Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba: Season 3, Episode 11 script (2024)

Tanjiro, Genya, and Nezuko chase the real body of Upper Moon 4. Tanjiro soon realizes, that the difficult choices are the toughest to make, especially ones with emotion.

Don't let it shake you off!
Hang tight!

Hang tight!


It's going to work!

I can do this!

Hinokami Kagura...

Flame Dance!

I still haven't landed a blow
on the demon!

This isn't going to end
until I cut off the main body's head!

It's gone!

It ran off again!

Where'd it go?

You bastard!

Don't run away!

Don't run away from your responsibilities!

You demons who kill and devour humans...

Come on, Nezuko, Genya!

Why are you running away?

Isn't this just what
you've been doing to humans?

Why are you all...

so self-serving?

Behold, "Death Throes of the Smiths"!

Just twist the sword like so, and...


Just now, you tried to slash a small, weak
being who could fit in the palm of your hand.



Utterly atrocious...

And yet...

we humans are...

always powerless!

You're getting in the way, so go hide.

You piece of crap!

Enough is enough...

you stupid moron!

But we're never going to...

give up!



He runs so fast!

What's his deal?


We'll never catch up!

Did he really have
that much strength left in reserve?

We'll be reaching our limit soon.

If this goes on, he's going to get away!

It's almost daybreak!

Ms. Kanroji's reeling off
one powerful attack after another!

It won't be long
before she loses stamina!

And when day breaks,
the demons will escape!

We've got to hurry!


it's so fast!


He's planning
to keep running forever!

Before day breaks!

Until Ms. Kanroji breaks down!

We're not gonna let you do that!

We're not...

gonna let you win!

It's no use!

I can't plant my feet!

If only I hadn't injured my left leg!

No good! I can't let this happen!

I have to figure this out!


Thunder Breathing's all about
focusing on your legs the most.


when it comes to the size of your own body
or the shape of each of your muscles...

it's actually hard
to get a good grasp of all that.

"It's not true Total Concentration
until you're aware of them all."

That's what...

Gramps, my trainer,
was always telling me.

Each and every fiber of my muscles...

Every single vein in my body...

Circulate air throughout them.

Collect all your strength
into your legs only!

Collect it!

Let it explode with a single breath!

Slash through the air.

Like thunder!

I see you!

I won't let you escape!

Do it! Do it!

This time for sure!

With every ounce of your strength!

Don't you...

Slash its head! No matter what!

...feel the least bit...

sorry for me?

Not at all?

Don't you dare bully the weak!

Your so-called reasons...

are all total crap!

You stupid bastard!

Oh, crap!

I'm getting burned by these flames, too!

Because I've eaten demon flesh!





My regeneration's slowing down.

Zohakuten's using too much of my power!

I need to replenish myself
with human flesh and blood!

I won't let you escape!

I can sense...

that there are humans...


Come back here.

I'm not gonna let you escape!

I'll chase you down
even if you flee to the depths of hell!


I'm gonna cut off your head!

He dares to threaten me?

Where are those humans?

If I consume them...

then I can send that little brat
to his demise in a flash!


There they are!

I've found some food!

Of those three brats,
one is a demon and a handful!

Thwarting me at every turn!

As it turns out, that brat's sword can only
lodge itself into my neck, not slash it.

First, let me devour those humans,
and when I've replenished myself...

Oh, crap! That way!


Come back here!

You're not getting away!


Get going!

You've got to hurry!

One more time!

One more time...

Use Total Concentration
to push off against the ground!




My sword!

Use it!


Tanjiro, use that sword!

Give that back!

You've got to be kidding me!

I'll kill you! Don't use it!

I've only honed it up to the first stage!

Give it back!


It's almost daybreak!
He's going to get away!

You stupid brat!



Thank you!

I'm counting on you...


Mr. Tokito?


Lord Tokito?


Mr. Haganezuka murdered Mr. Tokito!

What the hell? I didn't do anything!

You inhuman monster!

It's the poison and fever!

Calm down, both of you!

Take it...


Everyone's hopes are in that sword.

Total Concentration...

Dancing Flash!



I did it!

I cut off the head of the main body!

I did it!

The sun is rising!

She shouldn't be
in this wide-open space!

Nezuko... Run!


I can't... get a word out!

No! Nezuko!

You don't have to come this way!

It's you! It's you!

You're the one in danger!
Because the sun's coming up...

if the sunlight hits you,
you're going to die!




Find a place in the shade!


Run! Run!

It's not dead!

Even though it's been beheaded!


The word on its tongue is...


The main body's tongue
had the word "fear"!


This one has a different word!

I messed up!

I have to stop it!

I have to finish it off!


Make yourself smaller!

Shrink your body!

Shrink it!

The sun's not even all the way up,
and look how bad it is!


Oh, crap!




Who am I kidding?

They can't get here
from the top of that cliff!

Wait! That demon should be burning, too!

No good!

By then, the villagers will be dead!

If I run while carrying Nezuko...

I won't make it in time!

I can't do it!

I can't make up my mind!

I can't make up...

Sniff it out.

It can't have gotten that far!

If the main body had gone off
somewhere far away so fast...

the scent would've told me!

