Destiny 2: The Final Shape - All Prismatic Fragment Locations (2025)

Quick Links

  • How To Unlock Prismatic Fragments

  • Facet Of Bravery Location

  • Facet Of Devotion Location

  • Facet Of Sacrifice Location

  • Facet Of Command Location

  • Facet Of Defiance Location

  • Facet Of Grace Location

  • Facet Of Justice Location

  • Facet Of Mending Location

  • Facet Of Honor Location

  • Facet Of Solitude Location

  • Facet Of Awakening Location

  • Facet of Dominance Location

  • Facet Of Generosity Location

Destiny 2: The Final Shape's largest addition is Prismatic, an advanced buildcrafting subclass that blends elements of all five subclass damage types into one. Wield the powers of Arc, Solar, Void, Stasis, and Strand simultaneously. It's also the most flexible of the bunch, featuring more Aspects and Fragments than any other subclass.


Destiny 2: Every New Weapon In The Final Shape

The Final Shape has dozens of new weapons to chase, including the return of fan favorites like Breachlight, Perfect Paradox, and Hush.

A core part of any subclass is their roster of Fragments, and Prismatic is no different. There are a whopping 21 to choose from, yet most of them are locked behind obscure challenges or layers of quests. This guide will cover every single Prismatic Fragment location in The Final Shape, including those found in campaign hidden chests and memory side quests.

Author's Note

I have not been able to complete all the Light and Dark memories as of writing this article, so any chests that relate to those memories will be shown as Stasis crystals. The chest's spawn location is in the exact same spot.

How To Unlock Prismatic Fragments

Destiny 2: The Final Shape - All Prismatic Fragment Locations (2)

Unlike other subclasses, Prismatic's Fragments are mostly found through hidden chests in the Pale Heart. You'll unlock five Fragments upon unlocking Prismatic and three more throughout the campaign, but the remaining 13 must be found in the wild. Each Fragment has a challenge tied to it that you must complete, requiring you to eliminate certain Dread enemies or progress through a vendor's entire quest chain.

A general overview of each Fragment's location can be found below. For more specific directions, consult the Fragment's respective entry.

Prismatic Fragments are account-bound. Once you unlock a Fragment, it's usable on every character.


Cannot Be Missed



Location or Mission

Destiny 2: The Final Shape - All Prismatic Fragment Locations (3)


Campaign – Encounter Reward


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Campaign – Encounter Reward


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Destiny 2: The Final Shape - All Prismatic Fragment Locations (10)





Hidden Chests

Destiny 2: The Final Shape - All Prismatic Fragment Locations (11)


While ascending the mountain, look for the nose of a wrecked plane. Jump down the side of the wreckage.


Destiny 2: The Final Shape - All Prismatic Fragment Locations (12)


Found during the escape sequence. Found in a small maze before you leave the area.


Destiny 2: The Final Shape - All Prismatic Fragment Locations (13)


While navigating the Precursor structure, when you reach an empty room with a War Beast statue, head left instead of right. Look for a light you can climb up to.


Pale Heart

Hidden Challenges

Destiny 2: The Final Shape - All Prismatic Fragment Locations (14)


Summon a hidden Scorch Cannon to destroy ice clusters. Use the freed elemental orbs to power nearby generators.

The Divide – Inside the Cosmodrome wall, found in a frozen room protected by a Shrieker

Destiny 2: The Final Shape - All Prismatic Fragment Locations (15)


Destroy Taken Eyes within a cave to make Dread enemies vulnerable.

The Transgression – When you see an impaled statue made of bark, head left into the cave with a purple crystal

Destiny 2: The Final Shape - All Prismatic Fragment Locations (16)


Defeat 3 Attendant and a Tormentor in The Lost City.

The Lost City – West of the landing zone

Destiny 2: The Final Shape - All Prismatic Fragment Locations (17)


Deposit 3 Solar crystals in nearby braziers in the correct sequence.

The Refraction – In the Awoken chamber before you descend

Destiny 2: The Final Shape - All Prismatic Fragment Locations (18)


Find 4 dormant Ghost shells and activate a nearby plate.

