulting change in rate design to the straightfixed‐variable (SFV) method. The analysis of transportationcorridors examines the change in maximum transportation ratesunder Order 636 but does not isolate the changes in rates dueexclusively to the SFV rate design. Rather, it assesses the neteffect on transportation rates of all of the regulatory and marketinfluences, including rate base changes, operating costs, taxes,depreciation, interest rates, capacity reserved, load profiles,rates of return, etc. 67 The pipeline routes and companies in the sample were chosen for

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the analysis because they have a diverse load profile, have aThe analysis compares maximum firm transportation rates, geographically dispersed service area, and have readily available tariffincluding surcharges (tariff rates) charged before and after schedules. The pipeline routes account for 43 percent of total U.S.Order 636 went into effect. Although maximum rates may not throughput. See Appendix E for additional information including the names of pipeline companies included in this analysis.

46 Energy Information Administration Energy Policy Act Transportation Study: Interim Report on Natural Gas Flows and RatesFigure 13. Interstate Transportation Corridors Used in Corridor Rate Analysis

Source: Energy Information Administration (EIA), EIAGIS‐NG Geographic Information System.

MMBtu of gas per year will tend to transport about 1 earlier in this chapter, many elements affect rates for pipeline MMBtu of gas per day. The industrial customers, such as service. Except for the change in rate design to SFV, each an aluminum plant or food processing plant, with a high element will have the same general effect on customers load factor tend to have gas requirements that are related regardless of their load factor. However, the switch from MFV to manufacturing needs as opposed to the seasonal to SFV rate design will tend to have a different impact on demand for space heating. Some electric generators may maximum tariff rates depending on the load factor, increasing have uniform usage throughout the year and thus be low‐load‐factor rates while decreasing high‐load‐ factor rates. characterized as high‐load‐factor customers. (For additional information see Chapter 2.)

! Low‐load‐factor customers do not take gas at a constant For this analysis a 100‐percent load factor was used to represent rate throughout the year. These customers have a peak high‐load‐factor customers and a 40‐percent load factor for low‐ daily usage that far exceeds the average of their annual load‐factor customers. The 40‐percent load factor assumes that use. Residential and commercial sectors are generally the low‐load customers will impose a peak‐day load on the low‐load‐factor customers because they depend on system that is two and one half times the customers’ average natural gas as a space‐heating fuel. Their demand tends daily requirements. The load factors were selected for purely to fluctuate with weather temperature. Hence, the illustrative purposes. Actual load factors for shippers may vary pipeline company must be prepared to meet the load from these assumed levels, depending on their service requirement of these customers up to the maximum requirements throughout the year. For local distribution amount of capacity reserved even though the maximum companies, this will depend on the mix of residential, load may occur only a few times a year. commercial, industrial, and electric utility customers and their service requirements.The comparison of load factor rates illustrates the effect of theswitch from the modified fixed‐variable (MFV) rate design to The average unit rate paid by 100‐percent and 40‐percent load‐the straight fixed‐variable (SFV) rate design. As discussed factor customers will vary depending on the level of the pipeline company’s reservation charge. For example, assume that firm

Energy Information Administration 47 Energy Policy Act Transportation Study: Interim Report on Natural Gas Flows and Ratestransportation rates include a $0.25 per MMBtu dailyreservation charge and a $0.05 per MMBtu usage charge. The In about half of the cases considered, rates to the high‐load‐100‐percent load‐factor customer that transports 1 MMBtu per factor customers declined, while rates to the low‐load‐factorday will pay, on average, $0.30 per MMBtu for service (1 customers either decreased by a smaller amount or actuallyMMBtu reservation at $0.25 per MMBtu + increased. For example, on route A from the Gulf Coast to1 MMBtu usage at $0.05 per MMBtu). The 40‐percent load‐ Boston, the 100‐percent load‐factor rate declined by 23 percentfactor customer, however, will need to reserve enough space to while the 40‐percent rate declined by 8 percent. On the Gulfmeet his peak requirements. If the 40‐percent load‐factor Coast to Louisville route, the 100‐percent rate declined 18customer transports an average of 1 MMBtu per day, its peak percent. In sharp contrast, the 40‐percent rate on the same routerequirements would equal 2.5 MMBtu (load factor = average increased by 9 percent.use/peak use = 40 percent = 40/100 = 1/2.5). Therefore, the 40‐percent load‐factor customer will pay an average rate of $0.675 The results of the analysis suggest that the hypothesis that allper MMBtu for service (2.5 MMBtu reservation at $0.25 per high‐load‐factor customers would face decreases in transmissionMMBtu + 1 MMBtu usage at $0.05 per MMBtu). (This rates and all low‐load‐factor customers would suffersimplified example ignores the seasonal rates pipeline economically as a result of Order 636 is overly simplistic. Forcompanies may offer.) both sets of customers, some rates increased between 1991 and 1994 while others declined. Clearly, there are elements other than the switch to SFV that had an impact on rates during thisFindings of the Corridor Rate Study period. What is striking, however, is the large difference between the two customer classes in terms of the magnitudes ofNo clear pattern emerges with respect to the change in the rate changes. On any given route, the high‐load‐factormaximum tariff rates and the respective corridor, supply area, customers experienced a rate change that was moreor delivery point. However, there are some noteworthy advantageous than the rate change experienced by the low‐load‐differences between the 100‐percent and the 40‐percent load‐ factor customers. This has resulted in a widening of the gapfactor rates. As discussed earlier, the change in rate design was between the 100‐percent and the 40‐percent load‐factor ratesthe one phenomenon expected to have different impacts on high‐ between 1991 and 1994. Thus, SFV had a dominant influenceand low‐load‐factor customers. If the switch in rate on the widening gap in rates for these customer classes. Asdesign to SFV were the only change during the period, all high‐ striking as these results are, they may actually understate theload‐factor rates would be expected to decrease and all low‐ actual impact, because the data used in this analysis are forload‐factor rates to increase. maximum posted rates. In reality, rates may be discounted. Discounted rates will tend to be obtained by high‐load‐factorIt appears that the conversion to SFV rate design was the customers, such as industrial customers with alternative fueldominant influence on rate changes for both high‐ and low‐load‐ capability. Accordingly, the actual differentials in the percentagefactor customers from 1991 through 1994. While other increases and decreases between the two customer classes areinfluences may have mitigated SFV’s downward pressure on probably larger than those presented in this report.high‐load‐factor rates and upward pressure on low‐load‐factorrates, the rate design shift widened the gap between high‐ and In addition to the cost‐of‐service issues discussed earlier in thislow‐load‐factor rates. Half the sampled 100‐percent load‐factor chapter, a number of regulatory elements affect rates. While ratecorridor rates increased between 1991 and 1994, while half design may have the most significant direct impact on rates,decreased (Table 9). For the 40‐percent load‐factor rates, one‐ transition costs resulting from recent regulatory changes alsothird of the corridor rates decreased while two‐thirds increased. affect rates. Order 636 transition costs include: (1) unrecoveredThis higher incidence of rate increases for the low‐load gas costs, (2) gas supply realignment (GSR) costs, (3) strandedcustomers suggests that recent regulatory changes have costs, and (4) the cost of new facilities.68 Of these transitionbenefited low‐load‐factor customers less than high‐load‐factor costs, the GSR and stranded costs are passed through tocustomers. Although both categories of customers had increases customers in the adjustment charges included in the corridorand decreases in tariffs, the change was more advantageous to rates. These charges increase overallthe high‐load‐factor customers. More compelling evidence isprovided by inspecting the differentials in the magnitudes of therate changes. For instance, in every case where the high‐load‐factor rate increased, the low‐load‐factor rate also increased.Moreover, in all cases, the increase was larger in both absoluteand percentage terms for the low‐load‐factor customers. Forexample, the high‐load‐factor rate for Canada to New Yorkincreased by 4 percent while the low‐load‐factor rate increased 68 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Docket No. RM91‐11‐by 19 percent. 002, et al., Order 636‐A, August 3, 1992, p. 336.

48 Energy Information Administration

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Energy Policy Act Transportation Study: Interim Report on Natural Gas Flows and RatesTable 9. Estimated Maximum Rates for Firm Transportation Service on Selected Interstate Pipeline Routes, 1991 and 1994 (1994 Dollars per Million Btu) 100‐Percent Load Factor 40‐Percent Load Factor Supply to Market Routes Percent Percent 1991 1994 Change 1991 1994 ChangeNortheast Region Gulf Coast to Boston Route A 1.28 0.98 ‐23 2.19 2.01 ‐8 Route B 0.55 1.11 102 0.93 2.42 160 Appalachia to Boston Route A 0.88 0.74 ‐16 1.55 1.54 ‐1 Route B 0.44 0.52 18 0.73 1.14 56 Canada to Boston Route A 0.85 0.98 15 1.69 2.26 34 Route B 0.52 0.64 23 0.71 1.43 101 Gulf Coast to New York Route A 0.55 0.97 76 0.93 2.09 125 Route B 0.93 0.75 ‐19 1.58 1.49 ‐6 Route C 0.85 0.56 ‐34 1.48 1.03 ‐30 Canada to New York 0.80 0.83 4 1.69 2.01 19Southeast Region Gulf Coast to Louisville 0.66 0.54 ‐18 1.08 1.18 9 Gulf Coast to Miami 0.38 0.55 45 0.73 1.19 63 Arkoma to Louisville 0.75 0.77 3 1.15 1.68 46Midwest Region Gulf Coast to Detroit Route A 1.03 0.82 ‐20 1.82 1.80 ‐1 Route B 0.71 0.54 ‐24 1.13 1.14 1 Route C 0.43 0.55 28 0.78 1.24 59Central Region Rocky Mountain to Denver 0.38 0.39 3 0.67 0.83 24 Mid‐Continent to Kansas City 0.44 0.47 7 0.70 1.03 47West Region San Juan to Southern California 1.04 0.80 ‐23 1.35 1.26 ‐7 Canada to Southern California 1.53 1.36 ‐11 1.53 2.52 65Southwest Region Arkoma Basin to Little Rock 0.46 0.29 ‐37 0.70 0.59 ‐16 Sources: Energy Information Administration, Office of Oil and Gas, derived from: 1991: Gulf Coast to Miami—H. Zinder & Associates, Summaryof Rate Schedules of Natural Gas Pipeline Companies (March 1991); Other corridors—Foster Associates, Competitive Profile of U.S. Interstate PipelineCompanies (October 1991); 1994: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Automated System for Tariff Retrieval (FASTR); and Foste rAssociates, Competitive Profile of Natural Gas Services (December 1994).

Energy Information Administration 49 Energy Policy Act Transportation Study: Interim Report on Natural Gas Flows and Ratestransportation costs for firm service customers. The cost of new The reduced variability in rates may indicate that in addition to,facilities associated with Order 636 would tend to increase tariff or possibly as a result of competition, firm transportationrates. services provided by various pipeline companies have become more similar. That is, notwithstanding geographicalRate increases on a particular pipeline may be caused by the considerations, a customer may be able to substitute theloss of customers who either chose to exercise their alternative transportation service offered by one company for transportationfuel capabilities or chose other transportation options. (As service offered by another. In addition, Order 636’s directive todiscussed earlier, Orders 436 and 636 opened opportunities for use a common rate design method for all pipeline companiescustomers to switch service providers.) As customers leave a may have led to more similarity in the rates offered by pipelinepipeline system, its fixed costs may be recovered by fewer companies serving the same corridor. While intriguing, thecustomers and lower throughput volumes, leading to increased finding of rate convergence should be interpreted with a highrates. Pipeline companies may also be discounting services to degree of caution given the small number of corridors on whichretain certain customers and passing on additional costs to other the finding is based.customers who have no other service options (captivecustomers). Order 636 permits pipeline companies to discount As previously discussed, the study cannot isolate numerousservices on a nondiscriminatory basis to meet competition. In influences on the outcome of maximum firm transportationorder not to discourage discounting, FERC allows the rates. Also, affecting the net cost of transportation is the revenuediscounted “units” to be factored into the determination of received for capacity release. Capacity release revenue creditsmaximum rates. 69 are passed through to firm transportation customers; however, the unit decrease is not reflected in the maximum transportationIn a competitive market, price differences across firms reflect rate. The extent of the released capacity’s influence onquality and geographic (e.g., locational) differences. Price transportation rates will depend on the development of thedifferences in excess of what can be accounted for by these secondary market.elements may indicate the market’s inefficiency at setting prices.On this score, the convergence in corridor rates, while notconclusive, suggests that the market for transportation becamemore efficient during the period 1991 through 1994. Capacity Releases and Transportation RatesComparing pre‐ and post‐Order 636 rates in the corridorsserved by multiple pipelines suggests that transportation The capacity release program is another provision of Order 636services offered by different pipeline companies may have that has the potential to affect transportation rates directly. Priorbecome more similar, as evidenced by a convergence in rates. to Order 636, capacity rights on a pipeline were nontransferable.In the sample, multiple routes are available within five A customer could either use the capacity itself or it would becorridors: Gulf Coast to Boston, Appalachia to Boston, Canada available to the pipeline company with no compensation to theto Boston, Gulf Coast to New York, and Gulf Coast to Detroit customer. Under Order 636, a shipper with excess reserved(Table 10). For 100‐percent load‐factor rates, three out of five capacity can release that capacity to another shipper in return forof these corridors showed a trend toward a convergence of rates, a credit on its reservation charges.70one corridor showed no change, and the fifth showed a modestincrease in the variation of rates (Figure 14). The corridors thatdid exhibit convergence displayed a substantial reduction in thevariation in rates. For example, for the two routes from the GulfCoast to Boston, the rate difference for high‐load‐factorcustomers declined from $0.73 per MMBtu in 1991 to $0.13per MMBtu in 1994 (Table 10). Particularly notable in this 70analysis is that low‐load‐factor customers have also seen a There are two ways in which a release arrangement is processed. (1) A releasing shipper may make a prearranged deal with thereduction in the rate variation in four out of five corridors. replacement shipper if the price for the capacity is equal to theHowever, this reduced variability results from low‐end rates maximum firm rate in the tariff or if the duration of the contract doesmoving up to the level of high‐end rates rather than a reduction not exceed one calendar month. (2) If neither of these conditions arein high‐end rates. met, the releasing shipper will post the release (along with the corresponding limitations or conditions, such as recall rights and award criteria) on the pipeline company’s electronic bulletin board where 69

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In other words, a pipeline company that transports 100 MMBtu prospective replacement shippers bid on the capacity rights. Thisof gas at half of its maximum transportation rate will develop rates process results in capacity release rates that are set by the marketassuming 50 MMBtu were transported for that service. If the conditions instead of a FERC ratemaking process. Currently, thetransportation costs remain the same, firm transportation rates will maximum rate for capacity release may not exceed the maximum firmincrease because those costs will be recovered on fewer units of gas. rate stated in the pipeline company’s tariff.

50 Energy Information Administration Energy Policy Act Transportation Study: Interim Report on Natural Gas Flows and RatesTable 10. Range of Maximum Transportation Rates for Corridors with Multiple Routes, 1991 and 1994 (1994 Dollars per Million Btu) 100‐Percent Load Factor 40‐Percent Load Factor Supply to Market Corridors 1991 1994 1991 1994Gulf Coast to Boston 0.73 0.13 1.26 0.41Appalachia to Boston 0.44 0.22 0.82 0.40Canada to Boston 0.33 0.34 0.98 0.83Gulf Coast to New York 0.38 0.41 0.65 1.06Gulf Coast to Detroit 0.60 0.28 1.04 0.66 Source: Energy Information Administration, Office of Oil and Gas, derived from: 1991: Foster Associates, Competitive Profile of U.S. InterstatePipeline Companies (October 1991); 1994: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ( FERC) Automated System for Tariff Retrieval (FASTR); andFoster Associates, Competitive Profile of Natural Gas Services (December 1994).

Figure 14. Range of Maximum Transportation Rates for Corridors with Multiple Routes, 1991 and 1994

100‐Percent Load Factor 1.40 High

1.20 Low

1.00 1994 Dollars per Million Btu





0.00 1991 1994 1991 1994 1991 1994 1991 1994 1991 1994 Gulf Coast Appalachia Canada Gulf Coast Gulf Coast to Boston to Boston to Boston to New York to Detroit

Source: Energy Information Administration, Office of Oil and Gas, derived from: 1991: Foster Associates, Competitive Profile of U.S. InterstatePipeline Companies (October 1991); 1994: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ( FERC) Automated System for Tariff Retrieval (FASTR); andFoster Associates, Competitive Profile of Natural Gas Services (December 1994).

Energy Information Administration 51 Energy Policy Act Transportation Study: Interim Report on Natural Gas Flows and RatesUnder the capacity release program, a local distribution Rates for capacity release transportation represent an average 64company (LDC) may assign to others some of its rights to percent discount from the maximum firm transportation rate.72capacity on the pipeline system. This would typically occur The average price for released capacity has been fairly stableduring the summer when there is no demand for space heating. except for modest seasonal fluctuations during the winterIf this reassignment of capacity results in new incremental load, months (Figure 16). This contrasts with the amount of capacitythe pipeline system will operate on a more uniform basis traded, which has increased steadily (Figure 17). The highlythroughout the year, resulting in more efficient use of the discounted price level may indicate that an abundance ofexisting pipeline capacity. Capacity release also permits more capacity is available from releasing shippers.buyers to reach more sellers by making firm transportationavailable to shippers who may not otherwise be able to obtain The price for capacity release has a pronounced seasonal patternservice. For example, prior to capacity release, a shipper would in the Northeast Region (Figure 18), indicating a strong demandnot be able to contract for firm transportation service on a for capacity during winter periods. The prices for capacitypipeline that was fully subscribed (all capacity was contracted release are at their highest levels during the winter season whenfor). However, under capacity release the shipper may be able capacity on pipeline systems is more likely to be constrained.to use released capacity to connect to the gas supply of its LDC’s, who comprise the bulk of the releasing shippers, mustchoice. retain their capacity to supply gas to their residential and commercial heating‐load customers. During the summerThe revenue generated by capacity release decreases the total months, when pipeline capacity may be underutilized, releasedcost of pipeline transportation to low‐load‐factor customers.71 capacity is abundant and returns a much lower price.As discussed earlier, these customers pay reservation charges to Alternatively, a consistent high average price for releasedhold space on the pipeline to meet their maximum requirement capacity may suggest a consistent strong demand for theon any single day. These customers frequently underutilize this capacity. This may be the case in the Southeast Region wherecapacity, which causes their average cost of transportation to be the 1994 average price for released capacity was more thanrelatively high. The revenue these customers receive for their three times the national average price (Table 11). The Southeastreleased capacity offsets some of their transportation costs. Region has an expanding gas market and only a few pipelines serving the area. Therefore, capacity may be constrained orThe capacity release market has grown steadily since its full there may be only limited released capacity in that regionactivation on November 1, 1993. Pipeline capacity traded leading to the high prices for released capacity.during the 1993‐94 heating season (November 1993 through

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March 1994) amounted to 762 billion cubic feet. Capacity held The capacity release market not only reduces the cost ofby replacement shippers during the 1994‐95 heating season was reserving capacity on the system, it also gives replacement1,570 billion cubic feet. Approximately $568 million in revenue shippers a generally low cost alternative to capacity obtainedcredits from November 1993 through March 1995 were directly from the pipeline company. Before this market emerged,generated by the capacity release market—$528 million from economies of scale limited competition on a corridor to a smallreleased pipeline capacity and $40 million from released storage number of pipelines. As a result of the emergence of thecapacity. Revenues from pipeline capacity released during the secondary market, a shipper now can potentially obtain capacity1994‐95 heating season increased in all regions compared with from an average of almost 70 holders of capacity rights on athe 1993‐94 heating season (Figure 15). For the Northeast given pipeline.73 The number of effective suppliers is probablyRegion, the revenues in the 1994‐95 heating season totaled substantially lower than 70 per pipeline. For example, thealmost $74 million, more than double the revenues generated shippers may need some of the capacity for themselves; theduring the 1993‐94 heating season. Although the apparent delivery points of the potential releasing and acquiring shippersgrowth in the capacity release market appears promising, its may not match; and the excess capacity may be upstream whileeffectiveness at reducing the cost of firm transportation will the capacity desireddepend on the unit price received for released capacitycompared with that paid for firm transportation.

Rates for released capacity vary from region to region and tendto be significantly less than maximum firm transportation rates.

71 Some LDC’s with very low load factors may not be able to obtainthe revenue crediting benefits from released capacity. The lowest load‐ 72 Interstate Natural Gas Association of America, Gasfactor customers are generally thesmallest LDC’s. Since they are often Transportation Through 1994, August, 1995. 73served under one‐part rates, they are not able to mitigate their costs See Arthur De Vany and W. David Walls, “Natural Gas Industrythrough capacity release, because it only applies to customers receiving Transformation, Competitive Institutions and the Role of Regulation,”service under two‐part rates. Energy Policy 1994, 22 (9) 755‐763, footnote 31.

52 Energy Information Administration Energy Policy Act Transportation Study: Interim Report on Natural Gas Flows and Rates Figure 15. Heating Season Revenues from Release of Pipeline Capacity

Central Western M idw e s t Northeast 56.7 14.2 22.6 9.0 11.9 73.7


Average Cost of Acquiring 29.6 1 Mcf of Capacity for 1 Day ($/Mcf‐day) Southeast 1993‐94 1994‐95 Southwest Heating Heating 40.9 Season Season Capacity Release NE $0.15 $0.16 Revenues SE $0.40 $0.46 (million dollars) 0.3 1.2 MW $0.13 $0.08 1993‐94 Heating C $0.13 $0.09 Season 4.2 W $0.15 $0.12 1994‐95 Heating SW $0.07 $0.21 Season

$/Mcf = Dollars per thousand cubic feet. Notes: Revenues used in price calculation exclude data with capacity release rates that are stated as a percent of effective maximum rates, capacitytransactions with incomplete data, and one transaction with inconsistent release rates. The excluded data account for about 10 percent of pipelin ecapacity volumes traded. Also, revenues calculated for capacity transactions with volumetric rates assume 100‐percent load factor use of capacity. Source: Energy Information Administration, Office of Oil and Gas, derived from: capacity release transaction data provided by Pasha Publications,Inc.

may be downstream. Nevertheless, the creation of a secondary Natural Gas Prices andmarket in pipeline capacity represents a substantial increase in Markups, 1988‐1994the degree of effective competition in the market for pipelinecapacity. This creation of an intra‐pipeline market in capacity While some transmission rates have declined as a result ofpreserves the scale economies inherent in transmission while changes in Federal policies, others have increased. A cursoryeffectively providing for a competitive and thus more efficient analysis might conclude that recent policies have had a mixedmarket in pipeline capacity. effect on the cost of natural gas transmission. However, transmission rates, whether they represent maximum posted orCurrently several transportation services compete with the actual transactions, do not fully reflect the impact of policycapacity release market. These services include traditional changes on the cost of moving gas from the wellhead to theinterruptible transportation, short‐term firm transportation citygate or to the burnertip. Recent policy has been to provideoffered by pipeline companies, and capacity obtained through both producers and consumers of gas with more choices. Priorgray market transactions.74 However, there is little doubt that the to the recent institutional changes, the combined merchant/emerging capacity release market represents an important shipper status of the pipeline companies resulted in consumersinstitutional innovation. of gas having very limited choices with respect to both gas supply and transmission. The choices currently available to market participants have affected the cost of moving gas in ways that are simply not captured in the tariff rate associated with moving gas from point A to point B. Under the new policies, gas

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74 that previously moved from A to B may instead flow at lower Short‐term firm capacity is that portion of unused firm overall cost from a new point, C to B.transportation capacity on its system that a pipeline company decides tosell. The gray market is broadly viewed as transportation or storage thatis bundled with gas and sold as a deregulated service by marketers andLDC shippers.