It's nearby!

Where is it?

Pick up its scent!

Its shape!

Its color!

There it is!

It's still inside the demon!



Give me a clearer view!


Found it!

Inside its heart!

We're done for! We're done for!

It caught up—.

You're finished for sure this time!

You coward!

You evil demon!

Atone for your sins...

with your life!

Why would you steal from others?

And even worse...

from a man who was so kind
to those of us who cannot see...

The Master has chosen
to look the other way,

but I cannot forgive you.

I am going to the magistrate's office now.

I'm not the one at fault here!

It's these hands that are to blame!

These hands acted on their own!

What the hell is this?

Is that me when I was a human?

Why now after all this time?

I'm told you've committed theft and murder
numerous times in another town, as well.

I have absolutely no sympathy for you!

That's absurd!

I'm not even capable of such a thing!

As someone who's blind...

I know that you can see just fine!

I've had a masseur
come here to Shirasu...

and he would face the wall
until I started speaking.

You say that your hands are to blame?

Then, we'll just slice...

both of them off!

You're going to be beheaded
tomorrow? I pity you.

Let me save you.

No matter how you may try to talk your way
out of it, the facts remain the same!

Silencing me will do you no good!

Is this...

The day will surely come
when you atone for your sins...

with that vile life of yours!

UPPER FOUR life flashing before my eyes?

I won...

but I had to sacrifice Nezuko!

Burned by the sunlight!

Not even Nezuko's bones remain!



To turn Nezuko back into a human...

That was why...

That was why I came this far!

Lord Kamado...

L-Lord Kamado?

Lord Kamado!

Lord Kamado...





Lord Kamado!


Thank goodness!

Are you all right?


Thank goodness.

Are you...

Are you all right?

Thank goodness, right?


No, really...

thank goodness...

you didn't turn to ash and disappear!

Thank goodness!

I thought that you were dead!

Thank goodness, Nezuko!

I'm so glad you're all right!

Thank goodness!

Yes, thank goodness!

Thanks, both of you, for saving us!

We never could've forgiven ourselves
if Nezuko had perished!

Good for you...



He hit the wall all of a sudden!

Young Kamado, hang in there!

Is he dead? Is he dead?


Are you all right?

Stay with us!

Thank goodness...


Thank goodness.

I can't take it any more!

I'm so sorry!

I'm about to be killed!


Yay! I'm saved!

Tanjiro and the others
must've beheaded the main body!


I'm coming in, all right?

Oh my...

What's gotten into you, Toshikuni?

Making such a mess...

I see that you've been doing some research.

You can't find the book that you need?

I'll help you find it.

But first, take a break.

Let's have some tea.

At last...

What's that?

At last, someone able
to withstand the sun has appeared!

Good work, Hantengu!

Well, you certainly seem
to be enjoying yourself.

Perhaps it's the stories
you've been reading—.


Huh? Madam?

What happened...

to your head?


there's no need to search
for the Blue Spider Lily.


That took so long.

But it was for this reason,
for this reason, for one thousand years...

that I've continued
to increase my kind unwillingly!

A rare constitution that never showed up
even among the Twelve Kizuki.

The chosen demon.

If I devour that girl and absorb her...

I, too, will be able to conquer the sun!

You murderer! You murderer!
You monster!

Master! Master!


Now that I think of it, it was on that day.

It all started one thousand years ago.

The era was still called Heian back then.

If I may, sir...

Your medicine is ready for you now.

You inept doctor...

That said, this inept doctor
is the only one I have to lean on.

What will become of me...

if I don't take this?

As you know...

you will not live...

to see your 20th birthday.

I am doing all I can...

to help you live...

even a little longer.

All right, fine.

That's enough.

It won't work anyway.


I want to destroy them!

Every living being!

No matter how many times
he examines me...

or administers that medicine...

nothing can stop
my symptoms from worsening.

Death is all you deserve!

You damn incompetent doctor!

But then I realized that this doctor's
medicine was working...

not longer after I'd killed him.

My body was bursting with energy...

and I thought that I'd gained
a durable physique...

but there was one problem.

I couldn't walk in the sunlight.

I could tell.

That if exposed to sunlight, I would die.

I began to crave human flesh and blood.

To remedy that...

all I had to do was devour humans.

If anyone stands in your way,
just eliminate them.

That's all there is to it.

Come back here!

You cursed demon who disrupts
the peace of the capital!

Are you...

talking about me?

I had gained power.

Eternal power!


having to restrict my movements
during the day was humiliating...

and my anger only grew.

I began to seek a body
that wouldn't perish in the sunlight.

I examined the compounds
for the doctor's elixir,

but perhaps because it was still
in the experimental stages,

I couldn't figure out how to make
the medicine called "Blue Spider Lily."

It did seem to contain actual
blue-colored Spider Lilies...

but as for where this Blue Spider Lily bloomed
or whether or not it could be cultivated...

no one knew but the doctor I'd killed.

I searched all over Japan
but failed to find it.

In order to become truly immortal...

finding the Blue Spider Lily...

and someone who had the ability
to survive the sunlight...

Those two have been my top priorities.

And at last...