The Lost City Outskirts – West of The Lost City

Memories Of Dark

Complete the Stitching event on five corrupted chests.

Destiny 2: The Final Shape - All Prismatic Fragment Locations (19)


Memory: Divisive Darkness

The Divide – When at the apex of the wall, descend the ice cliff facing the dormant Cosmodrome tower in the distance

Destiny 2: The Final Shape - All Prismatic Fragment Locations (20)


Memory: Impassive Darkness

The Impasse – Northeast corner of the zone, found on a ledge next to the out-of-bounds zone

Memories Of Light

Requires "Alone in the Dark" quest progress from Micah-10

Destiny 2: The Final Shape - All Prismatic Fragment Locations (21)


Memory: Refractions of Light

The Refraction – Resting atop the canopy of tree branches

Destiny 2: The Final Shape - All Prismatic Fragment Locations (22)


Memory: Seclusion of Light

The Seclusion – Hidden above a waterfall behind Zavala's home

Destiny 2: The Final Shape - All Prismatic Fragment Locations (23)


Memory: Blooming of Light

The Blooming – Found beside the roots of the Traveler tree


Destiny 2: Pathfinder Explained And Rewards

Complete activity challenges to earn XP, Ergo Sum rolls, and much more.

Facet Of Bravery Location

Campaign Mission



In the wreckage of a crashed plane, found near the nose of the aircraft.

Partway during the Ascent mission, you'll stumble across the ruins of a crashed airplane while climbing the mountain. When you reach the nose of the plane, jump off the cliffside to your right. You'll see a section of the plane buried under the nose. Hop inside and open the chest.

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Facet Of Devotion Location

Campaign Mission



In the short maze during the escape sequence.

Towards the end of the Dissent mission, right as you defeat the Pillar of Devotion, you'll need to quickly escape the structure before the ground disappears. When this starts, run up the stairs guiding you towards the waypoint, but don't turn right. Run straight ahead until you reach the end, then turn left. You'll find the chest in the middle of a small maze.

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Facet Of Sacrifice Location

Campaign Mission



To the left of the War Beast statue room.

While navigating the massive Precursor structure in the Iconoclasm mission, keep your eyes peeled for a spacious room with a War Beast statue. When you reach this room, head left instead of right. Look for a light in the corner of the room. Jump up and follow the path to reach the chest.

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Facet Of Command Location


The Divide – Inside the Cosmodrome wall, found partway down a frozen corridor.


Jump through the holes of a nearby wall and summon a Scorch Cannon.

Break ice clusters in the nearby area to create elemental orbs. Deposit them into nearby generators with the correct combinations.

This Fragment is somewhat tricky to get. Start at The Impasse and head through the Cosmodrome wall. Once you reach a frozen corridor that's guarded by a few Acolytes and a Shrieker, you're in the right place. Nearby should be the locked Prismatic chest and a wall with loose paneling. You want to jump through the panel gaps. This will reveal a hidden room with some Fallen generators and a terminal.

Destiny 2: The Final Shape - All Prismatic Fragment Locations (25)
Destiny 2: The Final Shape - All Prismatic Fragment Locations (26)
Destiny 2: The Final Shape - All Prismatic Fragment Locations (27)

Interacting with this terminal will spawn a Scorch Cannon beside you. Use the Scorch Cannon to blast any ice clusters you find. Shoot the frozen generators as well. Breaking an ice cluster will spawn an elemental orb. Your goal is to dunk enough orbs in each machine to get exactly ten points of energy. If it's under or over a single point, the challenge will fail.

The element type of the orb dictates how much energy it's worth:

  • Arc: 2 energy.
  • Solar: 3 energy.
  • Void: 4 energy.

Ideally, you want to deposit one Arc orb and two Void orbs into one generator, then dump the rest in the second generator. If done correctly, you'll spawn a few waves of Dread near the Prismatic chest. Clear them out, grab the key they drop, and unlock the chest.

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Facet Of Defiance Location


The Transgression – Left of an impaled statue, inside a cave with a purple crystal.


Destroy Taken eyes to make Dread enemies vulnerable, then defeat a Tormentor.

Refresh the Darkness buff throughout the challenge.