Energy Information Administration 53 Energy Policy Act Transportation Study: Interim Report on Natural Gas Flows and Rates54 Energy Information Administration Energy Policy Act Transportation Study: Interim Report on Natural Gas Flows and Rates only can electric utility (and industrial) consumers obtainTable 11. Average Price for Released Pipeline transportation service at lower prices, they can also shop for the Capacity by Region, 1994 lowest priced gas supplies. As a result, real electric utility gas (Dollars per Thousand Cubic Feet per prices declined between 1988 and 1994, but experienced an Day) upturn in both 1992 and 1993 reflecting the increase in Region Price wellhead prices in those years.Northeast 0.11 The citygate price is the average delivered price of gas to theSoutheast 0.45 LDC. It represents a weighted average of the delivered cost ofMidwest 0.09Central 0.14 gas across all customer classes served by LDC sales. BetweenWestern 0.11 1988 and 1994, the real citygate price declined 13 percent, fromSouthwest 0.12 $3.54 to $3.08 per thousand cubic feet (Table 12). The U.S. Average 0.13 magnitude of the decline varies by region, with the price falling less than the average in the Northeast (9 percent) and more in Notes: Revenues used in price calculation exclude data with the Midwest and West (19 and 18 percent, respectively).capacity release rates that are stated as a percent of effective maximumrates, capacity transactions with incomplete data, and one transactionwith inconsistent release rates. The excluded data account for about 10 The wellhead price is the price paid to the producer for thepercent of pipeline capacity volumes traded. Also, revenues calculated natural gas, in other words, the commodity cost. Between 1988for capacity transactions with volumetric rates assume 100‐percent load and 1994, the real natural gas wellhead price declined 11factor use of capacity. Source: Energy Information Administration, Office of Oil and Gas, percent, from $2.05 to $1.83 per thousand cubic feet (Figure 19derived from: capacity release transaction data provided by Pasha and Table 12).Publications, Inc. Because of the different service requirements of the end‐use sectors, the relative importance of each component of priceEnd‐use, citygate, and wellhead prices can be used to estimate varies substantially among the sectors (Figure 20).transmission and distribution markups to the various end‐usesectors. The transmission markup represents the cost of moving ! For residential and commercial customers, most ofgas from the wellhead to the citygate and is calculated as the the end‐use price is directly related to the costs ofdifference between the citygate price and the wellhead price. local distribution. For instance, the LDC markupThe distribution markup represents the LDC’s charge for accounted for 52 and 43 percent of the total price paid bydelivering the gas from the citygate to the end user and is the residential and commercial consumers, respectively.calculated as the difference between the retail price to onsystem The costs of transportation services by pipelineend users and the citygate price. companies accounted for 20 and 23 percent of the respective end‐use prices, while the wellhead priceThe end‐use price is the average retail price paid for gas by a accounted for 29 and 34 percent, respectively.76single customer class or sector (e.g., residential, commercial,industrial, and electric utility). It includes the costs of the manytransactions necessary to bring natural gas from the producingfield to the burnertip, including the citygate price and thewellhead price. Between 1988 and 1994, end‐use prices for allsectors fell, with the greatest declines experienced by theonsystem industrial and electric utility sectors, 15 and 19percent respectively. The decline in end‐use prices experiencedby residential and commercial customers was considerably less,only 4 and 3 percent, respectively (Table 12).

Retail gas price data for the electric utility sector are the only 76 The citygate price used in the calculation of these components isdata that encompass both onsystem and offsystem purchases of a weighted average of the delivered cost of gas across the customergas by end users.75 They show clearly the benefits of enhanced classes served by LDC sales. Because it may include lower costcompetition and open access in the transportation markets. Not onsystem industrial and electric utility volumes, it may understate the delivered citygate price to the residential and commercial sectors. As a result, the distribution markup to residential and commercial customers 75 Price data for electric utilities are based on reports by the utilities may be overstated, and the transmission markup may be understated.themselves on their total gas purchases. Retail price data for the other However, this problem is relatively minor given that approximately 87sectors are based on reports by pipeline companies and LDC’s on their percent of deliveries to the citygate in 1994 were accounted for bygas sales to these sectors and therefore do not include offsystem sales. deliveries to residential and commercial customers.

Energy Information Administration 55 Energy Policy Act Transportation Study: Interim Report on Natural Gas Flows and RatesTable 12. Average Natural Gas Prices and Price Changes, 1988 and 1994 (1994 Dollars per Thousand Cubic Feet) Price 1988 1994 Price Change Percent Change

Wellhead 2.05 1.83 ‐0.22 ‐11Citygate 3.54 3.08 ‐0.46 ‐13End Use Residential 6.64 6.41 ‐0.23 ‐3 Commercial 5.62 5.43 ‐0.19 ‐3 Onsystem Industrial 3.58 3.05 ‐0.53 ‐15

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Electric Utility 2.83 2.28 ‐0.55 ‐19

Note: Industrial end‐use price data represent onsystem sales only. The onsystem share of total sales to industrial consumer sdeclined from 43 percent in 1988 to 22 percent in 1994. Sources: Energy Information Administration. 1988: Natural Gas Annual 1992, Vol. 2 (November 1993). 1994: Natural Gas Monthly(August 1995).

Figure 19. Wellhead and End‐Use Prices by Sector, 1988‐1994

Price 7.00 7‐Year Average Residential

6.00 Commercial 1994 Dollars per Thousand Cubic Feet


4.00 Onsystem Industrial

3.00 Electric Utility

W ellhead 2.00


0.00 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994

Note: Industrial end‐use price data represent onsystem sales only. The onsystem share of industrial deliveries declined from 43 percent in 1988to 22 percent in 1994. Sources: Energy Information Administration. 1988: Natural Gas Annual 1992, Vol. 2 (November 1993). 1989‐1994: Natural Gas Monthly(August 1995).

56 Energy Information Administration Energy Policy Act Transportation Study: Interim Report on Natural Gas Flows and RatesFigure 20. Components of End‐Use Prices by Sector, 1994 (Dollars per Thousand Cubic Feet)

Residential Commercial Total Price = $6.41 Total Price = $5.43

$1.25 Transmission Markup $1.83 $1.25 $1.83 (19.5%) Wellhead Price Transmission Markup Wellhead Price (28.5%) (23.0%) (33.7%)

$3.33 $2.35 Distribution Markup Distribution Markup (52.0%) (43.3%)

Onsystem Industrial Electric Utility Total Price = $3.05 Total Price = $2.28

$1.83 $1.83Wellhead Price Wellhead Price (60.0%) (80.3%)

$0.45 $1.22 Transmission and Transmission and Distribution Markup Distribution Markup (19.7%) (40.0%)

Note: Industrial end‐use price data represent onsystem sales only. In 1994, 22 percent of sales to industrial consumers were onsystem. Source: Energy Information Administration, Office of Oil and Gas, derived from: Natural Gas Monthly (August 1995).

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Energy Information Administration 57 Energy Policy Act Transportation Study: Interim Report on Natural Gas Flows and Rates ! For the onsystem industrial and electric utility increase the average cost of transmission for these low‐load‐ sectors, the wellhead price of natural gas is the factor sectors. As discussed earlier in this chapter, a number of largest component of the total end‐use price. In 1994, considerations put either upward or downward pressures on the wellhead price accounted for 60 percent of the maximum tariff rates for pipeline transportation. A possible industrial price while the combination transmission and reason for the lower transmission markup to these sectors is that distribution charge accounted for the remaining 40 the higher reservation charges are being spread over a higher percent. In the electric utility sector, the wellhead price volume of deliveries. Also, the regulatory changes during the accounted for 80 percent of the 1994 end‐use price while period may have permitted some LDC’s to exploit previously the transmission and distribution charge comprised the unavailable lower cost transportation options. remaining 20 percent. In contrast to the transmission markup, the distribution markupBefore proceeding, it should be noted that as a result of for residential and commercial customers was roughly flat indata limitations, the end‐use prices used to calculate the real terms from 1988 through 1993, but increased substantiallyindustrial and commercial transmission and distribution from 1993 to 1994 (Figure 23). The sharp increase in themarkups reflect only onsystem sales. As a result, the markups distribution markup between 1993 and 1994 may reflect theoverstate the actual markups for these sectors (Figure 21). higher costs incurred by LDC’s who, with the unbundling ofWhile this issue is a concern in the case of the commercial pipeline company services, have had to take responsibility forsector, where onsystem sales account for 78 percent of security of supply, including storage. Bypass by industrialdeliveries, it is an especially serious limitation in the industrial customers and electric utilities may also have contributed to thesector where the burnertip price reflects only 24 percent of the increased LDC markups paid by residential and commercialmarket. customers in 1994.

Except for the commercial customers, combinedtransmission/distribution markups declined during the period1988 through 1994 (Figure 22). Specifically, the markup for the Trends in Regional Prices:industrial sector fell by 20 percent, while the electric utility End‐Use and Citygatemarkup declined by 42 percent. The declines in these markupsare no doubt largely attributable to the increase in transportation Changes in end‐use prices between 1988 and 1994 variedoptions available to these customer classes during this period. greatly by geographic region (Figure 24). As at the national level, the regional changes were the greatest in the onsystemIn fact, average industrial retail prices have been lower than industrial and electric utility sectors. In most regions, realcitygate prices as LDC’s have attempted to prevent their average prices declined by 10 percent or more in these sectorsindustrial customers from bypassing their system with direct tie‐ (1994 dollars).ins to nearby pipelines. Loss of industrial customers, with theirhigher and less variable demands, would increase the LDC’s The largest regional percentage change during the period wasunit cost of service. These higher rates would have to be a 29‐percent drop in the real price of natural gas to electriccovered by the residential and commercial customers remaining utilities in the Western Region. In 1988, the price of gas toon the system. Therefore it may be to the advantage of all of its electric utilities in the Western Region was $3.52 per thousandcustomers for LDC’s to discount prices to those customers who cubic feet (1994 dollars), the highest of any region. Even aftercontribute most to lowering the overall costs of the LDC. dropping to $2.50 per thousand cubic feet in 1994, electric utilities in this region still paid the highest average price forThe combined transmission/distribution markup for the natural gas of all the regions. The price change from 1993 toresidential and commercial sectors declined marginally in the 1994 contributed significantly to the overall drop in prices1988 through 1993 period, but rose modestly from 1993 to during the period. From 1993 to 1994, electric utility gas1994. For these sectors, the combined transmission/ distribution consumption increased 30 percent in this region, possibly as amarkup in 1994 was within 3 cents of the level in 1988. While result of drought conditions in the Northwest that reduced thethe total markup paid by these customers has remained roughly availability of hydroelectric power. The average price of gas toconstant, the transmission component of the total markup (or the electric utilities fell by $0.57 per thousand cubic feet (1994markup to citygate) declined 16 percent in real terms from dollars) or 19 percent from 1993 to 1994.1988 to 1994 (Figure 23). This is striking given that someanalysts believed that the switch to straight fixed‐variable from The largest actual price change (and second largest percentagemodified fixed‐variable rate design would change) also occurred in the Western Region, but in the onsystem industrial sector. The real average price of gas to industrial users fell $1.20 per thousand cubic feet

58 Energy Information Administration Energy Policy Act Transportation Study: Interim Report on Natural Gas Flows and RatesFigure 21. Transmission/Distribution Markups by Sector, 1988 and 1994 Transmission 5.00 Markup to Citygate 4.00

Thousand Cubic Feet 1994 Dollars per 3.00 Combined Transmission and Distribution Markup

2.00 $1.49 $1.25 5.00 (1994 Dollars per Thousand Cubic Feet)

1.00 $4.59 $4.58 0.00

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4.00 1988 1994 $3.57 $3.60 Citygate


2.00 $1.53 $1.22 1.00 $0.78 $0.45

0.00 1988 1994 1988 1994 1988 1994 1988 1994 Residential Commercial Onsystem Electric Industrial U tility

Notes: Industrial markups reflect end‐use prices for onsystem sales only. The onsystem share of industrial deliveries was 43 percent in 1988and 22 percent in 1994. Source: Energy Information Administration, Office of Oil and Gas, derived from: 1988: Natural Gas Annual, Vol. 2 (November 1993); 1994:Natural Gas Monthly (August 1995).

Figure 22. Indices of Transmission/Distribution Markups by Sector, 1988‐1994

120 Transmission Markup to Citygate 100 Index 1988 = 100




20 120 0 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994

100 Index 1988 = 100



C o m b ined Transmission and Distribution 40 Residential Commercial 20 Onsystem Industrial E le c t r i c U t i l i t y 0 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994

Notes: Industrial markups reflect end‐use prices for onsystem sales only. The onsystem share of industrial deliveries was 43 percent in 1988and 22 percent in 1994. Source: Energy Information Administration, Office of Oil and Gas, derived from: 1988: Natural Gas Annual, Vol. 2 (November 1993); 1989‐1994: Natural Gas Monthly (August 1995).

Energy Information Administration 59 Energy Policy Act Transportation Study: Interim Report on Natural Gas Flows and RatesFigure 23. Indices of Residential and Commercial Distribution Markups and Citygate Transmission Markup, 1988‐1994


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80 Index 1988 = 100


40 Distribution Markup ‐ Commercial Distribution Markup ‐ Residential Transmission Markup to Citygate 20

0 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994

Source: Energy Information Administration, Office of Oil and Gas, derived from: 1988: Natural Gas Annual, Vol. 2 (November 1993); 1989‐1994: Natural Gas Monthly (August 1995).

Figure 24. Percentage Change in End‐Use Prices by Sector and Region Between 1988 and 1994


(10) Percent


(30) Residential Commercial Onsystem Industrial E l e c t r i c U tility

(40) Northeast Southeast M idwest Central Southwest W estern United States

Notes: Changes were calculated in 1994 dollars. Industrial end‐use price data represent onsystem sales only. The onsystem share of industrialdeliveries was 43 percent in 1988 and 22 percent in 1994. Source: Energy Information Administration, Office of Oil and Gas, derived from: Natural Gas Monthly (August 1995).

Energy Information Administration 61 Energy Policy Act Transportation Study: Interim Report on Natural Gas Flows and Rates(27 percent), perhaps because of competition from Canadianimports. The 1988 price of $4.45 per thousand cubic feet Conclusion(1994 dollars) was the third highest in the onsystem industrialsector, and by 1994, the Western Region had only the fourth FERC Order 636, issued in 1992 and implemented inhighest industrial gas prices. The average real price to industrial November 1993, probably had the most significant direct effectusers fell by 10 to 16 percent in all other regions during the on transportation rates between 1988 and 1994. Specifically,period. Order 636 separated the pipeline’s merchant/ shipper role; unbundled transportation, storage, and ancillary services;The price changes were not as dramatic for residential and changed the method of computing transportation rates; andcommercial users, but average real prices in these sectors did initiated a capacity release program that allows customers tofall from 2 to 10 percent in every region, with two reassign their capacity rights for a revenue credit. The costs toexceptions—residential prices in the Northeast and commercial pipeline companies of complying with Order 636 andprices in the Western Region. The price of natural gas to restructuring their operations (transition costs) have alsoresidential users rose $0.47 per thousand cubic feet (6 percent) affected rates. As of August 1995, $2.7 billion in transitionin real terms in the Northeast Region. Residential gas prices in costs, for eventual recovery from pipeline customers, had beenthe Northeast were higher than in any other region throughout filed at FERC.the period and reached $8.06 per thousand cubic feet in 1994.The largest decline in real residential prices occurred in the Prior to FERC Order 636, Order 436 (issued in 1985) initiatedMidwest where real prices fell from $6.15 per thousand cubic industry restructuring by encouraging pipeline companies tofeet in 1988 to $5.56 in 1994 (10 percent). offer open access. Open access promoted producer competition, exerting downward pressure on wellhead prices. OtherIn the commercial sector, the largest real price drop also legislation and policies, such as the Clean Air Act Amendments,occurred in the Midwest. Commercial prices fell from $5.51 to have indirectly affected transportation rates by expanding gas$4.98 per thousand cubic feet during the period (10 percent) in markets and/or encouraging conservation, Also, rates paidthis region. While the prices in most other regions fell from 2 to between 1991 and 1994 were strongly influenced by greater10 percent, prices rose $0.44 per thousand cubic feet, or 8 efficiency in operations, the cost of capacity additions, and take‐percent, to commercial users in the Western Region. This or‐pay costs incurred by pipeline companies.increase moved the Western Region from the third to the secondhighest priced region for commercial gas users between 1988 Additional conclusions are:and 1994. ! On average, customers are paying less (in real terms) forBetween 1988 and 1994, citygate prices, the average delivered natural gas service in 1994, compared with 1988. Thisprice of gas to the local distribution company, decreased includes declines of 11 and 13 percent in the wellhead

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$0.46 per thousand cubic feet, or 13 percent. Although the and citygate prices, respectively, and an average declineaverage citygate price may not broadly apply to any specific of between of 3 and 19 percent in end‐user prices.customer sector, it may indicate the regional cost to customers. Residential and commercial prices generally declined theComparing 1994 and 1988 citygate prices across the regions, least, while electric utility prices declined the most.the price decrease ranged from $0.26 per thousand cubic feet (8 Onsystem industrial prices declined almost 15 percentpercent) in the Central Region to $0.72 per thousand cubic feet between 1988 and 1994.(19 percent) in the Midwest (Figure 25). For all but two regions(Northeast and Central), the decrease in the citygate price ! Between 1988 and 1994, total transmission andexceeded $0.50 per thousand cubic feet, representing at least a distribution markups to the residential and commercial15‐percent reduction since 1988. The smaller reduction in the sectors remained fairly constant in real terms, whileNortheast probably reflects the costs associated with comparable prices to the onsystem industrial and electricincremental pipeline capacity added between 1988 and 1994 as utility sectors declined dramatically by 20 and 42 percent,well as the great distance between this region and the major respectively.supply areas of both the United States and Canada. For eachregion, the decrease in citygate prices exceeded the average ! Transmission costs, the cost of moving gas from thedecrease in the wellhead price ($0.22 per thousand cubic feet). wellhead to the local distributor, decreased 16 percent inThis points to an overall reduction in the costs for interstate real terms between 1988 and 1994. However, thetransmission. The relatively sharper declines in the Southeast($0.56 per thousand cubic feet), Midwest ($0.72 per thousandcubic feet), and Southwest ($0.62 per thousand cubic feet) maysuggest that local distribution companies in these regions derivemore direct benefits from reduced transportation costs.

62 Energy Information Administration Energy Policy Act Transportation Study: Interim Report on Natural Gas Flows and RatesFigure 25. Citygate Prices by Region, 1988 and 1994 (1994 Dollars per Thousand Cubic Feet)

3.14 3.79 Western Midwest 2.59 3.39 Northeast Central 3.13 3.07 3.69 3.37

3.76 3.39 Southwest Southeast 3.20 2.77

1988 Citygate Price 1994 Citygate Price

Source: Energy Information Administration (EIA), Office of Oil and Gas, derived from: a special extract from Form EIA‐857, “Monthly Report ofNatural Gas Purchases and Deliveries to Consumers.”

decrease in the transmission component was almost firm rates would tend to have the same general impact on completely offset by an average real price increase of 7 customers regardless of their load factors. and 13 percent in the local distribution company markup for the residential and commercial sectors, respectively. ! Comparing pre‐ and post‐Order 636 rates in the corridors Although total transmission and distribution markups to served by multiple pipelines suggests that transportation captive residential and commercial consumers have services offered by different pipeline companies may remained fairly constant in real terms, they may be have been more comparable over the period. The benefiting from the increased competition in interstate variation among pipelines in a corridor is transportation. decreasing—with the decrease being more pronounced for low‐load‐factor customers. The comparison shows ! The analysis of maximum allowable rates suggests that some convergence of rates between 1991 and 1994 for low‐load‐factor customers have benefited less than high‐ several of the corridors. One possible explanation is that load‐factor customers from the recent regulatory changes. increased competition and integration of the pipeline grid Although both categories saw both increases and may have increased the comparability of services offered decreases in tariffs, in all cases the change was more by pipeline companies. In addition, Order 636’s directive advantageous to the high‐load‐factor customers. to use a common rate design method for all pipeline companies may have led to more similarity in the rates ! While other influences may have mitigated SFV’s offered by pipeline companies serving the same corridor. downward pressure on high‐load‐factor rates and upward pressure on low‐load‐factor rates, the change in rate ! Total revenues generated by the capacity release program design was the dominant influence in widening the gap from November 1993 through March 1995 totaled $568 between the rates paid by the two groups. Except for the million. Trading of capacity has increased significantly change in rate design, other key determinants of since the program began and currently represents 13 percent of the overall volumes moved to

Energy Information Administration 63 Energy Policy Act Transportation Study: Interim Report on Natural Gas Flows and Rates market. On average, capacity trades at a 64‐percent in other regions possibly because of capacity constraints discount from maximum rates. or the relative unavailability of released capacity in the region. ! The regional rates for released firm capacity vary significantly. Rates in the Southeast are higher than those

64 Energy Information Administration Energy Policy Act Transportation Study: Interim Report on Natural Gas Flows and Rates

On the Estimation of Failure Rates of Multiple Pipeline Systemshttp://cat.inist.fr/?aModele=afficheN&cpsidt=20474871 December 07, 2014

On the Estimation of Failure Rates of Multiple Pipeline Systems Auteur(s) / Author(s) ... Oil pipeline; Uncertain system; Gas pipeline; Uncertainty;

Oil Gas Pipeline Failure Rates (detailed) - [PDF Document] (59)


Departamento de Ingeniería Metalúrgica, IPN­ESIQIE, UPALM Edif. 7, Zacatenco, Mexico, Distrito Federal 07738, MEXIQUEColegio de Ciencia yTecnología, Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México, Mexico, Distrito Federal 09090, MEXIQUEIn this work, the statistical methods for thereliability of repairable systems have been used to produce a methodology capable to estimate the annualized failure rate of a pipeline populationfrom the historical failure data of multiple pipeline systems. The proposed methodology provides point and interval estimators of the parameters of thefailure intensity function for two of the most commonly applied stochastic models: the homogeneous Poisson process and the power law process. Italso provides statistical tests for assessing the adequacy of the stochastic model assumed for each system and testing whether all systems have thesame model parameters. In this way, the failure data of multiple pipeline systems are only merged in order to produce a generic failure intensityfunction when all systems follow the same stochastic model. This allows statistical and tolerance uncertainties to be addressed adequately. Theproposed methodology is outlined and illustrated using real­life failure data of oil and gas pipeline systems.JPVTAS2008, vol. 130, n2, [Note(s):021704.1­021704.8] (9 ref.)AnglaisAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, NY, ETATS­UNIS (1974) (Revue)INIST­CNRS, CoteINIST : 6120 J, 35400019755538.0150

Oil and Gas Pipeline Design, Maintenance and Repairhttp://eng.cu.edu.eg/users/aelsayed/Part%208%20%20Maintenance,%20%20Reliability%20and%20Failure%20Analysis.pdf December 07, 2014

PE 607: Oil & Gas Pipeline Design, Maintenance & Repair ٥ Maintenance Plan • For each system, determine a maintenance strategy • For eachsystem identified for ...

Oil and Gas Pipeline Design, Maintenance and Repair Dr. Abdel‐Alim Hashem Professor of Petroleum Engineering Mining, Petroleum & Metallurgical Eng. Dept. Faculty of Engineering – Cairo University [emailprotected] [emailprotected]

Part 8 : Maintenance, Reliability and Failure Analysis

PE 607: Oil & Gas Pipeline Design, Maintenance & Repair ۱ Contents• Maintenance objective• Maintenance plan• Maintenance strategies• Corrective maintenance• Failure modes• Pro‐active maintenance• PdM techniques• Reliability• Maintenance and the construction codes• Elements of failure analysis

PE 607: Oil & Gas Pipeline Design, Maintenance & Repair ۲ Maintenance Objective• “Ensuring that physical assets continue to do what their users want them to do” [Moubray]• “To preserve the system function" [Smith]• “Physical as‐sets" are pipes, valves, active equipment (pumps, compressors, etc., also referred to as dynamic or rotating equipment), instrumentation, fixed equipment (vessels, heat exchangers, etc., also referred to as static equipment), in‐line components (traps, strainers, etc.), insulation and supports.

PE 607: Oil & Gas Pipeline Design, Maintenance & Repair ۳ Maintenance Variety of Manners• Maintenance information is ignored. Things are fixed as they break, time and again.• Maintenance information is recorded as data, somewhere on a server, on a shelf or in a drawer.• Maintenance data is converted into knowledge for a few, the maintenance mechanic and possibly the system engineer.• Maintenance knowledge is converted into wisdom, by analysis, trending, and communication (in a clear and illustrated manner) to the whole organization. PE 607: Oil & Gas Pipeline Design, Maintenance & Repair ٤ Maintenance Plan• For each system, determine a maintenance strategy• For each system identified for proactive maintenance, prepare a component list (pipe segments, valves, pumps, compressors, etc.).• For each component, specify the required function, its failure mode and failure cause.• For each component failure cause, select the proper inspection technique, The objective here is to decide what needs to be inspected, when, where and how.• Determine the acceptance criteria that will be used to evaluate the inspection results and to determine the "fitness‐for‐service" of the system

PE 607: Oil & Gas Pipeline Design, Maintenance & Repair ٥ Maintenance Plan• Plan and implement maintenance inspections, either on stream (on line) or during an outage (shutdown).• Document results, intelligently, clearly, and succinctly. Illustrate with digital photographs. Record in a retrievable and sortable maintenance database. Maintain "system health reports".• Issue clear recommendations, for example in three categories: green (ok as‐is), yellow (plan for future inspection, degradation is taking place but equipment is

Oil Gas Pipeline Failure Rates (detailed) - [PDF Document] (60)

fit‐for‐service till next inspection), or red (repair or replace).

PE 607: Oil & Gas Pipeline Design, Maintenance & Repair ٦ Maintenance StrategiesThere are two maintenance strategies1. A reactive approach (corrective maintenance, running equipment to failure, or near failure)2. A proactive ap‐proach (inspecting equipment and taking early steps to overhaul, repair or replace, before failure).

PE 607: Oil & Gas Pipeline Design, Maintenance & Repair ۷ Maintenance StrategiesSystems of a proactive maintenance strategy include• Facility safety basis: systems essential to prevent or mitigate credible accidents that would have unacceptable consequences to the workers, the public or the envi‐ronment.• Production loss: systems essential to maintain an acceptable level of produc‐tion throughput.• Maintenance cost: systems with equipment that would be costly to replace, or would require long lead times.

