How to Ace the IELTS Speaking Task: Describing a Challenging Piece of Technology - IELTS.NET - Your Ultimate Resource for Language Mastery (2024)

As an experienced IELTS Speaking examiner, I’ve seen many candidates struggle with technology-related topics. In this article, we’ll explore how to effectively answer questions about difficult-to-use technology, a common theme in IELTS Speaking tests. We’ll cover strategies for all three parts of the speaking test, provide sample answers, and offer tips to boost your score.

Table of Contents

Understanding the Topic

The topic “Describe A Piece Of Technology That You Feel Is Difficult To Use” is frequently encountered in IELTS Speaking tests. It allows examiners to assess your ability to discuss personal experiences, express opinions, and use technology-related vocabulary. This topic is likely to remain relevant in future tests due to the rapid advancement of technology in our daily lives.

How to Ace the IELTS Speaking Task: Describing a Challenging Piece of Technology - IELTS.NET - Your Ultimate Resource for Language Mastery (1)Frustrated person using complex technology

Part 1: Introduction and Interview

In this section, the examiner may ask general questions about technology. Here are some common questions and sample answers:

Q: How often do you use technology in your daily life?

Band 6-7 Answer: I use technology quite frequently in my daily life. I rely on my smartphone for communication and use my laptop for work and entertainment.

Band 8-9 Answer: Technology is an integral part of my daily routine. From the moment I wake up to my smart alarm, to managing my work tasks on various digital platforms, and even monitoring my fitness with a wearable device, I’m constantly engaged with different forms of technology throughout the day.

Q: Do you find it easy to learn how to use new technology?

Band 6-7 Answer: Generally, I find it quite easy to learn new technology. However, sometimes complex devices or software can be challenging.

Band 8-9 Answer: I’d say I have a knack for adapting to new technology. I’m often intrigued by innovative features and enjoy exploring the capabilities of new devices or software. That being said, occasionally I encounter highly specialized or intricate systems that require a steeper learning curve, but I see these as opportunities to expand my technological literacy.

Part 2: Long Turn

Here’s a sample cue card for this topic:

Describe a piece of technology that you feel is difficult to use.
You should say:

  • What the technology is
  • When you first used it
  • Why you find it difficult to use
  • And explain how you feel about using this technology

Sample Answer (Band 8-9):

The piece of technology I find particularly challenging to use is a sophisticated DSLR camera. I first encountered this device about two years ago when I decided to delve into photography as a hobby.

The complexity of this technology lies in its myriad of settings and features. Unlike the straightforward point-and-shoot cameras or smartphone cameras I was accustomed to, this DSLR required a deep understanding of concepts like aperture, shutter speed, and ISO. The manual mode, in particular, was a steep learning curve for me.

What makes it difficult is the need to adjust multiple parameters simultaneously to achieve the desired effect. For instance, balancing exposure in varying light conditions requires juggling several settings at once. Moreover, the plethora of buttons and dials on the camera body can be overwhelming, especially when trying to capture fleeting moments.

Despite these challenges, my feelings about using this technology are mixed. On one hand, it can be frustrating when I miss a perfect shot due to incorrect settings. However, there’s also a sense of accomplishment when I manage to capture a stunning image by successfully manipulating the camera’s complex features. It’s a constant learning process that pushes me to expand my skills and knowledge.

Overall, while this DSLR camera is difficult to use, I find it intellectually stimulating. It has deepened my appreciation for the art and science of photography, reminding me that mastering complex technology often leads to rewarding outcomes.

Follow-up Questions:

  1. How do you usually learn to use new technology?
  2. Do you think older people find it more difficult to use new technology compared to younger people?

Sample Answer (Band 8-9):

  1. When it comes to learning new technology, I typically employ a multi-faceted approach. Firstly, I delve into user manuals and online tutorials to grasp the basic functionalities. Then, I adopt a hands-on approach, experimenting with different features and settings. I also find it beneficial to join online communities or forums dedicated to the specific technology, where I can learn from experienced users and troubleshoot issues. Additionally, I often seek out video demonstrations on platforms like YouTube, which provide visual guidance. This combination of theoretical knowledge and practical application helps me to efficiently master new technologies.

  2. While it’s a common perception that older people struggle more with new technology, I believe the reality is more nuanced. Certainly, younger generations who have grown up as digital natives might have an initial advantage in terms of familiarity and adaptability. However, I’ve observed that many older individuals are remarkably adept at embracing new technologies, especially when they see clear benefits in their daily lives. The key factors seem to be motivation and exposure rather than age alone. Older people who maintain curiosity and a willingness to learn often overcome initial hurdles and become proficient users. Moreover, their life experience can sometimes give them a unique perspective on how to apply new technologies effectively.