I've found her!

Since that girl has conquered the sun...

there's no longer any reason
to increase my kind.

I will absorb her...

and then I will conquer the sunlight.

I will get my hands on Nezuko...

and become a perfect being!

Tanjiro, are you all right?



Thank goodness...

you're safe!

Thank you for my sword!

I should be thanking you.

Because of you, I recovered
something precious that I'd lost.

Huh? No...

but I didn't do anything.

It's all right.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!


Anyway, what's going on with Nezuko?

Well, actually...

Why, you...

What did you do with my sword?

Calm down!


Mr. Haganezuka?

I asked you what happened
to the sword I was honing!

I used it to fight an Upper Rank!

Yeah, to fight?

To fight, and...


What happened then?

I blacked out, and...

Oh, the sword? I've got it—.

You broke it, right?

Uh, no.

You broke it, didn't
you? Tell me the truth!

Tell! Me! The! Truth!

I didn't... I didn't...

No, it's right here!

I'm going to kill you!

Nezuko, run!


You're not getting away!

Mr. Haganezuka! Calm down!

Come back here! Come back here!

The sword is right here!

Like hell, I'll calm down!

- Come on, come on!
- You guys!

You guys!

Ms. Kanroji!

We won! We won!

We all won together!

So amazing! We're all alive!

Thank goodness!

Yes, thank goodness!



thank goodness!




Thank goodness!

She's talking...

but her eyes and fangs are the same...

so I'm not sure what's going on, but I...

I'm so glad that Nezuko's alive!

Thank goodness she's alive!

Yes! Yes!

Thank goodness!

Thank goodness!

Thank goodness!

Thank goodness!

Thank goodness!


I thank you for providing me with the
Twelve Kizuki's and Nezuko's blood...

and for helping me with my research.

The man in Asakusa
who was turned into a demon by Muzan...

has regained his sense of self.

It's thanks to Nezuko's blood.

Released from Muzan's control...

he can live on a small amount of blood.

The transformation of Nezuko's blood
surprises me.

In such a short time, the components
of her blood have changed again and again.

All this time...

I have been thinking.

Why it is that Nezuko has yet to regain
her sense of self...

and remains in a child-like state?

I believe that...

in Nezuko's mind...

there's something more important
than regaining her sense of self...

something that she needs to prioritize.



Yes, Lady Tamayo?

What can I do for you?

Can you summon Chachamaru for me?

Chachamaru is ready to go now.

Give my regards
to Tanjiro and Nezuko, okay?


This is pure speculation on my part.

But I believe that it won't be long...

before Nezuko can conquer the sun.




Lord Tecchin!

Oh! Kotetsu!

Mr. Tanjiro's leaving the village,
so he'd like to say goodbye.

Mr. Tanjiro?


Are you feeling all right?

Yes! Thank you
for all that you did for me.

And thank you.

You even provided me
with this cart.

I'm the one who should be thanking you.

You did a good job protecting this village!

I'm grateful to you!

I wasn't able to do that much on my own.

It was everyone pulling together!

Our combined strength...

and that sword that's been connecting us
to centuries of hopes until today.

That's why we were able to defeat
those Upper Rank demons.

Yes, yes.

You're right.

And where's your sister?

She's asleep.

Since I really exhausted her.

I see!

I'm truly glad that she's all right!



Hey, Kanamori! Is that Hotaru
lurking around over there?


What is he doing?

He seems to think that he's hiding...

but apparently, he can't forgive Tanjiro
for using a sword before it was fully honed.


What am I going to do with that guy?


Come over here a second!

I said, come over here!


I'm telling you, it's all his fault.


Right? Am I right?

Am I right?

Hey! Come on... Hey!


Ouch! That hurts!


But... if Mr. Tanjiro
and the others hadn't come...

I'm sure the village
would've been destroyed!

Ow! Ow!


Now, Hotaru...

the real reason you came here
was to speak to Tanjiro...

who came all the way here, right?

Mr. Haganezuka...

Thank you for always
taking care of my sword!

I came to this village...

because I wanted to thank you for that.

I-I'll reforge your sword for you,
so wait for it at the Butterfly Mansion.

You're going to repair it for me?

Don't you want me to fix it?

Thank you very much!


Mr. Haganezuka...

Are you, like, embarrassed?


Young Kotetsu!

Pretty funny, huh?

No way am I embarrassed!

Putting his foot in his mouth again!

I'm sorry! I'm sorry!

But really, thank you so much!

I'm going to work harder and harder!

Yes! Good luck to you!

All right, Kakushi.

I'm counting on you.


Now then, just as you did coming here...

you'll wear this blindfold
and put in these nose plugs.

All right, take care, everyone!

I wish you good health!

Please be careful!

Please come back sometime, okay?


What's the matter?

Mr. Tanjiro...



Thank you!

Take care!

You can count on us
to take care of your swords!


Hey, thanks!




Shall we do without the blindfold and
nose plugs until we've left this village?




See you!

Thank you!

- Tanjiro!
- Thanks!

- Thank you!
- Tanjiro!

Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba: Season 3, Episode 11 script (2024)
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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Views: 5937

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Author information

Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.