PE 607: Oil & Gas Pipeline Design, Maintenance & Repair ۸ Maintenance StrategiesSystems of a proactive maintenance strategy include• Risk of failure: systems at greater risk of failure, for example because of corrosion, operation at high pressure or temperature, operation beyond vendor recom‐mendations, or based on past company or industry experience.• Regulatory requirements: systems or components that are required, by regula‐tion, to be periodically inspected or tested

PE 607: Oil & Gas Pipeline Design, Maintenance & Repair ۹ Corrective Maintenance• Is reactive maintenance: run to failure, then repair or replace• Quite common for non‐essential systems• Maintenance managers cite limited manpower and budgets focused first on solving the day's emergencies as an impediment to predictive maintenance• A recent survey reported corrective maintenance at 40% of the maintenance workload• Well‐implemented, corrective maintenance yields a wealth of knowledge

PE 607: Oil & Gas Pipeline Design, Maintenance & Repair ۱۰ Corrective Maintenance Work Package• Equipment make and model.• As‐found condition (photographs are recommended).• Mechanics' opinion as to the likely cause of failure.• Corrective action (and possibly recommendation to avoid recurrence).

PE 607: Oil & Gas Pipeline Design, Maintenance & Repair ۱۱ Failure Modes• Failure mode and failure cause should be captured in a standard format, and regularly sorted, analyzed and trended• The objectives to understand failure cause, and take pre‐emptive measures to avoid recurrence, optimize per‐formance, reduce costs, and improve safety• Company may develop its own maintenance history software• To help in documentation and sorting, each class of equipment would have a standard list of failure modes and failure causes PE 607: Oil & Gas Pipeline Design, Maintenance & Repair ۱۲ Failure Mode 1 ‐ Pumps Fails to StartCorresponding Failure Causes:• Loss of power.• Internal binding.• Failed bearing.• Failed coupling.• Open or shorted motor.• Start circuit fails.

PE 607: Oil & Gas Pipeline Design, Maintenance & Repair ۱۳ Failure Mode 2 ‐ Pump Delivers Inadequate FlowCorresponding Failure Causes:• Worn or broken impeller.• Worn wear ring.• Discharge valve closed.• Cavitation.• Seal failure.

Oil Gas Pipeline Failure Rates (detailed) - [PDF Document] (61)

• Casing cracked.• Gasket leak.• Clogged strainer.• Shaft damage.

PE 607: Oil & Gas Pipeline Design, Maintenance & Repair ۱٤ Failure Mode 3 ‐ Pump Exhibits Abnormal ConditionCorresponding Failure Causes:• Excessive vibration.• Leak of process fluid.• Oil leaks.• Excessive temperature.• Unusual noise.

PE 607: Oil & Gas Pipeline Design, Maintenance & Repair ۱٥A Second Level of Failure Causes

• The cause of the cause• May be necessary to diagnose and correct the failure mode.

PE 607: Oil & Gas Pipeline Design, Maintenance & Repair ۱٦ An Example of Second Level Failure CausesFailure Cause 1st Level ‐ Excessive Vibration in PumpFailure Cause 2nd Level:Mechanical Cause:• Unbalance.• Eccentric rotor.• Bent shaft.• Axial misalignment at shaft coupling.• Angular misalignment at shaft coupling.• Loose foot.• Rotor rubs against fixed part.• Bearing wear.• Oil instabilities.

PE 607: Oil & Gas Pipeline Design, Maintenance & Repair ۱۷ An Example of Second Level Failure CausesFailure Cause 1st Level ‐ Excessive Vibration in Centrifugal PumpFailure Cause 2nd Level:Mechanical Cause:• Gear worn or broken.• Faulty motor.• Belt drive misaligned.Hydraulic Cause:• Pressure pulsing from vane pass.• Flow turbulence.• Cavitation.• Hydraulic resonance (Helmholtz oscillator)

PE 607: Oil & Gas Pipeline Design, Maintenance & Repair ۱۸ Pro‐active Maintenance• Preventive or Predictive Maintenance• Inspection Checklists

PE 607: Oil & Gas Pipeline Design, Maintenance & Repair ۱۹ Preventive or Predictive Maintenance• Where a system cannot be run to failure, it has to be part of the pro‐active maintenance program.• A choice must now be made between Preventive Maintenance (PM) or Predictive Maintenance (PdM).• With PM, also referred to as Scheduled Maintenance [Patton], pre‐determined maintenance activities take place at predetermined intervals; for example, replacing pump lube oil every X months, testing a relief valve every X years, etc PE 607: Oil & Gas Pipeline Design, Maintenance & Repair ۲۰ Preventive Maintenance (PM)• Also, referred to as Scheduled Maintenance [Patton], pre‐determined maintenance activities take place at predetermined intervals• For example, replacing pump lube oil every X months, testing a relief valve every X years, etc• Based on several factors: – Equipment failure history. – Vendor recommendations. – Industry practice, codes, standards. – Personnel experience. – Risk: likelihood and consequence of malfunction or failure. PE 607: Oil & Gas Pipeline Design, Maintenance & Repair ۲۱ Predictive Maintenance (PdM)• Given to the combina‐tion of three activities: vibration analysis, thermography, and oil analysis• Viewed in a much broader sense

Oil Gas Pipeline Failure Rates (detailed) - [PDF Document] (62)

• Based on the expert inspection and analysis ‐ as quantitative as possible• Involves more upfront effort and more expertise than PM PE 607: Oil & Gas Pipeline Design, Maintenance & Repair ۲۲ Inspection Checklists• Use inspection checklists to guide and document the inspection• Visual inspections supplemented by periodic surface inspections: – (typically liquid penetrant testing (PT) or magnetic particle testing (MT) or volumetric inspections – (typically ultrasonic testing (UT) or radiographic testing (RT)• Based on the system's or component's risk• Degradation of piping and equipment supports (steel or concrete structures) must be determined case by case, applying the rules of the construction codes and standards

PE 607: Oil & Gas Pipeline Design, Maintenance & Repair ۲۳ Illustrative Example for PdM

Heat Exchanger Valves

Vertical Vessel

6 “ pipe 2” Bleed Support pipe

PE 607: Oil & Gas Pipeline Design, Maintenance & Repair ۲٤ PdM Techniques• The system consists of 6" pipe, from a vertical vessel to horizontal heat exchanger, with two welded manual valves, a support and a spring hanger (line hot in service); and a 2" branch line with a threaded manual valve• The maintenance plan follows the outline of section• Maintenance strategy: predictive because the system is essential to operations

PE 607: Oil & Gas Pipeline Design, Maintenance & Repair ۲٥ Component List, Function, Failure Mode and Failure CausePiping 6" and 2", needs to remain leak tight – Failure mode would be loss of pressure boundary – Failure causes: corrosion or fatigue cracking Manual valves, normally open, must be able to close for isolationManual valves, normally open, be able to close for isolation – Failure mode would be loss of operability (hand wheel cannot be turned), loss of leak tightness if closed, loss of pressure boundary through body, bonnet, packing, joints – Failure causes: corrosion buildup, corrosion of wall, packing wear, debris at valve seat, wear of valve disk or plug. PE 607: Oil & Gas Pipeline Design, Maintenance & Repair ۲٦ Component List, Function, Failure Mode and Failure CauseVertical vessel must remain leak tight. No overpressure. – Failure mode would be loss of pressure boundary (leak) or rupture by overpressure. – Failure causes: corrosion, failure of pressure relief valve to open and discharge at set pressureHeat exchanger must operate at nominal and full flow, needto maintain heat transfer. No overpressure. – Failure mode: tube leak, shell and heads leak, head flange leak, overpressure. – Failure causes: corrosion (thinning, cracking or plugging), inadequate flange gasket, bolts or assembly torque, tube vibration in cross flow, failure of pressure relief valve to open and discharge at set pressure PE 607: Oil & Gas Pipeline Design, Maintenance & Repair ۲۷ Component List, Function, Failure Mode and Failure CauseSupports, must maintain pipe in position, variablespring needs to remain within travel range. – Failure mode: support fails, pipe dislodges, and spring motion exceeds travel allowance. – Failure causes: corrosion, impact (such as water hammer) or vibration, wear of support parts, external damageInspection locations and techniques – Piping and vessels: visual inspection of equipment and supports

PE 607: Oil & Gas Pipeline Design, Maintenance & Repair ۲۸ Component List, Function, Failure Mode and Failure CauseInspection locations and techniques – Valves: many facilities overhaul valves on a rotating schedule (preventive maintenance PM) – Supports: on critical systems, support members and anchor bolts visually inspected, for evidence of damage – Acceptance criteria for the integrity of the

Oil Gas Pipeline Failure Rates (detailed) - [PDF Document] (63)

pressure boundary of piping, ves‐sels, heat exchangers and valve bodies are based on fitness‐for‐service procedures,

PE 607: Oil & Gas Pipeline Design, Maintenance & Repair ۲۹ Reliability• There are basically three methods to gain knowledge from maintenance ac‐tivities.• The first method is to investigate a failure or malfunction in the field, as it happens.• The advantage of this approach is that a lot of first hand information can be gathered regarding failure mode and failure cause.• The shortcoming is the diffi‐culty to generalize the findings.• The second method is to qualitatively review his‐torical maintenance records, particularly corrective maintenance, for a class of equipment over a period of time

PE 607: Oil & Gas Pipeline Design, Maintenance & Repair ۳۰ Some Examples of Mean Failure RatesTanks and Vessels• Tank leakage IE‐7/hour• Vessel ruptures 5E‐9/hour• Heat exchanger tube leak 1 E‐6/hour• 1/4" leak in vessel or storage tank 4E‐5/year• 4" leak in vessel or storage tank lE‐5/year• Rupture of vessel 6E‐6/year• Rupture of storage tank 2E‐5/year

PE 607: Oil & Gas Pipeline Design, Maintenance & Repair ۳۱ Some Examples of Mean Failure RatesPipe and Fittings:• Leak of metallic straight pipe 0.0268E‐6/hour• Leak of metallic fittings 0.57E‐6/hour• Flange gasket leak 1 E‐7/hour• Plugged strainer 3E‐6/hour• 1/4" leak in 3/4" pipe lE‐5/year‐ft• 1/4" leak in 6" pipe 4E‐7/year‐ft• 1/4" leak in pipe larger than 16" 6E‐8/year‐ft• Rupture of %" pipe 3 E‐ 7/year ‐ ft• Rupture 6" pipe 8E‐8/year‐ft• Rupture pipe larger than 16" E‐8/year‐ft

PE 607: Oil & Gas Pipeline Design, Maintenance & Repair ۳۲ Some Examples of Mean Failure RatesValves:• Solenoid valve fails open 3E‐6/hour• Solenoid valve fails closed 3E‐6/hour• Solenoid fails to respond 2.83E‐3/demand• Motor operator fails to respond 5.58E‐3/demand• Air operator fails to respond 2.2E‐3/demand• Safety relief fails to open 3E‐3/day• Safety relief fails to reclose 3E‐3/day• Check valve leaks through E‐6/hour• Check valve leaks through 3.18E‐6/hour

PE 607: Oil & Gas Pipeline Design, Maintenance & Repair ۳۳ Some Examples of Mean Failure RatesPumps and Compressors:• Compressor fails 1430E‐6/hour• Pump motor fails to start lE‐2/demand• Centrifugal pump motor fails to start 18.6E‐3/demand• Centrifugal pump motor fails to furl at rated speed 920E‐6/hour• Centrifugal pump motor fails while running 292E‐6/hour• Pump overspeed 3E‐5/hour• Pipe leak 3E‐9/hour‐foot• Pipe rupture IE‐I0/hour‐foot

PE 607: Oil & Gas Pipeline Design, Maintenance & Repair ۳٤ Elements of Failure Analysis• Data Collection• Visual Examination, Macrofractography and NDE• Metallography and Microfractography• Chemical Analysis• Mechanical Tests• Stress and Fracture Analysis• Improvements

PE 607: Oil & Gas Pipeline Design, Maintenance & Repair ۳٥Shear and Tension Overload

PE 607: Oil & Gas Pipeline Design, Maintenance & Repair ۳٦Tension, Shear and Tearing Failures

PE 607: Oil & Gas Pipeline Design, Maintenance & Repair ۳۷

Oil Gas Pipeline Failure Rates (detailed) - [PDF Document] (64)

FailureAnalysis Logic

PE 607: Oil & Gas Pipeline Design, Maintenance & Repair ۳۸

The History of Oil Pipeline Spills in Alberta, 2006­2012http://www.seankheraj.com/?p=1257 December 07, 2014

According to the Globe and Mail, this rupture, which occurred along a pipeline operated by Pace Oil & Gas, ... This measurement of pipeline failurerate, ...

[This article was updated on June 8, 2012]

Late Thursday evening on June 7, 2012, the Sundre Petroleum Operators Group, a not­for­profit society, notified Plains Midstream Canada of a majoroil pipeline failure near Sundre, Alberta that spilled an early estimate of between 1,000 and 3,000 barrels of light sour crude oil (~159­477 cubicmetres) into Jackson Creek, a tributary of the Red Deer River. The river is one of the province’s most important waterways, providing drinking waterfor thousands of Albertans.

This recent spill occurred just weeks after another oil pipeline burst in Alberta in late May, spilling an estimated 22,000 barrels of oil and water (~3,497cubic metres) across 4.3 hectares of muskeg in the northwest part of the province near Rainbow Lake. According to the Globe and Mail, this rupture,which occurred along a pipeline operated by Pace Oil & Gas, Ltd., “ranks among the largest in North America in recent years,” and certainly in theprovince of Alberta. A couple of weeks after the accident, the company downgraded the estimate to 5,000 barrels of sweet crude oil with no water(~795 cubic metres).

These recent spills are considerably smaller in volume of liquid hydrocarbons released than last year’s 28,000 barrel (~4,452 cubic metres) spill onthe Rainbow pipeline operated by Plains Midstream Canada near Little Buffalo, Alberta. While the 2011 Plains Midstream oil pipeline rupture mayhave been the largest single spill event in recent memory, the entire oil pipeline network in Alberta has spilled nearly equivalent volumes of liquidhydrocarbons every year since 2006.

As my brief history of oil pipeline spills in Alberta from 1970 to 2005 demonstrated, the problem of pipeline ruptures is endemic to the industry. Nowwith over 399,000 kilometres of pipelines under the authority of the province’s Energy Resources Conservation Board, industry specialists andregulators not only know that this system has never been free from oil spills, but that a spill­free system is an impossible goal. The recent history ofpipeline ruptures in Alberta since 2006 further underlines these realities.

At 1:46am on October 10, 2006, the Rainbow Pipe Line Company became aware of a crude oil spill on its pipeline 20 kilometres southeast of SlaveLake. Roughly 7,924 barrels of oil (~1,260 cubic metres) poured into a series of ponds near the northern Alberta town, despoiling wildlife habitat onwhat one local news outlet ironically referred to as “Black Tuesday.” Darin Barter from the Alberta Energy Utilities Board tried to reassure Albertansthat the incident was anomalous. According to the CBC, Barter “said it is rare for pipelines to fail in Alberta.” The EUB press release also stressed thispoint, insisting that “[p]ipeline failures in Alberta are rare.”

The alleged rarity of such oil pipeline spills was probably of little solace to the residents and tourists who enjoyed the recreational benefits of life onGlennifer Lake. In mid­June 2008, Pembina Pipeline Corporation accidentally leaked 177 barrels of oil (28.1 cubic metres) into the Red Deer River,eventually resulting in a large oil slick on the surface of Glennifer Lake. While the volume of the spill was considerably smaller than the 2006 RainbowPipeline spill, the location of the rupture in a river and lake made this incident more threatening to human lives. As Pembina’s district superintendentSandy Buchan told the Red Deer Advocate, “Anytime you are putting oil into the river and you are affecting people’s drinking water, you need to takeit very seriously.” Pembina instructed local resorts on Glennifer Lake to turn off their drinking water intakes to avoid human consumption of thecontaminated water. From June 18 to 27, the company trucked in drinking water to service the community throughout the course of the emergencyuntil the David Thompson Health Region declared the water safe for drinking again. The day after Pembina discovered the oil spill, the EnergyResources Conservation Board once again tried to reassure Albertans about the infrequency of pipeline failures in the province and issued a pressrelease which emphasized that the rate of pipeline ruptures “was at a record low 2.1 failures per 1000km of pipeline in 2007.” This measurement ofpipeline failure rate, however, is somewhat misleading in terms of the environmental impact of oil pipeline spills.

The ERCB has used the ratio of the number of pipeline failure incidents to the total length of the province’s pipeline network as a metric to illustratethe safety of the system. For example, in its 2011 field surveillance and operations summary, the ERCB boasts that the failure rate “was 1.6 per1000km in 2010.” Furthermore, of the 1,174 liquid pipeline releases in 2010, 94 per cent “had no impact on the public.” This metric for measuring thesafety of the pipeline system does not, in fact, measure frequency since frequency is measurement of time, not a measurement of distance. As such,it makes more sense to look at the number of pipeline failures per year. In 2010, there were 20 crude oil pipeline failures and 241 multi­phase pipelinefailures (carries crude oil and gas). According to the ERCB, these pipeline failures released 3400 cubic metres of liquid hydrocarbons or roughly21,000 barrels of oil. If we consider just the crude oil pipeline failures in 2010, there were an average of 1 pipeline failure every 18.25 days. If weinclude multi­phase pipeline failures, that’s 1 every 1.4 days.

The trouble, of course, is that the ratio of pipeline failures to total distance of the network and the vague description of “impact on the public” does notadequately convey the environmental risks of large oil pipeline networks. The environmental impact of oil pipeline spills is obscured under this rubric.

The ratio of number of pipeline failures to the total length of the network disguises three important measurements of the environmental impact of oilspills: volume, product type, and location. While the rate of individual pipeline ruptures has declined in Alberta since 2006, this rate includes allsubstances, including water, and does not convey the volume of individual spills. When considered by product type, between 2006­2010 there havebeen 109 failures on crude oil pipelines and 1,538 failures on multi­phase pipelines, which carry a combination of crude oil and gas. By volume, thequantity of liquid hydrocarbon spills on Alberta’s pipeline network is staggering. From 2006­2010, the pipeline network leaked roughly 174,213 barrelsof oil (~27,700 cubic metres). In 2010 alone, more than 21,000 barrels (~3,400 cubic metres) were spilled across the network, nearly the equivalent ofthe most recent oil spill near Little Buffalo.

As the 2008 pipeline failure on the Red Deer River and Glennifer Lake demonstrated, when it comes to the environmental impact of oil spills, it is allabout location. Even a relatively small spill in a critical body of water can have enormously detrimental effects on people and wildlife. The cost ofcleaning such spills can also vary greatly by location. Unfortunately, the ERCB data from the field surveillance and operations summaries do notinclude geographic data to assess environmental effects of oil pipeline spills.

To keep track of the recent historical geography of oil pipeline spills in Alberta, I have created the following map below. The map includes roughgeographic data about major oil pipeline spills in Alberta from 2006 to 2012. The spatial distribution of these major oil pipeline spills reveals, perhaps,why these events so quickly fade from public discourse and popular memory. All but two of the substantial oil spills since 2006 occurred north ofEdmonton, away from the province’s major urban centres. As such, most ordinary Albertans have never personally witnessed the environmentalconsequences of these pipeline failures. The relatively small leak of crude oil into the Red Deer River in 2008 drew a lot of public and news mediaattention because of its proximity to the city of Red Deer and a popular tourist destination. Similarly, the most recent spill on Jackson Creek is likely todraw considerable attention. Had the May 2012 Pace Oil & Gas spill in northwest Alberta near Rainbow Lake occurred to the south in a morepopulous (and popular) location, such as Banff National Park, it almost certainly would have attracted greater national media attention. The

Oil Gas Pipeline Failure Rates (detailed) - [PDF Document] (65)

geography of oil pipeline spills then has political consequences that must also be considered when assessing extension of the pipeline network.

A more accurate measurement of the environmental impact of oil pipeline spills should include information about volume, product type, and location.Only then can Canadians understand the environmental history of oil pipelines and reasonably assess future plans to expand the network.

Please let me know in the comments if I have missed any major spills on the map below.

Gas Pipeline Failurehttp://www.oilcoalgas.com/gas/gas­pipeline­failure.php December 07, 2014

Natural Gas; Oil Fired; Coal Fired; Nuclear Power Generation; Power Distribution; ... Pipeline Failure Investigation Reports resulting from four gaspipeline failures.

The following provides summaries of the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) Pipeline Failure Investigation Reportsresulting from four gas pipeline failures. These are not intended to provide a comprehensive study of gas pipeline failures,. These summaries are onlyintended to give a few real­life examples of what can happen.

The complete reports are available online at: See Complete Report »

On November 3, 2011 a pipeline failed at the Artemas Compressor Station in Bedford County, PA. The failure resulted in the release of natural gasand resulted in a fire. Property damage was limited to the compressor station, and the main office structure and several outbuildings were destroyeddue to the heat and flames. There was no damage to public property. There were no injuries or fatalities as a result of this incident.

What had failed was a two inch manual drain line, located at the bottom of Filter Separator­A. The drain pipe wall had thinned as a result of internalcorrosion. The pressure in the filter separator at the time of failure was 1,940 psig. This was below the 2,400 psig Maximum Allowable OperatingPressure (MAOP) for the filter separator.

The corrosion in the drain line was caused by fluid collecting and remaining stagnant in the manual dump drain line for lengthy periods of time. Thefluids would be drained when the dump valve was manually operated, but this was done infrequently. The separator was equipped with an automaticdump system which resulted in the manual dump valve only being operated occasionally.

According to the laboratory analysis the stagnant fluid led to internal corrosion and wall thinning in the failed section of piping. The internal corrosionwas only found in the manual dump piping. There was no indications of internal corrosion in the piping associated with the automatic dump system.

To prevent similar damage in other manual dump valves, all manual dump valves will be operated weekly, during the winter season, to remove fluidsand solids. Where applicable, the heat tracing on liquid removal devices will be inspected once per week during the winter season.

Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company (TGP) provides transportation of natural gas for industrial and commercial deliveries from South Texas to the EastCoast through several systems. The failure described here occurred in the 100 System.

The 100 System has 4,600 miles of multiple pipelines running from Texas to West Virginia. On December 8, 2010 a release of natural gas in thedischarge header area of Station 17 at East Bernard, TX was detected. The failed pipe was a dead leg 24 inch diameter, half­inch wall, X­40 lateralthat connected to the station discharge header piping.

The MAOP of the piping is 750 psig. The failure occurred at a pressure of 720 psig.

The failure was a sudden rupture that left a 100 foot by 25 foot hole around the pipeline. Approximately a twelve foot section of the pipe was thrown295 feet from the hole. No injuries or fire resulted from this failure. All damages were contained within Station 17.

The station ESD was activated immediately when the incident occurred. Approximately 9 miles of 30â pipeline was blown down to secure thelocation, taking about 6 hours.

The investigation revealed that a dead leg was established in 2000 when a 24­inch high pressure pipeline was sold and disconnected from the TGPsystem. Inspection during the disconnecting process revealed no internal corrosion issues. The disconnect resulted in approximately 40 feet ofisolated pipe without any gas flow. This abandoned connection became a dead leg in the piping at the station and was the point of failure for therupture.

The failure mechanism that led to the pipeline rupture was identified as internal microbiologically induced corrosion (MIC). An 83.6% wall loss wasmeasured. There were obvious indications of residual moisture gathering in the dead leg, contributing to internal corrosion and a thinning of the pipewall. The final conclusion was that the moisture in the pipe promoted the growth of microbiological organisms which resulted in corrosion. Evaluationof all other dead leg segments of pipe in the Station yard found no additional areas affected.

At approximately 5:08 pm on November 30, 2010 Tennessee Gas Pipeline Co. (TGP) reported a release of natural gas due an unknown cause ontheir pipeline downstream of Station 40, Natchitoches, Louisiana.

A failed 30­inch pipe was found approximately 1.4 miles downstream of the compressor station. A 50 inch long, straight circumferential crack hadoccurred in a wrinkle bend. Wrinkle bends were common in construction when the pipeline was installed in 1948. The failure was sudden, leaving a15â hole around the pipeline. There was no fire or injuries associated with this failure. The section of pipeline was isolated and the system was blowndown by approximately 4:40 pm.

The pipeline MAOP is 750 psig and was operating normally at approximately 671 psig when the failure occurred.

An analysis of the pipe failure was done with the following conclusions:

A pipeline technician, assigned to take annual cathodic protection readings, noticed bubbles in standing water within the pipeline right­of­way. Thearea is crisscrossed with small diameter crude oil gathering pipelines and this resulted in uncertainty about the source of the bubbles.

The source of the bubbles was found to be a leak in the Transco 24­inch "A Pipeline." Production supplying the "A Pipeline" was shut­in and the valvesegment isolated. Excavation revealed that the gas was coming from a small external corrosion anomaly located on the pipeline at approximately the5 oâclock position. Additional isolated corrosion pits in the pipe near the leak site required that about 30 feet of the pipe be replaced.

A metallurgical evaluation determined that the probable cause of the failure was microbiologically induced corrosion (MIC). The analysis alsoindicated that the coal tar coating near the leak was degraded. This most likely was caused by hydrocarbon liquids leaking from a deterioratedgathering pipeline that crossed above the Transco "A Pipeline." The leaking hydrocarbons would have created an environment conducive to thegrowth of sulfate reducing bacteria.

Transco had recently changed the cathodic protection on this segment of the pipeline from using the ­850mV with consideration for IR drop to the 100mV depolarization criterion. A close­interval survey (CIS) performed in 2009 did not indicate any areas where the 100mV criterion was not being met.