Part 3: Two-way Discussion

In this section, the examiner will ask more abstract questions related to technology. Here are some potential questions and sample answers:

Q: How do you think technology has changed the way we communicate?

Band 6-7 Answer: Technology has greatly changed communication. We can now easily talk to people far away and share information quickly. Social media and messaging apps have made it simpler to stay in touch with friends and family.

Band 8-9 Answer: Technology has revolutionized communication in profound ways. It has erased geographical boundaries, enabling real-time global interactions that were once unimaginable. The proliferation of social media platforms and instant messaging apps has led to a culture of constant connectivity, allowing for the rapid dissemination of information and ideas. However, this shift has also brought challenges, such as the potential for miscommunication in text-based exchanges and concerns about privacy and information overload. Moreover, while technology has enhanced our ability to connect, it has also paradoxically led to concerns about decreased face-to-face interactions and their impact on social skills. Overall, technology has made communication more efficient and far-reaching, but it has also fundamentally altered the nature of human interaction.

Q: Do you think there’s a risk of becoming too dependent on technology?

Band 6-7 Answer: Yes, I think there is a risk of becoming too dependent on technology. Many people rely heavily on their smartphones and computers, which can be a problem if these devices fail or are unavailable.

Band 8-9 Answer: The risk of over-reliance on technology is indeed a pressing concern in our increasingly digital world. While technological advancements have undoubtedly enhanced our productivity and quality of life, they have also created a potential vulnerability. Many individuals and organizations have become so deeply integrated with digital systems that even brief disruptions can cause significant challenges. This dependency extends beyond mere convenience to critical areas such as healthcare, finance, and infrastructure. There’s a risk of atrophying certain cognitive and practical skills as we outsource more tasks to technology. Additionally, the constant connectivity enabled by mobile devices can lead to issues like digital addiction and decreased ability to focus. However, it’s crucial to strike a balance – recognizing the benefits of technology while maintaining the ability to function independently of it. This might involve cultivating digital literacy alongside traditional skills and implementing periodic ‘digital detoxes’ to ensure we maintain a healthy relationship with technology.

Key Vocabulary and Phrases for High Scores

To enhance your IELTS Speaking performance, incorporate these advanced words and phrases:

  1. Myriad /ˈmɪriəd/ (adjective): countless or extremely great in number
    Example: The smartphone offers a myriad of features that can be overwhelming for new users.

  2. Steep learning curve (phrase): a difficult and rapid learning process
    Example: Mastering the professional video editing software involved a steep learning curve.

  3. Intellectually stimulating (phrase): engaging or challenging one’s mind
    Example: Despite its complexity, I find coding to be intellectually stimulating.

  4. Proliferation /prəˌlɪfəˈreɪʃn/ (noun): rapid increase in numbers
    Example: The proliferation of smart home devices has transformed how we interact with our living spaces.

  5. Atrophying /ˈætrəfaɪɪŋ/ (verb): gradually declining in effectiveness or vigor due to underuse
    Example: There’s a concern that overreliance on calculators might lead to atrophying of mental arithmetic skills.

Tips from an IELTS Examiner

  1. Practice regularly: Engage in conversations about technology in English to build confidence and fluency.
  2. Expand your vocabulary: Learn and use technology-related terms and idiomatic expressions.
  3. Develop your ideas: Don’t just state opinions; explain your reasoning and provide examples.
  4. Use a variety of grammatical structures: Demonstrate your language skills by using complex sentences and different tenses.
  5. Stay informed: Keep up with technological trends to discuss the topic more comprehensively.

By following these strategies and using the provided sample answers as inspiration, you’ll be well-prepared to tackle technology-related questions in your IELTS Speaking test. Remember, the key is to express your ideas clearly and confidently while showcasing your English language skills.

For more IELTS speaking practice, you might find it helpful to read about describing a time when you taught someone to use new technology. This topic complements the theme of challenging technology and can provide additional perspectives for your IELTS preparation.

How to Ace the IELTS Speaking Task: Describing a Challenging Piece of Technology - IELTS.NET - Your Ultimate Resource for Language Mastery (2024)


How to ace the IELTS Speaking test? ›

Six tips to ace your IELTS Speaking test without overdoing it!
  1. Focus on your experience. ...
  2. Don't worry about your examiner's opinion. ...
  3. Don't over rehearse - Be conversational. ...
  4. Use your anxiety to score better. ...
  5. Don't over agree with the examiner if you have differing opinions. ...
  6. Don't fake a native accent or slang.
Feb 1, 2023

How to talk about technology in IELTS? ›

IELTS Speaking Part 3: Technology Questions and Model Answer
  1. What modern technological devices are most common in your country?
  2. Do you think modern technology is useful?
  3. Do you think people rely too much on technology?
  4. Do you think men and women view technological devices differently?