Facet of Defiance is located in a hidden cave within The Transgression. From The Impasse, enter the building furthest to the east and follow the path. Halfway through Transgression, you should see an open area with a tree that looks like an impaled statue. Run left of that statue to find the cave. It has a massive purple crystal right outside.

Just outside the cave is a Crux of Darkness you must shoot. This will grant you a buff for 45 seconds that grants immunity to the burning DoT damage inside the cave. Get inside and interact with the Darkness device to start the challenge.

You need to destroy every Taken Eye in the cave without dying. The Dread enemies inside will be invulnerable to all damage until the eyes are broken. Be sure to refresh your Darkness buff throughout this challenge. Do this a total of three times, then kill the Tormentor miniboss that spawns right after.

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Facet Of Grace Location


The Lost City – Directly west of the landing zone, right outside the hub area.


Defeat 3 Attendant, then slay a Tormentor.

You'll need to exit the Lost City from the west side to start this challenge. Just outside the hub area should be a small group of Hive and a squad of Dread forces across the rooftops. You'll want to turn right (facing north) and follow the path. A single Dread enemy should appear in the general area to help guide you. The northern tip of this area has an empty building with a Prismatic chest, but you'll need to kill three Attendant to spawn the key.

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Destiny 2: The Final Shape - All Prismatic Fragment Locations (29)
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Destiny 2: The Final Shape - All Prismatic Fragment Locations (31)
Destiny 2: The Final Shape - All Prismatic Fragment Locations (32)
Destiny 2: The Final Shape - All Prismatic Fragment Locations (33)
  1. The first Attendant spawns next to the chest.
  2. The second Attendant spawns at the southern end of the area. From the chest, run south and jump across any platforms you find.
  3. The final Attendant is at the northwest corner of the region. Backtrack to where the Hive are, then go northwest towards the nearby rooftops

If done correctly, a Tormentor will spawn just outside the Lost City wall, the same place the Hive were. Backtrack one more time to this area, kill the Tormentor, then use its key to unlock the Prismatic chest.

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Destiny 2: The Final Shape - FAQ Guide

We answer all of your questions about Destiny 2: The Final Shape.

Facet Of Justice Location


The Refraction – In the Awoken chamber before you descend.


Deposit 3 Solar Crystals into braziers in the correct order.

Travel to The Refraction entrance from The Landing spawn point. Make your way inside the strange Awoken tunnel. When inside, stick to the bottom floor and hug the right wall. You'll eventually enter a somewhat small Awoken chamber with a Prismatic chest in the center.

Destiny 2: The Final Shape - All Prismatic Fragment Locations (35)
Destiny 2: The Final Shape - All Prismatic Fragment Locations (36)

Behind the chest are three Hive runes. Take a screenshot or record these symbols somewhere. Directly above those symbols is a Solar crystal. Your goal is to dunk the Solar crystal in the same order as those Hive runes. Jump up to the second floor and grab the crystal. A ring of Hive runes will appear in the center of the chamber. Each symbol represents a brazier you can dunk at.

Simply grab the crystal and run to the brazier that matches the top symbol you saw. The order goes from top to bottom. If done correctly, you should see "It draws closer..." appear on the screen. Repeat the process until all three symbols have been activated. Defeat the small group of Dread, then open the chest.

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Facet Of Mending Location


The Lost City Outskirts – West of The Lost City


Find 4 dormant Ghost shells, then activate a nearby plate.

To start this challenge, head to The Lost City Outskirts on the western edge of the map. Once you exit the Lost City, jump across the rooftops and keep heading west until "Lost City Outskirts" appears on your screen.