Oil Gas Pipeline Failure Rates (detailed) - [PDF Document] (66)

While MIC is a different failure mechanism than traditional electrochemical corrosion, research has found that 200 to 300 mV of polarization mayprotect carbon steel from corrosion caused by sulfate reducing bacteria. Higher polarization potentials may be required to accomplish this protectiondepending on the specific environment around the pipeline. While there was no indication that Transco was not meeting the required cathodicprotection requirements of Part 192, the level of cathodic protection potentials maintained on the âA Pipelineâ apparently were not of a high enoughlevel to inhibit MIC.

Pipeline Capacity and Utilizationhttp://www.eia.gov/pub/oil_gas/natural_gas/analysis_publications/ngpipeline/usage.html December 07, 2014

Natural Gas Pipeline Capacity & Utilization Overview | Utilization Rates | Integration of Storage ... The systemwide pipeline flow rate, ...

Integrating storage capacity into the natural gas pipeline network design can increase average­day utilization rates. This integration involves movingnot only natural gas currently being produced but natural gas that has been produced earlier and kept in temporary storage facilities.

On the other hand, during periods of high demand for natural gas transportation services, usage on some portions of a pipeline system may exceed100% of certificated capacity. Certificated capacity represents a minimum level of service that can be maintained over an extended period of time,and not the maximum throughput capability of a system or segment on any given day.

Utilization rates below 100% do not necessarily imply that additional capacity is available for use. A pipeline company that primarily serves aseasonal market, for instance, may have a relatively low average utilization rate especially during the summer months. But that does not mean thereis unreserved capacity on a long­term basis.

Most companies try to schedule maintenance in the summer months when demands on pipeline capacity tend to be lower, but an occasionalunanticipated incident may occur that suspends transmission service.

Natural gas pipeline companies prefer to operate their systems as close to full capacity as possible to maximize their revenues. However, the averageutilization rate (flow relative to design capacity) of a natural gas pipeline system seldom reaches 100%. Factors that contribute to outages include:

Storage is usually integrated into or available to the system at the production and/or consuming end as a means of balancing flow levels throughoutthe year. Trunklines serving markets with significant storage capacity have greater potential for achieving a high utilization rate because the loadmoving on these pipelines can be leveled. To the extent that these pipelines serve multiple markets, they also can achieve higher utilization ratesbecause of the load diversity of the markets they serve. Trunklines, which are generally upstream (closer to) the natural gas production fields andstorage areas, may sometimes exhibit peak period utilization rates exceeding 100% because they are occasionally capable of handling much largervolumes than indicated by the operational design certificated by FERC. Utilization on the grid systems, which are closer to the consuming marketareas and downstream of the storage fields, is more likely to reflect a seasonal load profile of the market being served. The grid­type systems usuallyoperate at lower average utilization levels than trunklines and usually show marked variation between high and low flow levels, reflecting seasonalservice and local market characteristics. There are several ways that natural gas pipeline system utilization may be estimated, as demonstrated inthe following cases: As a measure of the average­day natural gas throughput relative to estimates of system capacity at State and regionalboundaries The systemwide pipeline flow rate, which highlights variations in system usage relative to an estimated system peak throughput levelThe latter measure is a good indication of how well the design of the system matches current shipper peak­day needs. For example, when a pipelineshows a comparatively low average usage rate (based on annual or monthly data) yet shows a usage rate approaching 100 percent on its peak day,it indicates that the system is called upon and is capable of meeting its shipper's maximum daily needs. Nevertheless, a large spread betweenaverage usage rates and peak­day usage rates may indicate opportunities to find better ways to utilize off­peak unused capacity. In some cases,utilization rates exceeding 100 percent may be an artifact of the data that obscures the true operational status of the pipeline. In some instances thesum of individual transportation transactions may exceed pipeline capacity even though physically the pipeline may not be full. For example, supposea segment from points A to D (with points B and C between A and D) has a capacity of 200 million cubic feet (MMcf) per day. Suppose further thatthis segment handles a 100 MMcf per day transaction from A to B, a second of 100 MMcf per day from B to C, and a third of 100 MMcf per day fromC to D. The pipeline company will report transportation volumes of 300 MMcf per day, even though its capacity is 200 MMcf per day but is only 50percent utilized on any one segment.

Oil Pipeline Failurehttp://www.oilcoalgas.com/oil/oil­pipeline­failure.php December 07, 2014

Oil Pipeline Failure. ... The following provides summaries of five oil pipeline failures as reported to the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials SafetyAdministration ...

The following provides summaries of five oil pipeline failures as reported to the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA).These summaries are not intended to be a comprehensive study of oil pipeline failures,. These summaries are only intended to give a few real­lifeexamples of what can happen.

A farmer installing drain tile struck and ruptured the 10­inch Buckeye Line 803 in Cayuga County, New York. Approximately 595 barrels of gasolinewere released. This pipeline runs approximately 95 miles from the Auburn Terminal to the Rochester Terminal. The pipeline location was properlymarked. The farmer had been in contact with local Buckeye personnel during the installation of the drain tile in his field adjacent to Buckeyeâspipeline. The farmer had been instructed by Buckeye not to dig in the pipeline right­of­way, which extends approximately 25 feet from the centerline ofthe pipeline. On the day of the incident, the farmer was plowing the field perpendicular to the pipeline, and failed to stop the tractor and raise the tile­plow out of the ground prior to proceeding over the pipeline. After hitting the pipeline, the farmer called Buckeye to report that he had hit the pipelineand that gasoline was escaping from the pipe. Buckeye personnel arrived at the site within 15 minutes to begin the emergency response. On the dayof the incident, Line 803 was not flowing product and was shut in due to an unrelated leak at the Auburn Tank Farm that had been found earlier thesame morning.

Buckeye was in the process of pumping Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD) fuel from their Coraopolis Terminal to their Midland Terminal in Shippingport,PA. The pressure at the site at the time of failure was 462 psig which was below the MAOP of 1,147 psig. A resident reported a spray of product thatcould be seen rising above the trees in a wooded area behind a gypsum plant. Buckeye responded and determined that their line 820 that wasleaking. The leak was caused by an external corrosion pit. Approximately 300 barrels of diesel fuel were spilled. It was estimated that 238 barrelswere recovered. The spill followed the natural terrain from the leak to a stormwater drainage canal located behind the gypsum plant. The leakingproduct was contained in the drainage canal and prevented from entering the Ohio River. Buckeye isolated the line and the leaking segment wasdrained into tank trucks located at the Midland Terminal. The leak was repaired by cutting out and replacing a 10­foot section of pipe with new pipe.The pipeline was returned to full operation on March 23rd. The cause of the leak may have been related to an April 2010 washout near the leaklocation. Approximately 2 feet of pipe was exposed, but it was determined at the time that the coating was intact and not damaged. A professionalmetallurgical analysis of the failed pipe indicated that it was likely that low pH water directly contacting the exposed segment of pipeline caused thelocalized external pitting corrosion. The corrosion was limited to the section of exposed piping where the coating had become disbonded.

On the evening of December 1, 2010, Chevron Pipe Line Company (CPL) shut down their Number 2 pipeline because of erratic supervisory controland data acquisition (SCADA) information following restart of the line after a planned shutdown. Because this pipeline experienced âslack lineâphenomena, CPLâs leak detection system often would trigger false alarms. SCADA controllers could not reliably recognize an actual release below acertain threshold. The Number 2 pipeline delivers crude oil to the Chevron Salt Lake City refinery. The pipeline transports crude oil from Rangely,Colorado to the Salt Lake City refinery. It crosses Wolf Creek Pass and then quickly descends into the Salt Lake Basin. After shutting down thepipeline field teams were sent out to patrol the line. A release of crude oil was found at the Chevron Red Butte Block Valve installation, adjacent to the

Oil Gas Pipeline Failure Rates (detailed) - [PDF Document] (67)

University of Utahâs arboretum and 100 yards uphill from Red Butte Creek. A damaged 6­inch valve, that "stubbed" off of the Number 2 pipeline inthe Red Butte block valve vault, was the source of the leak. The failed valve was water injection valve for a water test conducted in June 2010. Thevalve is located in a below­grade open vault. The released crude oil filled the vault, spilled out of the fenced area and flowed down hill toward RedButte Creek. The low temperatures that night congealed the crude making it more viscous. The crude oil did not reach the creek. The failed valve wasin the closed position at the time of the release. Analysis of the valve showed that ice had formed inside the valve, forcing an opening between thebonnet and valve body. Due to the pipelineâs topography, and the fact the leaky valve was immediately upstream of the mainline block valve, oilcontinued to flow out the ruptured 6­inch valve even after the shut down. The final spill amount was 500 barrels, of which 250 were recovered. Theinvestigation showed that the OEM's winterization recommendations had not been followed and the water had not been flushed from the valve. Inaddition, there was no formal winterization plan in place for identifying and correcting this type of circumstance., and the procedure for the water testwas developed without adequate communication. As a result operations personnel were not aware that water was isolated in the valve aftercommissioning. The investigation also revealed CPL did not have an adequate leak detection system on the Number 2 crude line. In 2007 CPL hadperformed a study to identify potential improvements to the leak detection system, but had not implemented any of the recommendations at the timeof the leak.

A flange gasket failed resulting in the release of 1,700 barrels of Vacuum Gas Oil (VGO) from the Sunoco FM­1 pipeline. The oil flowed into an openin­ground valve pit and the surrounding area in the West Yard of the refinery in Philadelphia, PA. The failed flange gasket was downstream of a mainline valve in a dead leg of pipe leading to the FM­1 pig trap. A loss of pipe support and leakage through a closed valve contributed to the failure.There were no fatalities or injuries, and the incident did not result in a fire, explosion or evacuation.

AS was normal practice, Mid­Valley employees had manually lined up the manifold valves to receive a shipment of crude oil into the #7 tank. Uponstart up, crude oil was observed gushing from the soil in the manifold area. The flow was stopped and the release was identified as having come fromone of several buried lines within the manifold area. An inspection of the manifold area indicated that a buried dead­leg section of the manifold pipingthat delivered crude oil to tanks # 13 and #14 was releasing product. The section of manifold piping had an MOP of 275 psig, and was operating atless than 150 psig when the release occurred. 198 barrels of crude oil were estimated to have been released and 196 barrels were recovered. Mid­Valley isolated the underground section of the manifold piping and installed blind flanges to isolate it from the above ground header. Once the spillwas controlled, approximately 25 feet of 8" buried header was excavated for evaluation and/or removal. It was determined that two localized spots ofinternal corrosion were the source of the leak. Mid­Valley determined that crude oil feed to tanks #13 and #14 was not essential to their operationsand they chosen to not replace this section of the header.

Analysis Of Oil Pipeline Failures In The Oil And Gashttp://the­printableform.rhcloud.com/analysis­of­oil­pipeline­failures­in­the­oil­and­gas­/ December 07, 2014

analysis of oil pipeline failures in the oil and gas . ... (eg, gas flow rate, ... Abstract analysis of vibration and failure reciprocating triplex pumps for j. c...

Read article that related about analysis of oil pipeline failures in the oil and gas . Here we will discuss about Analysis of oil pipeline failures in the oiland gas. Fig 4 distribution of causes of oil pipeline failures in the nds, 19992005 (source: pipeline oil spill prevention and remediation in nds, nnpc,2007). Natural resources defense council 4 charpenier, ad, ja bergerson, and hl maclean, (2009),“understanding the anadian oil sands industry’sgreenhouse gas. Technologies for the oil and gas industry instrumentation for measuring key parameters (eg, gas flow rate, cloud diffusion, flametemperature,.

www.iaeng.orgNatural resources defense council 4 charpenier, a.d., j.a. bergerson, and h.l. maclean, (2009),“understanding the anadian oil sandsindustry’s greenhouse gas.Ebook title : Ghg emission factors for high carbon intensity crude oilsTechnologies for the oil and gas industryinstrumentation for measuring key parameters (e.g., gas flow rate, cloud diffusion, flame temperature,.Ebook title : Technologies for the oil and gasindustryJoint undp/world bank energy sector management assistance programme (esmap) cross­border oil and gas pipelines: problems andprospects june 2003.Ebook title : Cross ­border oil and gas pipelines : problems and prospectsFig. 1: geometric shape of gas pipeline wall corrosiondefined using ili data. at the same time to analyze stress state and evaluate remaining strength of the.Ebook title : Analysis of the corroded pipelinesegments using in­lineSevere operating conditions. critical safety operations. dependability in remote locations. all these factors are key concerns foroil & gas equipment used in.Ebook title : Valves for oil & gas industries ­ mogasUpstream oil & gas operational excellence choose the leader invensysis a world leader in upstream oil & gas automation, providing a full range of control, safety and.Ebook title : Upstream oil & gas ­ invensys | industrialautomationOil and gas project proposals that are subject to the coastal commission’s coastal development permit and federal consistency reviewauthority include (1) offshore.Ebook title : Oil spill prevention and response ­ ca. coastal commission

Pipeline failure causeshttp://www.corrosion­doctors.org/Pipeline/Pipeline­failures.htm December 07, 2014

Pipeline Failure Causes . ... rupture of previously damaged pipe, and vandalism. The data show that for hazardous liquid pipelines and gastransmission pipelines, ...

There are many causes and contributors to pipeline failures. The U. S. Department of Transportations Research and Special ProgramsAdministration, Office of Pipeline Safety (RSPA/OPS) compiles data on pipeline accidents and their causes. (reference 76)

This combined data for 2002­2003 indicate that outside force damage contributes to a larger number of pipeline accidents and incidents than anyother category of causes, if all accidents involving hazardous liquid, natural gas transmission, and natural gas distribution pipelines are consideredtogether. When hazardous liquid pipeline data is considered separately, corrosion contributes to a higher number of accidents than other categories.

Outside force damage can include the effects of: earth movement, lightning, heavy rains and flood, temperature, high winds, excavation by theoperator, excavation by a third party, fire or explosion external to the pipeline, being struck by vehicles not related to excavation, rupture of previouslydamaged pipe, and vandalism. The data show that for hazardous liquid pipelines and gas transmission pipelines, the largest portion of outside forcedamage results from excavation damage. This may occur when excavation activity occurring near the pipeline causes an accidental hit on the line.The range of excavation damage runs from damage to the external coating of the pipe, which can lead to accelerated corrosion and the potential forfuture failure, to cutting directly into the line and causing leaks or, in some cases, catastrophic failure.

Following are tables and graphs based on recent RSPA/OPS statistics, showing the causes of pipeline accidents. Information on OPS SafetyInitiatives that address these significant failure causes may be found here.


(1) The failure data breakdown by cause may change as OPS receives supplemental information

on accidents.

(2) Sum of numbers in a column may not match given total because of rounding error.

Note that corrosion (external and internal) is the most common cause of natural gas transmission pipeline incidents in 2002­2003.

Note that over 60% of natural gas distribution pipeline incidents were caused by outside force damage in 2002­2003. These incidents can includedamage from excavation by the operator or by other parties, as well as damage from natural forces.

Oil Gas Pipeline Failure Rates (detailed) - [PDF Document] (68)

Seam weld failure in a petroleum pipelinehttp://www.dnv.com/industry/oil_gas/publications/updates/pipeline_update/2012/01_2012/CASE_STUDY_Seam_weld_failure_in_a_petroleum_pipeline.asp December 07, 2014

There are more than 2.5 million miles of oil and gas pipelines in the United States. ... Seam weld failure in a petroleum pipeline Have a look at what Ifound on DNV ...

There are more than 2.5 million miles of oil and gas pipelines in the United States. These pipelines typically contain longitudinal seam welds in eachpipe joint and girth welds that connect the individual joints to form the pipeline. Both types of welds are prone to failure from time independent and/ortime dependent failure mechanisms.

While some smaller diameter pipelines are seamless, most pipelines are manufactured by forming flat plate or skelp into a tubular form andcompleting a longitudinal seam weld. Both submerged arc welding and autogenous welding processes are used for weld completion.

Submerged arc welded line pipe is manufactured by first forming a flat plate or skelp into a tubular shape (can) in a set of presses, followed by weldcompletion. Prior to forming the can, the edges are typically beveled. Historically, single submerged arc welding (SSAW) and double submerged arcwelded (DSAW) processes have been used but, currently, the DSAW process is the only submerged arc welding process that is approved in API 5L.In SSAW line pipe, the edges are joined by a single pass submerged arc weld made from the outside surface onto a backing shoe located at the IDsurface. DSAW line pipe is formed in a similar manner except one pass is made from the OD surface followed by a pass from the ID surface, or viceversa. Filler weld material is used in both processes. One variation of this process is used to produced spiral welded DSAW line pipe; in which skelpis helically wound and welded to produce a spiral weld.

Historically, there have been several different autogenous welding processes for longitudinal seam welds including furnace lap welding, furnace buttwelding, electric flash welding (EFW) and electric resistance welding (ERW). ERW currently is the dominant autogenous welding process for pipemanufacturing. ERW line pipe is manufactured by forming plate or skelp into a tubular shape and heating the two adjoining edges with electric currentand forcing them together mechanically. An autogenous bond is formed between the molten edges. Upset material at the weld is trimmed on the ODand ID surfaces.

Various types of defects can be produced in these welds and the defects typically are unique to the specific welding procedure. Some of thesedefects are too small to be detected in the mill and are never an integrity problem for the pipelines. Other defects that are not detected at the mill canfail during the initial hydrostatic test of a pipeline, or grow in service by fatigue, stress corrosion cracking, or other mechanisms, resulting in a serviceleak or failure. Because of differences in the metallurgy at the weld and the base metal of the pipe, the welds can also be prone to environmentallyinduced failure mechanisms such as preferential corrosion.

This case study describes a rupture of seam weld during a hydrostatic pressure test. The pipeline that failed was comprised of 16­inch diameter by0.312­inch wall thickness, API 5L X52 line pipe that contained an ERW longitudinal seam. The pipeline transported refined petroleum products. Themaximum operating pressure (MOP) on this line segment was 1,408 psig, which corresponds to 69.4% of the specified minimum yield strength(SMYS). The failure occurred during initial pressurization at a test pressure of 1,390 psig, which corresponds to 98.7% of the MOP and 68.5% of theSMYS. The normal operating pressure at the failure location ranged from 1,000 to 1,100 psig (71.0 to 78.1% of MOP).

The pipeline was installed in 1965 and was externally coated with coal tar. The coating was not intact near the failure. The pipeline had an impressedcurrent cathodic protection system that was commissioned around 1965. This pipeline segment was previously hydrostatically tested in the fall of1965. The hydrostatic test lasted 24 hours and the maximum pressure was 1,760 psig (125% of MOP and 86.8% of SMYS).

The pipe section was visually examined and photographed in the as­received condition. Transverse base metal and cross weld samples wereremoved from the pipe section for mechanical (Charpy V­notch and tensile) testing. Samples for chemical analysis of the steel were removed from thebase metal. Magnetic particle inspection (MPI) was performed where the coating was removed to identify defects at or near the seam weld.Transverse metallographic samples were removed from the seam, at and away from the failure origin. The samples were mounted, polished, and lightphotomicrographs were taken to examine the morphology and steel microstructure. Samples were removed from the failure origin to analyze themorphology of the fracture surface in the scanning electron microscope.

The results of the analysis indicated that the rupture initiated at an ID connected pre­existing hook crack. This and all hook cracks are slightly offsetfrom the bond line of the ERW seam. No evidence of in­service growth by fatigue was found, although the quality of the fractography was poor as aresult of corrosion of the fracture surfaces that occurred after the rupture. The tensile properties of the line pipe steel and the steel chemistry weretypical of the vintage and grade and met the API 5L specifications in place at the time of manufacture. The microstructure and Charpy toughnessproperties of the steel also were typical for the vintage and grade.

The History of Oil Pipeline Spills in Alberta, 2006­2012http://activehistory.ca/2012/06/the­history­of­oil­pipeline­spills­in­alberta­2006­2012/ December 07, 2014

This measurement of pipeline failure rate, ... Had the May 2012 Pace Oil & Gas spill in northwest Alberta near Rainbow Lake occurred to the south ina more populous ...

The History of Oil Pipeline Spills in Alberta, 2006­2012

Late Thursday evening on June 7, 2012, the Sundre Petroleum Operators Group, a not­for­profit society, notified Plains Midstream Canada of a majoroil pipeline failure near Sundre, Alberta that spilled an early estimate of between 1,000 and 3,000 barrels of light sour crude oil (~159­477 cubicmetres) into Jackson Creek, a tributary of the Red Deer River. The river is one of the province’s most important waterways, providing drinking waterfor thousands of Albertans.

This recent spill occurred just weeks after another oil pipeline burst in Alberta in late May, spilling an estimated 22,000 barrels of oil and water (~3,497cubic metres) across 4.3 hectares of muskeg in the northwest part of the province near Rainbow Lake. According to the Globe and Mail, this rupture,which occurred along a pipeline operated by Pace Oil & Gas, Ltd., “ranks among the largest in North America in recent years,” and certainly in theprovince of Alberta. A couple of weeks after the accident, the company downgraded the estimate to 5,000 barrels of sweet crude oil with no water(~795 cubic metres).

These recent spills are considerably smaller in volume of liquid hydrocarbons released than last year’s 28,000 barrel (~4,452 cubic metres) spill onthe Rainbow pipeline operated by Plains Midstream Canada near Little Buffalo, Alberta. While the 2011 Plains Midstream oil pipeline rupture mayhave been the largest single spill event in recent memory, the entire oil pipeline network in Alberta has spilled nearly equivalent volumes of liquidhydrocarbons every year since 2005.

As my brief history of oil pipeline spills in Alberta from 1970 to 2005 demonstrated, the problem of pipeline ruptures is endemic to the industry. Nowwith over 399,000 kilometres of pipelines under the authority of the province’s Energy Resources Conservation Board, industry specialists andregulators not only know that this system has never been free from oil spills, but that a spill­free system is an impossible goal. The recent history ofpipeline ruptures in Alberta since 2006 further underlines these realities.

At 1:46am on October 10, 2006, the Rainbow Pipe Line Company became aware of a crude oil spill on its pipeline 20 kilometres southeast of SlaveLake. Roughly 7,924 barrels of oil (~1,260 cubic metres) poured into a series of ponds near the northern Alberta town, despoiling wildlife habitat onwhat one local news outlet ironically referred to as “Black Tuesday.” Darin Barter from the Alberta Energy Utilities Board tried to reassure Albertans

Oil Gas Pipeline Failure Rates (detailed) - [PDF Document] (69)

that the incident was anomalous. According to the CBC, Barter “said it is rare for pipelines to fail in Alberta.” The EUB press release also stressed thispoint, insisting that “[p]ipeline failures in Alberta are rare.”

The alleged rarity of such oil pipeline spills was probably of little solace to the residents and tourists who enjoyed the recreational benefits of life onGlennifer Lake. In mid­June 2008, Pembina Pipeline Corporation accidentally leaked 177 barrels of oil (28.1 cubic metres) into the Red Deer River,eventually resulting in a large oil slick on the surface of Glennifer Lake. While the volume of the spill was considerably smaller than the 2006 RainbowPipeline spill, the location of the rupture in a river and lake made this incident more threatening to human lives. As Pembina’s district superintendentSandy Buchan told the Red Deer Advocate, “Anytime you are putting oil into the river and you are affecting people’s drinking water, you need to takeit very seriously.” Pembina instructed local resorts on Glennifer Lake to turn off their drinking water intakes to avoid human consumption of thecontaminated water. From June 18 to 27, the company trucked in drinking water to service the community throughout the course of the emergencyuntil the David Thompson Health Region declared the water safe for drinking again. The day after Pembina discovered the oil spill, the EnergyResources Conservation Board once again tried to reassure Albertans about the infrequency of pipeline failures in the province and issued a pressrelease which emphasized that the rate of pipeline ruptures “was at a record low 2.1 failures per 1000km of pipeline in 2007.” This measurement ofpipeline failure rate, however, is somewhat misleading in terms of the environmental impact of oil pipeline spills.

The ERCB has used the ratio of the number of pipeline failure incidents to the total length of the province’s pipeline network as a metric to illustratethe safety of the system. For example, in its 2011 field surveillance and operations summary, the ECRB boasts that the failure rate “was 1.6 per1000km in 2010.” Furthermore, of the 1,174 liquid pipeline releases in 2010, 94 per cent “had no impact on the public.” The trouble, of course, is thatthis measurement of pipeline failure rate and vague description of “impact on the public” does not adequately convey the environmental risks of largeoil pipeline networks. The environmental impact of oil pipeline spills is obscured under this rubric.

The ratio of number of pipeline failures to the total length of the network disguises three important measurements of the environmental impact of oilspills: volume, product type, and location. While the rate of individual pipeline ruptures has declined in Alberta since 2006, this rate includes allsubstances, including water, and does not convey the volume of individual spills. When considered by product type, between 2006­2010 there havebeen 109 failures on crude oil pipelines and 1,538 failures on multi­phase pipelines, which carry a combination of crude oil and gas. By volume, thequantity of liquid hydrocarbon spills on Alberta’s pipeline network is staggering. From 2006­2010, the pipeline network leaked roughly 174,213 barrelsof oil (~27,700 cubic metres). In 2010 alone, more than 21,000 barrels (~3,400 cubic metres) were spilled across the network, nearly the equivalent ofthe most recent oil spill near Rainbow Lake.