Is the IELTS Speaking test difficult? ›

Many people find the Speaking test the most difficult part of the IELTS exam. The idea of facing an examiner can be scary, but by familiarising yourself with what to expect, you can approach the day feeling confident and prepared.

How to develop answers in IELTS Speaking? ›

Tips for the IELTS Speaking Test
  1. Tip 1: Don't memorise answers. ...
  2. Tip 2: Don't use big and unfamiliar words. ...
  3. Tip 3: Use a range of grammatical structures. ...
  4. Tip 4: Don't worry about your accent. ...
  5. Tip 5: Pause to think. ...
  6. Tip 6: Avoid using fillers. ...
  7. Tip 7: Extend your answers. ...
  8. Tip 8: Smiling helps pronunciation.

How can I get 8.5 in IELTS speaking? ›

Tips to score well in the IELTS Speaking test
  1. In Speaking, don't try to give a prepared speech, or talk about a different topic from the one you are asked to discuss.
  2. Remember that you are not being tested on your general knowledge but on your ability to communicate effectively.
Aug 28, 2024

How to get 7.5 in IELTS speaking? ›

  1. What is the IELTS Speaking test? ...
  2. No secrets to how your IELTS test is marked. ...
  3. Tip 2: Avoid using filler words. ...
  4. Tip 3: Expand your answers. ...
  5. Tip 4: Immerse yourself in spoken English. ...
  6. Tip 6: Speak English as often as possible. ...
  7. Tip 7: Practise rephrasing your ideas. ...
  8. Tip 8: Record yourself speaking English.

What to avoid in IELTS speaking? ›

Last-minute notes: Seven mistakes to avoid during your IELTS Speaking test
  • Trying to memorise answers. ...
  • Not speaking aloud and with confidence. ...
  • Going off-topic. ...
  • Giving yes or no answers without good elaboration. ...
  • Repeating the same words or phrases. ...
  • Overusing transition words. ...
  • Parroting the question and poor pronunciation.

What is the hardest thing in IELTS? ›

Q2 - Which module of IELTS is tough? Ans - The writing part is particularly difficult because of the exam's strict time limits. Students have to create ideas, write at least 400 words for each activity, and allow sufficient time to read their answers.

Do and don'ts in IELTS speaking? ›

Do's and don'ts for the IELTS Speaking test. Use fillers (e.g. let me see, good question, etc.) to maintain the flow of the conversation and gather your thoughts briefly. Avoid giving short answers. Showcase your fluency by extending your answers naturally.

How can I impress my IELTS speaking examiner? ›

You may want to impress the examiner with big and complex words in your Speaking test. But to be safe, avoid using words you are not familiar with. There is a higher chance of making mistakes by either mispronouncing words or using them in the wrong context. Mistakes can affect your final band score.

What happens if I don't speak for 2 minutes in IELTS? ›

There is no specific band reduction for not speaking for 2 minutes. There are lots of different criteria you are graded on so the the examiner will take account of many things throughout the whole test and decide the band score based on that. So I wouldn't worry about it.

What is the best way to introduce yourself in IELTS speaking test? ›

After the name, tell something about yourself. It can about your city, your academics, hobbies, your achievements, about your work or profession. Remember to keep it short and crisp. Do not go on telling the memorized answers.

How to get better at IELTS speaking? ›

Now let's look at the top tips for boosting your performance in the speaking section of your IELTS test.
  1. Try to relax! ...
  2. Extend your answers. ...
  3. Make the most of your one minute. ...
  4. Don't memorise! ...
  5. Speak clearly and at a natural speed. ...
  6. Don't give up! ...
  7. Record yourself. ...
  8. Know what to expect.
Jun 29, 2023

How do I prepare for IELTS speaking test? ›

Top 5 IELTS Speaking Tips
  1. Speak some English every day. This is something that all my Band 7+ students have in common. ...
  2. Ask the examiner questions if you don't understand. ...
  3. Do a 24-hour English warm-up. ...
  4. Give full answers. ...
  5. Correct your mistakes.

How to get 8.0 in IELTS speaking? ›

Here we've gathered top 10 IELTS Speaking tips to increase your IELTS Speaking score:
  1. Be fluent and liberated. Speak fluently and spontaneously. ...
  2. Practise answering sample questions. ...
  3. Ask the question again if you need to. ...
  4. Be emotional! ...
  5. Extend your speech. ...
  6. Be coherent. ...
  7. Give yourself time to think. ...
  8. Made a mistake?

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

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