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Destiny 2: The Final Shape - All Prismatic Fragment Locations (38)
Destiny 2: The Final Shape - All Prismatic Fragment Locations (39)
Destiny 2: The Final Shape - All Prismatic Fragment Locations (40)
Destiny 2: The Final Shape - All Prismatic Fragment Locations (41)
Destiny 2: The Final Shape - All Prismatic Fragment Locations (42)
Destiny 2: The Final Shape - All Prismatic Fragment Locations (43)
Destiny 2: The Final Shape - All Prismatic Fragment Locations (44)
Destiny 2: The Final Shape - All Prismatic Fragment Locations (45)

The goal of this challenge is to find four Ghost shells hidden along the outskirts, stretching out from the courtyard to the nearby shore. Your Ghost will show an icon on the top-right of your screen when near one, and spawning your Ghost will show you the general direction of the shell. Their exact locations are as follows:

  • Ghost #1: Atop a banner in the courtyard, right next to a wooden pergola.
  • Ghost #2: Under the stairs just before you jump across a chasm.
  • Ghost #3: Directly above the doorway that leads to the shore.
  • Ghost #4: Above a rectangular structure just before you reach the shore.

Once you've activated all four Ghosts, you should find a plate next to the Prismatic chest on the shore. Simply stand on the plate and defeat any Dread that spawn. Charge the plate to full, defeat the Dread, then claim your new Fragment.

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Facet Of Honor Location


Memory: Divisive Darkness


The Divide – When at the apex of the wall, descend the ice cliff facing the dormant Cosmodrome tower in the distance.

Before you can find this chest, you must first have the Memory: Divisive Darkness item in your inventory. This is randomly created upon finding five Vestiges of Darkness. These vestiges are awarded from cleansing corrupted chests in the Pale Heart. This is also a solid source of Pale Engrams, which can be decrypted into Final Shape weapons.

Once you have this memory, open your map and track it. The waypoint will lead you to The Divide. You'll need to ascend to the top of the mountain where the apex of the Cosmodrome wall is. Once there, look towards the furthest Cosmodrome tower in the distance, then look down from the sloped wall. You should see the Prismatic chest on a nearby platform. Jump down and claim it.

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Facet Of Solitude Location


Memory: Impassive Darkness


The Impasse – Northeast corner of the zone, found on a ledge next to the out-of-bounds zone.

As with the last Fragment, Facet of Solitude requires you to have the Memory: Impassive Darkness item in your inventory. Complete the Stitching event on five Pale Heart chests to create a memory.

With this item in your inventory, travel to the northeast corner of The Impasse. Right as you reach the corner, look straight down to find the chest.

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Facet Of Awakening Location


Memory: Refractions of Light


The Refraction – Resting atop the canopy of tree branches.

Facet of Awakening will only spawn if you own the Memory: Refractions of Light item. Light memories are created upon finding five Vestiges of Light, a currency obtained from Micah-10's "Alone in the Dark" quest chain. Enemies you slay in the marked Lost Sector can drop this material. Each clear typically gives enough vestiges to forge a new memory.

If you got Refractions of Light, make your way to The Refraction between The Landing and The Blooming. Once you reach the southern stretch of the region, you should see a fairly small canopy of tree branches. Reach the top of the canopy to find the chest.

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Facet of Dominance Location


Memory: Seclusion of Light


The Seclusion – Hidden above a waterfall behind Zavala's home.

You must have Memory: Seclusion of Light to find this Fragment. Complete the "Alone in the Dark" repeatable quest from Micah-10 until you get this particular memory.

You'll find this Fragment near Zavala's home in The Seclusion. It's easiest to get here from The Blooming. Follow the southeast exit until you find a Darkness portal, then run in. It'll teleport you next to Zavala's old home.

Now that you're at The Seclusion, run to the waterfall on the northern tip of the zone. Climb up the right side of the waterfall to find the chest.

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Facet Of Generosity Location


Memory: Blooming of Light


The Blooming – Found beside the roots of the Traveler tree.

Once again, you'll need to forge a Light memory from the "Alone in the Dark" quest to find this chest. This will automatically occur upon finding five Vestiges of Light. If you get Memory: Blooming of Light, then you can unlock Facet of Generosity. The memory you get is random.

Facet of Generosity is located in The Blooming. Run to the southwest corner of the massive Traveler tree. Along the roots of the tree will be the Prismatic chest you're looking for.

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Destiny 2: The Final Shape - Ergo Sum Exotic Quest Guide

Ergo Sum is one of the strongest Swords in Destiny 2. Here's how to get it.