As the 2008 pipeline failure on the Red Deer River and Glennifer Lake demonstrated, when it comes to the environmental impact of oil spills, it is allabout location. Even a relatively small spill in a critical body of water can have enormously detrimental effects on people and wildlife. The cost ofcleaning such spills can also vary greatly by location. Unfortunately, the ECRB data from the field surveillance and operations summaries do notinclude geographic data to assess environmental effects of oil pipeline spills.

To keep track of the recent historical geography of oil pipeline spills in Alberta, I have created the following map below. The map includes roughgeographic data about major oil pipeline spills in Alberta from 2006 to 2012. The spatial distribution of these major oil pipeline spills reveals, perhaps,why these events so quickly fade from public discourse and popular memory. All but two of the substantial oil spills since 2006 occurred north ofEdmonton, away from the province’s major urban centres. As such, most ordinary Albertans have never personally witnessed the environmentalconsequences of these pipeline failures. The relatively small leak of crude oil into the Red Deer River in 2008 drew a lot of public and news mediaattention because of its proximity to the city of Red Deer and a popular tourist destination. Similarly, the most recent spill on Jackson Creek is likely todraw considerable attention. Had the May 2012 Pace Oil & Gas spill in northwest Alberta near Rainbow Lake occurred to the south in a morepopulous (and popular) location, such as Banff National Park, it almost certainly would have attracted greater national media attention. Thegeography of oil pipeline spills then has political consequences that must also be considered when assessing extension of the pipeline network.

A more accurate measurement of the environmental impact of oil pipeline spills should include information about volume, product type, and location.Only then can Canadians understand the environmental history of oil pipelines and reasonably assess future plans to expand the network.

Please let me know in the comments if I have missed any major spills on the map below.

Sean Kheraj a regular contributor to Activehistory.ca and is an assistant professor of Canadian and environmental history at York University. He blogsat http://seankheraj.com

Analysis Of Oil Pipeline Failures In The Oil And Gashttp://all­goebook.rhcloud.com/get/analysis­of­oil­pipeline­failures­in­the­oil­and­gas­/ December 07, 2014

... (esmap) crossborder oil and gas pipelines: problems and prospects june ... (eg, gas flow rate, cloud diffusion, ... Analysis of vibration and failureproblems in.

Analysis Of Oil Pipeline Failures In The Oil And Gas In this Analysis Of Oil Pipeline Failures In The Oil And Gas ebook you can read all information inthis pdf. in this ebook you will also learn about Analysis of oil pipeline failures in the oil and gas. Fig 4 distribution of causes of oil pipeline failures inthe nds, 19992005 (source: pipeline oil spill prevention and remediation in nds, nnpc, 2007). Natural resources defense council 4 charpenier, ad, jabergerson, and hl maclean, (2009),“understanding the anadian oil sands industry’s greenhouse gas.

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Natural resources defense council 4 charpenier, a.d., j.a. bergerson, and h.l. maclean, (2009),“understanding the anadian oil sands industry’sgreenhouse gas.

Ebook title : Ghg emission factors for high carbon intensity crude oils

Technologies for the oil and gas industry

Technologies for the oil and gas industry instrumentation for measuring key parameters (e.g., gas flow rate, cloud diffusion, flame temperature,.

Ebook title : Technologies for the oil and gas industry

Joint undp/world bank energy sector management assistance programme (esmap) cross­border oil and gas pipelines: problems and prospects june2003.

Ebook title : Cross ­border oil and gas pipelines : problems and prospects

Analysis of the corroded pipeline segments using in­line

Fig. 1: geometric shape of gas pipeline wall corrosion defined using ili data. at the same time to analyze stress state and evaluate remaining strengthof the.

Ebook title : Analysis of the corroded pipeline segments using in­line

Oil Gas Pipeline Failure Rates (detailed) - [PDF Document] (70)

Severe operating conditions. critical safety operations. dependability in remote locations. all these factors are key concerns for oil & gas equipmentused in.

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Upstream oil & gas operational excellence choose the leader invensys is a world leader in upstream oil & gas automation, providing a full range ofcontrol, safety and.

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Oil and gas project proposals that are subject to the coastal commission’s coastal development permit and federal consistency review authorityinclude (1) offshore.

Ebook title : Oil spill prevention and response ­ ca. coastal commission

www.iaeng.orgNatural resources defense council 4 charpenier, a.d., j.a. bergerson, and h.l. maclean, (2009),“understanding the anadian oil sandsindustry’s greenhouse gas.Ebook title : Ghg emission factors for high carbon intensity crude oilsTechnologies for the oil and gas industryinstrumentation for measuring key parameters (e.g., gas flow rate, cloud diffusion, flame temperature,.Ebook title : Technologies for the oil and gasindustryJoint undp/world bank energy sector management assistance programme (esmap) cross­border oil and gas pipelines: problems andprospects june 2003.Ebook title : Cross ­border oil and gas pipelines : problems and prospectsFig. 1: geometric shape of gas pipeline wall corrosiondefined using ili data. at the same time to analyze stress state and evaluate remaining strength of the.Ebook title : Analysis of the corroded pipelinesegments using in­lineSevere operating conditions. critical safety operations. dependability in remote locations. all these factors are key concerns foroil & gas equipment used in.Ebook title : Valves for oil & gas industries ­ mogasUpstream oil & gas operational excellence choose the leader invensysis a world leader in upstream oil & gas automation, providing a full range of control, safety and.Ebook title : Upstream oil & gas ­ invensys | industrialautomationOil and gas project proposals that are subject to the coastal commission’s coastal development permit and federal consistency reviewauthority include (1) offshore.Ebook title : Oil spill prevention and response ­ ca. coastal commission

Here i will explain about Analysis Of Oil Pipeline Failures In The Oil And Gas . Many people have talked about Risk analysis for oil & gas pipelines: asustainability. In this article you will know that 1. introduction. oil & gas (o&g) are the major source of world’s fuel consumption. most of the o&g istransported from one location to another through pipelines..

Fig 4 distribution of causes of oil pipeline failures in the nds, 19992005 (source: pipeline oil spill prevention and remediation in nds, nnpc, 2007). Oiland gas pipelines prepared for united states geological survey pasadena ca and california geological survey sacramento ca under contract to. Readmore on Analysis of oil pipeline failures in the oil and gas

Joint undp/world bank energy sector management assistance programme (esmap) crossborder oil and gas pipelines: problems and prospects june2003. Read more on Oil and gas pipelines university of colorado boulder

It is uncertain when the first crude oil pipeline was built. credit for the development of pipeline transport is disputed with competing claims for vladimirshukhov.

1 introduction oil & gas (o&g) are the major source of world’s fuel consumption most of the o&g is transported from one location to another throughpipelines. Available online www.jocpr.com journal of chemical and pharmaceutical research 2014 6(6):12481254 research article issn : 09757384.Azerbaijan's proven crude oil reserves were estimated at 7 billion barrels in january 2014 according to the oil & gas journal (ogj). in 2013 azerbaijanproduced. Read more on Risk analysis for oil & gas pipelines: a sustainability

, Aspo is a network of scientists and others, having an interest in determining the date and impact of the peak and decline of the world's production ofoil and gas.

Pipelineshttp://www.aer.ca/rules­and­regulations/by­topic/pipelines December 07, 2014

About 415 000 kilometres of Canada’s oil and gas pipelines operate solely within Alberta’s boundaries and fall under the jurisdiction of the AER.

About 415 000 kilometres of Canadaâs oil and gas pipelines operate solely within Albertaâs boundaries and fall under the jurisdiction of the AER.Certain rate­regulated gas transmission pipelines fall under the jurisdiction of the Alberta Utilities Commission, for which the AER conducts fieldinspections and provides incident response. Oil and gas pipelines that cross provincial or federal borders are regulated by the National EnergyBoard.Â

The AER ensures that the design, construction, operation, and maintenance ­ including discontinuation and abandonment of regulated pipelines ­complies with Albertaâs Pipeline Act, Pipeline Regulation, and applicable Canadian Standards Association (CSA) standards. The AER's pipeline­inspection program considers pipeline fluid characteristics, location, line size, failure history, and the companyâs compliance history. Pipelines withgreater potential risks are given a higher inspection priority.

The AER also conducts comprehensive incident investigations after serious incidents occur to determine the cause of a pipeline failure and what canbe done to prevent a similar situation in the future.

Report 2013­B: Pipeline Performance in Alberta, 1990â2012Â is a comprehensive analysis of pipeline data for Alberta on amounts and types, incidentstatistics, and incident rates.

Please see the Pipeline Safety Review webpage for the report, video, feedback, as well as organizational responses.

Compliance Assurance

Manual 005: Pipeline Inspections identifies noncompliance events. Noncompliance with the requirements may result in the licensee of the pipeline orduty holder receiving a response from the AER in accordance with the processes described in Directive 019: Compliance Assurance.

Below is additional information related to pipeline regulation in Alberta.

Analysis Of Oil Pipeline Failures In The Oil And Gashttp://all­goebook.rhcloud.com/analysis­of­oil­pipeline­failures­in­the­oil­and­gas/ December 07, 2014

... gas flow rate, cloud ... Oil and gas pipelines prepared for united states geological survey pasadena ca and ... , Pipeline failure analysis ...

Read article that related about analysis of oil pipeline failures in the oil and gas . Here we will discuss about Analysis of oil pipeline failures in the oiland gas. Fig 4 distribution of causes of oil pipeline failures in the nds, 19992005 (source: pipeline oil spill prevention and remediation in nds, nnpc,2007). Natural resources defense council 4 charpenier, ad, ja bergerson, and hl maclean, (2009),“understanding the anadian oil sands industry’sgreenhouse gas. Technologies for the oil and gas industry instrumentation for measuring key parameters (eg, gas flow rate, cloud diffusion, flametemperature,.

Oil Gas Pipeline Failure Rates (detailed) - [PDF Document] (71)

www.iaeng.orgNatural resources defense council 4 charpenier, a.d., j.a. bergerson, and h.l. maclean, (2009),“understanding the anadian oil sandsindustry’s greenhouse gas.Ebook title : Ghg emission factors for high carbon intensity crude oilsTechnologies for the oil and gas industryinstrumentation for measuring key parameters (e.g., gas flow rate, cloud diffusion, flame temperature,.Ebook title : Technologies for the oil and gasindustryFig. 1: geometric shape of gas pipeline wall corrosion defined using ili data. at the same time to analyze stress state and evaluate remainingstrength of the.Ebook title : Analysis of the corroded pipeline segments using in­lineSevere operating conditions. critical safety operations.dependability in remote locations. all these factors are key concerns for oil & gas equipment used in.Ebook title : Valves for oil & gas industries ­mogas

Analysis Of Oil Pipeline Failures In The Oil And Gashttp://journal­economica.rhcloud.com/news/analysis­of­oil­pipeline­failures­in­the­oil­and­gas­/ December 07, 2014

Analysis Of Oil Pipeline Failures In The Oil And Gas . In this Analysis Of Oil Pipeline Failures In The Oil And Gas ebook you can read all informationin this pdf. in ...

Analysis Of Oil Pipeline Failures In The Oil And Gas In this Analysis Of Oil Pipeline Failures In The Oil And Gas ebook you can read all information inthis pdf. in this ebook you will also learn about Analysis of oil pipeline failures in the oil and gas. Fig 4 distribution of causes of oil pipeline failures inthe nds, 19992005 (source: pipeline oil spill prevention and remediation in nds, nnpc, 2007). Natural resources defense council 4 charpenier, ad, jabergerson, and hl maclean, (2009),“understanding the anadian oil sands industry’s greenhouse gas.

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Natural resources defense council 4 charpenier, a.d., j.a. bergerson, and h.l. maclean, (2009),“understanding the anadian oil sands industry’sgreenhouse gas.

Ebook title : Ghg emission factors for high carbon intensity crude oils

Technologies for the oil and gas industry

Technologies for the oil and gas industry instrumentation for measuring key parameters (e.g., gas flow rate, cloud diffusion, flame temperature,.

Ebook title : Technologies for the oil and gas industry

Joint undp/world bank energy sector management assistance programme (esmap) cross­border oil and gas pipelines: problems and prospects june2003.

Ebook title : Cross ­border oil and gas pipelines : problems and prospects

Analysis of the corroded pipeline segments using in­line

Fig. 1: geometric shape of gas pipeline wall corrosion defined using ili data. at the same time to analyze stress state and evaluate remaining strengthof the.

Ebook title : Analysis of the corroded pipeline segments using in­line

Severe operating conditions. critical safety operations. dependability in remote locations. all these factors are key concerns for oil & gas equipmentused in.

Ebook title : Valves for oil & gas industries ­ mogas

Upstream oil & gas operational excellence choose the leader invensys is a world leader in upstream oil & gas automation, providing a full range ofcontrol, safety and.

Ebook title : Upstream oil & gas ­ invensys | industrial automation

Oil and gas project proposals that are subject to the coastal commission’s coastal development permit and federal consistency review authorityinclude (1) offshore.

Ebook title : Oil spill prevention and response ­ ca. coastal commission

Natural resources defense council 4 charpenier, a.d., j.a. bergerson, and h.l. maclean, (2009),“understanding the anadian oil sands industry’sgreenhouse gas.Ebook title : Ghg emission factors for high carbon intensity crude oilsTechnologies for the oil and gas industry instrumentation formeasuring key parameters (e.g., gas flow rate, cloud diffusion, flame temperature,.Ebook title : Technologies for the oil and gas industryJointundp/world bank energy sector management assistance programme (esmap) cross­border oil and gas pipelines: problems and prospects june2003.Ebook title : Cross ­border oil and gas pipelines : problems and prospectsFig. 1: geometric shape of gas pipeline wall corrosion defined using ilidata. at the same time to analyze stress state and evaluate remaining strength of the.Ebook title : Analysis of the corroded pipeline segments usingin­lineSevere operating conditions. critical safety operations. dependability in remote locations. all these factors are key concerns for oil & gasequipment used in.Ebook title : Valves for oil & gas industries ­ mogasUpstream oil & gas operational excellence choose the leader invensys is aworld leader in upstream oil & gas automation, providing a full range of control, safety and.Ebook title : Upstream oil & gas ­ invensys | industrialautomationOil and gas project proposals that are subject to the coastal commission’s coastal development permit and federal consistency reviewauthority include (1) offshore.Ebook title : Oil spill prevention and response ­ ca. coastal commission

Here i will explain about Analysis Of Oil Pipeline Failures In The Oil And Gas . Many people have talked about Risk analysis for oil & gas pipelines: asustainability. In this article you will know that 1. introduction. oil & gas (o&g) are the major source of world’s fuel consumption. most of the o&g istransported from one location to another through pipelines..

Fig 4 distribution of causes of oil pipeline failures in the nds, 19992005 (source: pipeline oil spill prevention and remediation in nds, nnpc, 2007). Oiland gas pipelines prepared for united states geological survey pasadena ca and california geological survey sacramento ca under contract to. Readmore on Analysis of oil pipeline failures in the oil and gas

Joint undp/world bank energy sector management assistance programme (esmap) crossborder oil and gas pipelines: problems and prospects june2003. Read more on Oil and gas pipelines university of colorado boulder

It is uncertain when the first crude oil pipeline was built. credit for the development of pipeline transport is disputed with competing claims for vladimirshukhov.

1 introduction oil & gas (o&g) are the major source of world’s fuel consumption most of the o&g is transported from one location to another throughpipelines. Available online www.jocpr.com journal of chemical and pharmaceutical research 2014 6(6):12481254 research article issn : 09757384.

Oil Gas Pipeline Failure Rates (detailed) - [PDF Document] (72)

Azerbaijan's proven crude oil reserves were estimated at 7 billion barrels in january 2014 according to the oil & gas journal (ogj). in 2013 azerbaijanproduced. Read more on Risk analysis for oil & gas pipelines: a sustainability

, Aspo is a network of scientists and others, having an interest in determining the date and impact of the peak and decline of the world's production ofoil and gas.

Oil and Gas Accidents, Oil and Gas Lawhttp://www.lawyersandsettlements.com/lawsuit/oil­and­gas­accidents.html December 07, 2014

... mishaps while raising pipeline, oil rig and ... the fatality rate among oil and gas extraction ... if there is a product failure using Propane vs NaturalGas.

Oil and Gas workers are subject to some of the most hazardous industrial conditions in the US. Serious injuries and fatalities occur too often from anoil accident or gas accident. Oil and gas attorneys ensure that gas and oil companies are held accountable for oil drilling accidents and oil fieldaccidents.When an oil and gas worker is injured, the severity and duration of injuries are far worse than in other industry sectors, and recovery timesoften take twice as long. Oil and gas accidents typically occur for the following reasons:Given the amount of people employed by the gas and oilindustry and the dangerous nature of oil and gas drilling, it is almost inevitable that accidents will occur. Oil and gas accidents can involve explosions,mishaps while raising pipeline, oil rig and derrick safety violations and other incidents, including: Hydraulic fracturing (also called fracking), which isused to extract natural gas from rock formations, is thought to be linked to cancer and other serious, chronic illnesses.It is important to seek advicefrom oil and gas attorneys because determining liability can often be difficult, and Worker's Compensation may not cover all the expenses associatedwith long term serious injuries. An oil and gas lawyer can review your employment documents thoroughly to determine any indemnification clausesthat may waive the liability of the employer, contractor or other third party.In 2006, almost a half million people in the US were working in jobs relatedto the oil and gas industry and the gas extraction industry employed about 400,000 workers on both offshore and land drilling and workover rigs,comprising the largest part of the US mining industry. The oil and gas industry is growing but at the same time increases in oil and gas activitycorrelate with an increase in the rate of fatal occupational injuries, particularly when inexperienced workers are not sufficiently trained in safety andprecautionary measures. The most common types of injuries are burns, brain injury, spinal injury and fractures.From 2000 – 2009, pipeline accidentsaccounted for 2,554 significant incidents, 161 fatalities, and 576 injuries in the US.There are nearly 500,000 miles of oil and gas transmissionpipelines that crisscross the US. These lines often carry hazardous materials with the potential to cause public injury and environmental damage inrural and urban areas. According to an investigation in the Austin American­ Statesman, from 1984 – 2000 pipeline related fatalities occurred in morethan 40 states.According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, about 600 oil field and rig workers died on the job between 2002 and 2007. During thatperiod, the number of deaths per year rose by around 70 percent, from 72 victims in 2002 to 125 in 2006 and a preliminary count of 120 in2007.During 2003­2007, the fatality rate among oil and gas extraction workers was nearly eight times that for all U.S. workers.Drilling oil and gaswells industries had a rate of 4 cases of nonfatal injuries and illnesses per 100 equivalent full­time workers. The rate for injuries and illnesses by sizeof business was:Nearly half of all fatal injuries were attributed to highway motor­vehicle crashes and workers being struck by machinery or equipment.Gas explosion injuries, fires, chemical burns and dangerous falls or falling objects or equipment­­ workers are often hit on the head or back by tools orequipment—are just a few of the dangers occurring on a regular basis in the oil and gas industry.The highest numbers of oil and gas extractionoccupational fatalities occurred in Texas (38 percent), Louisiana (12 percent), Oklahoma (11 percent), Wyoming (8 percent), and New Mexico (5percent). Among the states where most of the fatalities occurred, New Mexico (45.2 per 100,000) and Wyoming (58.5 per 100,000) had the highestaverage annual fatality rates, compared with Oklahoma (33.3 per 100,000), Louisiana (29.2 per 100,000), and Texas (25.3 per 100,000).Currently,there is a major boom in the natural gas sector in the US, resulting in a huge need for workers in Rocky Mountain states like Wyoming, and the newMackenzie gas project is expected to employ thousands of workers. But with more employment, higher fatality rates are likely to occur. The oil andgas industry is rife with inexperienced workers who work longer working hours (more overtime), and many rigs include older equipment with fewersafeguards.According to a recent report, "Assault on America: A Decade of Petroleum Company Disaster, Pollution, and Profit" , from 2000 to 2010,the oil and gas industry accounted for hundreds of deaths, explosions, fires, seeps, and spills. This report, which includes a full List of Oil Disastersfrom January 2000 – June 2010, demonstrates that the BP incident is not isolated but an industry pattern that places profit ahead of communities,local economies, and the environment.In this video, Tim Warman, National Wildlife Foundation, discusses how the oil and gas industry must be heldmore accountable by removing the liability cap. Oil companies make trillions of dollars in revenue—more than enough to cover oil and gas accidentlawsuits.Gas explosions can also occur in the home; they can be caused a defective product or combination of defective products; or minimal or nopublic or consumer information on the safe handling and use of propane or natural gas. Approximately 26 million people use propane: it is also verydangerous. More than 100 million people use natural gas. You are four times more likely to be involved in a fire or explosion using Propane (LP Gas)vs Natural Gas (Methane). You are 13 times more likely to be severely injured or burned with Propane vs. Natural Gas. You are more than 100 timesmore likely to be killed or severely injured if there is a product failure using Propane vs Natural Gas.April 2: Seven workers were killed in a fire atTesoro Corp's Washington oil refinery.. Federal investigators say the victims were likely engulfed in"a firewall" that ignited within seconds.April 19: Aworker was killed at Motiva's oil refinery in Port Arthur, Texas in a construction crane accident. Motiva now has two fatalities since 2007 at thisrefinery while it has been attempting to expand production.April 20: Possibly the worst environmental disaster in U.S. history, BP's Deepwater HorizonOil Spill stemmed from an explosion that killed 11 rig workers and injured 17.On Jan 11, 2011, the White House oil spill commission's final report onthe oil disaster contained recommendations including raising the liability cap for drillers and creating an independent safety agency.The panel madethe following recommendations:Texas Oil and Gas production is booming and is expected to reach an all­time high by 2016, mainly due to Texas oiland gas drilling. Greater production means a greater increase in jobs, but rapid development—particularly in South Texas oil and gas­­ means thatmore workers are subject to injury. Texas oil and gas lawyers are increasingly seeing more accident and injury claims as oil and gas companiesincrease their rigs, often with unskilled well drilling and well maintenance workers.Combined with the physical demands of the job and long shifts(roughnecks often work 72 hour shifts), workplace accidents are bound to occur. Furthermore, some companies are in such a hurry to increaseproduction that they may fail to disregard OSHA safety standards or fail to properly maintain equipment. Common causes of oil and gas accidentsinclude inadequate safety training and disregard for safety measures, defective equipment and improperly maintained equipment.While injuries arecovered by Workers Compensation, the Texas law of oil and gas ensures that companies and contractors are held responsible should negligenceoccur. OSHA safety standards protect drilling rig workers both onshore and offshore, but companies often disregard rules and regulations.Federalstatistics count 1,300 drilling rig injuries in the Gulf of Mexico from 2006­2010, and 41 worker fatalities. (Eleven deaths were the result of the BPDeepwater Horizon explosion and 15 deaths at the Texas refinery explosion in Texas City.) According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2008Texas had more fatalities in the oil and gas extraction industry (41) than any other state.The Eagle Ford Shale, a gas basin extending through 30counties­­ including Hood, Johnson, Parker, Tarrant, and Wise Counties­­ is one of the largest oil and gas reserves ever found in Texas. Theformation produces from various depths between 4,000 and 12,000 feet and is benefiting from “high liquids yields across much of the play.”The stateof Texas reported that natural gas production at the Eagle Ford shale has increased ten­fold from 2009 to 2010. Along with oil and gas prices,controversial Eagle Ford Shale drilling methods, i.e., Hydro Fracking and horizontal drilling, have resulted in a rapid expansion of oil and gascompanies (more than 24 oil and gas companies are currently in the Eagle Ford Shale Patch). According to Mark Sundland, drilling manager forAnadarko Petroleum, horizontal/directional drilling and hydraulic fracturing “has put Eagle Ford in a class by itself”.Hydro­fracking also poses publichealth concerns. Environmental groups are concerned that the fracking water may pollute drinking water. Fracking requires millions of gallons ofchemically treated water that is mixed with sand, to blast through the shale, which then releases gas or oil. Even one well can require millions ofgallons of water. The EPA has investigated fracking’s effects on drinking water in other parts of the US and is now looking at the Eagle FordShale.With this oil and gas boom comes an increase in workers, some of whom are unskilled and untrained in safety procedures. (Recently OSHAopened an investigation following a Sept 2011 accident where two people were hospitalized after an oil rig explosion on the Eagle Ford Shale.) Mostoil and gas injuries are avoidable yet safety is often secondary to oil and gas profits.In 2008, 31­year­old Larry Mullins Jr., an employee at NaborsDrilling USA, was working on a drill site location and was crushed by oilfield equipment being positioned by a tandem truck in a rig move in WiseCounty, Texas. In April 2010, the Mullins family settled an oilfield accident lawsuit for $9.5 million dollars.In 2007 the Usumacinta jack­up oil rig waspositioned over the Kab­101 platform. Strong winds forced the jack­up off location, causing it to collide with the Kab­101 platform and rupture theplatform's production tree. Twenty­two workers lost their lives as a result of the emergency evacuation in storm­force conditions. The leakinghydrocarbons ignited twice, causing major fire damage to both the Usumacinta and the Kab­10.In 1998 an employee of Marine Drilling Company wasworking on an offshore jackup rig when a piece of equipment severed his hand. A lawsuit was filed against Mar­ Dril, Inc, Storm Drilling Company

Oil Gas Pipeline Failure Rates (detailed) - [PDF Document] (73)

Freeport­ McMoran and Directional Wireline Services, and an out of court settlement for the offshore drilling rig accident was reached.Oil and gasaccidents generally occur at work sites where the employer and/or employee is negligent, therefore injuries and death are covered by workers'compensation. But if a third party is involved (i.e., someone or some other entity, such as a defective product, not associated with your employer) aclaim will likely exist and you should get advice from a gas and oil attorney who is experienced with the following:If you or a loved one has sustainedan oil and gas injury, you should seek legal help. An oil and gas attorney can review your accident against safety regulations to help uncover whathappened, and who is responsible, to ensure that you obtain suitable compensation for your workplace accident injuries.If you or a loved one hassuffered damages in this case, please click the link below and your complaint will be sent to a lawyer who may evaluate your claim at no cost orobligation.

Stress Engineering Serviceshttp://www.stress.com/capabilities/pipelines/ December 07, 2014

... Oil & Gas; News & Media ... Stress Engineering helps operators across the continent expand pipeline ... From pipeline failure analysis to integritymanagement ...

The pipeline infrastructure of North America is not only being expanded aggressively, but is aging at the same time. Stress Engineering helpsoperators across the continent expand pipeline networks safely, repair them effectively, and reduce failure­related downtime significantly. Frompipeline failure analysis to integrity management challenges, we know how to solve pipeline problems.

Our system assignments are diverse: High­pressure interstate gas pipelines. Oil and hydrocarbon products pipelines. Local distribution (LDC) gaslines. We bound the problem, defining its parameters, interpolating between stress points. We use advanced finite element analysis and modeling,materials engineering, burst testing, field instrumentation, and monitoring expertise to help our customers guard against catastrophic failure andmaintain mechanical integrity.

We evaluate pipeline failure or the potential for failure, determining for our customers the safe limits of prospective operations. We analyzemechanical damage from gouges to dents, define the safest conditions, identify roadblocks to long­term operation, and help ensure they areaccounted for before installation or repair.

Above all, we are an experienced, hands­on technological and problem­solving resource for transportation infrastructure operators, not just in HighConsequence Areas (HCAs), but in wide open spaces across the continent.

Regulatory Basics for Oil Pipelines ­ Federal Energy ...http://www.ferc.gov/help/pub­ref­rm/oil­ratemaking.pdf December 07, 2014

FERC Tariffs and Market Development (Central Group) Analyzes oil pipeline tariff and rate change filings. Advises Commission on filings, initialdecisions,

AOPL Workshop

Regulatory Basics for Oil Pipelines

September 16, 2009 Discussion Outline Part I: Who regulates oil pipelines?

Part II: Procedures for filing tariffs.

Part III: The two major rate‐setting methodologies. Part IFederal Energy Regulatory Commission

The federal authority responsible for regulating oil pipelinesFERCIntroduction Also regulates the electric, hydro, gas industries. Part of the Executive Branch. An independent agency. Extensive Congressional oversight. Funded by the fees charged to the entities it regulates As of 2009, regulated 141 oil pipelines. FERC departments important to oil pipeline industry:

Office of Energy Markets & Reliability Office of Enforcement Office of Administrative LitigationFERCOrganizational ChartFERCCommissioners as of Sept. 2009

Jon Suedeen Philip Marc Kelly Moeller Spitzer Wellinghoff Chairman D R R DFERCCommissioners Appointed by the President with the consent of

the Senate.

Serve 5‐Year Terms.

Equal vote on regulatory matters.

No more than 3 Commissioners of the same political party.

Oil Gas Pipeline Failure Rates (detailed) - [PDF Document] (74)

FERCOffice of Energy Markets & Reliability Principal advisor to the Commission on regulatory


Oversees energy market structure and performance.

Oversight of compliance of market participants with the Commission's rules.

Conducts analytical studies of energy markets.

OEMR Division Key to Oil Pipelines: Division of Tariffs and Market Development (Central Group) 1 of 6 divisions under OEMRFERCTariffs and Market Development (Central Group) Analyzes oil pipeline tariff and rate change filings.

Advises Commission on filings, initial decisions, rehearings, complaints, & declaratory orders.

Directs companies to perform oil pipeline statutory depreciation studies.

Analyzes oil pipeline market‐based rate applications.

Often assists pipelines in complying with regulations (e.g. ensuring tariffs meet all of the pertinent requirements). FERC Office of Enforcement Oversees compliance of market participants with the

Commission’s rules for market activity. Reports on the state of the energy markets, analyzing

market activities and trends. Advises the Commission on accounting and financial

matters affecting energy markets. Oversees compliance with the Uniform System of

Accounts. OE Divisions Key to Oil Pipelines:

Division of Financial Regulation Division of AuditsFERCOE: Division of Financial Regulation Provides guidance to the Commission concerning its

financial accounting

Reviews new or proposed accounting standards made by authoritative accounting bodies to determine effect on regulated industries.

Prepares and coordinates necessary revisions and/or amendments to the Commission’s Uniform System of Accounts.

Administers financial forms Nos. 1, 2, 2‐A, 6, 3Q, 6Q, etc. FERC Form No. 6 What is the Form 6?

Required Annual Report of Oil Pipeline Companies who are regulated by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission as set forth in the Interstate Commerce Act Who uses the Form 6?

FERC and Other Regulatory Commissions, Shippers, Carriers, AOPL, Bureau of Economic Analysis Purpose of the Form 6:

To collect comprehensive financial and operational information about oil pipeline companies subject to the jurisdiction of the FERC General Corporate Information Financial Statements Plant Statistical Data Allowed Cost‐of‐Service (Page 700)

Filing Dates Year‐End (Form 6)‐ April 18th Quarterly (Form 6‐Q) (70 days after the quarter ends)FERCOE: Division of Audits Performs financial and operational audits of industry

participants. Performs audits on a random basis. Authority to audit all FERC regulation related records

Represents the Commission and explains and advocates its legal and policy positions.

Advises the Commission on compliance related matters.FERCOffices Involved in Rate Cases Office of Administrative Litigation (OAL)

Resolves disputes through settlement. Litigates unresolved issues at hearing. Commission Staff and lawyers represent the public interest.

Office of Administrative Law Judges (OALJ) Resolves contested cases as directed by the Commission, either through impartial hearing and decision or through negotiated settlement. Conducts fair and impartial investigations as directed by the Commission. Performs various alternative dispute resolution (ADR) as

Oil Gas Pipeline Failure Rates (detailed) - [PDF Document] (75)

directed by the Commission. Part IIRate‐Setting Procedures Initial Rates Indexed Rates Grandfathered Rates Settlement Rates Market‐Based Rates Cost‐of‐Service RatesRate‐Setting ProceduresIntroduction Where are regulations pertaining to oil pipelines located?

Code of Federal Regulations, Title 18 ‐ Conservation of Power and Water Recourses (CFR 18) FERC & DOE regulations: Volume I, parts 1 to 399. Chapters pertinent to oil pipelines: Subchapter P – Regulations under the Interstate Commerce Act (ICA), Parts 340‐350 Subchapter Q – Accounts under the ICA, Parts 351‐352 Subchapter R – Approved Forms, ICA, Parts 356‐357

Where are regulations specific to tariff filings located? 18 C.F.R. § 340 Tariffs must be filed 30 days prior to taking effect, 18 C.F.R. §341.2 Neither the filing date nor the effective date are counted in the 30 days Short notice exception Tariff must be formatted in conformance with regulations, 18 C.F.R. §341.3Tariff Rate TypesInitial Rates (18 C.F.R. §342.2)

A carrier must justify an initial rate for a new service by: a) Filing a cost‐of‐service to support such rate, or b) Filing a sworn affidavit that the rate is agreed to by at least one non‐affiliated shipper who intends to use the service in question (a negotiated rate).Tariff Rate TypesIndexed Rates 18 C.F.R. §342.3

A rate may be changed, at any time, to a level not to exceed the ceiling level.

The current period ceiling level equals the product of the previous index year’s ceiling level and the most recent index published by the Commission.

Index published prior to June 1 of each year.Tariff Rate TypesGrandfathered Rates Section 1803(a) of the Energy Policy Act of 1992

(“EPAct”) deems just and reasonable “any rate in effect for the 365‐day period ending on the date of the enactment of this Act … if the rate in effect… has not been subject to protest, investigation or complaint during such period.

A grandfathered rate can be challenged if: “a substantial change has occurred after” October 24, 1992, “in the economic circumstances of the oil pipeline which were a basis for the rate,” or “a substantial change has occurred after” October 24, 1992, “in the nature of the services provided which were the basis of the rate.”Tariff Rate TypesSettlement Rates 18 C.F.R. §342.4

A carrier may change a rate without regard to the ceiling level if the proposed change has been agreed to, in writing, by each person who, on the day of the filing of the proposed rate change, is using the service covered by the rate.Tariff Rate TypesMarket‐Based Rates 18 C.F.R. §342.3

Carrier must demonstrate that it lacks significant market power in the in the origin market and the destination market. Filing requirements established in 18 C.F.R. §348. These filing requirements require a relatively lengthy

application. If the application is approved, the carrier may set rates

at whatever level the market will bear. Chris Lyons and I will be giving a presentation discussing

market‐based rates in significant depth at XXTariff Rate TypesCost‐of‐Service Rates 18 C.F.R. §342.4 Carrier must show that there is a substantial divergence

between the actual costs experienced by the carrier and the rate resulting from the application of the index such that the rate at the ceiling level would preclude the carrier from being able to charge a just and reasonable rate within the meaning in the Interstate Commerce Act.

Filing requirements established in 18 C.F.R. §346

More on cost‐based rates to come… PART III

Cost‐of‐Service RatesCost‐of‐ServiceIntroduction

Oil Gas Pipeline Failure Rates (detailed) - [PDF Document] (76)

Types of Cost‐of‐Service Methodologies: Depreciated Original Cost (“DOC”) Trended Original Cost (“TOC”)

COS Methodology Prescribed by the Commission: The Opinion No. 154‐B Cost‐of‐Service Methodology Issued June, 1985 Utilizes a TOC rate base Has been modified and clarified by subsequent decisions.Cost‐of‐ServiceDepreciated Original Cost

Operating Expenses+ Return of Rate Base (Depreciation)+ Return on Rate Base+ Amortization of Allowance for Funds Used During Construction (“AFUDC”)+ Income Tax Allowance= Cost of Service (Revenue Requirement)Cost‐of‐ServiceOperating Expenses

Salaries and Wages Materials and Supplies Outside Services Fuel and Power Pensions and Benefits Insurance Oil Losses and Shortages Taxes other than Income Taxes Allocated Overhead

Allocated Overhead For pipelines that are subsidiaries of a larger

corporation, allocated overhead can represent a significant component of the COS. The Commission generally uses a three factor

approach consisting of revenue, plant and payroll to allocate overhead. Other approaches are permissible. The critical issue is that the allocation methodology

match cost with causation.Cost‐of‐ServiceDepreciation Depreciation Example:

Beginning of Year 1 Rate Base = 1000 Estimated Life = 20 years Year 1 Depreciation Expense = (1000 / 20) = 50

Group Method of Depreciation: a number of similar or related assets are included in a group to which a single composite depreciation rate is applied.Cost‐of‐ServiceRate Base

Carrier Property in Service‐ Accumulated Depreciation+ Allowance for Funds Used During Construction (“AFUDC”)‐ Accumulated Amortization of AFUDC+ Working Capital Allowance‐ Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes (“ADIT”)= DOC Rate BaseCost‐of‐ServiceAccumulated Deferred Income Tax

Calculation of ADIT Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Tax Depreciation 33.3 33.3 33.3 ‐ Book Depreciation 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 Timing Difference 8.3 8.3 8.3 (25.0) Deferred Income Taxes 4.2 4.2 4.2 (12.5) ADIT 4.2 8.3 12.5 ‐

Assumptions Property 100 Book Depreciation 25% Tax Depreciation 33% Income Tax Rate 50% Equity % 100% ROE 10%Cost‐of‐ServiceReturn on Rate Base

Debt % x Cost of Debt+ Equity % x Nominal Equity Rate of Return= Weighted Cost of Capital

Average DOC Rate Basex Weighted Cost of Capital= Return on DOC Rate BaseCost‐of‐ServiceAllowance for Funds Used During Construction

Average Monthly Construction Work in Progress (“CWIP”) Balancex Weighted Cost of Capital= AFUDC

Average AFUDC Balancex Useful Life Factor= Amortization of AFUDCCost‐of‐Service

Oil Gas Pipeline Failure Rates (detailed) - [PDF Document] (77)

Income Tax Allowance

Equity Portion of Return on DOC Rate Base+ Amortization of Equity AFUDC= Taxable Elements of Returnx Net‐to‐Tax Multiplier= Income Tax Allowance

Income Tax Rate*÷ (1.0 – Income Tax Rate)= Net‐to‐Tax Multiplier*Generally based on the statutory marginal tax rate for corporationsCost‐of‐ServiceDOC Recap

Operating Expenses+ Return of Rate Base (Depreciation)+ Return on Rate Base+ Amortization of Allowance for Funds Used During Construction (“AFUDC”)+ Income Tax Allowance= Cost of Service (Revenue Requirement)Cost‐of‐ServiceTrended Original Cost (TOC)

Variation of DOC. Stores inflation adjustment in Rate Base and recovers as

“Deferred Return” over life of assets. Applies Real Return on Equity (“ROE”)1/ to “equity”

portion of Rate Base and Cost of Debt (“COD”) to debt portion of Rate Base. Trends portion of Rate Base funded by equity to reflect

inflation as measured by the CPI‐U.Cost‐of‐ServiceNominal Equity Rate of Return

TOC Inflation Rate Base

DOC Cost of Real Rate TOC Service of Cost of Return ServiceCost‐of‐ServiceCalculation & Amortization of Deferred Return

Trending Base (Equity Rate Base) x Inflation Factor = Deferred Return

Deferred Return x Useful Life Amortization Factor = Amortization of Deferred ReturnCost‐of‐ServiceOpinion No. 154‐B Issued June of 1985. Adopts the trended original cost rate base (“TOC”)

for oil pipelines wishing to establish or change their tariff rates by filing a cost‐of‐service. Provides for a transition from the previous valuation

rate base methodology, referred to as the “starting rate base,” (“SRB”). Advocates use of the pipeline’s actual capital

structure. Case‐by‐case determination of many issues.

* FERC Opinion No. 154‐B, as modified and clarified by subsequent decisionsCost‐of‐ServiceStarting Rate Base Intended to provide transition from prior methodology. One‐time calculation as of December 31, 1983. SRB Formula:

(Debt % x Net Original Cost) + (Equity % x Net Reproduction Cost New) = Starting Rate Base

Starting Rate Base (“SRB”) ‐ DOC Rate Base = SRB Write‐UpCost‐of‐ServiceStarting Rate Base Write‐Up SRB Write‐Up is included in Opinion No. 154‐B

Rate Base. SRB Write‐Up is amortized. Amortization of SRB Write‐Up is excluded from

Cost of Service. Carrier’s Return On Rate Base includes a return

on the unamortized SRB. SRB Write‐Up is included in Trending Base when

computing Deferred Return.Cost‐of‐ServiceRate Base Components

DOC Rate Base+ SRB Write‐Up‐ Accumulated Amortization of SRB Write‐up+ Deferred Return‐ Accumulated Amortization of Deferred Return= 154‐B TOC Rate BaseCost‐of‐ServiceIncome Tax Allowance

Equity Portion of Return on TOC Rate Base

Oil Gas Pipeline Failure Rates (detailed) - [PDF Document] (78)

+ Amortization of Deferred Return= Subtotalx Net‐to‐Tax Multiplier= Income Tax AllowanceCost‐of‐ServiceBase & Test Periods A base period must consist of 12 consecutive months of

actual experience adjusted to eliminate non‐recurring items. Carrier may include appropriate normalizing adjustments in lieu of non‐recurring items. A test period must consist of a base period adjusted for

changes in revenues and costs which are known and measurable with reasonable accuracy at the time of filing and which become effective within nine months after the last month of available actual experience utilized in the filing. For good cause shown, the Commission may allow reasonable deviation from the prescribed test period. See 18 C.F.R. §346.2.

Critical Take‐Aways on COS The calculations contain a number of variables that

function in tandem. Some of the required inputs involve data going back

over 25 years. The higher the quality of the data the more

successful a cost‐based rate filing will be.Questions?

Pipelines, Failure and Success, 1861­1864http://www.petroleumhistory.org/OilHistory/pages/Pipelines/failure.html December 07, 2014

Pipelines, Failure and Success, ... (Oil & Gas Journal, ... A two inch wrought iron pipeline to carry refined oil from Plumer to the Allegheny River ...

According to a notation in the Derrick's Handbook of Petroleum for Dec. 1861: "Victory M. Thompson built the Erie City Oil Works at the corner ofNinth and Chestnut/ Walnut Streets. The oil was pumped to the refinery, about half a mile from the depot, at which it was left by car." This pipelinewas ahead of those which were later laid in the producing fields. According to a notation treating on pipelines in the Derrick's Handbook of Petroleumfor Feb. 19, 1863: "Barows [Barrows] & Co. of Tarr Farm have for some time been conveying oil from the [Densmore wells] to their refinery, adistance of 800 to 1000 feet by this means and the plan was said to work admirably." This pipeline was actually laid in the fall of 1862 under thedirection of James Hutchinson, engineer (some sources state that the name was Hutchings). It operated by siphon, a satisfactory method for shortdistances. The Barrows refinery was south of the Densmore wells, just over the line in the adjacent Blood Farm. A two­inch cast iron pipelineconceived by the Hutchinson and Foster Company was reported as follows: "A two­inch iron pipe was laid in 1863 from the Tarr Farm to theHumboldt refinery at Plumer, an oil line distance of two and a half miles. The oil was forced through this by powerful pumps" (Derrick Handbook ofPetroleum, Feb. 19, 1863). This 1863 line had to climb about 500 feet to get over the ridge on the east side of the valley separating Plumer from theflats of Tarr Farm. Three pumps were utilized on the route, one on the Tarr Farm flats and the other two on the Tarr Farm flank of the ridge (westflank). The projectors found that the pumps and the cast iron pipes could not handle the job. This was attributed to poor pipes, leaky lead joints thatcame unjointed and faulty pump machinery (Giddens, 1938). The affair was referred to as being an "experimental" project. The teamsters, however,foresaw this experiment as the beginning of the end, a threat to their control of the hauling of oil, and they tore up the ill­fitting pipes. In spite of theproblems which led to failure of the 1863 line, it was felt that this effort at Tarr Farm showed that a pipeline with pumps was a feasible manner oftransporting crude oil, at least theoretically. The advance of the pipeline industry depended on correcting the obvious problems, and they were by nomeans insurmountable. Hutchinson kept on going at full speed after the 1863 Tarr Farm ­ Plumer mechanical failure and put down a three mile four­inch cast iron pipeline on the west side of Oil Creek from the Sherman well area (north Pioneer) upstream to the Oil Creek RR depot at Miller Farm. This was done in 1863­64 under the name of the Western Transportation Company. Tall 10 inch diameter air chambers were cast into the pipesevery 100 feet to "equalize pressure" (Redwood, 1913), but the pumps jarred the lead­socketed joints loose and much oil was lost. The air chamberswhich jutted up from the pipe made it look like "an ornamental iron fence" (Oil & Gas Journal, Derrick, 1934). The teamsters finally dug it up and toreit up and the pieces of the demolished line laid along the creek bank for several years. In the winter of 1863­64 Hutchinson and Company, regardlessof the destructive stance of the teamsters, laid another line made of three­ inch cast iron pipes (five inch according to A.M. Johnson, 1956, andMcLaurin, 1896) from the prolific Noble well on the east side of Oil Creek upstream to Shaffer farm on the west side, a distance of about three miles(Giddens, 1938). A newly constructed depot and terminal of the Oil Creek Railroad was the objective at Shaffer. McLaurin (1896) states that this ill­fated line was laid via a pipeline charter granted by the Legislature to the Western Transportation Company in 1864. This charter was to becomeimmensely important in the annals of pipeline development and history. However, in popular terms of the day this was the pipeline that bore thereputation of leaking "like a fifty cent umbrella". A two inch wrought iron pipeline to carry refined oil from Plumer to the Allegheny River (three miles)was conceived and laid by a refiner at Plumer in 1863­64. It was said to be successful (McLaurin, 1896). To sum up these early pipelines through1864, only three were successful: the 1861 line from a depot to a refinery in the city of Erie, a 1000 foot siphon line which carried oil from a well to anearby refinery in Oil Creek Valley, and a two­inch line which carried refined product from Plumer to the Allegheny River. It is said that the shortsiphon line would not have worked over a greater distance, hence was not used in other circumstances (Johnson, 1956).

MITIGATION MEASURES OF OIL PIPELINES IN CASE OF POWER FAILUREhttp://www.arpapress.com/Volumes/Vol12Issue2/IJRRAS_12_2_16.pdf December 07, 2014

MITIGATION MEASURES OF OIL PIPELINES ... as pressure and gas flow rate, ... down or power failure at an intermediate location, ...

IJRRAS 12 (2) August 2012 www.arpapress.com/Volumes/Vol12Issue2/IJRRAS_12_2_16.pdf

MITIGATION MEASURES OF OIL PIPELINES IN CASE OF POWER FAILURE Ysair M. Fadul1,*, Jing Gong2 & Fan Zhang2 1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, Sudan University of Science and Technology, China University of Petroleum, Beijing, China 2 Department of Oil & Gas Storage and Transportation, College of Mechanical and Transportation Engineering, China University of Petroleum, Beijing, China *Email: [emailprotected]

ABSTRACTThis work is to investigate the operations at various upset conditions due to power failure of the 1506‐km Heglig‐Portsudan pipeline. A simulator, developed at the Department of Oil/Gas Storage & Transportation, ChinaUniversity of Petroleum‐Beijing, can simulate the existing long‐distance waxy crude pipeline, exactly as it isconfigured in the field. For non‐Newtonian flow, the fluid rheological consistency, K (Pa.sn) and the flow behaviourindex n are evaluated experimentally. Those two parameters were required to be introduced into the software toassess their effects on surge scenarios.

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Some surge cases of loss of communication were reviewed. Consequently, it is of great important that the operatorshould review some practical mitigation measures as well as the capacity of SCADA (Supervisory Control and DataAcquisition) system to ensure that the system has resources to accommodate normal and abnormal operations.

Key Words: simulator, non‐Newtonian, rheological properties, surge, SCADA.

1. INTRODUCTIONThere is a general concern regarding the pipeline transportation of the waxy crude oils at temperatures below thepour point and at various scenarios of operations. More importantly, this study is of practical significance in safedesign and operation of pipelining the waxy crudes, it helps not only minimizing many risks which might encounterin the long‐distance oil pipelining systems but also handling the expected problems arises when pumping the waxycrudes.A pressure surge may produce even greater consequences. Excessive surge may move a pipe off its supports orrupture a pipeline, leading to significant repair or replacement costs. In the worst scenario, a major pipeline failuremay cause injures to people and require a massive cleanup. Specifically, unexpected power failure or shut downscenarios may lead to great changes of transportation materials, operating parameters or equipments of pumpstations; which in turns will induce surge in oil transfer pipeline. To conduct a dynamic surge analysis, a simulatorhas been developed. In addition, a set of input data is used to describe the specific pipeline system and its operation.In China, the most complicated long‐distance‐crude‐oil‐pipeline technically and operationally is the China WestCrude Oil Pipeline. The shear and thermal history of three PPD‐ beneficiated waxy crude oils transported throughthis pipeline were simulated by using a stirred vessel and with the energy dissipation of viscous flow as the shearsimulation parameter. The comparisons of flow properties of the crude oils obtained from field tests withexperimental simulation show that the gel points and viscosities from simulation are in agreement with the fielddata.[1]Based on the characteristic method, Jing Gong and Wang [2] established a numerical calculation and simulated thepressure variation process, when a valve at the terminal station was accidentally closed in a product pipeline. Furtherresearch combining the boundary condition of relief system was carried out.Bruce and Gerald [3] have found that integrating data analysis, safety devices and controller training were the besttools to control surge.Anindya, et al. [4] conducted a numerical simulation to analyze transients in gas flow and pressure in a horizontalstraight pipe. The numerical results showed that depending upon the pipe dimensions and operating variables suchas pressure and gas flow rate, transient effects in the pipeline may last for a long time and/or over significant lengthof pipe. The simulations predicted an initial surge in gas flow rate greater than the final steady‐state value if thepressure drop across the pipe is increased.An orientation visit [5] to Heglig Central Processing Unit was done by the author, it was well stated that two PourPoint Depressants (PPD) Products which were suggested by Chinese partner had provided acceptable values of pourpoint and viscosity with a slight difference. But, field test was strongly suggested to verify laboratory results as wellas to determine the true effects of different blends in the real pipeline. On the other hand, Dafan & Zheming [6]investigated the variation of the rheological properties of Da Qing waxy crude with their thermal history and their

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time effect. They found, experimentally, that such properties were very sensitive to heat treatment. Also, it wasdenoted that, the structural strength of Da Qing crude varied with heat treatment.More experimental works had been done at the Laboratory of Oil Rheology, China University of Petroleum, Beijing.It has been quite clear that Da Qing waxy crude is similar to Sudan waxy crude. However, the best heat treatmenttemperature for Da Qing crude oil was 60ºC and reheating the crude was found to be of great importance. Whereas,heating the Nile Blend up to 90ºC was quite acceptable. Nevertheless, still heating to 80ºC may be considered foroperating cost reduction regardless of other shortcomings.