Destiny 2: The Final Shape - All Prismatic Fragment Locations (2025)


How do you get prismatic fragments in The Final Shape? ›

Unlike other subclasses, Prismatic's Fragments are mostly found through hidden chests in the Pale Heart. You'll unlock five Fragments upon unlocking Prismatic and three more throughout the campaign, but the remaining 13 must be found in the wild.

How to get remaining prismatic fragments? ›

The first five Prismatic Fragments listed below are found in the campaign, the next five are found while patrolling the Pale Heart (they're a lot more complicated to get so most have their own guides linked), and the final five can only be found by collecting Destiny 2 Memory Vestiges of Light and Darkness.

How to unlock all prismatic aspects? ›

A basic build is provided for you immediately, but if you want to heavily customize Prismatic, you'll need to complete certain activities after the campaign. Prismatic Aspects and abilities are unlocked through the "Found in the Dark" and "Found in the Light" post-campaign quests.

How do I get another Prismatic Shard? ›

Things You Should Know
  1. The most efficient way to get Prismatic Shards is to break Mystic Stones on floor 100+ of the Mines, Skull Cavern, and the Quarry.
  2. You can also get Prismatic Shards from killing enemies, breaking Iridium Nodes, fishing, opening Omni Geodes, and much more.
Jan 23, 2024

How many prismatic chests are there? ›

There are currently 21 fragments: 8 you unlock automatically during the story, 3 are hidden in the story in secret chests, and the remaining 10 fragments are hidden in small puzzles in the Pale Heart world.

How do I get more primordial fragments? ›

Gained by using Break Primordial Stone on unwanted primordial stones. Also lootable from Vault scenario in Forbidden Reach.

How to get memory vestige darkness? ›

Memory Vestige: Darkness – Found in Darkness-corrupted chests across the Pale Heart. These chests are unlocked by completing a simple objective within 90 seconds, such as following a trail of light beacons, destroying red blights with grenades, cleaning dark sludge, and shooting a giant tumbleweed over to a bowl.

How many Final Shape missions are there? ›

The Final Shape has a total of eight missions.

How to get khvostov final shape? ›

How To Get Khvostov 7G-0X In Destiny 2: The Final Shape
  1. Step 1: Region Chests. The Landing Region Chest Locations. ...
  2. Step 2: Search All Six Cysts. ...
  3. Step 3: Claim The Legendary Version Of Khvostov.
  4. Step 4: Collect All 8 Visions Of The Traveler.
  5. Step 5: Complete Overthrows In Each Pale Heart Location.
  6. Step 6: Open The Golden Chest.
Jun 11, 2024

Where are the prismatic fragments? ›

You can find the first fragment near the Old Tower. Travel to it in The Pale Heart and head out through the bottom by Micah-10. Take a right to the next section of the area, past the blue building, and then look inside the building ahead of you. Here there will be a chest and some enemies to kill.

How to get a divided prismatic key? ›

In The Divide in The Pale Heart of the Traveler, specifically the area right next to The Impasse Landing Zone, you'll find the golden chest that leads to Khvostov, the Divided Prismatic chest, and a bunch of immune rock piles. To get The Divided Prismatic Key and open the chest, you'll need to blow up those rocks.

How do you get the statue that gives prismatic shards? ›

The Statue Of True Perfection is a piece of Furniture obtained by interacting with the Perfection Tracker inside Qi's Walnut Room on Ginger Island after reaching 100% Perfection. It produces one Prismatic Shard every day.

How do you increase your chances of getting a Prismatic Shard? ›

Boost Luck stat with items like Special Charm & Lucky Ring. Break Mystic Nodes, hunt special monsters, and fish for treasure. Dive into Skull Cavern for the best chance of finding a Prismatic Shard. Be prepared with meals, tools, and luck-boosting items.

How do you get monolith fragments? ›

Monolith Fragment is a Quest Item obtained after completing the Archon Quest Turning Point in Chapter I: Act III - A New Star Approaches.

How do you extract prismatic gems? ›

General gems can be extracted with an Artificer's Hammer, and Ethereal and Prismatic gems with a Master Artificer's Hammer. Using a Master Artificer's Hammer on an Unusual courier/Arcana will destroy the courier/arcana.

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Author: Carmelo Roob

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Name: Carmelo Roob

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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.