2. MATERIALS AND METHODSThe major purpose of the current work was to further investigate the problems encountered pipeline transportationof the Nile blend in case of unexpected power failure. This research was, mainly, adopting methods to utilize asoftware simulator and carry out laboratory techniques that are capable of providing essential data and analysesnecessary for assessing the important mitigation measures for safe operations of Heglig‐Portsudan pipeline.The crude sample to be studied was brought by the Pipeline Science Research Institute of China National PetroleumCorporation (CNPC), Lang Fang. The sample was too waxy, refer to table 1 & 2. Due to high solidificationtemperature, high viscosity at low temperature and high yield strength, novel oil transporting technology methodshave to be studied and developed. Table 1 The main physical properties of the crude sample The wax content (approximately) 23% by weight The Wax Appearance Temperature 57ºC Average inlet temperature 60 °C Heat capacity 2100 J/kg.°C Fluid density 843 kg/m3 The viscosity at 28°C and 10 s‐1 101 mPa.s The kinematic viscosity at 28°C and 10 s‐1 0.12 m2/s

Table 2 The base value for control set points of Heglig‐Portsudan pipeline Minimum suction pressure station #1 490kPa Minimum suction pressure at all other stations 280kPa Max. Allowable operating pressure (MAOP) under 9724kPa normal condition Max. Allowable operating pressure under upset condition 9724+10%(9724) = 10696kPa Discharge pressure controller 9724‐1%(9724) = 9627kPa Discharge pressure shutdown high (DPSH) 9724+5%(9724)= 10210kPa with 30 sec delay Discharge pressure shutdown high high (DPSHH) 9724+7.5%(9724)= 10453kPa with no delay

In the experimental setup carried out at the laboratory of rheology, China University of Petroleum‐Beijing, theviscometer VT500 with a Phoenix P2 circulator has been selected as the main device. The viscometer VT500 is acombination of viscometer (VT) with a power supply VS500 with DOS‐based application. A Phoenix P2 circulatorwas used as temperature controller .The measurements have been carried out at different heat treatment and shearconditions. Depending on those measurements, the values of the fluid rheological consistency, K (Pa.sn) and theflow behaviour index n were introduced into the software.

3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONThe prediction of pressure surges is of economic importance in pipeline transportation where the pressure must bemaintained within narrow limits to prevent damage of pipe and/or devices.In the current work, the main cause of the pressure surges was the unexpected power failure. When the pump shutsdown or power failure at an intermediate location, e.g. at station#3, the rotational inertia of the motor‐pump systemcontinues to transfer energy to the liquid until the pump head has decreased to zero. The pump impeller rotates asthe flow continues through the pump. The rotational inertia of the motor‐pump system and the efficiency of energytransfer from the impeller to the fluid both contribute to determine the rate of run‐down (the rate the motor andpump slow down when the electrical energy is disconnected).The outcome of this case study, fig.1 & Fig.2 indicated that to what extent the mitigation measures should be takento keep the MAOP within the limit. However, the maximum value displayed at station#1, 10.6MPa, is safe whencompared to the MAOP (Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure) under abnormal condition, i.e. 10.696MPa.


Oil Gas Pipeline Failure Rates (detailed) - [PDF Document] (80)

IJRRAS 12 (1) July 2012 Fadul & al. Mitigation Measures of Oil Pipelines

Fig. 1 The transient.

Fig. 2 Maximum & Minimum Pressure Curves.

The power failure at station#3 can cause large pressure surges. A low pressure surge travels downstream as thepump head decreases. The flow rate and velocity downstream decrease as the new pressure gradient is established.Pump shutdowns also affect the flow upstream of the third station; i.e. a high pressure travels upstream as the flowvelocity decreases, fig.3‐a and fig.3‐b.

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Fig.3‐a Transient Curves at the 2nd Station.

Fig.3‐b Transient Curves at the 2nd Station (Modified).

Since the accident of surge here happens as a result of a power failure at station#3; therefore an effective mean ofmitigation should be taken. This can be done by two levels of controls. Firstly, the oil can be released by means ofPRV (Pressure Relief Valve). As the time goes the amount of oil released from the line is increased to keep thepressure within the allowable limits. Secondly, by considering a similar case in which the degree of opening of theadjusting valves should be set, separately, to a low value at the upstream of the station. In contrary, the adjustingvalves at the downstream stations are to be kept to higher values.The most successful mitigation measure considered is the bypass relief valves, which are better to be substituted byhigh integrity pressure sensors. In general, there were no surge pressure violations if relief bypass were used, and the

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pipeline was able to establish a steady‐state flow rate. In addition to hardware control in these situations, theoperator needs a comparatively low cost method for simulating surge pressures while working off‐line.

4. WHAT WOULD HAPPEN TO HEGLIG PIPELINE IN THE ABSENCE OF SCADAThe worst condition of the sub‐cases was when SCADA is out of service and the PRVs (Pressure Relieve Valves)were not in place while pumping the chemically untreated sample. The maximum pressure at stations #3, #4, and#6were 12, 12, and 9.6MPa, respectively. A loss of communication with PRVs was taken place when Heglig‐Portsudan Pipeline was simulated without SCADA, therefore acceptable means of minimizing the upset situationsshould be provided as suggested below. However, with PRVs and SCADA in service, a better quick response tomitigation is provided which results in reducing the maximum pressure recorded at stations #4 and #5 to their limitof 6 and 6.6MPa, respectively. Other modified set points can be shown in table 3.On the other hand, without PRVs the role of SCADA was obvious in creating signals to other pump controls tryingto maintain the pressures to their set points while surge accident was happening; significant reduction in themaximum limits of pressure were maintained at the terminal station, i.e. the surge accident start point. Themaximum pressure recorded at stations #4, #6, and #7 were 11.4, 5.4 and 7.8MPa, respectively. Those values can becompared to 12, 9.6, 14.4MPa, respectively, when SCADA was out of service. Again, the purpose of getting optimalsurge control measures was accomplished through adjusting the relief system on time as a major outcome of thesimulator.Nevertheless, surge generated by power cut off could be more destructive and the induced surge pressure would bemuch higher, so controlling surge of this kind is indispensable. Test looping for rheological investigations and/orcomputer programming for graphical simulations were few methods to assess the possible mitigation measures.However, in implementing this, several issues such as various failure scenarios and control measures should belooked into seriously as suggested above.

Table 3 The Modified Set points at Various Pump Stations I. St.#1 St.#2 St.#3 St.#4 St.#5 St.#6 St.#7

Parameter Pressure Inlet ‐ 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 4.47 Adjusting Outlet 9.60 9.60 6.90 6.90 6.9 6.90 ‐ Pressure Inlet ‐ 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 5.24 Releasing Outlet 10.80 9.20 9.7 9.70 9.70 9.70 ‐ Pressure Inlet ‐ 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 ‐ Shutdown Outlet 11.20 9.40 9.7 9.80 10.20 9.80 ‐ High Inlet ‐ 0.039 0.039 0.039 0.039 0.039 ‐ Pressure Open/Close Outlet 11.40 10.9 9.9 10.00 10.40 10.1 ‐

Flow Rate (+Inlet) (‐Outlet) +2066 ‐66 ‐330 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Note: The Modified Set Points are indicated with Bold. Various failure conditions and control measures by virtue of a computer simulator in its full version have to be considered in more details.

5. CONCLUSIONSIn parallel with SCADA system implementation, a simulator working on off‐line basis is of great interest in terms ofsafety, cost and productivity. However, the suggested mitigation measures were proved to be more practical toolcontrol for sophisticated systems such as Heglig‐Portsudan pipeline.

6. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTAs far as the experimental works are concerned, the authors should mention the Pipeline Sc. Research Inst. ofCNPC, Lang Fang Pipeline Institute(廊坊管道局), teachers and students at the Laboratory of Oil Rheology,

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China University of Petroleum, Beijing. Also, our utmost gratitude to Xudong Sun, the director of the InternationalOffice & his staff whose sincerity and encouragement we will never forget.

7. APPENDICES7.1 THE GENERAL FEATURE OF THE SIMULATOR: The figure below shows the Main Menus of the InputData of the simulator which designed and developed at the Department of Oil/Gas Storage & Transportation, ChinaUniversity of Petroleum‐Beijing,

7.2 HEGLIG‐PORTSUDAN CRUDE OIL PIPELINE.:The construction of the 1540 kilometer export pipeline to Port Sudan is the most important achievement of GNPOCfor the development of the whole Sudan famous basin and indeed the country as a whole. ( Note: The Greater NilePetroleum Operating Company (GNPOC) consortium comprises China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC),

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Malaysia’s Petronas, Sudan’s Sudapet, and India’s Oil and National Gas Corporation (ONGC). ONGC acquired itsinterest from Canada’s Talisman in March 2003.)Below, a map which shows the SEVEN pump stations, starting from the first station at Heglig and the terminal atPortsudan. Parts of the route through the northern desert and the Red Sea Hills were notoriously rocky and difficultto excavate. The pipe has been exposed to fluctuating extremes of heat and cold in the desert atmosphere. Betterquality pipe was used in these sections to survive the thermal stresses of expansion and contraction.The pressure inside the pipes is highest near the pump stations, and these sections also used the strongest pipes.Also, the pipeline was exposed to ground movement, from flood erosion, for example, as well as organised attacks.Breaks could occur anywhere, and safety features were done successfully all along the route by the GNPOC undersupervision of the Sudan Ministry of Energy & Mining.

8. REFERENCES[1]. LING Xiao, ZHANG Jin‐jun, LI Hong‐ying, et al. Simulation of pipelining pours point depressant beneficiated waxy crude oil through China West Crude Oil Pipeline, The 7th International Pipeline Conference. Calgary Alberta, 2008.[2]. JING Gong and W. Wang, Controlling Surge Due To Accidential Shut‐Off Fast Closing Value At Terminal Station of an Oil Pipeline, International Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition in China, 5‐7 December 2006, Beijing.[3]. Bruce Phillips and Gerald T, Moreland, Liquids Pipeline Control, Multi‐faceted Program Reduces Reportable Overpressure Incidence, Pipeline and Gas Journal Online, June 2002.[4]. Anindya Hati ,Nishith Verma , and Raj Chhabra, "Transient Analysis of Gas Flow in a straight Pipeline," The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering , Vol.79 , Feb.2001.[5]. Ysair M. Fadul.: "An Orientation Visit Report–Heglig" Sudan University of Science & Technology, Sep2000.[6]. Gong Jing , Yan Dafan , Zhang Weidong :"Surge Control in a Complex Oil Pipeline System , a Study on Daging‐Tieling Crude Oil Pipeline," Oil/Gas Storage & Transportation journal , Vol.13 , No.6 , Dec. 1994.[7]. Wardhaugh, L.T., Boger, D.V., and Tonner, S.P., "Rheology of Waxy Crude Oils," SPE17625, SPE International Meeting on Petroleum Engineering,T ianjin, China, November1‐4, 1988.


GAIL pipeline fire due to collective failure: Oil ministry probe reporthttp://articles.economictimes.indiatimes.com/2014­09­10/news/53770208_1_gail­pipeline­fire­pipeline­route­pngrb December 07, 2014

... year was a result a collective failure of the system, an oil ... corrosion rate in the pipeline," the ... natural gas pipeline in ...

GAIL's Tatipaka­Kondapalli pipeline, which was built in 2001 to move dry natural gas to Lanco Power Plant, transported gas as also water andcondensate coming from ONGC's wells. Water and condensate corroded the pipeline, leading to gas and condensate leaking to surface where alighting of a stove led to a blast and subsequent fire on June 27.

NEW DELHI: The devastating fire at state­run GAIL India Ltd's pipeline in Andhra Pradesh that killed 22 persons in June this year was a result acollective failure of the system, an oil ministry probe has concluded.

An inquiry committee, headed by the ministry's Joint Secretary (Refineries) Rajesh Kumar Singh, in its report blamed "inadequate systems/approach"for the accident.

The agreement between producer ONGC and transporter GAIL does not provide for the quality of gas to be supplied as is the case in severalmarginal and isolated fields in Krishna Godavari and Caurvey basins as also Gujarat and North East.

Putting separators to strip gas of liquids before transportation may not be economically viable at all places due to small quantities of fuel beingproduced from these fields.

An audit by pipelines regulator PNGRB in August 2011 too did not make any observation in connection to composition of gas and associated issues.

The report said there was "no evidence of any efforts" by Nagpur­based Petroleum and Explosives Safety Organisation (PESO) to enforce putting upof Gas Dehydration Unit to drain out water and liquids.

The pipeline was also audited by OISD and there has been no observation on wet gas content.

The report said it was difficult to establish individual culpability.

Besides installation of dehydration facility for removal of water and condensate prior to feeding natural gas in the pipeline, it recommended throughinspection of the pipelines and putting up of leak detection system.

Also, patrolling using modern gadgets should be carried out in the pipeline route.

Oil Gas Pipeline Failure Rates (detailed) - [PDF Document] (82)

It also recommended that "GAIL should complete an internal enquiry of managerial failures at different levels and fix responsibility for the lapsespointed out herein."

"Comprehensive procedure shall be developed for repair of pipeline in case of leak," it said, adding GAIL must develop proper supervisory and controlsystems for maintaining the health of pipelines.

The state government on its part did not act on GAIL's representations for removal of encroachment along the pipeline route.

"GAIL has apparently flouted the declaration to the statutory authority as well as the declared design basis by not providing GDU at Tatipaka andMori. Absence of GDU contributed to increasing the internal corrosion rate in the pipeline," the report said.

Wet gas contains free water, carbon dioxide and sulphur which induced internal corrosion in the pipeline.

The panel said the explosion, followed by a major fire, was due to leakage of condensate and gas which was probably continuing from the nightbefore the incident. The condensate formed vapour cloud with gas pockets, and triggered a major fire when a tea vendor lighted the stove.

An Overview of Corrosion Mechanisms and Mitigation Strategies for Oil and Gas Pipelineshttp://www.hindawi.com/journals/isrn/2012/570143/ December 07, 2014

Advances in Asset Management ... Internal corrosion is the largest cause of pipeline failure in oil and gas ... A study of the influence of gas flow rateon ...

Production Planning Department, Overall Forge Pty Ltd, 70 R W Henry Drive, Ettamogah near Albury, P.O. Box 5275, Albury, NSW 2640, Australia

Effective management of assets in the oil and gas industry is vital in ensuring equipment availability, increased output, reduced maintenance cost,and minimal nonproductive time (NPT). Due to the high cost of assets used in oil and gas production, there is a need to enhance performancethrough good assets management techniques. This involves the minimization of NPT which accounts for about 20–30% of operation time neededfrom exploration to production. Corrosion contributes to about 25% of failures experienced in oil and gas production industry, while more than 50% ofthis failure is associated with sweet and sour corrosions in pipelines. This major risk in oil and gas production requires the understanding of the failuremechanism and procedures for assessment and control. For reduced pipeline failure and enhanced life cycle, corrosion experts should understandthe mechanisms of corrosion, the risk assessment criteria, and mitigation strategies. This paper explores existing research in pipeline corrosion, inorder to show the mechanisms, the risk assessment methodologies, and the framework for mitigation. The paper shows that corrosion in pipelines iscombated at all stages of oil and gas production by incorporating field data information from previous fields into the new field’s development process.

The oil and gas industry is an asset intensive business with capital assets ranging from drilling rigs, offshore platforms and wells in the upstreamsegment, to pipeline, liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals, and refineries in the midstream and downstream segments. These assets are complexand require enormous capital to acquire. An analysis of the five major oil and gas companies (BP, Shell, ConocoPhillips, Exxonmobil, and Total)shows that plant, property, and equipment on average accounts for 51% of the total assets with a value of over $100 billion [1]. Considering the hugeinvestment in assets, oil and gas companies are always under immense pressure to properly manage them. To achieve this involves the use ofdifferent optimization strategies that is aimed at cost reduction and improved assets reliability [2].

Due to the growth in the demand of oil and gas around the world, companies are developing new techniques to reach new reservoirs in the offshoreand onshore arena [3]. This is putting pressure on most of the facilities with the attendant cost of maintenance soaring [1]. The continuous utilizationand the ageing of facilities have resulted in record failures in the oil and gas plants. Research shows that between 1980 and 2006, 50% of European,major hazards of loss containment events arising from technical plants failures were primarily due to ageing plants mechanism caused by corrosion,erosion, and fatigue [4, 5].

A study shows that corrosion cost in US rose above 1$ trillion in 2012 accounting for about 6.2% of GDP hence, the largest single expense in theeconomy [6]. In the oil and gas company, corrosion accounts for over 25% of assets failure [7] and is found to be prevalent in every stage of theproduction cycle. Oxygen which plays a dominant role in corrosion is normally present in producing formation water. During drilling operation, drillingmud can corrode the well casing, drilling equipment, pipeline, and the environment. Water and CO produced or injected for secondary recovery cancause severe corrosion of completion strings, while the acids used to reduce formation damage around the well or to remove scale can attack metals[8]. The formation water and injected water used for the oil recovery are a potential source of pipeline corrosion during transportation of the oil fromthe wells to the loading terminals. Mechanical static equipment like valves, tanks, vessels, separators, and so forth are susceptible to a different kindof corrosion however, pipelines are more prone to corrosion due to the presence of CO , H S, H O, bacteria, sand, and so forth in the fluid.

Owing to the increasing cost of pipeline corrosion management in the oil and gas industries [1], operators are becoming more concerned aboutcorrosion management planning at all phases of production. Corrosion information from existing field data is being incorporated into designinformation for new oil and gas field [9, 10] in a bid to develop appropriate corrosion management methodologies that will enhance the design life ofthe pipelines and optimize production. To reduce the risk of microbiologically influenced Corrosion (MIC) and other associated corrosions like stresscorrosion cracking (SCC), hydrostatic testing of carbon steel pipes should be carried out in such a manner that enhances the future pipeline serviceconditions by using the right source of water, ensuring proper degree of filtration, ensuring limited exposure period to temperature and eliminating airpackets [11]. Though bacteria in the biofilm are responsible for pitting of a pipeline in a MIC however, the impact of the flow velocity of the constituentfluid influences the mass transfer rate thereby affecting the biofilm formation, hence, inhibiting the activities of sulphate reducing bacteria, (SRB)present in the fluid [12]. This flow attribute has significant impact in MIC in oil and gas pipeline.

Considering the fact that the CO and H S induced corrosion rate can reach up to 6 mm/yr and 300 mm/yr, respectively, [13] in oil and gas pipelines,sophistication in inspection and monitoring techniques is therefore necessary for quick mitigation. The increased trend in in­line inspection and onlinedata acquisition has helped in quicker data acquisition, analysis, and decision making regarding corrosion in pipelines. The enhanced researchknowledge of the behaviour of these corrodents (CO and H S, acetic acid, etc.) at different operating conditions [14–17] has given rise to numerousmechanistic, statistical, and empirical models [18–23] which have contributed immensely in the inspection and monitoring, selection of inhibitors, andmaterials selection for pipelines design.

Since corrosion is a dominant factor contributing to failures and leaks in pipelines [24], to aid industry experts in managing the integrity of pipelinestherefore involves a layout of the developments in the management strategies. This involves the recognition of the conditions contributing to thecorrosion incident and identifying effective measures that can be taken to mitigate against them. To facilitate best practices in pipeline integritymanagement therefore, requires a framework that utilizes good policies and procedures in inspection, data collection, and interpretation for corrosioncontrol.

Corrosion is a naturally occurring phenomena commonly defined as the deterioration of a substance (usually metal) or its properties because of areaction with its environment [25]. Corrosion of materials is inevitable due to the fundamental need of lowering of Gibbs energy [26]. Every material istrying to achieve a lower energy state hence the ability to corrode in order to get to a low energy oxide state. Though this is the case with allmaterials, the major focus of experts however, is to achieve an equilibrium position between the materials and the environment thereby controllingcorrosion.

Modern corrosion science has its roots in electrochemistry and metallurgy. Whereas electrochemistry contributes to the understanding of materialsvia corrosion, metallurgy provides information about the behaviour of the material and their alloys hence provide a medium for combating thedegradation on them. The type of corrosion mechanism and its rate of attack depend on the nature of the environment (air, soil, water, etc.) in which

Oil Gas Pipeline Failure Rates (detailed) - [PDF Document] (83)

the corrosion takes place. Whereas some environmental condition can help to mitigate the rate of corrosion, others help to increase it hence,industrial wastes and products can either be corrosion inhibitor or catalyst. For instance, CO , H S, temperature, mass flow rate, pH, formation water,and so forth contribute in no small measure to the rate of corrosion in oil and gas pipeline [14, 16, 17, 27]. The existence of anodic cathodic sites onthe surface of a piece of metal implies that the difference in electrical potential is found on the surface. This potential difference has the tendency ofinitiating corrosion. If an oil and gas pipeline passes through a zone of clay soil (where the oxygen concentration is low) to gravel (where the oxygenconcentration is high), the part of the pipeline in contact with the clay becomes anodic and suffers damage. Though this problem is extensivelyaddressed with the cathodic protection [26], concentration cell may also be formed where there are differences in metal ion concentration.

Although most metals are crystalline in form, they generally are not continuous single crystal but rather are collections of small grains of domains oflocalized order in which microcrystal forms as the liquid cools and solidifies. In the final states, the crystals have different orientation with respect toone another. The edge of the domain form grain boundaries which are an example of planar defects in metal. These defects are usually sites ofchemical reactivity. The boundaries are also weaknesses, the places where stress corrosion cracking begins. The metallic surface exposed to anaqueous electrolyte usually possesses site for oxidation (anodic reaction) that produces electrons in the metal and reduction (cathodic reaction) thatconsumes the electrons produced by the anodic reaction [25, 26]. These sites make up a corrosion cell. The anodic reaction (Figure 1) involves thedissociation of metal to form either soluble ionic product or an insoluble compound of metal usually an oxide. For cathodic reaction (Figure 2), oxygengas generated could be reduced or water is reduced to produce hydrogen gas. The simultaneous reaction of the anodic and cathodic reactionsproduces the electrochemical cell.

In completely oxygen­free water, the cathodic reaction that takes place is the reaction of hydrogen ion to form hydrogen gas as shown in (1): 2 H + +2 e − → H 2 ( g ) ( 1 ) When significant amounts of oxygen are present in the system, the cathodic reaction that takes place is shown in (2): 2 H + + 12 O 2 + 2

Multi Criteria Decision Analysis framework for risk ...http://www.citg.tudelft.nl/fileadmin/Faculteit/CiTG/Over_de_faculteit/Afdelingen/Afdeling_Waterbouwkunde/sectie_waterbouwkunde/people/personal/gelder/publications/papers/doc/042.pdfDecember 07, 2014

to provide a theoretical minimum failure rate for the life of the pipeline. ... paper, it is the determination of risk of failure of oil and gas pipelines.

Reliability, Risk and Safety – Ale, Papazoglou & Zio (eds) © 2010 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978‐0‐415‐60427‐7

Multi Criteria Decision Analysis framework for risk managementof oil and gas pipelines

Alex. W. Dawotola, P.H.A.J.M. van Gelder & J.K. VrijlingInterdisciplinary Research Center Safety Critical Systems, University of Oldenburg, Oldenburg, Germany

ABSTRACT: Oil and gas pipelines are subject to different degrees of failure and degradation duringoperation. Common pipeline failure mechanisms include corrosion, mechanical damage, third‐partydamage, and design imperfections. One or a combination of these failure mechanisms could eventuallylead to rupture, carrying huge human, financial, and environmental loss. Hence, the need for reliable andcost effective risk management processes becomes more imperative. This paper proposes a decision basedmethod for risk management of oil and gas pipelines. The method is based on a Multi Criteria DecisionAnalysis (MCDA) framework, utilizing an Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to prioritize oil and gaspipelines for design, construction, inspection and maintenance. A case study application on pipelines inNigeria is used to demonstrate the proposed methodology. The methodology is an improvement in theexisting qualitative risk assessment of pipelines. Furthermore, with enhanced accuracy in risk assessment,considerable cost savings in the inspection and maintenance planning of the pipeline may be achieved.

1 INTRODUCTION Transmission pipelines are complex in nature, and their risk analysis could be simplified by using1.1 Background an hierarchical approach, (Huipeng Li 2007). However, little has been achieved on hierarchi‐Integrity maintenance of pipelines is a major cal risk analysis of petroleum pipelines, as an aidchallenge of service companies, especially those to decision analysis, which is required in makinginvolved in the transmission of oil and gas. Two inspection and maintenance decisions. Analyticmajor factors have been the driving force behind hierarchy process is a promising method for thisthis challenge. These are the need to minimize application. AHP, developed by Saaty funda‐costs of installation, service and maintenance, mentally works by using opinions of experts inand second is risk minimization. Safety analysis developing priorities for alternatives and the cri‐(or risk assessment) of pipelines entails the study teria used to judge the alternatives in a system,of the probability of its failure and any associ‐ (Saaty 1980). The outcome is a relative scale whichated consequences in terms of economic loss, gives managers a rational basis for decision making.human hazards, and degradation of the environ‐ It has found applications in diverse industries, suchment. Pipeline leakage or burst could be disas‐ as agriculture, (Quresh and Harrison 2003), oil andtrous, having catastrophic influence on human and gas, (Al‐Khalill et al. 2005 & Cagno et al. 2000),marine lives and huge economic loss. Pipeline dis‐ and the public sector, (Dey 2002).asters have been recorded in both developed and In this paper, a systematic risk‐based approachdeveloping countries, including Venezuela, UK, to risk management of oil and gas pipelines is pre‐Russia, Canada, Pakistan, Nigeria, and India (Dey sented. The method is based on a multi criteriaet al. 2004 & Al‐Khalill et al. 2005), necessitating decision analysis framework, utilizing an analyticalthe development of more effective risk manage‐ hierarchy process to prioritize operating pipeline forment strategies. design, construction, inspection and maintenance.

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Ideally, most pipeline operators ensure that dur‐ The overall objective, sub‐objectives, attributes anding the design stage, safety provisions are created decision alternatives are represented in an hierarchy.to provide a theoretical minimum failure rate for Three different oil and gas pipelines operatedthe life of the pipeline. While in operation, opera‐ by the Nigerian National Petroleum Companytors often used subjective estimate to carry out (NNPC) have been used as a case study. Theirtheir routine based maintenance. However, sub‐ failure factors and historical failure records werejective risk estimate is prone to inaccuracies with obtained from literatures and historical recordssometimes an unreliable outcome. from the company. The failure factors are listed

307as the sub‐objective factors in the MCDA. They 2.2.3 Collection of informationhave been grouped and identified as external Required features for the pipelines are dividedinterference, corrosion, operational error, struc‐ into physical data, construction data, operationaltural defects and other minor failures. Each sub‐ data, inspection data and Failure history. Thisobjective factor is further divided into attribute(s), information is documented for the hierarchicalas appropriate. For example, corrosion is a analysis.sub‐objective factor which is further divided intoexternal and internal corrosion. The selected crude 2.2.4 Hierarchyoil and gas pipelines are the decision alternatives The next step is the development of an hierarchywhich will be prioritized for design, construction, (value tree), which consists of the goal of the riskinspection and maintenance. assessment, the failure factors and sub factors, if In the methodology, AHP is used to estimate applicable and the decision variables.the probability of failure of pipelines by com‐bining historical failure data of the pipeline with 2.2.5 Expert elicitationpairwise comparison carried out by experts. The In the last step of the analytical hierarchy process,expected values of consequences of pipeline fail‐ data of the pipelines are presented to a number ofures are obtained from typical cost of failures. experts who will carry out a pairwise comparisonRisk is then estimated by the product of prob‐ of the pipelines with respect to each risk factor.ability and consequences. Web‐HIPRE version The outcome of the comparison is a matrix that1.22 (Mustajoki and Hämäläinen 2000), is used to ranks the pipelines in order of likelihood of fail‐analyze the results and to carry out a sensitivity ure. The experts were required to rank each factoranalysis. against another using the Saaty scale 1–9. Table 1 Scientifically, the approach will be valuable to below gives an explanation of the Saaty scale.oil and gas companies in prioritizing the inspec‐ For example, if two criteria are judged to havetion and maintenance activities of their oil and gas the same level of risk, the pairwise comparisonpipelines. The methodology could also prove valu‐ score will be 1. A score of 9 is given if one crite‐able in arriving at a design, redesign, construction rion is assumed to be extremely stronger than theand monitoring decisions. other. Intermediate judgments of 2, 4, 6 and 8 are selected when a conclusion cannot be reached from the scores of 1, 3, 5 and 7 as defined in Table 1.2 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 2.2.6 Consistency check AHP provides the possibility of checking the logi‐2.1 The analytic hierarchy process cal consistency of the pairwise matrix by calculat‐Analytic hierarchy process is used in the decision ing the Consistency Ratio (CR). AHP judgment ismaking to estimate the likelihood of an event, by acceptable if CR is less than 0.1. Given a weightestablishing relative importance of each contribut‐ vector,ing factors. The analytical hierarchy process con‐sists of the following basic steps: Table 1. Saaty scale of decision preference.2.2 Procedures Judgment Explanation Score2.2.1 Problem formulation Equally Two attributes contribute 1The ultimate goal of the AHP is defined. In this equally to the objectivepaper, it is the determination of risk of failure of Moderately Slightly favour one attribute 3oil and gas pipelines. After the goal definition, con‐ over anothertributing factors to the failure are then identified. Strongly Strongly favour one attribute 5If applicable, these factors are further divided into over another1 or 2 sub factors. Very strongly Strongly favour one attribute 7 with demonstrated importance2.2.2 Selection of decision alternatives over anotherIdentification of decision alternatives is very Extremely Evidence favouring one 9important in the AHP. The conclusion on the deci‐ attribute over another is of thesion alternatives is the outcome of the AHP. In this highest possible order ofpaper, three oil and gas pipelines are selected as the affirmationdecision alternatives. The goal of the AHP there‐ Intermediate The intermediate values are 2, 4, judgment used when compromise is 6, 8fore is to compare these pipelines risk wise, and to neededrank them based on the level of risk expected.

308 Other measures of consistency have been defined. §w1 ¶ For example, (Mustajoki and Hämäläinen, 2000)w ¨w2 ∙ Obtained from a decision matrix, ¨w ∙ give a Consistency Measure (CM) of between © n¸ 0 to 1 using the Multi Attribute Value Theory inherent in the Web‐HIPRE software. A CM of § a11 a12 a1n ¶ 0.2 is considered acceptable.A ¨¨a21 a22 a2 n ∙∙ Consistency Measure is calculated using, ¨© a31 a32 a3n ∙¸ 2 r i j r (i , j ) The consistency of the decision matrix is calcu‐ CM £ n( n 1) i j (1 r(i, j ))(1 r(i, j )) (6)lated as follows: Multiply matrix A by the weight vector w to givevector, B where r i, j a(i, k )a( k, j ), k 1, z , n is the extended bound of the comparison matrix ele‐

Oil Gas Pipeline Failure Rates (detailed) - [PDF Document] (85)

§b1 ¶ ment a(i, j), and r(i, j ) is the inverse of r (i, j ). CMB A.w ¨b2 ∙ where, gives an indication of the size of the extended ¨b ∙ region formed by the set of local preferences, when © n¸ wi a r i j w j for all i, j 1, z, n.b1 a11w1 a12w2 a1nwnb2 a21w1 a22w2 a 2 n wn (1) 3 CASE STUDYbn a31w a32w a3nwn 3.1 Background information Divide each element of vector, B with the cor‐ The AHP methodology of Risk Managementresponding element in the weight vector w to give has been illustrated by a case study of oil and gasa new vector pipelines in Nigeria. A summary of the character‐ istics of the pipelines is given in Table 3 below. The §b1 w1 ¶ §c1 ¶ goal of the research is to conduct a risk assessmentc ¨b2 w2 ∙ ¨c2 ∙ (2) of given pipelines using the AHP methodology. ¨ b w ∙ ¨c ∙ This is achieved by determining the relative con‐ © n n¸ © n¸ tribution of different failure factors to the overallhmax is the average of the elements of vector c : pipeline failure. The failure factors indentified for this study are: corrosion, external interference, 1 n structural defects, operational error and others. Weh max £ ci n i 1 (3) arrived at these factors based on literature review, the historical record of failures from company database, and feedback from company experts.Consistency Index is then calculated using,

L max nCI (4) n 1 Table 3. Summary of the attributes of pipelines.where n is order of the decision matrix and hmax is Pipelineobtained from equation (3) above. Using equation (4), Consistency Ratio is calcu‐ Attribute EL AB AZlated as, Primary service Gas Crude oil Crude oil CI Year of commission 1989 1996 2002CR (5) RI Type of coating Concrete Polykene Polykene Length 340 km 4 km 18 kmwhere RI is the random index and its value is Diameter 24p 4p 6pobtained from Table 2 below. Design pressure 100 bar 207 bar 207 bar Operating temperature 26.8nC 33.4nC 33.4nC Material Carbon Carbon CarbonTable 2. Random index table. steel steel steeln 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 Climate Tropical Tropical Tropical Age of coating 21 yrs 25 yrs 25 yrsRI 0.58 0.9 1.12 1.24 1.32 1.41 1.45 1.49 Flowrate 600MCFd 1380bbls 1080bbls

309 A total of six pipeline experts participated mean method, the group judgment for the pairwisein the expert judgment study on risk assessment comparison is obtained by taking the geometricof the pipelines. The affiliations of the experts mean of the individual judgments. GMM is par‐are in the following organisations: Shell Interna‐ ticularly suitable for aggregating group preferencetional, Chevron Exploration, BJ Services, Nigeria especially where conflicting responses could arise.Petroleum Development Company, Nigeria For n parties, the geometric mean of judgmentsNational Petroleum Company, and SBM Offshore. from entries for the matrices of pairwise compari‐Attributes of the pipelines and an historical failure son is calculated as:records sheet containing defining characteristicsof the pipelines were made available to the experts §N k ¶ 1/ nwith a questionnaire. aijGs ¨ aijs ∙ , i j /s , s 9, © k 1 ¸3.2 Construction of hierarchy Where:A hierarchy tree of the three pipelines is con‐ G aijs : The group judgment for criterion i with crite‐structed using Web‐HIPRE software, version 1.22.The tree (Figure 1) contains information on the ioo j of issue s. rion aijks : Judgment of individual k (k 1, z, N) forgoal (failure of pipeline), criteria (failure factors)and sub‐criteria (sub division of failure factors). criterion i with criterion j of issue s.The decision alternatives are the three pipelines Os: Ordening of all criteria of issue s.under consideration. The result of the pairwise comparison for the group is shown in Table 4 below.

3.3 Results of pairwise comparison3.3.1 Individual expert comparisonIndividual expert opinion on the pairwise compar‐ison of factors responsible for pipeline failures areseparately collected using a questionnaire that wasmade available to each expert. The outcome of thecomparison is the pairwise matrix for the failurelikelihood of the pipelines, based on the judgmentof each expert. As expected, the outcome variedfrom one expert to another, since a consensus votedoes not apply in this case.

3.3.2 Group judgment Figure 2. Distribution of factors responsible for pipe‐ line failures. The figure shows external interference asThe individual expert comparison is combined the leading cause of pipeline failure followed by corro‐group wise using the geometric mean method sion, with relative likelihood of failure of 0.607 and 0.214(GMM), (Aczel and Saaty 1983). In the geometric respectively.

Figure 3. Factors responsible for failures of EL, AB and

Oil Gas Pipeline Failure Rates (detailed) - [PDF Document] (86)

AZ pipelines. The figure shows EL as the most vulnerable among the three pipelines. The most pronounced failure factor for each pipeline is also shown. For example, for EL pipeline it can be seen that external corrosion is the next most significant failure factor after external interfer‐Figure 1. Hierarchy tree for EL, AB and AZ pipeline. ence. While for AZ pipeline it is internal corrosion.

310Table 4. Pairwise ranking of failure criteria and likelihood of failure of EL, AB and AZ pipelines.


Factors Likelihood Sub‐Factors Likelihood EL AB AZ

External interference 0.607 Sabotage 0.525 0.271 0.179 0.076 Mechanical damage 0.081 0.051 0.019 0.011Corrosion 0.214 External corrosion 0.153 0.093 0.041 0.018 Internal corrosion 0.061 0.009 0.021 0.031Structural defects 0.066 Construction defect 0.045 0.023 0.014 0.009 Materials defects 0.021 0.006 0.007 0.008Operational error 0.069 Equipment failure 0.050 0.009 0.018 0.024 Human error 0.019 0.003 0.007 0.009Others 0.044 0.044 0.023 0.011 0.010

3.4 Sensitivity analysisThe graphs below (Figures 4–8) show the sensitiv‐ity of each of the failure factors to the likelihoodof failure of the pipelines. In the sensitivity analy‐sis, the influence of changes on the overall model isinvestigated. The final priorities of the likelihoodof failures of the pipelines depend greatly on theweights attached to the failure criteria. Similarly,the likelihood of failure of each pipeline is influ‐enced by the weights attributed to each failure crite‐rion. Hence, some changes in the relative weights of Figure 4. Sensitivity of pipeline failure to externalthe failure criteria could lead to significant changes interference when the likelihood of failure due to externalin the final ranking. Sensitivity analysis therefore interference is increased by 20%, from 0.61 to 0.73.gives good information on the robustness of themodel. The likelihood of failure due to external inter‐ference is increased by 20% to see how this affectsthe ranking of failures of EL, AB and AZ pipe‐lines. This change results in about 3% increase and10% decrease in the weights of EL and AZ pipe‐line respectively. AB pipeline has an increase of2% in weight. The result is displayed in Figure 4.Similarly in Figure 5, a 70% decrease in the weightof operational errors leads to about 3% increasein the likelihood of failure of EL pipeline and a5% decrease in the weight of AZ pipeline, with Figure 5. Sensitivity of pipeline failure to operationalabout 1% decrease in the weight of AB pipeline. error when the weight of operational error is decreasedIn addition, the weight of corrosion and structural by 70%.defect is further increased by 50% and 60% respec‐tively, and the weight of minor failures (others) isdecreased by 75% to capture the sensitivity. Theoutcomes are represented in Figures 6 to 8 below.


4.1 Inspection and maintenance strategyPart of the risk management strategies is to for‐mulate an appropriate inspection and maintenancestrategy for the three pipelines. Table 5 gives some Figure 6. Sensitivity of pipeline failure for a 50%possible strategy (ies) for each failure factor. increase in the likelihood of failure due to corrosion.

311 also be explained by the poor coating condition of the pipeline. The result presented in Figure 9 shows EL pipeline as the most vulnerable pipeline among the three pipelines. To reduce the likelihood to exter‐ nal interference more patrolling is suggested, while efficient pipe coating is recommended in order to reduce external corrosion. The study reveals that AB pipeline is more liable to “external interference” than AZ pipeline, but not as liable as EL pipeline. Also, on “internal cor‐ rosion”, AB seems to be more liable than EL pipe‐ line, but better than AZ pipeline. On “MaterialsFigure 7. Sensitivity of pipeline failure due to structural defect”, the three pipelines generally have the samedefect when the weight is increased by 60%. level of failure expectation. The similarity on the expected failure due to materials defect is expected because the three pipelines are all made of the same material, carbon steel. For AB pipeline, an intelligent pigging survey (IPS) is recommended to reduce its high likelihood to internal corrosion, and regular patrolling is also recommended to reduce its likelihood to external interference. AZ pipeline has the highest likelihood of “inter‐ nal corrosion”, “equipment failure” and “human error”. The investigation from the pipeline operator confirmed that the pipeline has suffered previously from internal corrosion and human failure. It is how‐ ever interesting to note that if all the failure factors are considered, the likelihood of failure of pipeline AZ is much better than that of EL and AB pipe‐

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Figure 8. Sensitivity of pipeline failure for a 75% lines. Therefore, AZ pipeline can be considered thedecrease in the weight of failure for other minor failures. least vulnerable among the three pipelines, as repre‐ sented in Figure 9 and Table 4. This is due partially to the least likelihood of AZ pipeline to externalTable 5. Maintenance strategy for pipeline failures. interference, which has very high consequences. To reduce its operational error, immediate replacementSub‐Factors Maintenance strategy of faulty equipments and retraining of operators is recommended. Intelligent pigging survey is also rec‐Sabotage Patrolling ommended to mitigate internal corrosion.Mechanical damage Pipeline Marking/Improved Right of Way (ROW)External corrosion Pipe coating 4.2 Expected failure costInternal corrosion Intelligent pigging survey For the three pipelines, the severity of failure wasConstruction defect Reconstruction/ Replacement estimated from historical failure costs availableMaterials defects Replacement of pipelines from database of the pipeline company. In addition,Equipment failure Replacement of faulty equipmentsHuman error Operator training

EL pipeline is undoubtedly the most vulnerableamong the 3 pipelines, having the highest likelihoodof failure. The expected vulnerability of EL pipe‐line to external interference and external corrosion ismuch higher than expected for AB and AZ pipelines.EL pipeline is located in the Niger‐Delta region ofNigeria, with a high likelihood of third party inter‐ Figure 9. Ranking of pipelines according to likelihoodference and sabotage due to the restive nature of the of failure. Likelihood: EL 0.488, AB 0.317, andregion. The high tendency to external corrosion could AZ 0.196.

312Table 6. Inspection and maintenance strategy for failure factors.

EL pipeline AB pipeline AZ pipeline

Severity Severity Severity Likeli‐ of failure Likeli‐ of failure Likeli‐ of failure Sub‐Factors hood (‘$000 m) hood (‘$000 m) hood (‘$000 m)

External interference Sabotage 0.271 2,200 0.179 800 0.076 1,000 Mechanical damage 0.051 1,000 0.019 400 0.011 500Corrosion External corrosion 0.093 300 0.041 120 0.018 120 Internal corrosion 0.009 200 0.021 80 0.031 100Structural defects Construction defect 0.023 80 0.014 30 0.009 35 Materials defects 0.006 20 0.007 10 0.008 15Operational error Equipment failure 0.009 800 0.018 400 0.024 400 Human error 0.003 400 0.007 200 0.009 200Others 0.023 100 0.011 55 0.010 55Likelihood of no failure 0.512 0 0.683 0 0.805 0Expected failure cost $689,560 $167,095 $99,145

pipeline experts that participated in the AHP were The case study of petroleum pipelines in Nigeriaasked to utilize their previous experience to esti‐ revealed some interesting conclusions, whichmate the severity of failure based on the unique shows that location plays a significant role in pipe‐characteristics of each pipeline. line integrity. Similar works (Dey et al. 2004 & In Table 6, the likelihood of failure obtained Al‐Khalill et al. 2005) have concluded that cor‐from the AHP result in Table 4 is combined with rosion is the most significant failure criterion ofthe severity of failure to calculate the expected fail‐ petroleum pipelines in India and Saudi Arabia.ure cost for each pipeline. However, for the Nigerian case study, external It can be concluded from the results that the interference is found to be the most importantexpected failure cost of EL pipeline is much higher failure criterion, representing 60% of the entirethan for AB and AZ pipeline. Moreover, AB pipe‐ failure criteria. The high likelihood of failure byline has a higher likelihood of failure as compared external interference obtained is due to the influ‐to AZ pipeline. The expected failure cost calcula‐ ence of sabotage acts on the petroleum pipelines.tion further indicates that allocating equal main‐ Therefore, increasing security around the pipelinestenance resources to the three pipelines will be a would help to improve their reliability.wrong and ineffective maintenance strategy. There‐ Concentrating on most relevant failure factors isfore, in the allocation of maintenance resources, cost efficient as it helps the concentration of main‐EL pipeline; with the highest expected failure cost tenance resources on most relevant failure factors.should receive more attention than the other two The management will also find this approach to bepipelines. In addition, AB pipeline will require beneficial in formulating an inspection and mainte‐more maintenance resources than AZ pipeline. nance policy for the company’s assets. For the pipe‐ lines, the outcome of the decision analysis could also prove useful in formulating individual and soci‐5 CONCLUSIONS etal risk acceptance criteria (Vrijling et al. 2004). The participation of experts with working knowl‐A decision based model has been presented for risk edge of the pipelines reduces the subjective naturemanagement of oil and gas pipelines. The model of the AHP method, although subjectivity has notuses available data and structured expert judgment been totally eliminated. In future work, a structuredto predict the probability of failure and severity of expert calibration technique will be applied to furtherfailure of oil and gas pipelines. The work has made reduce subjectivity. Also, the accuracy of the sever‐a unique contribution to the application of Ana‐ ity of failure estimated could be further improvedlytic hierarchy process in prioritizing oil and gas with more data from the pipeline operator.pipelines for maintenance. The geometric meanmethod is applied to arrive at a group consensusby combining individual responses of experts on ACKNOWLEDGMENTpipeline failures. The software, Web‐HIPRE usedwas found suitable to model the case study, and The authors would like to acknowledge theto express the sensitivity of the failure factors. management of the Nigerian National Petroleum

313Company (NNPC) and National Petroleum Dey, P.K. et al. 2004, Risk‐based maintenance model forDevelopment Company (NPDC) for their gen‐ offshore oil and gas pipelines: a case study, Journal oferous supply of data used in this study. All the Quality in Maintenance Engineering, Vol. 10 Number 3experts that participated in this research are also pp. 169–183.

Oil Gas Pipeline Failure Rates (detailed) - [PDF Document] (88)

Hämäläinen, R.P. 2010, Introduction to Value theoryappreciated for their useful contributions. analysis, System Analysis Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland. Huipeng, Li. 2007, Hierrachial Risk Assessment of waterREFERENCES supply systems, PhD thesis, Lougborough University, UK.Aczel, J. and Saaty, T.L 1983, Procedures for synthesizing Mustajoki, J. and Hämäläinen, R.P. 2000, Web‐HIPRE: ratio judgments, Journal of Mathematical Psychology Global decision support by value tree and AHP analy‐ 27, pp. 93–102. sis, INFOR, Vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 208–220.Al‐Khalil1, M. et al. 2005, Risk‐Based Maintenance Plan‐ Quresh, M.E. and Harrison, S.R. 2003, Application of ning of Cross‐Country Pipelines, J of Performance of the Analytical Hierarchy process to Riparian Reveg‐ Constructed Facilities. Vol. 19 No. 2 pp. 124–131. etation Policy options, Small‐scale Forest Economics,Cagno, E., Caron, F., Mancini, M. and Ruggeri, F. 2000. Mgt. and Policy 2(3). Using AHP in determining the prior distributions on Saaty, T. 1980, The Analytic Hierarchy Process, gas pipeline failures in a robust Bayesian approach. McGrawHill, New York. Reliab Eng Syst Safety; 67: pp. 275–284. Vrijling, J.K. et al. 2004, A framework for risk criteria forDey, P.K. 2002, Benchmarking project management critical infrastructures: fundamentals and case studies practices of Caribbean organizations using analytic in the Netherlands, Journal of Risk Research 7 (6), hierarchy process, Benchmarking: An international pp. 569–579. journal, Vol. 9 No. 4.


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How do you calculate the failure rate of a gas pipeline? ›

By dividing the number of incidents by the exposure, the overall pipeline failure rate can be calculated, i.e., 0.223 × 103/(km.

What is the failure rate of the natural gas pipeline? ›

The overall failure frequency over the period 1970-2016 is equal to 0.31 incidents per year per 1,000 km. The five year moving average failure frequency in 2016, which represents the average failure frequency over the past 5 years, equals 0.134 per year per 1,000 km.

How often do pipelines fail? ›

According to the data, since 1986 there have been nearly 8,000 incidents (nearly 300 per year on average), resulting in more than 500 deaths (red dots on the video), more than 2,300 injuries (yellow dots on the video), and nearly $7 billion in damage.

What are the failure modes in oil and gas industry? ›

The harsh oil and gas environments lead to severe components failures through sour corrosion, sweet corrosion, hydrogen induced cracking, stress corrosion cracking and corrosion fatigue. Many of these failures are material driven.

What is the formula for failure rate? ›

To calculate the failure rate, divide the number of failures by the total number of hours, such as 4/3,647 = 0.0011 failures per hour.

What is a reasonable failure rate? ›

The ideal failure rate is zero. However, while nobody likes pesky bugs, they're inevitable. According to DORA, elite and high-performing teams typically have rates that fall between 0% and 15%. That's the benchmark, the standard that teams need to maintain.

What is the failure rate of oil pipelines? ›

In contrast, hazardous liquid pipelines have the highest failure rates around 1.2 × 10−3 to 1.4 × 10−3 accidents per km per year in the recent past. Incidents often led to major conse- quences, such as ignitions, injuries, fatalities, property damage and release of product.

What is the average life of an oil pipeline? ›

How often do oil pipelines leak? 10-Mar-2021 — Those pipelines have an average lifespan of 50 years.

How many times has the Keystone pipeline broke? ›

While most of the 22 accidents at the pipeline over the past 12 years resulted in fewer than 50 barrels of oil being released each time, four incidents stand out.

What are the 4 modes of failure? ›

For mechanical devices, there are four Failure Mechanisms: corrosion, erosion, fatigue and overload.

How do you determine Failure Mode? ›

  1. Step 1: Identify potential failures and effects. The first FMEA step is to analyze functional requirements and their effects to identify all failure modes. ...
  2. Step 2: Determine severity. Severity is the seriousness of failure consequences of failure. ...
  3. Step 3: Gauge likelihood of occurrence. ...
  4. Step 4: Failure detection.

What are the three basic modes of failure? ›

Typical failure modes are: Premature operation. Failure to operate at the prescribed time. Failure to cease operation at the prescribed time.

How do you calculate base failure rate? ›

Base failure rates (BFR) quantify the intrinsic reliability of the semiconductor component while operating under normal environmental conditions. BFR is typically multiplied by factors such as temperature, voltage and number of operating hours to arrive at a quantitative measure of the quality of the component.

How do you calculate chance of failure? ›

PoF = 1 / MTBF = R / T

If you'd like to calculate the probability of failure per hour, you can divide the total number of failures by the total number of hours. For example, a machine with 5 failures and a run time of 3,000 hours will have a PoF of 0.0017 or 0.16% probability of failure per hour.

What is the equation for the failure rate function? ›

A straightforward application of Equation (3.52) produces the failure rate function, r(t) = 2btu(t). In this case, the failure rate is linearly increasing in time.

How do you calculate AFR annual failure rate? ›

AFR is calculated by dividing the total number of failures that occur within a given period by the total operational time of the system or device, then multiplying by the appropriate factor to annualize the rate.

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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.